The Best Wrestler in the Main Event Scene?


Too Sweet To Be Sour
Okay so my purpose in creating this thread is to ask all of you who you all think is the best wrestler in the Main Event scene at this point. Now, what I mean by this, is who do you think, by combined draw, mic skills, and in-ring abilities, is the best wrestler. So, what I will do now, is clarify exactly who should qualify as Main Event. To me that is anyone who usually remains in the Main Event title picture or is in high quality fueds that are not always for the title, but aren't really mid-card. So who are who I consider main event wrestlers at the time, you can add another and mention him if you think he qualifies.

RAW: John Cena, Batista, Triple H, Randy Orton, Shawn Michaels

Smackdown: Edge, Jeff Hardy, C.M. Punk, Undertaker, John Morrison (he's the second top face right now, I'll include him)

ECW: Christain, Tommy Dreamer, Vladimir Kozlov

So, looking at 13 choices right there, I'll have to choose. Shawn Michaels. I may get criticized for this and I'm sure most will have there say for John Cena or Jeff Hardy, and I'll gove them credit for there wrestlling abilities and the fact they are about the two biggest draws in the WWE, but I am considering combined factors. And the way I look at it, HBK gets the nod. To start off, he is huge draw and when he is in a Main Event-level match, there are sure to be buys. He is one of the most over superstars in the WWE and draws greatly. In terms of wrestling ability, he is one of the greatest of all time, and he is currently one of the best in the WWE, right up there along Jericho, Morrison, and Edge. He just has awesome skills inside the squared circle, and there is no denying he is one of the best all time at just getting in the ring, telling a story, stealing the show, and giving us a wrestling clinic. On the mic side of things, he is very good also. When he gets on the microphone, you are usually going to listen, as he says things that interest you and things that you want to hear. There aren't very many people who are going to tell me that they don't like an HBK promo, or at the very least they will say that they don't change the channel when Michaels gets on the mic. The fact that he is so great on the mic is one of the reasons he has excelled over the years. And an additional factor to HBK is, he has no problem putting over younger talent and he usually makes them look extremely good. He is a selfless superstar, and unlike HHH and to an extent Cena (although I have no problem with either), he'll go in that ring night in and night out and put younger guys over, which helps prepare them, and therefore makes the company better in the long run. he doesn't care about titles, and the way he puts people over is something that only he and Kane have been known to do extensively, and it really speaks so much on HBK's part the way he does it.

So, with all due respect to the other twelve superstars I mentioned, I give the nod to Shawn Michaels. That's my two cents, what about yours?
I say Morrison,mostly due to the fact that he's my favorite superstar,but also because he and Orton are the youngest,but Orton is boring.
I'll go with John Cena. He is the top draw currently, and is entertaining not only outside of the ring, but inside as well. He always delivers top-notch matches with a wide range of wrestlers (Vs. Swagger, Vs. HBK, Vs. RVD, Vs. Orton, etc.). He's a great story teller, and has important in-ring charisma. He knows how to play the crowd.

He is a consummate professional in the back, and always carries WWE in a respectful light in the main stream. He is bringing the WWE more good press, and he generates more money than seemingly anyone. He is getting involved with commercials, which ultimately helps out WWE greatly.

This choice was fairly easy for me, as Cena is the top draw, puts on superb matches with everybody, helps the WWE get over with the press and main stream, is terrific on the mic, and is, in general, assisting the WWE hugely.
I have to say it's a tie, alot of those people have helped their respective brands incedibly within the last few months, especially with Smackdown, Hardy,Punk, and Edge have all been great for the brand. Raw, I believe is alot easier, even though I hate this guy, I sure do respect him, and thats John Cena.

I used to just look at Cena as many do "Mr.Superman", but when you look at everything he's done for the company in and out of the ring how can you deny him as being the best Raw has to offer at the moment? I have Orton as a close second, since he always seems to grow every match he has, even this fued with Triple H which as been horrid, he's in my view carried a great deal of the matches by getting over so well as a heel with the crowd.

ECW, it's easily been Christian since his return, no questions about it, since his return ECW has been actually watchable more often then not.
I'm missing Edge being injured and cant wait for the return of HBK currently i'll go with CM Punk and Morrison i like to watch both there matches and am currently sick of the Raw main event
Randy Orton he's been the best heel on the show for the past three years.
John Cena is closely behind him due to how fucking popular he is.

Chris Jericho. Im not sure how you bypassed him and put some of your other choices, but Jericho is the Main Event. He's the best thing the entire company has going right now.
CM Punk is getting better, hopefully this title run is a lot better than his first.

ECW: LMAO are you serious? ECW is middle card all the way. So none of those three people you listed, or anyone on that show have any stake in the Main Event.

Main Event matches are at the top of the card, they don't open the show, and the last PPV I remember watching the ECW Title match, was the first match on the card.
Ignoring ECW will put you on the wrong road. Jericho is too big an @$$ to deal with and he's feuding for a MIDDLE CARD title (The Intercontinental Championship.) Sure, he used to be something and he's had a few world titles but he isn't in the world title picture and I sure as hell hate a guy that calls everyone else a hypocrite when that is basically how he is acting. But I digress. I would have to choose The Undertaker because he has a lot of star-power and fan appeal despite the dark nature of the character. Previous incarnations have wowed the crowed and his mike skills are impressive. Other than that, I don't know who there is.
HBK as well, he is a constant draw, and he's just one of those dudes who is old but can still steal the show, and give the fans some thing they enjoy, like AC/DC. Shawn will go down in history as one of the greatest if not the greatest wrestler of all time! And he will put people over.

Honorable mentions: Christian, Chris Jericho, and Edge! Because there Canadian.
Yeah, it'll be a tie between Orton and Cena. Cena is great on the mic, in the ring, and drawing the crowds; but Orton is great as the heel he is. He's twisted his entire work into being the best heel he can be, and he's pulling it off. Their ring work is evidenced by Cena/Swagger, Cena/Miz, and Orton/Dibiase. Any man who can make his opponent go from "Who the fuck..." into "Holy shit, they've got the win" is great in the ring.

HBK would have gotten my vote, but he's been mailing in his ring work as of late. Taker/HBK was probably the best he's done in years. Hopefully HBK will be better after this break he's been on. It just seemed like he's been burnt out lately.
I'm actually going to go with someone who isn't on this list, Rey Mysterio. I know, you're probably going to say, "HES NOT A MAIN EVENTER!!!!! HES BEEN FEUDING WITH DOLPH ZIGGLER~!@!@1!" but he is often in the SmackDown main event and the thread is "The Best Wrestler in the Main Event Scene." Here are my reasons:

- He's very consistent in recent PPV's
This dates back to his long performance in the 09 Rumble to his amazing, and in my opinion, 5 star match against Chris Jericho at The Bash. When was the last time, excluding his 20 second match at 'Mania, have we seen Rey Rey in a bad PPV match?

- He's also very consistent on TV matches
Have you been watching SmackDown lately? His matches with Jericho, Punk, and Edge have all been amazing.

- He draws
Kids love him. Smarks love him. People buy his merchandise. Bam.

- He's been cutting some damn good promos
Let's clear the air, he's no Cena or Jericho on the mic but he's pretty damn good. This dates back from him confronting HBK earlier this year to talking about the heritage and importance of his mask.

There ya have it, the best wrestler in the Main Event scene and in my opinion, the best wrestler/performer of 2009 so far.
Jeff Hardy. He's exciting in the ring, and can pump up he crowd on the mic even though his skills are, how you say less than average. He's making bank for Vince, and it's all about the monaaaaayy, right? His crowd reaction when he enters may not be as crazy as Cena's or Triple H, but at least it's not 50/50 like theirs are.

Honorable mention goes to Jericho. To an extent, I understand why he's not feuding for the title cause he's letting CM Punk get the spotlight, but his current heat makes Punk still look like a babyface. Not to mention his mic and wrestling skills are 10 steps above the rest. He's certainly proven to me that he is "the best in the world" at what he does.
While I would say that it is Jericho, there are some problems with him... The thing with Jericho is... while he is being pushed in a sense that he has lots of TV time (the past few weeks he's appeared on raw and smackdown), he's jobbing in all those times. When Edge was still around it was Edge doing the winning and I can't remember the last time when Jericho won a singles match, at the moment he's not a main eventer hes just a jobber that has lots of air time. It's sad too because he has so much talent.

JoMo has also been out of it lately, he was certainly pushed but at the moment it seems like Dolph has completely overtaken him.

For my picks I would say its Shawn Michaels and Undertaker, even though we have not seen them since mania.
Absolutely love Shawn Michaels, and the first post was spot on. One of the best the business has ever seen and I can't fault him. That being said, I'm not going to be voting for him at the moment. I just don't see him as a Main Event wrestler most of the time. I generally assume Main Eventers to be in the ones in contention for the championship belts. When was the last time Shawn held a belt? 2002 I believe. Even his matches where the belt has been on the line, has he ever been a legitimate contender? Did anyone really think he'd beat Cena at WM 23? I hoped beyond hope for it to happen but I knew it wouldn't. He was around Jericho when Jericho won the belt, but their feud really had nothing to do with it at all.
I'll go with John Cena. He is the top draw currently, and is entertaining not only outside of the ring, but inside as well. He always delivers top-notch matches with a wide range of wrestlers (Vs. Swagger, Vs. HBK, Vs. RVD, Vs. Orton, etc.). He's a great story teller, and has important in-ring charisma. He knows how to play the crowd.

Yes its true a large portion of WWE fans find him entertaning, but there are plenty of people like me who dread every televised moment of his. Great story teller? If you are implying that Cena tells a great story with his matches I would like some examples. Every HHH vs Cena or Orton vs Cena i've seen has been alright at best( with a lot of crap matches too). Guys like HBK and RVD had memorable matches with him, because they are good enough to bring the best out of untalented in ring workers like Cena. I'm sure I could have found a more appropriate thread to bash a cena supporter on my first post, but this is the first one I read.

IMO Jericho, HBK, and HHH are the best talkers right now in the mainevent scene. Out of the three HBK is the best in ring worker with Jericho a close second. I realize these guys aren't the top draws in the company at the present time, but they are the most talented Professional wrestlers on the roster.
It's tough to say, as you have to look at so many different angles when picking one. From the pure fan favorite angle, people will pick Hardy or Cena, and i won't disagree as they are huge draws for the company. Michaels and the Undertaker are amazing, however it can be difficult when guys need 3-5 months off after a match, albeit one of the best matches i have ever seen. Being a huge Randy Orton fan, I would love to say with 100% cetainty that he is the best, however I think the cold, merciless, viper gimmick is getting a bit stale. I would much prefer the brash, arrogant, legend killer persona from his days in evolution and rated-RKO.

At the end of the day, I need to go with HHH. I know he is the boss' son-in-law and alot of people don't like it, but he still has the ability to make people jump to their feet when his music hits, He can play a range of personas on the mic from Hilarious (DX) to absolutely terrifying (The Cerebrel Assassin). He plays both heel and face perfectly, and he has the raw talent not only make himself look great in the ring but also those he wrestles against. Of course this is just my opinion.

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