The Best and Worst storyline right now?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I think WWE has been doing rather...erm, the writing department right now. I sometimes worry I complain too much, especially as WWE usually offers a mixed bag in the writing, booking, match quality department. I really enjoyed 'Owens Vs Cena', but I wrestled sleep whenever watching 'Sheamus Vs Orton'.

I'm thinking about all of the various feuds and...right now, very little stands out as being completely awesome. The worst? 'Ziggler Vs Rusev, although that is practically secondary to 'Lana Vs Summer'. I've explained why I hate this angle in other threads, but if I can sum it up in one sentence, it's: "Lana comes across as a jealous, idiotic, controlling bitch while Ziggler seems weak willed even though they're supposed to be the heroes'. It doesn't fit in with the continuity of these characters and they must act like morons in order to drive the plot. Also, the Ziggler-Rusev Summerslam match was surprisingly dull, even though they are both reliable workers. I haven't seen crap like this since that awful Fandango love triangle.

But what is even good? 'Ryback-Owens' has been underdeveloped, the 'Neville-Stardust' storyline has an interesting premise, but the creative team obviously doesn't care. 'Rollins-Cena' has been mostly upstaged by 'Rollins-Sting', but I'm not a fan of Sting adopting his old comical style. His current ring attire makes him look more like a middle aged man...What happened to his bad-ass persona, coat and bat? Sheamus as the MitB wild card has been boring.

'The Wyatt Family Vs Roman Reigns' occasionally is interesting, but maybe I've become too much of a smark, because it's so transparent. Braun Strowman has now made Bray and Harper seem unnecessary, but it's obvious this won't last for very long.

'New Day Vs Dudley Boys' is probably my favorite feud, although even that has never been able to reach its full potential because of the presence of Prime Time Players. But the only thing about the writing I'm liking has been the 'save the tables' campaign...which I suspect was ab-libbed by Xavier Woods...As for the Diva's Revolution, it's run out of steam for me. It's not awful, but I no longer really care.

But what about you? What is your favorite and least favorite storyline going on in the WWE?
The best for me is anything that New Day is involved in. Their "Save the Tables" campaign in just hilarious, and Kofi is the goofiest heel I've ever seen. Big E and his gyrating which should be cringeworthy isn't, and Xavier Woods with the trombone is gold. I hope they keep this group the way they are for a long time. Just too frigging funny to let them split up. They have put on the best segments in the ring, and backstage for the last few RAW's.

The worst is this train wreck between Rusev/Ziggler/Lana/Summer Rae. It's gone on far too long now, and as I said on another thread injuries haven't helped it. I just get the impression they have no idea what to do as it should have been over already. Guess it's kind of hard to bring an end to a story line when one member of the puzzle is always missing. First we had Rusev with the busted ankle, then Ziggler filming a movie, now Lana is injured. Just get it over with and be done.

Honorable mention for another one that's pretty bad is the Reigns/Ambrose feud with the Wyatt's. Still have no idea why this even started, and with all the changes that have happened along the way the waters have become muddied. We started out with Wyatt going after Reigns and his daughter, that was dropped. Then it was about Reigns stealing his MITB spot, that went nowhere. Then Harper came back and caused Ambrose to come to Reigns aid. Now we have Strowman involved and a mystery partner for Armreigns. Maybe one of these days we'll find out the real reason Wyatt attacked Reigns, but I doubt it.
I think the best storyline is obviously the New Day and the Dudleyz. The New Day are super entertaining, and the Dudleyz are the Dudleyz. It's been very simple, which is the best part. They're fighting over who is the best. And there's the save the tables campaign on the side. Not that hard of a premise.

As for the worst storyline? I would have to go with... a kajillion way tie between everything else. Absolutely everything else on TV is garbage. The Divas Revolution has no real emphasis behind it. The Rollins Sting feud is built around a statue, instead of the Title, or even the "Past vs. Future" premise. The Dolph-Rusev-Lana-Summer thing is so bad it's nearly vomit-inducing. And who gives a rats ass about Sheamus, Ryback, or the horribly mismanaged Wyatt Family/Reigns & Ambrose feud? Nobody is really fighting for anything in particular. For the most part, they're just fighting. And that's it. It's meaningless and boring.

Until WWE learns to capitalize on the guys that the crowds are hot for, and make new stars, we're just going to be in a revolving cycle of crap. WWE could be very interesting right now, but instead we get crap storylines from tired-old characters, and hot, new talent like Cesaro, Owens, and Sandow get pushed to the side. Seriously, the only thing I can say most of the time is just WTF?
I'd like to say the whole Dolph/Rusev/Summer/Lana thing is the worst but at least it makes sense.

Like Dark Lady said, we still really don't even know why Bray attacked Roman. And that's a pretty standard Bray feud.

I like pretty much everything New Day does and as long as this feud with the Dudleys doesn't lead to a Dudley title reign I'm fine with it.

Seth's stories with Cena and Sting have at least been entertaining. There's some solid debate on how Sunday is going to play out and that's a positive. There's strong arguments than can be made for more than one scenario. Everyone involved including the Authority has played their part well.
The Seth and Sting storyline doesn't really make much sense. I mean Seth has been champion since Mania, if Sting wanted him why did he take almost 6 months to do something about it?
Ziggler/Lana - Rusev/Summer Rae

Has to be one of the worst angles I've seen in years. All four of them deserve better. I've never seen an angle where all the participants look worse than they did before.

Lana should have stayed heel and never left Rusev, but since she did, Summer Rae should have never joined Rusev. That pairing still doesn't fit. I'm hoping Night of Champions is the last we see of this angle.
Ziggler/Lana - Rusev/Summer Rae

Has to be one of the worst angles I've seen in years. All four of them deserve better. I've never seen an angle where all the participants look worse than they did before.

Lana should have stayed heel and never left Rusev, but since she did, Summer Rae should have never joined Rusev. That pairing still doesn't fit. I'm hoping Night of Champions is the last we see of this angle.

Yeah it makes little sense. They never once mentioned that Rusev and Lana were love interests when they were together. She was more his associate. So she costs him a couple matches and he gets rid of her. Then all of the sudden Summer Rae comes out of nowhere and wants to get involved with this kayfabe bully, who just verbally abused the girl that was with him before. It makes no sense.
I agree with the consensus that the Rusev/Ziggler/Lana/Summer Rae storyline is the worst the WWE has right now.

The more I watch New Day, the more entertained I am by them. They are playing the heel role perfectly. I'll go with them as the best storyline now. The rest are just plain blah.
Best - Shield v Wyatt's - This is a personal thing as I'm big fans of all and enjoy seeing the physical battles, this is currently edging out the Tag Team division as my favourite but whether it stays that way is dependent on who Reigns and Ambrose team with.

Worst - Divas Revolution - Based on expectation this one is the biggest let down, it should be far more entertaining than it is but bar Sasha Banks none of them are enjoyable to watch.
Obviously the Summer v Lana feud is the worst but I didn't expect much and thats why the Divas Revolution story is the worst
I have to go with the consensus and say that the whole Ziggler/Lana vs. Rusev/Summer Rae is probably the worst storyline right now. That's not to say that it's the worst thing I've ever seen, it's honestly not as bad as I expected it to be, but it's still pretty lousy. This is another one of these sort of relationship based storylines that seem to be covered with Vince's fingerprints; he loves this sort of quasi-soap opera drama with a dash of high school ridiculousness on top.

As for the best...hmmm, I'd probably have to go with New Day & the Dudley Boyz; they're two completely different teams and are using their differences in entertaining ways. New Day is funny, but not so funny that they look like they're a trio of clowns who're completely outclassed by a highly decorated veteran tag team.

All in all, I like the product overall as I see a lot more positives than negatives. There's not as much filler going on as there once was and even if there are storylines that some aren't all that interested in, like Neville & Lucha Dragons against Stardust & The Ascension, it's at least something that's being done with lower card guys instead of just having them wander around aimlessly. I like what's going on in the tag team scene as a whole, the main event & mid-card title scenes are solid to pretty damn good right now, I think the Divas Revolution is heading more down the track of establishing the ladies as individuals.

So, there's a little bit of great, a whole lot of good, a dash of okay and a pinch or two of lousy in the WWE's format recipe right now.
Worst to me is the Rusev/Lana/Dolph/Summer Rae....where is it going? what's the resolution?and with Lana on the shelf how will it end?

Wyatt is just pure gold,you hate his guts but you can't help being drawn in!

As for the Dudley Boyz vs. New only question is:Are they going to bring back Spike to even up the numbers...that little guy was just crazy!

As for Divas,I see Charlotte winning to honor her dad.but they didn't do it on RAW as one last dig at CM Punk through having AJ's Diva title record being broken.
Worst - Ziggler vs. Rusev - Ziggler and Lana have no chemistry. Rusev went from being an undefeated monster to a lovesick coward. Summer Rae is garbage.

Best - New Day vs. Dudleyz - The Dudleyz are simply entertaining. Them putting wrestlers through tables never gets old. Especially not with "D-Von, Get The Tables!" "Oh my brother, testify!" "Wazzup!" The only way they could get more entertaining is if they brought Spike back or put Summer Rae through a table.

New Day is the most entertaining part of Raw each week. The ONLY way they could get more entertaining is to start a #TableLiveMatters campaign. I'm being entertained just thinking about it.
I'm gonna be different and say Sting/Seth Rollins. If these were any 2 other guys this feud would be crapped upon by just about everyone I think...I mean they're feuding over a statue? I liked the statue as a way to bring Sting into the fold, but now that's the feud. What a joke!

The saddest part of that feud is that I wanted it. I remember after SummerSlam a coworker was crapping on the way Cena/Rollins ended. And I told him, well it would have been good if Sting had come out trying to even the odds and Rollins steals the victory. I mean Sting is the "vigilante" but now it's about respect not about rules...respect and an ugly statue. But now we're looking at a feud where no one can gain anything by winning. Face it, Sting wins and he's our world champion, wouldn't he be the oldest WWE champ in history? Then lets say Seth wins, well now we have a super Seth Rollins and Sting looks like garbage. This feud is dumb and no one wins! Why not save this for a Big 4 PPV? Or just not do it at all.

As another poster said, we didn't expect a lot out of Ziggler/Rusev. It's not the worst, it's actually quite funny when you start thinking like a casual viewer. I mean here's this big Bulgarian guy who is struggling with his english and loves two women. On Raw a couple weeks back they kept having the promo videos hyping us up on it, and genuinely I was laughing quite a bit, it's so bad that it's transcended bad and is funny now. Granted, I think it's sad because Rusev deserves better. Nobody else in this feud I particularly care for, so it's not a total loss. I do say end it though, the WWE randomly ends angles we wanna see and keep putting on this hot filth..

Moving on the best has to be the New Day/Dudleyz feud. I don't even care for the Dudleys but the New Day are priceless. That promo about all the good memories we have with tables was gold. The backstage segment with Edge and Christian was gold! I honestly hope they go all the way to the top with this team. Have one of them luck into a Rumble victory and headline Mania, or maybe use Money In The Bank next year.

Overall: Best is Dudleyz/New Day
Worst is Sting/Seth Rollins
While the Rusev / Rea vs Ziggler / Lana plot does have severe problems, it is at the very least interesting to the WWeU.

As such, Seamus wins the worst storyline for me at the moment. Is Rollins having to face the torchbearer of the WWe and the franchise of WCW not sufficient rather than rehashing the MitB shtick again. It also doesn't help that he is coming in with zero heat after his umpteenth feud with Orton that he didn't even exit conclusively!

An honorable mention goes to Big Show who also is suffering from terrible booking and crowd reactions illustrate this perfectly.

On the best storyline - yes, New Day are entertaining and the Duds are returning with great momentum... but, it is predominantly a comedy storyline with three comedy characters.

My favorite plotline IS the Sting challenge. Since his return he has out-thought and manipulated the Architect, the Billion Dollar Princess AND the Cerebral Assassin. Plus, the addition of Cena has added a new dimension in creating the possibility that Rollins could receive the rub of rubs against two (to use the cliche) first ballot future Hall of Famers. I don't believe that dubbing Seth with Slic Ric's old moniker is at all coincidental in bringing out the Stinger. Neither do I believe that Sting getting his shot at what was a WCW event is coincidental.

Sting vs Seth Rollins to see if the Stinger can be the first (and likely only) WCW original to have held the WCW and WWe Undisputed World Championships. John Cena vs Seth Rollins. Rollins vs two legends in one night with gold on the line both times. These are things that the WWe expects people to spend their hard earned cash on. With all due respect to the New Day vs the Dudleys, we could see this match repeated on SmackDown in the coming weeks.
Sting has been poorly booked in the Sting vs Rollins storyline

I'd say Sheamus has been badly booked, he is supposedly going to be World Champion at some point in the near future, they have done nothing to solidify his deserving of that opportunity nor is he over enough to be a world champion.

Nothing has really been done with Cesaro after a promising moments here and there, he has no match at NOC (unless he is Reigns / Ambrose tag partner)

Ziggler vs Rusev has been absolutely awful and if it was a vehicle for Lana it serves even less purpose now

The main roster divas matches and storylines have been dreadful. Divas revolution my ass.

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