The Bash: ECW Championship Scramble


Mid-Card Championship Winner

If I recall correctly, ECW had a pretty good scramble match at Unforgiven last year, so seeing that brand represent like that in the opening contest again should be fun. I do think Dreamer's reign comes to an end here. He has two very poised and deserving contenders in Christian and Swagger still floating around the main event scene and picking up wins, so them spoiling Tommy's feel good moment could be almost certain And I certainly wouldn't mind the most underrated big man ever, Mark Henry, getting another crack at being the top guy on Tuesday Nights. Finlay is good, but I don't see him as championship material and neither does the WWE if I'm reading the situation right. So I'd say he's in there just be a ring general and possibly goes the whole twenty minutes.

This match, and the storyline in general, looks pretty good to me. This is one of the very few times I hope the Champ retains, but if Tommy were to drop it now, I would actually like to see Finlay leave the Bash as the # 3 Champion.
I like this, I'm glad Mark Henry's back in the title picture. I've always said, he should have big show's spot. It'd be cool if Dreamer can ride the nostalgia too Summerslam, and lose the title one on one too Swagger or Christian.
My question is, why isnt Evan Bourne in this match?

He has been getting alot of time on ECW recently with his feud with Mark Henry and it just doensnt make any sense to have Henry in this match without Bourne.

Not that he would win or anything, but he can put in a few good spots with some high flying moves, also 6 people in the match would be better than 5 anyway.
With Unforgiven being turned into Breaking Point it's nice to see that Scramble Matches won't disappear. They are a mess but they're a fun little mess as long as there are talented wrestlers involved. While I would have liked to see Tyson Kidd or Evan Bourne involved instead of say Mark Henry involved at least we didn't get Vladimir Kozlov. It's also good to see a non-silly, non-Hornswoggle Finlay on PPV.

I just hope that if a new champion is crowned they at least pin Dreamer at some point during the match. If they don't pin Dreamer then I'd like to see a one-on-one rematch at "Night of Champions" much in the way that Matt Hardy didn't pin Mark Henry to win the ECW title last year so instead he beat him cleanly one-on-one at No Mercy.
If you have to have a gimmick match to have anyone give a crap about your title then it doesn't mean much, and that's the only time the ECW title match strikes my interest, and I'm sure I'm not alone in this. It's the "C" show so no matter what kind of match they have it won't affect whether I buy the PPV or not.
This match should have been: Tommy Dreamer vs. Christian vs. Jack Swagger vs. Evan Bourne vs. Tyson Kidd. Henry and Finlay are inferior in every way to Bourne and Kidd, who would ONLY improve this match. Maybe since its ecw they could have like an Extreme Scramble Match with an emphasis on weapons or a Tables Scramble Match, where instead of pinning or submitting people to become the interim champion you put someone through a table. That would be insane and would be a excuse to break tables left, right and center. I don't know, i'm just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks, but i do believe that the tables scramble idea would add some interest to a ppv desperately needing some.
It's also good to see a non-silly, non-Hornswoggle Finlay on PPV.

Speaking of "Non - Silly" Finlay, they, meaning whoever is in charge of this, needs to change Finlay's entrance music back to "Pre - Horny". I didn’t want to start a new thread on this, but I had to get it out there. After the beat downs he handed out, it was kind of disturbing to hear Horny’s entrance. I thought for a second Hornswoggle was about to come out or something.
This match should have been: Tommy Dreamer vs. Christian vs. Jack Swagger vs. Evan Bourne vs. Tyson Kidd. Henry and Finlay are inferior in every way to Bourne and Kidd, who would ONLY improve this match.

I'm not disagreeing with you but they would but one half of a just formed tag team in a championship match. Just not happening. Evan Bourne should be in, but he has only been back on tv for a couple of weeks. Fact is this will be the match most people take their bathroom break during.
Dreamer's gonna drop it either here, or the tuesday after that, he did WIN it? so the fact he probably gonna retire next year anyway, i see Swagger coming on top here
As much as I hate to say it, this is probably their way of getting the belt off Tommy without him actually having to lose it. They will probably have Finlay or Mark Henry take the pin, with either Christian or Swagger winning. The best way to do it would be to have Dreamer not get pinned at all, a la Henry last time, to keep a claim on the belt and keep him in the title picture.
Blah blah blah. A match that has a humongous out for Dreamer. He can drop the belt and no one will think him any the weaker. It would seem, oh I don't know, sudden and abrupt, but this can move the feud along to Dreamer seeking revenge for his lost championship and all that jazz.

I do believe the make up for this match is perfect. Kidd and the rest of the Hart Foundation have no place close to a championship match this soon. Bourne's been back how long? 2 weeks? He's not Triple H people.

Henry will probably pin someone then take the final pin, to add a "Oh no, who's gonna pin the monster?" story to the match. I would say Dreamer doesn't take the pin, but knowing Dreamer it can go either way. Finlay will do what he does, hit people hard and never get a pin. I wanna call a Swagger win, to launch into another few months of Dreamer being mad at Swagger, with Christian showing up every now and again.
[QUOTE="Lionheart" Thrill Jericho;1139606]As much as I hate to say it, this is probably their way of getting the belt off Tommy without him actually having to lose it. They will probably have Finlay or Mark Henry take the pin, with either Christian or Swagger winning. The best way to do it would be to have Dreamer not get pinned at all, a la Henry last time, to keep a claim on the belt and keep him in the title picture.[/QUOTE]

why isnt koslov in this match even if they dont want him to win the tittle YET he is still a bigger draw than FIT FINLAY

AND WHY DOES koslov only get squash matches he is great in the ring!!!
why isnt koslov in thismatch he is the best wrestler on ecw cant speak a lick but he can wrestle wit anyone gey him out of these squash matches and give the mad russian some comp
If you have to have a gimmick match to have anyone give a crap about your title then it doesn't mean much, and that's the only time the ECW title match strikes my interest, and I'm sure I'm not alone in this. It's the "C" show so no matter what kind of match they have it won't affect whether I buy the PPV or not.

I actually think you are fairly alone in your opinion. ECW title matches usually don't influence my decision to purchase a PPV or not but ECW has quietly been having great title matches. So far this year the Hardy/Swagger and Christian/Swagger feuds have been producing absolutely fantastic results.

The ECW title might not be the most valuable piece of hardware in the world but the title matches that surround it are very, VERY good.
You got some what of a point Black Snow. Even though my view of the belt is far from the World Title it used to be, ECW has actually been having some good bouts over their belt. The problem is Vince/WWE for some reason refuse to put a nut hair amount of focus on the belt. The rarely highlight it or hype their title bouts unless your watching ECW. ECW has pretty good talent at the moment but WWE will never put the littlest amount of spotlight on that show. But yeah this should actually be a pretty entertaining match but the fact that ECW is rarely talked about or even recognized on other shows puts this match definitely as an opener with probably not many people knowing about this match until they watch the PPV.

I actually think Dreamer is going to retain here. And if he doesn't it's not going to make that big of a difference. WWE has spent years burying Dreamer so if he takes all the pins in the match and loses the belt so soon it's actually going to be expected. Based on most of the posts here people are pretty much garunteeing a Dreamer loss. Even though Dreamer deserves it, it wasn't a smart move putting the title on him because he doesn't exactly look like a credible champion based on his frequent jobbing status. Dreamer has to my knowledge been beaten by everybody in this match probably more than once so if he loses the belt here it might be good for ECW to have a stronger looking champion to book and maybe get the brand more notice.

I wouldn't mind Finlay coming out the champ as for some reason a Dreamer/Finlay fued intrigues me especially if they put a Belfast Brawl or Extreme Rules gimmick to their match at NOC or Summerslam. But Finlay desperate needs his I love to fight music back. To me honestly the best people for this match are in. Koslov or Kovloz however you spell it should have gotten his walking papers a while ago, Bourne is being built up properly and I don't think they want to catapult him yet, and Tyson Kidd is part of an upstart tag team that I think in time if WWE doesn't screw it up can run the tag division until it is necessary to put them down the singles path.
I think Dreamer wins it. It will come at the very last minute, probably pinning Swagger. They can't really kill him off this quickly can they? Jesus give him a little bit of time with the belt. Whatever the outcome is, should be entertaining. Btw, what possible reason would you give Kidd to be in this match? He would have no business anywhere near a singles belt yet.
Seems like a lot of people are thinking that this is the WWE's way of taking the belt off Dreamer without him being pinned. Why's that? WWE has nothing to fear with Dreamer being pinned. Its not like he has to save credibility because he'll be a main event guy in the future or something. Dreamer is a jobber who loses 99.9% of his matches, and was awarded the ECW title in a non-kayfabe sense due to his efforts. If you think he's going to be booked as a legit champion who is going places in the future, sorry to bring the news to you, but you're going to feel let down.

What I don't get is why Henry and Finlay are in this. What have they done that deserve a title shot? Henry's been on a losing streak for the most part, and Finlay's been absent, and was losing before that. To me, it would have made much more sense to have Evan Bourne and Tyson Kidd, or at least Bourne and Henry to keep up their little feud. Finlay has no place being here.

My guess is, Henry is pinned by Dreamer after he's hit in the head with the shillelagh and given a DDT.
It's it good to see that the wwe is continuing the wwe scramble matches because they were great last year at unforgiven. I would actually like to see a new ppv devoted to the scrambles. As for the winner of this match, I think finlay might win as I can not see swagger or henry winning. Christian had the title recently and because finlay has turned heel, it would be fitting. I would like to see Dreamer retain but I don't think its going to happen.
dude, fucking SWEEEEET. The Scramble matches are pretty fuckin cool IMO, and im glad they are just randomly throwing it on a card like its just another gimmick match. I dig that. Dig it a lot. I am really really unsure as to who will win, and how, bit I think itll be awesome either way. Ill be marking out for Jack Swagger, of course. Id say everyone has pretty much an equal chance here. Should be good times
Complicated match type but I love it, good to see its been brought back, I hope we see more of the Scramble matches for SD and Raw throught the year. I really dont know why but I see Finlay, not anytime soon, but at some point winning the ECW Title. He's made a legit claim to it since Swagger won and I feel he's been used properly. me personally I've stopped caring about the whole this isnt ECW anymore, I've learned to accept it and enjoy ECW whenever I watch it. Just hope that more feuds are pushed for ECW. Evan could feud with the Hart Dynasty after his feud with Mark Henry which I think has been done properly given that they havent made Evan look to be a Rey type of guy who beat Kane every damn time. I dont really have any complaints about the challengers, Christian Swagger and Henry all former ECW Champs, Finlay has done his best to keep in main event hope it pays off
What interests me is that every person in this match save one is a former ECW champion. Bobby Lashley is the only person who has been WWECW champ twice. I think they're really trying to add legitimacy to ECW. ECW was always pretty good, but recently it has been fantastic.

I'm seeing a Dreamer retain or a Finlay win, to go with his apparent heel turn. The others would be good, though. They're really doing a lot to make the ECW Title seem really important, what with Edge putting Christian over as a world champion at Backlash, people wanting to regain it, and great storylines.
This is a really interesing match. Not sure who is going to win it, probably Dreamer though. It'll be him barely holding on to the title he loves so much. If he does lose, he should be pinned to give someone else a rub, hopefully Swagger.

As for the match itself, Swagger and Chrsitian should start off, they work great together. Finlay is boring in the ring, Henry is decent, and Dreamer sucks unless it is a hardcore match. At least this will be unpredictable and should be somewhat entertaining.
Great line up, which will actually cater to all my needs;

Dreamer will fulfill the part of me that wants ECW career jobbers to do well in a promotion (see Stevie Richards)

Christian will give the 14 year old mark side of me something to 'peep' out to

Swagger wrestled my favourite match of the year against John Cena, so I know full well he can hold it.

Henry I feel is clinging on with dear life, this is a chance for him to turn it round.

Finlay I am glad is in this, I'm also glad he's ditched hornswoggle, we're going to see the man who loves to fight once again.

All round this match should show people who neglect ECW that this brand has some talent, and when you consider the likes of Bourne, Kidd, Smith, Helms and dare I say Koslov are missing from's a good advertisement for the brand.
I honestly think Dreamer is going to hold on to it. I think they'd let Dreamer hold it to help push Finlay as a heel more with the crowd. I agree with General, I see Dreamer barely walking out with the title, probably a quick roll-up on Christian or Swagger.

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