The Alliance invasion.

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Championship Contender
When the ALLIANCE debuted in WWE I thought all my bithdays had come at once. but looking back I start to feel a little disapointed. You had the WCW Champion Booker T along with other former WCW wrestlers DDP,Shawn o'haire, chavo guerrero etc. But guys like Flair,Hogan,Goldberg,Sting were never seen. sure a lot of them apeared later on after the Invasion storyline had come to a end. but I keep thinking that the whole Storyline could have been a lot better if even on or two of these guys had been a part of the group.

So are you of the same opinion or not. If you are who would you have liked to have seen as part of the invasion.
First of all this was covered already & the reason they were not that is well all of them were NOT under WCW contract but under a TUNNER contract.

But you are right I personally think it should of been Flair & Goldberg to join & then later have Hogan show up but not reveal his side for a couple of weeks.
I agree with you, especially when referring to Sting. These guys were content to sit out the rest of their WCW contracts though, and you really can't blame them. Had they come to WWE right away, they would have had to take a pay cut to terminate their current contracts. The way it worked out, they were able to sit at home and collect the same amount of money they would have if WCW never closed down. The temptation of taking that much time off to rest and heal up any nagging injuries (and still get full pay) must have been too great to pass up. Again, you can't blame the guys, can you?

Everyone you mentioned (sans Sting) eventually made it to the 'E. The invasion angle would have been great if they all showed up at the same time (when the angle first started), but holding off on Hogan allowed the nWo to invade a year later. The WWE nWo was well done (at least their debut, I can't say much about what happened with the group later), and the nWo couldn't have debuted at the same time as the invading WCW guys. Either the nWo would have had to team up with WCW/ECW (which wouldn't have made much sense at all), or there would have been yet another invasion (which would have just been a clusterfuck, IMHO).

Sting is another story, and I have massive respect for the guy for not showing up to WWE at all (so far). When he wanted to wrestle again, he went to TNA instead - where he is a HUGE fish in a small pond. Sting didn't want to be treated as a "WCW guy" in a WWE world, and I can't blame him for that. At least at TNA, he was treated like a "TNA guy", and respected for all he could do (and did in the past). Would WWE have treated him fairly? Well, he would have (and still would be) treated fairly financially at least, but unfortunately we'll never know. We've all seen the interview where he talks about Booker's first involvement with The Rock ("who are you?"), and that is what soured Sting on Vince & his company. It's unfortunate for us (the fans), but in the end I feel that Sting made the "right" decision.
The Alliance storyline gets a lot of shit but it was a guilty pleasure of mine. I get why everybody hated it but I still loved it anyway.

When you think about it, yeah all the major WCW names like Sting, Hogan, Goldberg, Flair, Nash, Hall, Steiner being involved could've made it great but would it have really worked tbh? You had some huge egos on both sides of the pond that would've refused to lay down for one another, Sting didn't wanna look bad, Austin didn't want to work with Hogan, so would he have even been involved? I couldn't really imagine Sting & Goldberg working as heels nor do I think they would've wanted to come in as heels, getting booed by the fans. WCW experimented on the both of them at one time but they never clicked as heels cause they were just too big as fan favourites. With all those guys involved, they would've overshadowed other big names like Booker T, Scott Steiner, DDP cause you can't get em all in the main event scene, so they would've likely been relegated back to the mid-card division. None of them wanted WCW to look bad, but in the end WCW would've looked bad anyway, because they would've lost the war to the WWF at Survivor Series & suffered the embarrassment of getting driven out of the company before they were brought back in somehow. I don't think anybody thinks about these things when they talk about how great the storyline could've been with all of them taking part. A little part of me is actually glad the way it turned out because all these guys, including the WWF guys, would've been a pain for Vince to deal with, and I don't think he would have been able to make everybody look as good as they wanted to. If they all were involved, I still think people would've found the Invasion shit, with their complaints being that Vince "made em all look bad". Those guys being involved would've been a no win situation for Vince, imo.

If there's anything I would change about the Invasion without bringing in all those guys, it would've been to keep DDP as a serious player, the WWE blew it with not having DDP vs. Stone Cold or DDP vs. The Rock, dream matches everybody wanted to see for ages to see who had the better Cutter and to see who was the true People's Champion. I would've had Big Show jump to the Alliance since he was a former WCW main eventer, so he would've been another big name to the team. I'm also thinking they maybe could've had X-Pac jump to the Alliance too since he was actually bigger in his WCW days than most of the WCW guys in the Alliance, so his name in the team probably could've helped a bit especially if they would had given him a push, but I dunno. My changes wouldn't have made any difference to the storyline, they're just something I personally would've liked to have seen happen.
Given the talent they had to use at the time, I think they did a decent job with the "invasion" angle. Personally, I wouldn't have done it at all with WCW (maybe just ECW) because they lacked big names like goldberg, sting, etc. But I still enjoyed watching it for what it was. Austin was interesting again, RVD was given some good air time, and it produced some good matches.
This topic has been discussed ad nauseam. The big names had huge contracts that Vince was not willing to buy out. Do you think Vince was just thinking 'I think I'll just pass on Hogan, Hall, Nash, Flair, and Goldberg. This will be just fine with Shawn Stasiak and Gregory Helms.'? The big names were not willing to give up their contracts. I think we can just leave it at that.
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