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The Bellas = Laycool?


Beating the odds since 1993
With Laycool breaking apart, i think that the bellas are going to take their spot, they have alot of similarities:
They interfers in the others matches

They have a best friend thing going on

They have the divas title, not together like laycool.

Those are a few off the top of my head, i think that if they stay together, they have the potential to become greater than laycool. They can legitimately win matches for titles by using "twin magic", they are both equally talented unlike Lalcool, and they have much better voices on the mic than Laycool. This is my opinion, what are yours?
No, I don't think they are equal. One of them can wrestle and the other three need work in the ring. Two of them are twins and really that's all they've got going on right now.
The other one has made a lot of improvement and may come to be the best of the bunch.
I'm growing to dislike the use of the equals sign as a form of speech.
You are saying yourself that they aren't equal and you prefer one to the other.
How is cheating ("twin magic") a legit victory?
Saying the Bellas are equally talented is true, they both need help.
With Laycool breaking apart, i think that the bellas are going to take their spot, they have alot of similarities:
They interfers in the others matches

They have a best friend thing going on

They have the divas title, not together like laycool.

Those are a few off the top of my head, i think that if they stay together, they have the potential to become greater than laycool. They can legitimately win matches for titles by using "twin magic", they are both equally talented unlike Lalcool, and they have much better voices on the mic than Laycool. This is my opinion, what are yours?

?? Untalented maybe. The Bellas are great to look at don't get me wrong but they're not good in the ring. Shove them on someone as valets and let them do what they did with the guest host where they just hung off their arms all shows. Please don't subject me to them in the ring.

Theres no need to just straight away have another Laycool in my opinion. They did what was asked of them really well but it was getting stale. The next diva 'group' should be them all ganging up to try and take on Kong a few months down the line.
The problem i have with the Bellas is that they have now been caught so many times using "twin magic" and the referees dont do anything about it. It makes the referees look rediculous!!

Yes they have potential, but they have a huge amount of work to do to make it to Laycools level. The other thing Laycool have over the Bellas is that Layla was able to learn from Michelle McCool in order to improve herself, which she undoubtably has. I think thats why Layla was paired with McCool in the first place, they saw potential and put her with a much better, much more experienced worker and it really paid dividends for Layla. The Bellas are pretty much equal in talent, although Nikki does seem slightly better in ring, but its barely noticable. So who improves who out of this partnership?
I completely disagree there is nothing talented about the bella twins their moveset is very basic and bring nothing to the divas title. Laycool is way more talented than the bellas and at least they get decent heat, with laycool you had layla who was the best in the mic and michelle is better in the ring definitely better than the bellas. Yes i will admit i got bored with the mean girls/valley girls gimmick they portrayed but out of their union you had some controversial moments with the piggie james storyline, splittling the title and the co-champs stuff. The bella twins are the least credible champs since the titles inception they spent the last yr escorting guest host so they didnt deserve to be in contention for a shot. And their mic skills are just so so. In my opinion the wwe are just trying to create a carbon copy of laycool by using the bellas.
As garbage as LayCool is, they're still a million times better than the Bellas. At least LayCool could work the mic. The Bells have no acting ability, no mic ability, no ring ability. Personally, I say keep them all out of the spotlight until someone comes along that could force an interesting feud out of them. But if I have to choose, LayCool it is.
lol. Becoming "greater" than Laycool isn't a big deal since Laycool isn't remotely great. All of the divas are going to play second fiddle soon to Kong (or Kharma) soon when she comes in and destroys all of them.

So it doesn't really matter.
I completely disagree there is nothing talented about the bella twins their moveset is very basic and bring nothing to the divas title. Laycool is way more talented than the bellas and at least they get decent heat, with laycool you had layla who was the best in the mic and michelle is better in the ring definitely better than the bellas. Yes i will admit i got bored with the mean girls/valley girls gimmick they portrayed but out of their union you had some controversial moments with the piggie james storyline, splittling the title and the co-champs stuff. The bella twins are the least credible champs since the titles inception they spent the last yr escorting guest host so they didnt deserve to be in contention for a shot. And their mic skills are just so so. In my opinion the wwe are just trying to create a carbon copy of laycool by using the bellas.

In a couple of ways you left me simply saying......"Huh??" and the rest seemed like babble in between.

* You disagree that there is nothing talented about the Bella Twins then go on to say their moves are basic and bring nothing to the table. Wow. Way to support your statement that there is nothing talented about them.

* You say the Bella Twins are credible champs. They cheat to win. How is that credible? Hulk Hogan was credible. Ric Flair WAS credible. Dusty Rhodes was credible. There is nothing credible about the Bellas other than being cheap eye candy.

* You say Bella are credible yet Laycool was better on the mic AND in the ring.
I honestly don't see any similarities between LayCool and The Bella Twins. LayCool can actually wrestle, and while they did pick on people in mean ways, they were pretty entertaining, and the Bellas are bland, and they can't wrestle. The Bellas winning the title was probably just setting up Kharma coming in and taking them out, I don't think their title reign or their reign as "top of the Divas division" will last long, whereas LayCool's lasted what seemed like forever!
Nah, I see the similarities, but there are a few key differences. For one thing, Michelle is pretty talented in the ring, and Layla has improved immensely. Both Layla and Michelle are also much better than either Bella on the mic.

Additionally, while Michelle and Layla both started out as clear cut heels with their Piggy James angle, but they quickly became sort of comedic tweeners, especially when they started on NXT and working with Kaval and Smackdown. Since then, they've walked the line, mostly leaning towards the heels side, but this new therapy thing they're doing screams face. Michelle will still be heel, but Layla will turn face from it. Whether or not they break up remains to be seen.

The final difference is that LayCool was actually interesting for a while, there were times I was genuinely excited to see them. I have no interest in seeing the Bellas.
In a couple of ways you left me simply saying......"Huh??" and the rest seemed like babble in between.

* You disagree that there is nothing talented about the Bella Twins then go on to say their moves are basic and bring nothing to the table. Wow. Way to support your statement that there is nothing talented about them.

* You say the Bella Twins are credible champs. They cheat to win. How is that credible? Hulk Hogan was credible. Ric Flair WAS credible. Dusty Rhodes was credible. There is nothing credible about the Bellas other than being cheap eye candy.

* You say Bella are credible yet Laycool was better on the mic AND in the ring.

Perhaps I wasnt clear or maybe you just cant read but in either case. I said they were THE LEAST CREDIBLE meaning they bring little to no credibility to the title or division. I never said they were credible. And when I say there is nothing talented about them I mean that in a way that is relative to todays "diva".

Yes they are very basic in the ring how many times have you seen a match with the bellas that just makes you say OH MY that was amazing? I'll answer and say never.

It was clear that you either did not read my post or misinterpreted it either way nothing I said was in support of the Bellas I simply compared them to laycool and pointed out where they lacked and laycool did not.
I Would've like to have seen them begin as heels. The Bellas had everything that could've turned them into great heels in the divia divisions from the Switch-A-Roo to the Entrance Music. All and All I am in a good mood that the Bellas have been given a bone to run with now and not fade into the night and forgotten.

Outside of Laycool its been a long time since I cared about a Diva/Divas.
It sucks that WWE give the titles to two talentless wannabe Diva's like The Bella Twins. None of them can wrestle, none of them have done anything to deserve it and while Diva's like Natalya, Eve etc where working their asses off where was the Bella Twins? Busy trying to make guest hosts look better? These two honestley suck and it's a slap in the face to Diva's like Trish and Lita who can wrestle to give it to them, I hope Kong squashes them.
The Bellas are already better than Layla on the mic and with some training they could be better than her in the ring. They have a long way to go to catch up to Michelle though. I do agree that they could be a better heel team than Laycool though because they could cut heel promos and then swap places during matches to keep the belt with them. This would not change if one gets drafted to Smackdown, as long as one of them holds the Divas Championship then they can jump brands. I don't think they will ever be better than Michelle McCool on the mic or in the ring, but as a team they could be much better than the incredibly annoying Laycool team.
I just don't see this. The Bellas are hot twins, but I don't think they bring anything special to the table. They're not good talkers, their in ring work is mediocre at best, the Twin Magic switch trick can become tiresome after a while, and I don't see any charisma in these two.

Layla and Michelle were awesome as a duo. They executed the "Flawless" gimmick to perfection, and they were able to have a dominant run as a team. When I look at The Bellas, I just see two highly attractive twins. They can be great eye candy, but nothing else about them excites me.
Wow, people are really tough on these girls. I'll be the first to admit they aren't remarkable but most of the roster is less than great. Add to that they seldom see any real time on shows or ppvs. The whole diva roster needs some work. LayCool weren't great individually but together they did create a great female duo and Layla improved immensely. I think the Bellas can improve and hopefully WWE creative will come up with something that'll help their heel persona grab the audience's attention.
The Bellas have been there for 3 years and they still stink in the ring and on the mic, so give up on all that "they can be trained" talk. What sank the women's division in the first place was the belief that any woman (read: hottie model types) could be trained to become a wrestler. After all, Trish Stratus was a model, and look how she turned out (sarcasm).

Lay-Cool were entertaining on the mic, Michelle can actually wrestle and Layla has improved. The Bellas only asset is that they're hot twins. They can't talk, they can't wrestle and are considered by many to have been "the last straw" that caused Victoria to leave WWE in 2009.
Layla has improved. The Bellas only asset is that they're hot twins. QUOTE]

See Layla had time to improve, in the ring and on the mike. An interesting storyline was created for LayCool. Trish wasn't the go to diva, it was Lita and then Trish worked her ass off to improve and stepped in after Lita was injured and had some interesting storylines created for her. The only thing the Bellas have had is their thing with Bryan and Kim. I agree the Bellas need work but I think they can become better in a shit divas divison.
The Bellas aren't half as annoying as laycool.

Laycool was a blatant ripoff of the beautiful people.

Don't compare the Bellas to two hacks in Laycool brother
The Bellas are already better than Layla on the mic and with some training they could be better than her in the ring.

I would like to respectfully disagree. I think Layla on the mic is actually very good for what her gimmick is. The Bellas aren't anything special on the mic they just talk. Layla does the same. She may be annoying when she does put this is the point of her sassy, yet stupid, gimmick. I agree with the in ring part though.

They have a long way to go to catch up to Michelle though.

I would like to say this is one hundred percent truth. McCool may be the best overall diva in the WWE. She is good in the ring, good to look at, and good on the mic.

I do agree that they could be a better heel team than Laycool though because they could cut heel promos and then swap places during matches to keep the belt with them.

I disagree partially with this statement. Laycool was recieveing massive heat when paired with Guerrero so I say it depends. If it were just LayCool I say it's possible, however since Guerrero has been a part of Laycool I'm not sure this is true.

This would not change if one gets drafted to Smackdown, as long as one of them holds the Divas Championship then they can jump brands.

Agreed, however I don't know if this was just a blunder on Raw but I think Nikki said the title was Raw exclusive. I think her statement is off but you never know.

I don't think they will ever be better than Michelle McCool on the mic or in the ring, but as a team they could be much better than the incredibly annoying Laycool team.

Once again it is a possiblity. However I think Laycool being annoying is exactly what they were trying to do so for that reason I think mine and your opionon on the standard of Laycool is different.
This thread makes me angry.

The Bellas are garbage. They're shit in the ring, absolute vacuums on the mic, and incapable of showing any emotion. LayCool were entertaining, had characters, and made the divas division interesting for the first time in ages. They also had some quite good matches, like their tables match with Beth Phoenix and Natalya at TLC.

To see some people claiming The fucking Bellas are anywhere as close to being as talented as Layla or Michelle McCool are on the mic or in the ring makes me shake my head in disbelief. The Bellas cannot speak. They always look and sound bored, and the crowd responds appropriately. LayCool may have gotten annoying near the end of their run, but at least they made people feel.

No. The Bellas are not equal to LayCool, because LayCool were actually entertaining.

PS: LayCool may have started as a "ripoff" of The Beautiful People, but their character development made them different, with their only similarity being that they were a multiple woman group.
the issue is that layla and michelle already have heat on them, they break up the 2 are done for. the bellas would be good as a heel tag team and twin magic just helps them even more, the bella twins will make a fine heel team and the title belt will be hard to get from them.

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