The Beta Has Fallen - Halo


Marching On Together
First thread so go easy ;)
Also if this should go in the game review thread then I'm sorry I wasn't too sure.

On to the thread.

As I'm sure you Xbox Live users know The new Halo:Reach Beta has recently been released to those who bought Halo:ODST. I have played the game now for about 3 hours and so far It's looking promising.

Firstly there is the Gameplay the controls have been changed a bit from Halo 3 and ODST. But in my opinion they work well after you get used to them. The one problem I have with the overall gameplay are the new assassinations. They seem a bit slow and you can be killed by stray grenades etc. while you are trying to assassinate someone this can get VERY annoying when you are going for the silent kill.

The new Weapons are quite interesting too. I have had the chance to play with most weapons and I must say a couple of weapons have become (as per the Miz) Awesome Such as the Needler and the Needler Rifle. Both guns have a bit more kick to them and you don't feel weak holding them. The Battle Rifle is gone replaced by the new DMR. Now, this gun is an absolute monster if you're playing Team Swat but for Slayer games I don't think it works very well. The Magnum is back with it's scope from Halo:Combat Evolved and ODST and to be honest I really like it. It's terribly weak and no-one ever gets a kill with out but hey it has a scope!!

The Abilities such as the Jet Pack, Invisibility, Sprint and a sort of Super Overshield are incorporated into the games really well. The Jetpack adds a whole other level of gameplay. Having to fly through the whilst fighting two other fliers is absolutely epic! The Invisibilty and Sprint are good on the Sword Base map and the Overshield can save you in tight situations but can leave you really exposed when it runs out.

The new Gametypes such as Headhunter (there are supposed to be some other new gametypes but I haven't played them yet or they haven't been released yet) take alot of getting used to. Headhunter involves you killing the other players in order to gain their skulls. You then take the skulls to the designated area to score points. Personally I don't like this gametype just yet, but hey it might grow on me

The new Interface works well. It gives you quick and easy access to all of your friends who might be playing at the time. Also when you have found a game you get to vote on which game you want to play. There is a choice of 3 games or a 'none of the above' option. Personally I love the idea of voting for which game you want to play, it's just a shame everyone picks 'Headhunter;)'

Overall this Beta is absolutely brilliant to say it's a free download but as there are so far only two maps and three playlists it is hard to give it an overall rating. If I had to I would give it a 7.5/10 but this is very general as there is not much to compare it to.

So I ask you guys what do you guys think of the Beta?
How much have you guys played it?
Do you like the new gametypes/weapons/maps?

Cheers, MOT
I've been playing since it came out, and ever since then, I've been getting used to the controls. It's very different from before, but it's case of "you'll learn it quick, but it'll take you a long time to get damn good at it".

The maps, and playlists are fun, actually. I prefer SWAT, and 1 flag CTF, and overall, the beta really shows the difference in the Halo from before, and Halo currently. I haven't played head hunter yet, but I'm just playing it little by little.

The lobby interface is way easier now. The whole 'vote for a game' makes for more impartial choosing of the map and the game, not to mention that I think you can join your other party members in a game. You gotta wait for a queue or something like that.

It's looking like Halo: Reach will see a lot of multiplayer action when it's released. Really looking forward to the game to play SWAT all night long :D

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