The Best Moonsault Ever: Who has it?


Pre-Show Stalwart
And dont just pick Christopher Daniels cause thats the name of his move. This came about after watchig Suicidaldragon's Top ten users of the moonsault. Most of the list was filled with indy/Japan stars I had never heard of nor could prnounce. I decided to take the idea and expand it to people we know. I picked out 5 and here they are.

Chistopher Daniels: My lone representative from TNA. Daniels has won more than one match with the BME. His exicution on it is flawless, and it just looks good. He gets height, hang time and the double jump at the start is flashy to boot. And probibly the bast part of the move is the quick exicution. It is one of the main staples of The Fallen Angel, Unfortunetly with Curry Man going on we havent got to see the athletic skills of Daniels in a while, here is to hoping he makes a return.

Lita: Affermitive action says I need to put a woman up here so I decided on Lita. I have yet to see a diva before or since who was as good with high risks moves as Lita. Sure injuries came and went, some carrere thretening but Lita was never afraid to go to the top. And the Litasault was no exception. There was nothing overly flashy but I have yet to see a clip of Lita botching the move. Just the standard moonsault but always perfect.

Sabu:I have to admit, springboarding off the ropes and clearing the chair is quite a if he didnt botch the move, 3 out of 5 times

John Morrison:If you have seen him execute the Starship Pain, you know why he's here. Morrison can hit a Corkscrew Moonsault, form any elivated platform with out even thinking twice and the split legged version is just rediculous. The man has legit high flying skills, that should be shown off more. Plus he has done a moonsault with a ladder, props for him.

Vader: The sheer idea of an almost 500 pound man going to the top rope and excuting a moonsault is unfathomable, yet Vader does it. Sure there is not alot of hang time but the fact that he can even do it is quite impressive. If all the other things that this gargantuan power house can do to you cant get the pin, The Vadersault will.

Those are my picks let the debating begin. If you have others you are free to discuss them as well
First off, DarkShot, I am thrilled that you included Vader on your top 5 list. It's great to see this man I have frequently procalimed "The Greatest Superheavyweight Ever" getting more and more respect.

But I won't select him as my #1 saulter. I give that distinction to the man who made the Moonsault famous in North America and around the world - The Great Muta.

Check out this video of the top ten moves in Muta's repitoire. While 4 of the 10 are versions of the Shining Wizard, #2 is his moonsault, and it occurs at 1:36 of the video:


Here's an awesome Muta video, where you can also see his standing moonsault shining wizard:


This guy is a massive legend, and one of the 4 or 5 guys I will be backing heavily in the next WZ Tournament.
1.I think the Best moon Sault ever goes to ROB...VAN...DAM. His split legged moonsault was impresive to even think of.
2. THe second best goes to Sabu for his triple jump moonsault which is also just incredible.
3. third goes to Christopher Daneils like the name says it's the best it may not be the best but it's high there his execution is amazing

The worst goes to Jimmy Wang Yang's Yang time just doesn't make sense your gut land's on the guy's shoulder and that hurts.
P.S. does the Lionsault count.
Oh, I wonder who Sam will pick! It's a mystery. Nobody will ever guess. No one. Ever. You'll all be amazed by who is chosen. Really. No, you will.

If anyone has seen Hornswoggle during his days in the independents (where he won several heavyweight titles) you'll know what I'm talking about. Of course, he was known as Little Flipper back then, and no one kicked out of the Midgetsault, a standing corkscrew moonsault, often transitioning out of a shooting star press.

No, not really. Now you all know how I feel when you talk about obscure indie/foreign bullshit - not counting Muta in that.

No, it's really Kurt Angle. For a pure moonsault, there's nobody better. It just looks so... beautiful. He can also do a mean somersault plancha. And the cagesault is still the stuff of legend. Sure, he's not 500 pounds and he doesn't spin while he does it and he uses the top rope and kicks off using his feet and doesn't smoke a cigar while doing it, but it still fucking rocks.
I'm split here on a few people. Lita is the only person that uses it as her primary finishing move, which always bumps it up a bit for me. Also Vader or Bigelow simply because it is nothing short of amazing to see someone at their sizes being able to come off the top rope and execute a damn fine backflip. However, I'm going to have to go with Angle as well. He is just poetry in motion up in the air. The one from Raw all those years ago is picture perfect, even the landing. Factor in the shape that man's body is in and it's hard to beat. Yes Sabu's body is probably worse, but he rarely gets it right anyway. Have to give it to Angle as he makes it look best, at least to me.
OK, I'm sorry, but you can not be talking about moonsaults, especially Big Men moonsaults witout talking about Hugh Morrus. To me, I always thought he had one of the most perfect moonsaults I have ever seen. I always thought his moonsaults were prettier then many of the cruiserweights out there who do it.

So yes, that is my nomination for best moonsault ever. Hugh Morrus.
Morrus was good, but there were bigger men than he that did moonsaults that were on his level. Guys like Bigelow and Vader's were on his level, albeit not above them. He didn't really do mucch in his career other than a few lackluster US title reigns so it's easy to forget about him, but I'd still take Vader. Add on another 200 lbs to Hugh and you have Vader and his moonsault. To be anywhere close to his size and pull off a pretty good one is mindblowing.
The biggest problems I have ever had with Vader and Bigelows moonsaults were the fact that most of the time, if not all of the time, they were not really moonsaults. They were spinning splashes. Yes, they were non the less just as impressive, dont' get me wrong, but they just weren't a true moonsault like what Morrus did.
At the end of it all though, a moonsault is a spinning splash. It's a backflip off the top, a 270 degree rotation, and landing on your opponent. Bigelow and Vader did all those things and did them very well. Don't get me wrong, Morris' was great as well, but I think at his size it wasn't as impressive as the two bigger men. With their smaller frames it makes it more difficult to get completely around.
A lot of good names on there, especially the inclusion of Vader and Morrison rocks... but personally, I think I also have to pick Kurt Angle, surprisingly. I don't know, but whenever he pulls a MS, it just looks absolutely beautiful. And the fact that it adds some high flying "flash" to his otherwise very intense technical and down-to-earth style just shows once more what an impressive athlete this guy is, even if some of the things he does and the way he treats his body in the process probably isn't always sensible.

But Angle takes this one for me, with Vader and Morrison coming in at a close second; Vader for his ability to perform one at all, and Morrison with his versatility and creativity.
Insomnia previous mentioned RVD's split legged moonsault, which was in fact the most beautifully executed moonsault ever. Bt if we are talking about a traditional moonsault, then yes, I am going with the man who has named his moonsault "Best Moonsault Ever". Christopher Daniels hits this move perfectly just about everytime. Not only does he actually hit the move, it looks so damn effortless. He's one of the only guys that makes it look so easy. Daniels makes me feel like I can climb up there and execute the move.
I disqualified Angle because of his breaking of Holly's arm due to an errant moonsault. He did a good backflip, and he was fair at it, but I can't say his was a move that any other 235-lb athletic wrestler could have done.

I like the inclusion of Hugh Morrus / Bill DeMott. When NorCal and I met him at Fan Slam and saw how big he truly is, it's still that much more impressive. When we got into the discussion with Danny Inferno of the "Best Superheavyweight Ever," and Inferno nominated DeMott, he could damn sure back it up. DeMott got SICK air on his moonsault.

Ezzee, who nominated DeMott, does discredit Vader and Bigelow for their saults because they turn their bodies more and do less of a full flip. They do that to protect their opponents as much as anyone else. It lets them see where they are landing and if they are able to adjust. If I am a 255-lb pro wrestler, and I am wrestling Vader or Bigelow, I feel more confident knowing that big man may twist a bit more to check on where I am, rather than risk injuring me to make the move "look" cleaner.

But as I mentioned in my early post, The Great Muta FTW.
Don't get me wrong on Vader and Bigelow. I do still think they are some incredibly agile and impressive moves, and it wasn't necessarily an attempt to discredit them from the list. I agree with Irish on the reasons they do it, and will always be impressed by it. The first time I ever saw Bigelow do the move i sat there with my mouth just hanging. As I mentioned, it just isn't the "pure" moonsault that I was taking into consideration.

For big man moonsault, to me, it has to be
1. Morrus
2. Bigelow
3. Vader

But like I said, that's just my opinion. That and a quarter will buy you a cup of coffee.
I'm really glad you are all bringing up Hugh Morrus. I was outraged at the initial list, but was very pleased at the inclusion of him further down the posting.

I don't think that he has the BEST moonsault by any means, but it was pretty when he pulled it off correctly.

I always thought Al Snow had a pretty freaking good moonsault. I wish he would have used it more often than the Snowplow in terms of a finishing maneuver, but I guess when you are being absolutely buried in the likes of Hardcore matches, it's kind of difficult to have much of a regular finishing move.
I would have to say Teddy Hart does a beautiful moonsault imho. He executes it very well I think. The only bad thing is I haven't seen him do it enough lol. But he is my choice.

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