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The Best Scene Of All Time?

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Which do you think is the greatest scene of all time? Not the best film but individual scene.

My fave is from Sideways. It's the scene when one of the characters has to go back to this womans house who he's just fucked. When he was there her husband came home and caught them at it and he left his wallet. He has to go back and get it. So him and his friend go and sneak into the house. They get to the bedroom where they find the man and the woman (both fat) going at it. They then get caught by the bloke. He then chases them down the street with his cock out. That is the funniest scene I've ever watched ever.

mine isn't from a movie mine is from desperate housewives in the episode BANG!! when carolyn (Laurie Metcalf) kills nora(Kiersten Warren) and the reaction by lynette (felicity huffman) is just wow terrific
but the best part is when both laurie and felicity go head to head in that beatiful scene in that scene felicity shows why she won the emmy two years ago (and she was screwed this year) and why laurie is the perfect actress to play a crazy b!tch
and if you dont belive me here is teh video

Easy choice here.

The scene in Blue Velvet when Dean Stockwell just starts randomly lip syncing to the Roy Orbison song "In Dreams". Amazing song, amazing film, I could watch that movie for the rest of my life and be satisfied, pure art.

I would say my all time favorite scene from One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest is where Jack Nicholson steals the bus and takes the insane people on the boat and while he was on there the people are worried and he says " what are they going to do, we're nuts". this was just a good part of the movie and really opened it up for the remainder of the movie. But there are so many scenes though and its hard to chose just one, like another good scene is from the original Batman and Jack Nicholson is in a museum dancing and throwing paint over the paintings, it was just hilarious with the background music and his dances and the way he was speaking. It was just funny and entertaining and no one can top Jack Nicholson as the Joker.
If I had to pick ONE scene from a movie. I would say in Superman 1, when Christopher Reeves was running down the street and he opened his shirt slowly to reveal the ''S''.... a legend was born. And a IRREPLACEABLE superman was shown
For me it's the last round of the fight in the first Rocky movie. I've seen that movie at least 50 times, and every single time I watch that scene, I start screaming at Rocky to throw a left here and a right there. It gets me every single time.
I'd have to go with Rudy, when the crowd chants his name and he runs onto the football field. No matter how many times I've watched it, I still get goosebumps from it to this day. Such an awesome moment.
I would have to say the Spiderman Movie (2002). When he is fighting the Green Goblin and the Goblin throws the blades at him. He jumps up in the air and does this spin thing and just dodges all of them. I love this part in the movie and it just really satisfied me.
There are so many great scenes, it's really impossible for me to pick one. I think this thread should have a poll added. A few I would include:

Taxi Driver: Robert DiNero is standing in front of the mirror in his jacket, looking to see if the special gun holsters on his arms work and are concealed. And DiNero starts ad libbing in front of the mirror, which leads to the immortal line, "You talkin' to me?"

Alien: The Gutbuster scene. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you must live in a closet.

Psycho: The Shower scene . Scary and horrific, one of the iconic horror scenes, and yet there's no gore and no nudity. Beautifully filmed scene. And the music, the screeching.

The Shining: Jack Nicholson's already slighty unhinged Jack Torrance goes off the deep end and chases after his wife and son with an axe. Jack hacks open the bathroom door, and through the hole he's made peers in, eyes bulging, teeth bared in a crazed, evil grin, and quotes, of all people, Ed McMahon. "Heeeeeere's, Johnny!!" It's such an easy scene to parody, yet when you watch the real thing, you can't help being scared out of your wits.

Platoon: Willem Dafoe's Sgt. Elias has been betrayed by Tom Berenger's character and left for dead. As Berenger, Charlie Sheen and company depart in helicopters, Sheen sees Dafoe running out of the jungle, half dead, as the copters fly away. Charlie Sheen tries to get them to turn back, but it's too late. The North Vietnamese are closing up. Elias drops to the ground, reaches up to the departing choppers, and dies, as the movie's iconic theme plays.

Just a few to throw out there.
I'm not entirely sure if I'd say it was a best scene. Infact, definately far from it. But I just recently heard about the infamous "ghost/suicide boy" in the movie "3 Men and a Baby." So I checked it out. The movie was actually on the other night, and my Wife pointed the scene out to me.

I watched the scene, then rewatched it. I swear, the chill factor of thinking it was a ghost is what gives you goosebumps, but seriously.. was it just a production error? As in there was a boy in the scene and they merely didn't realize it until after they'd shot the scene then made it final?

Does anyone know the full story?

Supposedly the story about it has something to do with the kid and a shotgun. Supposedly when the camera pans through the first time, you can make out a shotgun sitting against the window. When it pans back, you clearly see a child in the window. The story goes that the kid accidentaly shot himself with the shotgun, and that's your ghost.
Supposedly the story about it has something to do with the kid and a shotgun. Supposedly when the camera pans through the first time, you can make out a shotgun sitting against the window. When it pans back, you clearly see a child in the window. The story goes that the kid accidentaly shot himself with the shotgun, and that's your ghost.

I've heard of this...but I also have heard the "shotgun" is a cardboard cut-out of Ted Danson wearing a suit and hat, and supposedly it is seen in other parts of the film....creepy, either way...

Anyway, my favorite scene from a movie is near the end of "Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith" where Anakin Skywalker, after turning to the dark side, choking out his wife (who is pregnant), and dueling his master Obi-Wan Kenobi, falls near some lava and gets burned alive. You almost kinda feel sorry for him as he screams in agony. My favorite part of the scene is where Anakin futilely reaches up at Obi-Wan, who is staring down at him...very sad, pathetic, and powerful visual.
The best scene of all time, to me at least, is the rooftop/elevator scene in The Departed. The dialog, tension, and where Costigan finally gets one up on Sullivan was incredible. I was fully expecting Costigan to bust him, until that elevator scene where you KNEW something was going to happen, then the gunshot to the head takes place. Never before I have I reacted out loud to a scene in a theater, and I'm sure half the theater had the same feeling.
I'm not entirely sure if I'd say it was a best scene. Infact, definately far from it. But I just recently heard about the infamous "ghost/suicide boy" in the movie "3 Men and a Baby." So I checked it out. The movie was actually on the other night, and my Wife pointed the scene out to me.

I watched the scene, then rewatched it. I swear, the chill factor of thinking it was a ghost is what gives you goosebumps, but seriously.. was it just a production error? As in there was a boy in the scene and they merely didn't realize it until after they'd shot the scene then made it final?

Does anyone know the full story?

It is a cardboard cutout of one of the actors. On one of those behind the storys on VH-1 they said that. They also said the legend about the boy ghost was started by the director of the movie to get more people to go see the movie. The director I guess saw the cutout when they were editing, and said keep it in.......thus the legend was born.

Best scene in a movie is in the second Pirates of the Caribbean at the end. After Elizabeth lays a fat kiss on Capt. Sparrow and handcuffs him to the piller, He gets out but then the Kragen(SP?) is there, he just grabs a sword and dive right in. I love that part, it makes Jack look so bad ass!
I don't know if I have a favorite, but here are a couple off the top of my head that I enjoy that have not been mentioned.

Lords of Dogtown: After the cove gets destroyed by the fire Emile Hirsch & Heath Ledger are talking about the cove, then "Old Man" by Neil Young starts playing and then they show Emile shaving his head. I'm just a sucker for that song.

Independence Day: When Randy Quade (sp?) goes to take out the space ship towards the end of the film. He says to tell his kids his loves them and then tells the aliens he's back (i don't remember exactly what he says) then flys right up into the ship to destroy it.

Braveheart: The whole ending. From the torture to FREEDOM! to the final battle where they chant "Wallace! Wallace! Wallace!" and the one dude says "You have bled with Wallace. Now bleed with me!"
Now that you mentioned Braveheart, I nearly forgot a cool scene from another Mel Gibson movie, The Patriot. I enjoy the scene where the British soldiers come to the farm and burn it to the ground, kill his little boy, and take his oldest son prisoner. As they leave to take him away, Mel bursts into the house, grabs some guns and his signature tomahawk. He then goes on a killing spree and basically wipes out an entire British platoon (?) in the woods. Awesome scene, with great editing and cool violence.

Another scene I like is from a Mel Gibson-directed movie, Apocalypto. When the Mayan soldiers are chasing Jaguar Paw through the jungle, after he escapes and kills one of their own, he leaps over a waterfall and surfaces at the bottom, to the surprise of the Mayans. Standing at the bottom, he screams up at them, defying them to come after him, stating that the jungle is his jungle, and his sons and grandsons will continue to hunt and live there. Incredible display of emotion and powerful storytelling...
Star Wars Episode 3... when you hear that slow, mechanical breathing for the first time.

Other than that...the end of V for Vendetta, when V takes all the shots, then kills the soldiers before they reload and strangling their boss. then he gets sent on a train loaded with explosives, blowing up the houses of parliament, to the majestic tune of Tchaikovski's 1812 overture.
Man, asking me to name just one is like asking me to each just one potato chip. I can't do it. Well unless they are bad. Even then, I have to have one more to make sure. lol But here is my list of best of scenes.

10. The scene in Unbreakable when Sam Jackson shakes hands with Bruce Willis and the whole story unfolds to where Bruce discovers that Sam is the villain who has caused all of the termoil. What a twist! lol

9.The scene from American Pie when Stiffler's mother picks up Shitbreak by his collar so that she can break him on the pool table.

8.The scene from Trading Places where Jamie Lee Curtis takes her top off for the first time. While she is standing there, I swear I see a pair of the most perfect pair of breasts imaginable. All I can say is wow. You have to see them to believe them.

7.The scene from Full Metal Jacket where Pile goes nuts before shooting the Sgt. If you aint seen it, then aint no need of explaining it to you because you're not a real movie fan.

6.The scene from Enter The Dragon where Bruce Lee finishes off the villain. Well actually that and the scene where Jim Brown(not the football player) fights the villain before being slain in an opium den.

5.The scene from Unforgiven where Gene Hackman says that he just built a house and doesn't deserve this. Clint Eastwood just coldly looks down into his face, cocks back the trigger of his rifle and says "Deserves got nothin to do with it." before blowing Hackman's face off.

4.The scene in Blazing Saddles where Clevon Little and Gene Wilder lure the Klansmen behind the rock to ambush them by Clevon sticking his head out and mutter the words "Hey, where are the white women at?" I swear, it's so offensive, but I still bust a gut every time I watch it.

3. Attack of the Clones. I had to sit through one of the gayest scifi movies I had ever seen since watching Starman and Earth Girls are Easy, but the last ten minutes made it well worth watching it. Watching Yoda flipping all over the place with light sabre in hand during his fight with Count Doku was so fucking awesome that I am at a loss for words.

2.The scene from Scarface where Tony has just seen his brother cut to pieces with a chainsaw and is on the way to shoot down the man who exact his revenge. He looks at his other partner and tells him "Get the Yayo." as if he could care less that his brother died over it. That's just ice cold man.

1.And the next scene, I think, and I know you guys are going to call me gay for this but I don't care. The next scene comes from Little Giants. When little Johnny is handed the ball and runs straight for the endzone to his father in unstoppable fashion, I shed a tear every time dude. It's what sport is all about. Call me gay, but I don't care, it touches me every time I watch it.
I'm a big movie fan and I do have alot of fav scenes in movies...so I'm just going to say two of them in the movie scene in Pulp Fiction where Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta scene. Samuel Jackson gets piss off because the guy sitting down keeps saying "what scene/guys head blown off...yeah it sure is a long scene to some but the whole thing is freaking funny. It made samuel jackson a star and a comeback for John Travolta I always taught he sucked but he suprise me in Pulp Fiction.....and finally the deer hunter "russian roulette scene" its a shocking scene that gives chills to people even not serving in the vietnam war. So yeah people go see my two choices I dont disapoint
Oh man my fav Scene from all Time is from Pulp Fiction the Scene Where John Travolta Accidentally Blows Off Phil Lamar;s and Brains and Blood go Everywhere I don't Know why I love it but I can't watch that scene without dying out laughing so hard that I think I'm going to piss myself Its just something that comes out of No where I think its hilarious as hell.
I definitely can't choose, but here are some to put into consideration...

WARNING: Contains spoilers. Don't read them if you haven't seen the films.

1. 2001: A Space Odyssey - HAL 9000's Death
How amazing was this scene? Well, the whole movie is amazing, but this is just outstanding. HAL 9000, the super computer used to regulate and control every function on the spaceship, has detected a failure in the ship despite it working fine. The two conscious members on board debate on whether or not HAL can be faulty, as no HAL computer has ever had a single error. HAL, worried about being shut off, like any intelligent "being", fights for "his" survival by killing everyone on the ship outside of David, who sets his sights on literally taking out the memory chips from HAL's terminal. The emotionless voice of HAL tries to convince Dave to "calm down and take a stress pill", but starts to worry as Dave does not stop. Eventually, the artificially intelligent computer begins to BEG David to spare it. As Dave starts taking the mind apart, HAL, still emotionless, claims he "can feel it". Eventually, HAL is reduced to a mumbling, slow, childlike mindset, stating that its creator has taught it a song. Would Dave like to hear it? Well, Dave, who feels sorry for the computer, agrees to hear it. HAL, slowing down more and more with every moment, sings "Daisy...daisy...give me your answer, do. I'm half crazy, all for the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage. I can't afford a carriage. But you'll look sweet...upon the seat...of a...bi...cy..cle...built.....for.....two...." With that, HAL is dead.

2. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb - We'll Meet Again
Simply put, if you've seen this film, the very end where the entire world is being destroyed due to the Doomsday Device and nuclear fallout, set to the song "We'll Meet Again" by Vera Lynn. Haunting, yet funny at the same time, which is what the entire movie goes for.

3. Reservoir Dogs - Like A Virgin
This entire opening sequence, with its four or five conversations going on, is just beyond hilarious. Tarantino's character, Mr. Brown, is adamant that the song "Like a Virgin" is all about a girl who's being fucked so hard that it hurts her just like it did the first time. Joe Cabbot, the leader of the group, tries to figure out who "Toby" is when he looks in an old address book. Mr. Pink debates on whether or not he should tip, because as he states, "tipping is for the birds". Hilarious.

4. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
How can you make a list of the best scenes in cinema history and not mention "the reveal"? Lol. Even though its one of the most often botched quotes in history, and he in fact says "No, I am your father" instead of "Luke, I am your father", this scene was so huge that it transcended the film itself and has become a part of common knowledge pop culture. The same goes for "Bond, James Bond." If you run into someone who has never heard the line before, they must be living under a rock.

5. The Usual Suspects - The Greatest Trick the Devil Ever Pulled
Keyser Soze revealed. Nuff said.

You know what...I could do this all day, lol. If you're interested in more, PM me, or check my MySpace page under my profile here. I've got a few blogs up about "best movie quotes" and such.

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