The Best...Disney Movie

Mac Attack

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I'm continuing on in the best series this time with the Best Disney Movie. I think that it is going to be an interesting one as everyone throughout their life has seen a Disney movie so for that reason I'm expecting some variety.

The Lion King

The Lion King is what I truly believe to be the greatest Disny movie of all time. I think it has parts of it that can make any person feel something. It has a mix of tragedy and sorrow but also it had the funny lines and characters. This movie shows the progression of Simba becoming a King. I think that it tells a very good story but also can capture any audience. I think Disney hit the bullseye in the production of this movie because I remember watching it 3 times a day when it originally came out.
I do love the Lion King and it is one of my favourites but I love the Aladin. It was a great movie and told a great tale. It had mixed emotions and had one of the greatest comedian of the 90's in Robbin Williams. He actually made that movie. I saw it when I took my girlfriend to DisneyLand and we both loved it. It was an hour and a half movie cut down into a play which lasted 45 minutes.

Yeah, yeah. When you think Beauty And The Beast you think "weak, chick-flick, not masculine need moar eksploshunz etc". Screw the haters. This was a hell of a film that dealt with a subject that The Hunchback Of Notre Dame dropped the ball on. Beauty is skin-deep. Quasimodo didn't get the girl at the end of that movie, did he? But Beast did, like a boss. Belle is to me what your Disney Princesses should be- three dimensional, fucking book smart and not shallow. Add to the fact that the movie villain in this one wasn't even considered an evil bastard (just a douchebag) until up till the end and you got yourself one hell of a story.

I can't compare to The Lion King because that was gold as well, but Beauty And The Beast dealt with many issues about how it's what's on the inside of a human being that matters the most. Hell of a story for kids.
Are we disqualifying the Pixar movies that were done under the Disney umbrella?

I can't really argue with The Lion King as a great movie with pretty good original music. I haven't seen it in 10 years, so I can't say much about it. I got out of Disney movies fairly young, so I would really need to rewatch old favorites like Beauty & The Beast, Aladdin, Bambi, Robin Hood and Peter Pan to have an accurate assessment of the old cartoons. I recently saw The Little Mermaid and I am quite disappointed with 8 year old Mike C. who enjoyed that movie.
Even against classics such as Lion King and Beauty and the Beast, my favorite movie is:

Finding Nemo! - Idk if Disney Pixar movies count, but well here it is my choice.


It was a movie that marked me, and that marked all of the others animated movies!
It is my favorite animated movie, alongside Cars. But Nemo is such a classic one, that i have to choose him.
How about this bad boy?


I fucking lovethis movie. I never knew that a animated movie could be so sad, yet inspirational. Everything about this movie was great. It has one of the saddest starts to any movie I have ever seen, and then it moves onto such a great and inspirational movie. The little boy's determination to get that fucking last badge, the old man's goal to reach the Waterfall, and the dog's willpower to defy his master and "friends" in order to save the boy and old man. Such a fantastic movie any way you look at it.
I'm gonna go for a non Disney-Pixar film that I think is criminally under-rated.


If you haven't seen this film, get on it. I think it's only 70 minutes but it's pretty much pitch perfect in all respects; from the classic story, to the lovable animals, to the voices of the characters, the characters, everything.

It's maybe not the best but it's one of my absolute favourites of Disney's.

The first movie I can remember to make me cry (and only because I've never seen Up, which I have been told will make me tear up for sure). And because it hit theaters around the time I was a high school senior on the way to graduation, I felt like I could truly relate to Andy the collegeboy moving away from home and leaving his childhood. Believe it or not, the movie inspired me to look back at my life and I actually went through my garage and found some old photos (which was convenient because the seniors had to find old pictures of ourselves and make a collage). The movie made me so damn emotional and arguably my favorite film of 2010. And as far as sequel movies are concerned, I consider it one of the best.
As far as I am concerned, the Lion King is and forever will be the greatest movie to ever come from Disney. I have loved the Lion King ever since I first started watching it and every time I see it, not matter how old I am getting, it always manages to evoke some reaction from me. For me, there is not a lot of movies that are able to tread the line of being heart-warming, hilarious, entertaining and utterly enjoyable throughout. The Lion King manages to do this with absolute ease because of just how strong the plot is. It really lends itself to being one of the greatest movies of all time and it really does transcend the animated movie genre.

The character of Simba is a little off-putting at first but his development throughout the movie is something to behold. I guess it is intentional to have him as a spoiled brat in the first instances of the movie and then have him be humbled the characters he comes across in the wild. Still, that is the biggest gripe that I will ever have with this movie and it is not even that big of a dead, to be frank.

The Lion King is the greatest Disney movie that might only be rivalled by Toy Story. The problem with The Lion King is that the sequels weren't very good and that is why people put Toy Story over it in their estimations. However, I would put The Lion King up against any Toy Story movie on an independent basis and The Lion King will always come out number 1, such is the strength of this movie.
As far as I am concerned, the Lion King is and forever will be the greatest movie to ever come from Disney. I have loved the Lion King ever since I first started watching it and every time I see it, not matter how old I am getting, it always manages to evoke some reaction from me. For me, there is not a lot of movies that are able to tread the line of being heart-warming, hilarious, entertaining and utterly enjoyable throughout. The Lion King manages to do this with absolute ease because of just how strong the plot is. It really lends itself to being one of the greatest movies of all time and it really does transcend the animated movie genre.

The character of Simba is a little off-putting at first but his development throughout the movie is something to behold. I guess it is intentional to have him as a spoiled brat in the first instances of the movie and then have him be humbled the characters he comes across in the wild. Still, that is the biggest gripe that I will ever have with this movie and it is not even that big of a dead, to be frank.

The Lion King is the greatest Disney movie that might only be rivalled by Toy Story. The problem with The Lion King is that the sequels weren't very good and that is why people put Toy Story over it in their estimations. However, I would put The Lion King up against any Toy Story movie on an independent basis and The Lion King will always come out number 1, such is the strength of this movie.

One thing about The Lion King that I really thought, 'wow, that's amazing!' when it was explained was the significance of the death of Mufasa (hand-drawn) by the herds of wildebeest (CG) and what that signalled for the future not only of Disney but animation in general.

Really need to take advantage of the rare Disney deals in the future after reading people's favourites that I haven't watched/thought about in ages. Dam VHS for becoming obsolete!

When Bambi's mother dies and they play "Love is a Song That Never Ends," if you can keep from crying, you're a heartless shithead with a heart full of shit........either that, or a guy.........or both.

My favorite Disney movie of all time.

For me, it has to be Aladdin.

No other Disney movie gave me this feeling of wonderment and excitement as Aladdin did. From the opening sequence flying through Agrabah to the breathtaking animation during the escape from the Cave of Wonders to the awe-inspiring ending battle was all so damn mesmerizing. It's the one animated movie that made me think twice about the potential of animation and what it could really achieve. I know when I was a kid, Fantasia and Pinocchio both blew my mind, but Aladdin was on another level. If Beauty and the Beast gave me all the drama I could handle, Aladdin gave me all the adventure I could handle. It had everything. I know the Lion King was a masterpiece, but something about Aladdin really echoed in my childhood.
The Lion King is one of the greatest films of all time, and easily the best thing Disney have ever done.

Everything about the movie is fantastic, and it blew me away as a kid. The voices are perfect, the animation is brilliant and the story as a whole is awesome. It has the comedy aspect in Timon and Pumba, the evil baddie in Scar and the triumphant return of a hero when Simba returns to take back the kingdom from his evil uncle.

Plus, the music on the film is phenomenal, the 2 Elton John songs used in the film "The Circle Of Life" and "Can You Feel The Love Tonight" are incredible, both very moving songs. Plus the other songs are great too.

The Lion King is easily the best Disney film, but I also loved Aladdin, The Sword In The Stone, Robin Hood and The Aristocats
Aladdin is my favorite. Story, music, voices, great flick.

Another of my favorites that is incredibly underrated is Mulan. VERY good movie
I have to say that I love just about every movie that has been mentioned so far on this thread. It was very hard for me to pick, and there were several that came close to me. Those movies are Goofy Movie, Fox and the Hound, The Rescuers and The Sword in the Stone. But my number one has to be Brother Bear


I have to pick Brother Bear because even though I love all of those other movies none of them moved me like Brother Bear has. It makes you think about what kind of a person you should be, to consider what your actions might cause and how every living thing has a spirit. Not only are the messages this movie sends great, but the visual effects where the lights touch the mountians and an amazing soundtrack that will draw you into the movie. Exellent movie and I reccomend that everyone sees this movie atleast once in their life.
I have say the Toy Story is my favourite Disney movie.This is a very clever animated story that was a big hit, and justifiably so. It had a terrific sequel and if a third film came out, that would probably be a hit, too.

When this came out, computer technology just was beginning to strut its stuff. Man, this looked awesome. Now, it's routine because animation, which took a giant leap with this movie, has made a lot more giant strides.

The humor in here, however, is what made this so popular. There are tons of funny lines, issued by characters voiced by Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Jim Varney, Don Rickles, Wallace Shawn and John Ratzenberger, among others. As good as Hanks is as "Woody" and Allen as "Buzz Armstrong," I think the supporting characters just about stole the show: Mr. Potato Head, Slinky, Rex the dinosaur, etc.

Multiple viewings don't diminish the entertainment, either. There are so many things to catch, audibly and visually, that you always seem to discover something new. The colors in here are beautiful, too. This is a guaranteed "winner" as is the sequel.
Tarzan is my favourite of the non Pixars. It makes Tarzan's movements like a surfer and only with the powers of CGI could that be realised in live action today. It has a strong family dynamic with Tarzan being the black sheep of the herd only really accepted for the majority of the film by his adopted mother amongst the adult gorillas. It covers the usual Disney favourite of loss in the deaths of his real parents and the loss of his adopted father after finally being accepted. It has two main villains in the leopard responsible for murdering his real parents and Clayton who shots his adopted father. Then we have Minnie Driver's Jane who brings something lacking in many a Disney heroine - sexuality. Throw in good comedy characters like Rosie O'Donnell's best friend Terk, the hypochondriac / paranoid elephant Tantor and Jane's father Professor Porter with a cracking soundtrack from the oft maligned Phil Collins and, for me, you have the most complete of the Disney cannon.
I'm not surprised people haven't mentioned this, but my favorite is, and always will be:


Greek mythology, or mythology as a whole is the most interesting stories in the world. And although this story wasn't ''accurate'', it was a fun portrayal of olympus, and the Gods, and especially Hades. This was a under rated film by every right.
For a lot of people the 90s was Disney's greatest triumph, and in my opinion, the movies from that era will never be beaten. Three of them standout to me, so I'll talk about the one that hasn't been mentioned yet.

Lion King...
Beauty and The Beast...
The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Hunchback is a movie based on an old tale. The movie dramatically changed the original story for a friendlier movie experience. That being said, it was still done excellently. Quasimodo is a hunchback living in the famous church in Paris, France. He works as the bell ringer after the city's judge Claud Frollo takes him in after killing his mother. Frollo is a man that sees corruption everywhere except for the one place that matters: within. He keeps Quasi in the bell tower for safe keeping out fear of God. As Quasi grows up, Frollo is his only friend with the exception of the gargoyles of the church, which Quasi has imagined to life throughout the movie. Quasi desperately wants to see the world, though fear of being a monster keeps him from doing so. On the day of the Festival of Fools, he journeys out because everyone will just think it's a costume, only to be humiliated by the crowd. He befriends a gypsy girl who saves him, and the two end up on an adventure with several other characters to escape the grasp of Frollo's malevolent hand.

It's an incredible movie, and very beautifully drawn. The songs are beautiful, and there's some Catholic dogma involved. If you haven't seen it, do so.
How has no one said...


It might be a lot older than The Lion King or Toy Story but it still holds up! A bunch of French talking cats! Whats not to like?
Depends on if we are talking about the older films or the newer ones. The best modern ones are easily Finding Nemo and Toy Story 3. For the older ones it is probably The Little Mermaid because it had a memorable story and good songs that I still look back fondly on.

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