The Authority: Should it get new members?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Whether you like the Authority Angle or not, I think they seriously need to recruit new or different people. Right now, I feel like it's comprised too much of the old guard. I'm a fan of the Big Show and I do respect Kane as a performer, even if Kane the character is dead in the water. But outside of them and Rollins, the group seems kind of flimsy. The reliance on Kane is especially bizarre considering how much he tends to lose. So when Triple H announced the 'Bryan Vs Kane' match on the next RAW, I'm like: "How is this a threat? Bryan has beaten him in every encounter."

I feel the Authority should do one of three things.

1) Become smaller. I do worry this will only reinforce the Rollins-Orton comparisons, but I did like how during late 2013/early 2014, the Authority was less of a stable than it is now. It was really only based around Orton and they'd give friendly wrestlers positions of power.

2) Become bigger. I kind of liked what they did against the Shield where they pretty much recruited every heel on a part time basis. To me, this would raise the stakes, as their Survivor Series team was doomed to fail. But imagine if these handful of good guys had to take on the entire back-room. That would be an awesome abuse of power and the lack of doing this during Survivor Series was confusing. So I think it would be cool if they got pretty much every heel on their side consistently. Don't make it a stable, make it an alignment.

3) Either ditch Kane or the Big Show. In my opinion, Show should've been like Rusev and gone on to do his own thing as a bad guy. He's an unnecessary addition to the Authority, as they already have one older big man. Kane can be argued as an asset because he is one of the only people who seems to put the Authority above his own ego, whereas Big Show has been shown to be unreliable. With Kane, I wouldn't mind him turning face and teaming with Orton. Actually, I think Kane should become more of a tag team competitor anyway. Either way, replace one with either Cesaro or Barrett. Even Harper would be a more ideal choice.

I would also kind of like to see someone like Heyman rob the Authority of their power. Stepth and Triple H are excellent heels and fit their roles well, but I think they've gotten a little stale. If Heyman or even Vince took over, it would be something new. I also kind of like the idea of a new Evolution with Triple H, Rollins and someone else.

So those are just my musings. Do you agree? What are your ideas? Do you think the Authority is fine the way it is?
The reason the Authority angle is stale isn't because of who is part of it, it's because it's been done to death and a lot of fans are sick of it.

To become smaller who would they cut. You need Steph and HHH together they are the ultimate power couple. Rollins is their golden boy, and he has to have his security team, if you can call them that. Corporate Kane is the muscle and the one who does their bidding when they aren't around. So the only person they could get rid of is Big Show. He isn't needed and I have no idea how he's so involved with them. He's untrustworthy, but he's also the one who will take the fall if they do down. Show reminds me of Guy number 7 in the old Star Trek shows. You know the guy who gets beamed down to the planet with the captain and Spock. You just know for sure that guy isn't getting beamed back up.

To make them bigger would be stupid, they don't need to be bigger. If they need reinforcements, they'll just rent out the heels from the locker room, like they did during the Lumberjack match with Rollins. Any more permanent members and you have to have a story line for them, and that might take away from something else.

Quite honestly when it comes to Heyman, I don't want to see him rob anyone of their power. He's just not that important, and when a manager becomes that important it's time to tune out. It should be the talent that's important not the mouthpiece.

It's time to get rid of the Authority as they are, and put someone else in their place. Someone like Teddy Long, but not actually Teddy Long. A person who won't put up with shit from the heels or the faces and will call it right down the middle. I don't think they have anyone who can do that right now, so it's a wait and see situation.
Show reminds me of Guy number 7 in the old Star Trek shows. You know the guy who gets beamed down to the planet with the captain and Spock. You just know for sure that guy isn't getting beamed back up.

Big Show is the ultimate "guy in the red shirt" that gets whacked in the first five minute.
Knowing the "E" they will pull the swerve and have ambrose join after beating the hell outta someone with a steel chair in the main event at wrestlemania lol or picture this Daniel Bryan in a suit and a shaved face lol

Honestly I dont hate the Authority angle because Im a big trips fan but i think the should deff lose big show and kane maybe add some new younger enforcers like maybe the ascension repackaged (not as LOD 2015)... just dont do anything i mentioned up top lol
Well, as far as the make-up of the group, they're probably already where they need to be.

Triple H and Stephanie are the kingpins, with Kane and Big Show there to protect them, something that hasn't really yet come into play since no one is physically threatening the Levesques. Of course, the folly of someone doing that is that Trips himself is quite capable to defending himself and his wife, in addition to the physical punishment administered by Show and Kane.

Big Show is strictly a bodyguard; he doesn't make policy or add anything but muscle, but that's a necessary part of a group such as this. After all, this isn't NWO, where almost everyone was a fighter; the Authority needs a person or two to deal when someone decides to cross the boss.....and they already do.

Kane, despite the criticism that abounds, is an interesting character in that he bridges the gap between administrator and enforcer. Folks complain he's become a virtual jobber, but in his present position, I prefer to see him as an enhancement talent.....he doesn't need to win matches anymore, but that he can deliver edicts with his mouth and punishment with his fists makes him unique....and I think he's effective in the, at this stage of his career, I would think he's enjoying himself. (Wouldn't mind seeing him wear a shirt when he wrestles, though).

Mercury and Noble? They're gnats; so far, they haven't been called on to physically protect the Levesques', although that could wind up happening. At present, they've been assigned to back up Seth Rollins, helping boost him higher in the organization than he rightfully should be (kayfabe). They're doing a good job.

New member for the Authority? I would think not; the contingent they're coming with now seems just right.
I like the idea of Kane turning face. I had expected him to do it back when he was forced to become concessions Kane. He would surely go back to being the demon Kane, and the demon version of Kane, who knows the inner workings of the Authority could be presented as a great enemy. He could do all types of scary mind games and attacks out of nowhere.
I think the idea of getting some new members of the Authority is a good starting place. first someone mentioned getting rid of kane and the big show. already have a replacement for kane in Luke Harper so that is one easy fix then I think moving the big show out in favor of a guy like Wade Barrett is probably the next step because He is a guy who can be another mouth piece for the group while they still maintain focus on Seth Rollins. Next J and J security have to go because I think this is Triple H's opportunity to take two new guys The Ascension under his wing and wipe the stupid forehead paint off of them put them in suits and have them actually bring some new life into the tag team division instead of fighting local jobbers every week. By putting them with Rollins you kind of muzzle them on the mic for awhile and let Seth talk them up so they can first concentrate on how to be a dominant tag team without embarrassing themselves week after week with squash matches while proclaiming they are better than the road warriors. It's just what I was thinking that might be a way for the Authority to remain interesting rather than remain stale and boring....
You cant really cut anyone out, because everyone is needed, unless you replaced them with someone else. Navi, broke it down a lot. You can't cut out 'H or Steph. J&J are Rollins security and Kane is the muscle. The Big show and Luke Harper are associated with them, but I don't count them as part of the Authority.
What I would like to see happen is for The Ascension to join The Authority that way, wwe can take out J&J (Security) and Kane( the Muscle) and The Ascension would opperate as both the Security and Muscle for The Authoriry. This would open a couple of options with The Ascension. wwe could go down a "darker" road and have Kane be the DOO, and manager of The Ascension or you could have Kane turn face and feud with The Ascension, eventually teaming up with a new turned face Big Show, giving The Ascension dominant victories over an "established" team and former tag team champions.
I think the authority is perfect where they're at right now. When the NWO first came about,it was perfect. Then we all know what happened,everyone and their mom joined the group and it just became ridiculous.

I get the fact that some folks don't like the authority. This power angle has been done to death but they way they're going about it,works. The ultimate power couple Steph and Trips. They need the golden boy in Rollins,the muscle in Kane.

Its true the Big show is the Odd Man out though if they were to shrink. Show is untrustworthy flip flops more than brett favre retiring. Kane is absolutely perfect where he is at right now. Really not wrestling more of the monster corporate suck-up. And what group would be complete,without two slimy little mall cops?
I don't think after all this time, that it makes sense to replace current Authority members with new ones. Rather, leave it as it is, with the Authority hiring other heels as they did during the lumberjack match on RAW when they need 'extra help'.

What needs to be done, is that the angle takes a new direction where the faces begin to stand upto the Authority in unison, rather than waiting for that one fine night in April where Sting will return and give the full-time 'babyface chumps' a boost and then they will form an alliance.

Atm, every show is the Authority punishing the babyfaces in isolation, and nothing much else. That was the same as before and to be frank, it takes away all interest from the show.

It is time to write the returning Authority in the defensive, with the babyfaces in ascension going into Mania, where the entire Authority angle is put to rest for the final time.
The Authority...lets see... J&J security, a washed up Kane, a washed up HHH, Stephanie McMahon looking like a guy lately.... and a guy being shoved down our throats in Rollins who is decent but worked much better as the Shield (like the Wyatt Family)....they need to blow it think it's lame as hell. Means nothing....
What needs to be done, is that the angle takes a new direction where the faces begin to stand upto the Authority in unison, rather than waiting for that one fine night in April where Sting will return and give the full-time 'babyface chumps' a boost and then they will form an alliance.

Now see this is it and I have no idea why it hasn't happened yet.

It worked last year when Daniel Bryan wasn't in the Rumble. Remember the fans booing everyone out the building, taking over RAW and basically telling the WWE to take their angle and shove it. That resulted in a change of the main event at Mania. Now there is a notion that it was meant to happen that way to put Bryan over, but he didn't really need it did he. They fans got behind him in a huge way. So big in fact that even being out for 9 months he still gets the biggest pop of the night lately.

Reigns, Ambrose (both of whom have a bone to pick with Rollins), Ziggler, Ryback and the rest of the faces should just start flexing their muscles. Will the Authority try to punish them for it, of course, but the faces can start pushing back. For too long now HHH and Steph have been getting their own way, it's time for some payback.

The crowd would love it, and get involved with the program. Right now it's too one sided and it's been that way for a long time. It's now that the balance of power has to start balancing out before we have a repeat of last year.
Now see this is it and I have no idea why it hasn't happened yet.

It worked last year when Daniel Bryan wasn't in the Rumble. Remember the fans booing everyone out the building, taking over RAW and basically telling the WWE to take their angle and shove it. That resulted in a change of the main event at Mania. Now there is a notion that it was meant to happen that way to put Bryan over, but he didn't really need it did he. They fans got behind him in a huge way. So big in fact that even being out for 9 months he still gets the biggest pop of the night lately.

Reigns, Ambrose (both of whom have a bone to pick with Rollins), Ziggler, Ryback and the rest of the faces should just start flexing their muscles. Will the Authority try to punish them for it, of course, but the faces can start pushing back. For too long now HHH and Steph have been getting their own way, it's time for some payback.

The crowd would love it, and get involved with the program. Right now it's too one sided and it's been that way for a long time. It's now that the balance of power has to start balancing out before we have a repeat of last year.

Ideally, as we agree, the babyfaces starting to push back and trying to put the Authority in a spin should be the direction of the "Authority Returns" angle.

However, the writers/Vince/etc... don't seem to realise how to get their fans invested in the product. They think that HHH and Steph with half-hour promos at the beginning of the show and another half-hour spread over the rest of RAW plus the Authority always standing tall and not looking vulnerable is what interests the fans. :banghead:

Actually, I've enjoyed SmackDown! for the past 2 weeks, whatwith Ambreigns becoming worthy obstacles in the face of the Authority and now the return to the ring of Daniel Bryan... RAW? pfft. Waste of time. Same shit every week and it hasn't changed, which is turning away many fans of the show.
Same with regards to SD. I thought it was a good show on Thursday night, not overly fond of the new commentator but we'll see how he pans out. The fact that Cole had to hand him colour because he missed it. Say what you like about JBL but there is no way he'd have sat on his hands like this guy did.

And Trips did an epic Authority bit, come in, 20 seconds, lay down the law and leave. THAT'S ALL HE EVER NEEDS TO DO. Enough of the 30 minute Authority segments on Raw, we get it, you run the show. Thank god I record the show and watch it after work, skip skip skip, ahhhh here we go, something I haven't seen every week for the past year(with the exception of a short holiday over Christmas).

And seriously, how poor was the reintroduction? SOOOO badly done by creative, it could have set up for an epic storyline for the next year and they shortchanged everything. Think about all the aimless wrestlers at the moment with no feud or a piss poor one based on nothing, one storyline and you could have had half the roster involved in it, in offshoots from it, waste waste waste.
Whether you like the Authority Angle or not, I think they seriously need to recruit new or different people. Right now, I feel like it's comprised too much of the old guard. I'm a fan of the Big Show and I do respect Kane as a performer, even if Kane the character is dead in the water. But outside of them and Rollins, the group seems kind of flimsy. The reliance on Kane is especially bizarre considering how much he tends to lose. So when Triple H announced the 'Bryan Vs Kane' match on the next RAW, I'm like: "How is this a threat? Bryan has beaten him in every encounter."

I feel the Authority should do one of three things.

1) Become smaller. I do worry this will only reinforce the Rollins-Orton comparisons, but I did like how during late 2013/early 2014, the Authority was less of a stable than it is now. It was really only based around Orton and they'd give friendly wrestlers positions of power.

2) Become bigger. I kind of liked what they did against the Shield where they pretty much recruited every heel on a part time basis. To me, this would raise the stakes, as their Survivor Series team was doomed to fail. But imagine if these handful of good guys had to take on the entire back-room. That would be an awesome abuse of power and the lack of doing this during Survivor Series was confusing. So I think it would be cool if they got pretty much every heel on their side consistently. Don't make it a stable, make it an alignment.

3) Either ditch Kane or the Big Show. In my opinion, Show should've been like Rusev and gone on to do his own thing as a bad guy. He's an unnecessary addition to the Authority, as they already have one older big man. Kane can be argued as an asset because he is one of the only people who seems to put the Authority above his own ego, whereas Big Show has been shown to be unreliable. With Kane, I wouldn't mind him turning face and teaming with Orton. Actually, I think Kane should become more of a tag team competitor anyway. Either way, replace one with either Cesaro or Barrett. Even Harper would be a more ideal choice.

I would also kind of like to see someone like Heyman rob the Authority of their power. Stepth and Triple H are excellent heels and fit their roles well, but I think they've gotten a little stale. If Heyman or even Vince took over, it would be something new. I also kind of like the idea of a new Evolution with Triple H, Rollins and someone else.

So those are just my musings. Do you agree? What are your ideas? Do you think the Authority is fine the way it is?

I get where you're coming from, The Authority is stale. Something has to change. Kane can't be taken seriously as the muscle of the group.

If it was up to me:
The IC, US, Divas and Tag Team Champions would be in The Authority. All the championships in The Authority = more power. With the champs in The Authority, Kane wouldn't have to wrestle and he can focus on being an authority figure.
The Authority...lets see... J&J security, a washed up Kane, a washed up HHH, Stephanie McMahon looking like a guy lately.... and a guy being shoved down our throats in Rollins who is decent but worked much better as the Shield (like the Wyatt Family)....they need to blow it think it's lame as hell. Means nothing....

About the only thing I agree with is Kane being washed up.

HHH is outstanding in this role. This is the freshest and best his character has been since like early 2006 when he was starting to go face.

Stephanie looks outstanding for a late 30's woman, but not sure what her looks have to do with anything. It's irrelevant. She's a fantastic heel and mic worker too.

And Rollins is a great young talent, who has actually been pushed right....a rarity.

The Authority being back has made the show far stronger in my opinion.
As far as The Authority are concerned, I just want them out of power I just want them gone and why? Because even though they are meant to be heel authority figures they are just played out in the sense that they are so predictable whereas if another authority figure were to run things but then if they were let's say a heel like bringing back John Laurinaitis to be the heel running things and in charge or having Paul Heyman be in charge of the WWE hell I would take that over Triple H & Stephanie running things any day out of the week
As far as The Authority are concerned, I just want them out of power I just want them gone and why? Because even though they are meant to be heel authority figures they are just played out in the sense that they are so predictable whereas if another authority figure were to run things but then if they were let's say a heel like bringing back John Laurinaitis to be the heel running things and in charge or having Paul Heyman be in charge of the WWE hell I would take that over Triple H & Stephanie running things any day out of the week

LOL, why? Johnny L was TERRIBLE. Anything positive about him was in the "he's so terrible that it's actually funny" category. Heyman is a fantastic wrestling mind and talker, but....there is no allusion of reality. Everybody knows he works for Vince/Steph/HHH. He's in a perfect role for himself right now.

In this day and age, an "authority figure" only works.....if the person is actually in charge! Too much has been revealed. Everyone knows Heyman or John L hold zero weight at all. Everyone knows Stephanie and HHH really do have power. Having any authority figure other than them makes zero sense at all. It's 2015. Kayfabe is dead. The only way to get heat on an authority figure is for them to be real, actual authority figures who can convince the crowd that they truly are holding down fan favorites like Bryan for superficial reasons.
I highly entertain the idea of the Ascension in the Authority. The suit suits them perfectly in my eyes. As previously noted, have them be the bodyguards and get rid of J&J. This would elevate the tag titles and the division itself. If the Authority-Ascension hold the tag titles more teams will get elevated to defeat them. They could work as Team Hell No, being the main tag team that elevates the others. Hell, they could even feud with a tag team consisted of main eventers.

I also would get rid of Kane as an active wrestler. Have him be the director of operations and have Trips and Stephanie appear less often, making appearances that matter.

Big Show I guess works fine. You can bass the guy all you want, but he is so good as a heel and by having his size, any man would be kept in the top card for so long based on physical attributes only. It's believable and I have no problem about it. Also, I would bring back a heel monster Sheamus alla Batista Elimination Chamber 2010 if the plan goes wrong and Rollins fails to cash in or loses the title.

In conclusion I would prefer the Authority angle to be closed, it has run it's course. And what better way to do it, as being previously suggested, than the faces attacking and getting back to the heels and not just stand there and take all the sh*t.
I think Steph walking around with 2 giants is perfect. . And i love how kane is her monster and the giant is right behind him. . No one would mess with that.. Tonight showed exactly what the authority is, and has lately.. she has her bodyguards so she can run her mouth and so does Seth.. a lil smaller but it's perfect. . Both sets are past their prime so they don't really take away the limelight from the true stars (Stephanie HHH & Rollins) so when they are done (j&j show & kane) they can replace them with younger stronger superstars. But we still have maybe a yr or 2 with them which is a perfect roll for them considering their age but they are great complimentary stars.. we want to see them. . Or ay least I do, but not in singles matches.. just being honest I don't always need it. . And would rather have it as an every once and a while thing our every week but I do like the group they have. . Add to it or don't. . But if they start to look week it is always a great time too add another STAR.. or two.. but I do like the authority, I think they are great for what WWE does best and that's making it seem like it means something. . I mean they do own the company and they actually do decide who gets pushed
The heel boss character has been a mainstay in pro wrestling ever since the Montreal screwjob, and it will stay until the day that people start liking their bosses in real life. So we will probably have HHH on tv as the boss for a long time. This new generation of fans really seems to want all new stuff, all the time, and a wrestler from the 90's bossing around their favorite talents may not go over well today.
Maybe combining the two could help. Many Raw fans know that HHH is in charge of NXT, this connection could be used to make the Authority powerful and bring in nxt talent in with a lit off heat. HHH could "make them work for him" if they want to make it to Raw. He could have a stable of young fresh motivated heels to counter the Super Faces that WWE likes so much. And, they could switch to Face easily if they get over. They could turn on The Authority and be fairly over already.

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