The Big Bang Theory


Staff member
I know that I am currently turning this forum into Dave's choice of TV but what the hell, here is another show that I think that should get a little more discussion from all of us. With the recent removal of Charlie Sheen from Two And A Half Men, The Big Bang Theory seems to be getting some of the flack and Chuck Lorre is at the centre of that. So, what better time to talk about this show?

To be truthful though, I was never a fan of this show. I was of the impression that it accentuated the myth that people who were book-smart were not socially accepted but having watched the first two seasons and most of the third, I could see that although I was right, the humour of the show is amazingly funny. I was very annoyed when it started because I thought that it would lead to more stigma pointed towards the “geekish” members of society and would run with humour that would be such a cliché that it was unwatchable.

However, I could not have been more wrong. Sure, some of the jokes in the show are aimed towards the perceptions of smart people but it is very well done and I wouldn't expect less of Chuck Lorre. Since his success with Two And A Half Men, he really has been on a roll and both of these shows seem to be testament to that fact. He has kept them running simultaneously with very high ratings for both. The writes is fantastic and although I fell that it is predictable some times, the good aspects of this show definitely outweigh the bad.

Speaking of the good, Sheldon may be the funniest character in TV history. It is only in the recent series' that I have really found him to be entertaining. I love that he has grown to be funny in his own way without compromising what he was ta the beginning. His relationship with Penny and Leonard is something brilliant to behold.

So, anyone else watch the show and have a thought to lend?
I just adore the Big Bang Theory. It is one of those shows I just won't miss, DVR it every Thursday. The cast works well together and gel to perfection. I first decided to watch the show because I just find Kaley Cuoco hot and it followed HIMYM and would give me something to watch before Raw on Mondays. Now the show has turned into one of CBS's biggest hits and I could see it taking Two and a Half Men's spot on Monday nights if that begins to fall in the ratings (or if they choose to keep it around). And yes Dave, Sheldon may be one of the greatest characters in television history.
Behind How I Met Your Mother, Shameless and The Inbetweeners, it's one of my favourite shows. The way they use humour is done so well, as it comes across intelligent yet almost everyone who has a brain gets it.

I actually watched a rerun of the first ever show yesterday, and there is a great line where Sheldon and Leonard ask Penny over for lunch. Leonard explains to Sheldon how to communicate to people, in "chat", and says, "Tell them about your day."

In response, Sheldon says, "Oh alright then. So Penny, we spent most of the together *********ing for sperm." As Leonard and Sheldon were at a Sperm bank for an experiment.

Great show, watched every episode and it seems to be getting a bigger fanbase with every series.
The Big Bang Theory is possibly my faveourite show after WWE programming.

I watch it every time it's on TV, I have every series on DVD so far and it's the only sitcom show that I can watch back again and again and still laugh at every time. I have to agree with PowerTrip in the fact that Sheldon Cooper could possibly the funniest character in TV sitcom history. His intellegence and innocence is just hilarious. I think Chuck Lorre or whoever came up with him is absolute genius.

Sheldon is more than just a brainy physicist, there are a lot of layers to Sheldon Cooper, some we haven't seen yet. We've seen him get emotional when Penny gave him the napkin from Leonard Nemoy (I think that's my faveourite episode), we've also seen him be a true friend to Leonard and Penny, there are some rewarding traits of him.

Howard Wolowitz is another faveourite character from my point of view. His never ending conquest to get laid is hilarious and his relationship with his mother never gets old too with the screaming back and forth.

My girlfriend and I always quote Sheldon lines to each other as we're massive fans of it.
Behind How I Met Your Mother, Shameless and The Inbetweeners, it's one of my favourite shows. The way they use humour is done so well, as it comes across intelligent yet almost everyone who has a brain gets it.

I actually watched a rerun of the first ever show yesterday, and there is a great line where Sheldon and Leonard ask Penny over for lunch. Leonard explains to Sheldon how to communicate to people, in "chat", and says, "Tell them about your day."

In response, Sheldon says, "Oh alright then. So Penny, we spent most of the together *********ing for sperm." As Leonard and Sheldon were at a Sperm bank for an experiment.

Great show, watched every episode and it seems to be getting a bigger fanbase with every series.

I remember watching one where Sheldon gets sued by Stan Lee and the following ensues.It might not be completely correct since i havent watch it the episode in a while.

Penny:We'll be your X-Men.
Sheldon:Negative.The X-Men were named after Professor Charles Xaiver and since I am Sheldon Cooper you will be my C-Men. ;)
I'm sorry to bump this almost 2 week old thread, but I feel I need to comment :)

This show is quite possibly the best sitcom on TV at the moment. The characters are amusing, the storylines are brilliant, and the actors are amazing at playing their part {minus Kaley Cuoco, not exactly the best actress IMO, but whatever}. Jim Parsons has deserved every bit of his recognition.

Like Schrodingers Cat {lol - nice name} said, this show I can watch over and over - I think I've watched my 3 season DVDs 4 times over! And like old school Simpsons', I can sit here for hours quoting BBT episodes.

However, my only complaint is how season 4 has progressed so far, and to an extent, the end of season 3. I'm not liking the fact that most/all of the characters have girlfriends, and that there is less 'geeky' jokes than the first two seasons. I want to see them play more Wii Bowling, or more Rock Band. Although, I hear next weeks episode is about the guys finding out who has hacked Sheldons Warcraft account, so that sounds promising!:lmao:
I guess character progression is needed too....

However, I will continue to watch it and enjoy it nonetheless like all of the 5 posters on here. Thought there may have been more fans here of the show though. :confused:
Building on from what Matth3w has said about season four..

What I don't like is how Sheldon has suddenly seemed more 'friendlier' and he just seems to be dropping the 'holier than thou' just a little bit, not by very much but it seems like it's slowly going away. I'm not saying Sheldon will be a humanitarian by the end, it's just not as bad as it was before. Maybe he's getting used to Raj, Howard, Penny, Bernadette and Amy, who knows. Sheldon just needs to get laid and loosen up :p
Building on from what Matth3w has said about season four..

What I don't like is how Sheldon has suddenly seemed more 'friendlier' and he just seems to be dropping the 'holier than thou' just a little bit, not by very much but it seems like it's slowly going away. I'm not saying Sheldon will be a humanitarian by the end, it's just not as bad as it was before. Maybe he's getting used to Raj, Howard, Penny, Bernadette and Amy, who knows. Sheldon just needs to get laid and loosen up :p

So you want him to be more obnoxious like the previous seasons then, but want him to get laid to 'loosen up'? I don't understand what you mean dude.

On the topic of Amy, does anyone else think that the introduction of her has made the show 'jump the shark' per se? I didn't like the idea of her to begin with - ie: a female Sheldon - but I haven't exactly warmed to her either. She does provide some funny scenes with Penny and Bernadette though....
The whole getting laid to loosen up was more of a joke. I much prefer obnoxious Sheldon. He's just epic in every single way.

I think Amy is a pretty good adition to the cast, I laughed hard when she asked either Bernadette or Penny what the circumference of their areollas was. That was epic. I can't think of a time when I didn't wish Amy was there.

Howard is probably my faveourite after Sheldon as I can sort of relate to him a bit. Whenever I have my girlfriend over and we're in my room making out or whatever, my mum always comes to my room to ask me stuff and we have to stop all the time and it does get annoying so I feel for Howard in that regard. Although I do plan to move out of home again once I finish this course that I want to get into and get a stable job, even if it is renting a room in a share house, I don't think I could live at home forever like it looks like Howard will be.
The Big Bang Theory is one of the few American sitcoms that I enjoy watching. I got hooked on to the show when my friend showed me a few episodes of the show on his laptop. From then on I have downloaded all the episodes of the show from the internet. I have curently watched upto Episode 14 in Season 4.

The humor in the show is comes from two sources both of which are related to the myth that geeks are supposed to be socially awkward. One of them are Sheldon's interactions with Penny and the other are Howard's, Leonard's and Raj's sexual frustrations. Obviously it is Sheldon's interactions with Penny that are much more funnier.

I agree that Sheldon is one of the funniest characters in television history. The funniest thing about Sheldon is that laugh of his. It reminds me of someone suffering from an attack of asthma. Let me show you what I am talking about.

I'd say that Kaley Cuoco is a fine actress too. Some of her expressions are fantastic though it does not matter to most guys simply because she is hot.

One of the few things that I do not understand though is Raj and his selective mutism. If he cannot speak to women or even in front of women how is he able to speak before his mother and his sister?
The Big Bang Theory is one of my favourite TV shows right now. Everything about it is great. It just works.

Jim Parsons' portrayal of Sheldon is one of the best comedy performances I've ever seen. He is Sheldon. It's weird to see Parsons in interviews where he is normal. That's how great he is in that role. Don't get me wrong, all of the other performances are superb. Simon Helberg as Howard is particularly brilliant. Mainly because we all know a pervert. The cast have a chemistry and a balance that I haven't seen in a sitcom since Friends.

Thinking about it, I often overlook the importance of the supporting characters who are also so great. Amy Farrah Fowler has some really laugh-out-loud lines and Bernadette has grown on me to the point where I think she is very important to the show.

The writing is almost always hit, rather than miss. There have been occasions where I could see a joke coming or one just fell flat. But they are so rare it doesn't matter.

The show is great and I could see it going for seasons to come. The potential in the show means that it can last that long. You've got the on-off romance of Penny and Leonard, the recent engagement of Howard and Bernadette and the increasing role of Amy.

The Big Bang Theory is currently one of my favourite shows and probably will be for quite a while.

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