The Best Television Opening

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The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
Simple question, really. This is what is supposed to draw us into the show, and make us know what we're about to watch. Sure, if we're long time fans, we know. But what about the people who aren't a fan, and don't know what they're getting? Well, it takes the opening of the show, the intro theme, to make things more interesting, and make them aware of what they're seeing. Some shows go very simple, and just give credits, with a few slides of the show to keep people intrigued. Some elaborate the plot with catchy, sometimes intoxicating songs that lead us in to the song. The question is simple; What was your favorite television opener.

Mine extends into three choices:

Married With Children


As a child, I actually used to watch this show after Power Rangers. I was always drawn in by this opening, which I always found hilarious form some reason. Today, I realize just how perfect it really is. The Frank Sinatra song is absolutely perfect for this intro, and I've always loved Al Bundy. Easily one of the catchiest songs I've ever heard, and just really offsets the obvious satire we're about to see. Really classy, and crass, all at the same time. That's the only way to describe this intro.

Mighty Morhpin Power Rangers


Was it cheesy? Sure. Was it really outdated? I guess, considering it was all stock footage. Is this a nostalgia choice? Probably. Does that make it any less awesome? You bet your sweet ass. I don't know another song that can get away with only four words, but this song did it. That, and the amazing guitar riff was something I always loved. Always one of those things that got me excited to watch MMPR, and always got my blood pumping.

Law and Order


This theme has become synonymous with Crime Television. The music is simple, yet it always gets the job done. It's simple concise, yet you can always tie it to the show. That's probably the best sign of a great theme; Taking a theme, and making it tied completely with your show. Combined with the lead in, and the announcer going over the beginning, and this hasd become a staple of television.

But, this is just for me. What is your favorite television opening?
Damn you, Tenta, I was going to make this exact thread!!

Anyway, on to the answer. Now, it's no secret that I watch a lot of anime. I love good animation, especially serious animation. A lot of anime shows have themes that are generic, bouncy pop songs. These three, however, are totally different and fit the shows perfectly.

First up, we have Cowboy Bebop.
Cowboy Bebop is a masterpiece of a show, a space opera that was miles ahead of its time. It featured fluid animation, an all-jazz soundtrack, an episodic nature, and one of the best English dubs ever. These theme captures the spirit of the show with precision, with a pounding jazz track that accompanies the unique visuals perfectly. Great theme for a GREAT show.

Hellsing is something every person who wants to write about vampires needs to see. It's a show that manages to change vampires without straying too far from their classic image, and it does it extremely well. This theme is unlike anything I could have expected when I first watched the show. It forgoes the classic organs and chimes you would expect from something involving vampires and instead goes with something jazzy and upbeat that still somehow manages to work and work well. Great song, great theme.

Trigun is a space Western, and one of my favorite shows of all the times next to Cowboy Bebop. Just listen to that theme. That theme is pounding and plain badass, and when you hear it you know you're in for a ride. It captures the spirit of the show and is just the kind of theme to pump you up for some Future Gun Action. I was blown away the first time I heard it, and it made me get excited for the show each time.

I've always been a fan of Scrubs, and while this is only one of many openings for Scrubs, they all have some pretty decent scenes, they may not be hilarious. However it pretty much gives you an idea very well of what the show is about, just as well as it gives you an overview of everybody, with a half-decent song as well.


Also always been a fan of NCIS, the intro, again varies with every season. And serves pretty much the same purpose in giving a quick overview of the program itself, as well as the people involved in the series. Intro song isn't that great however, but it's something I can live with.
Easy Breezy right here, I'm going with the ultimate intro to any television series ever, and that's Walker, Texas Ranger.

Lets get one thing clear real quick, I'm no Chuck Norris Bandwagon fan, the kind that goes around telling Chuck Norris jokes yet has never seen an episode of Walker. I own all six season of Walker on dvd and have seen every episode multiple times.

One other thing about the theme, Chuck Norris sings it himself, I know savage as fuck.

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Dragonball Z


I loved Dragonball Z when I was younger (I thought GT was shit) and this opening always used to get me pumped for the show. I was never a fan of Goku, but I thought Vegeta was the man. DBZ had some great villains, such as Frieza, Cell(all three versions), Kid Buu, Dr. Gero, Android 17, and Android 18. The stroylines were also great.

Oh, and on a side note, Super Saiyan 3 looked better than any form of Super Saiyan.

The Sopranos


This is by far my favorite show of all time. The opening to this show was so cool, and I just love the song they use here. I could create entire thread about how much I loved this show(although I did hate the series finale) but I'll try to keep it short and sweet. The writing on this show was great, the production was top quality, and Tony Soprano is an iconic character.
I am pretty sure that this has been done before but I never tire of going over these.

The remade Battlestar Galactica series deserves a mention. The combination of a Hindu mantra chanting intermixed with the reminders of the genocide that occurred during the "Fall of the Colonies," particularly the rather morbid logging of how many survivors there are, a number that changes every episode, is a perfect build up for the preview section of the intro that shows highlights of the upcoming episode at a lightning speed (something that it copied from... well see below). A truly great intro for an under-watched but excellent TV show. Sci-fi does not get more gritty, realistic or simply better than this...

Gerry Anderson had a great eye for an intro. I have left Stingray off this list as I wanted at least some variety. The intro to Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons did an excellent job in setting up the show. The primary intro has Captain Blue reminding us of the eerie powers of the Mysterons to manipulate matter (wonderfully dubbed "retro-metabolism") before reminding us that there is someone who can help, someone who "fate has made indestructible;" Captain Scarlet, who is seen withstanding a point blank machine gun blast before calmly offing his assailant with a single, calculated shot.

Then the secondary intro, aired after a brief act usually showing the Mysterons laying the foundations of their next plot (although both intros are put together in the following video), introduced the main characters while the soundtrack features the low tone of the Mysterons issuing their next threat, sometimes cryptic, sometimes straightforward, beginning with the epic "This is voice of the Mysterons; we know that you can hear us, earthmen..." while the eerie O O that indicates the Mysteron presence is seen to pass over all of the characters in the intro. And who can forget the often imitated but never bettered refrain that switched from one scene to the next? Truly excellent. Plus the corrupted Captain Black at the end used to scare the shit out of me when I was a kid.

As good as both the above are, neither has come anywhere close to this next one. In fact no other TV show intro comes anywhere close to this... Gerry Anderson, learning the lessons of what worked with Stingray and Supercar, in particular in securing the services of John Barry, combined the immense tones of the orchestra with an inspired (and if rumour is to be believed last minute inclusion) countdown, a dramatic preview of the upcoming episode (BSG and others would copy it) and a parade of the major characters to produce this symphony for the eyes and ears that makes me want to watch an episode every time I hear it, including right now.

Hard to believe that this is soon to celebrate its 50th anniversary...

Ladies and Gentleman...


It is hard to pick just one so I will go for an old school cartoon theme here first. My first choice is so amazing that the powers that be still feel compelled to keep a full version off of youtube. You can hear the song or see the video but the combination together is still too powerful to be given away for free. You can even see the original original with hero instead of ninja because that version still barely dodges riots demanding to see the show. The choice here is Teenagae Mutant Ninja Turtles, catchy, action and up-tempo. A perfect fit.

Second choice is Talespin. The song is just too good and the intro makes a decent show look awesome.


Followed closely by rescue Rangers. I always thought this one was great. The way the video is cut creates a nice excitement and somehow that song works.


Honorable mentions were X-men cartoon, mostly because the music is also apparently awesome enough to still keep off youtube and DuckTales, great video but song falls flat and show was even better than intro made it look.
Dragonball Z


I loved Dragonball Z when I was younger (I thought GT was shit) and this opening always used to get me pumped for the show. I was never a fan of Goku, but I thought Vegeta was the man. DBZ had some great villains, such as Frieza, Cell(all three versions), Kid Buu, Dr. Gero, Android 17, and Android 18. The stroylines were also great.

Dammnit man I was gonna choose this one, it is awesome

Oh, and on a side note, Super Saiyan 3 looked better than any form of Super Saiyan.

Super Saiyan 4 looked cool in my opinion

For me I'd have to pick Buffy The Vampire Slayer


This always got me pumped to see some hot vampire killing


Angels' was cool as well, while Buffy had the rock feel, Angel had the classic feel which just worked for it
I was just about to get on here and mention that Angel has some awesome music for there intro. I'm just getting into Angel and haven't even made it through season 1, yet, but so far, it seems to be a top-notch series.


Angels' was cool as well, while Buffy had the rock feel, Angel had the classic feel which just worked for it

As for my personal favorite, it always comes back to Supernatural. Each season finale (except for the first, where they did this on the second or third to last episode) they set the recap to the tune of Kansas' "Carry On My Wayward Son" and show the events that have lead you through the season/series. Amazing tune and always makes me so happy. Although, to be fair, the Supernatural recaps are always set to awesome music, so I end up happy no matter what.
Hands down The Wonder Years:


First of all, the song is just epic beyond words. However, past that... it gives you a great look at the family and friends revolved around the show, and it has that great, beautiful late 60s/early 70s feel to it.

Seriously, I don't know how anyone could watch that video above and not feel nostalgic and not want to go right now and watch some classic Wonder Years episodes. It just gives you a feeling like, in my opinion, no other opening ever could throughout the history of television; it's the ultimate nostalgic, tingly feeling no other show opening could ever give me, and trust me... I grew up watching a lot of television, lol.
I saw the title to this thread and instantly thought of this:


Band of Brothers, for me one of the greatest miniseries of all time, and to be honest, the opening is one of the reasons why I hold it in such high regard. The music used is so beautiful, yet at the same time mournful and anthemic, that it really sets the scene for the episode to come. On its own that piece of music is amazing anyway, but set to the video it is just utterly enthralling and captivating. It sets the scene of the thing so perfectly, and while it is a long opening, it never feels like it.

Just as anthemic is the other World War II miniseries from Hanks and Spielberg; The Pacific:


I mean really, how anyone can not watch these two openings and not be moved in some way is beyond me. They are perfect examples of how a perfect score and opening can influence a show, and indeed add to it.

I think this is the catchiest intro alive right now. I see everyone posting old shows and whatnot, I agree that some are good. I think this is the best though. The intro to the most amazing show HBO has ever produced. "How to Make it in America" I love this show beyond all reason. This song is so catchy. "I Need a Dollar" by Aloe Blacc. The actual intro, really well done. Just real cool intro altogether.
When I first viewed the thread, only two came to my mind that I really loved.



My U.S. History teacher made us watch the whole miniseries as a way to understand John Adams for a paper we was going to write about the U.S. in its early years. This intro right here just personifies the American life in the colonial age. From the play of the percussions, drums, and violin, it just gets me every time. I even have the damn song on my PSP and listen to every day when I walk around the neighborhood.



Ah Full House, my favorite sitcom growing up. The song just blended in with the dysfunctional but close family.
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