The Agony

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Real Name: Jarvis Matherson

Gimmick Name: The Agony

Nickname: The Tormented One

Height: 6ft9

Weight: 298pounds

Hometown: Liverpool, England

Billed from: Louisville, Kentucky

-----------Hair colour + length: Jet Black with white streak running from crown to shoulder and fairly long
-----------Eye colour: Hazel
-----------Facial Hair: Unshaven
-----------Ring attire: Long navy blue robe (to ring only), black vest and blue jeans w/ dark blue and white wrist braces.
-----------Backstage attire: Large Black hooded jacket over vest
-----------Physical features: Excessive taping of left hand, partial sightedness in left eye and visible scars on biceps and forearms.
-----------Tattoos: One visible on bicep of right arm of a teasure chest labelled "pandoras box".

Alignment: Face

Main Gimmick: Agony is a creature that shys away from social contact unless necessary making forming relationships near enough impossible. Also from (particularly) natural and synthetic light, believed to spend as little time in open areas as possible. After being released from a mental institution from a 9-year stay and no longer being deemed a danger to society, Agony takes his strict moral values to a place where they can be of good use. Rarely seen outside of interviews or the ring, he is rumoured to spend a great deal of time in the deeper, darker kernels of the arenas....

3 Advantages:
- Very solid and rarely brought down.
- Exceptional at converting opponents offence into his signiture and finisher manoevres.
- Distant expression means his opponent cannot read his form and condition, harder to prepare for match-up.

3 Dis-advantages:
- Known to dip into trances during matches when on top costing him time and sometimes momentum.
- Partially sigted eye is a weak-point.
- Not massively adept at wrestling technical wrestlers.

Sample Pic:

Abyss - Chris Parks.

Brief History: A plucky, outgowing child, his parents divorced when he was just five years old. Had a particularly strong relationship with his mother who taught him good hard-working values. The year following he gained a domestically-abusive, foul-mouthed father in law after several failed relationships by his mother.

After years of suffering, he returned home from school one day a week before his 13th birthday to find his mother had been violently murdered in a drunken frenzy. Instead of calling the police, he left the house and was picked up off the streets after reports of eratic behaviour by a patrolling police vehicle. His mother was found dead upon his return and he was placed in a psychiatric ward to contain his violent and nonesensical outbursts. Over the years these subsided until the day he was released. His step-father to this day has not been caught and indeed none of the wrestling promoters that hired him know of this morbid and chequered past.

Entrance music:

Theme from 28 days later
- Imagine the theme starts at 1:49 through the video.

Entrance description: Walks out about 16 seconds through theme with head lowered and stops at height of stage. Raises his head but stares straight forward unfocused and trudges slowly to the ring, not walking up the steps but rolling beneath the ropes of the facing side of the ring.

Finishing moves: - Reverse angle slam (Opponent facing wrestler when performed)
- Dementia (Seated abdominal stretch)

15 commonly used moves:
- Half nelson slam
- Discus elbow * sig
- Knee to the gut
- Hip toss
- Running jumping knee
- Reverse neckbreaker
- Fireman's carry gut buster
- Diving forearm smash off turnbuckle * sig
- Spinebuster (Ron Simmons-esque)
- Fisherman's suplex
- Samoan drop
- Dragon screw legwhip
- Modified surfboard stretch (wrestler seated pushing with both feet)
- Running crucifix pin * sig

Sample RP:
".........where is he, guy was supposed to be here 10 minutes ago" says the sprightly young up-and-coming interviewer to one of the camera guys standing by. "First day on the job and he doesn't show up, not a good way to start of your WZCW career. Ok it's 12:38 I'm calling it a......." Cameron Jones screws up his ears and focus' his eyes straining to hear the faintest noise from a distance.

"......OVER THERE"
shouts the other camera guy, guesturing at a figure barely visible, shifting around in the darkness generated by a production truck.

" HEY NO WAIT" attempts Jones as him and his crew try to track the man, who upon his bolting between the shade of the pillars present there is able to be distinguished as a very tall individual, but worryingly fast for his size. Jones continues in persuit of the behemoth but he had too much of a start and seemingly escapes from view. He stops to rest in a darkened corner close to the car park entrance ramp trying to encourage air back into his lungs.

In what seemed then like an eternity for the one camera man able to witness first-hand and yet unable to let a word escape his breath, a long, menacing hand reaches out from the darkness and taps Cameron firmly on the Shoulder. " HOLY SHII.....S...SIR? ar...are you who we're sup......"

"YES" rasps the figure synically who's has learnt forward somewhat to reveal the outline of his dark eyes and darker long, stradly hair.

"OK sir, are you ready for me to conduct this interview in that case"

"I wouldn't still be here if the job didn't need doing"

"OK in that case, we heard of your arrival only last night but we know very little about you. Can you just tell everybody your name firstly"

"Me" he says coldly, "I am The Agony, the unfortunate torment experienced by all at one point in our life. Scathing and yet irrepressibly unseparable from reality."

"...allllllright? And what is it that brought you to WZCW at this time"

"That's an easy one" he whimpers, "I hear cries of suffering and I am blessed with a frame of few others, I can help......I will help"

"Are you refering to..."

"It's nobody in particular, but all of us at some time"

"I'm really not following you..."

"LOOK...when the time comes, when someone is calling for me without ever saying a'll see me"

"Right, moving swiftly on. What is your motivation for your arrival"

The eyeline of the man lowers to be staring almost directly at his feet. " Do you know what nothing feels like"

"I'm not sure I quite understand the question sir"

"It was really quite simple but in any case. Nothing IS me. I've forgotten what it means to feel anymore, even the bad things pass me by and taunt me knowing that all I can do is long harder for them. I had a life. A life that was taken away from me. When it left so did anything that was human about me. I was a shell left with two choices......... become what I had only ever known, which was torment to others or set my own issues aside and realise my fate. I'm not meant to be happy or to cry or to hate or to do anything that sparks a reaction anymore. All I can do now is use the lessons my mother taunt me as a child....use them to help and prevent those who might one day become me...."

"Your past sounds extremely troubled sir, so how is it you intend to help those that you claim are in need"

"I'll rescue them from their tormentors. The ones trying to drive them to despair. I can use the power I have to show people life on the other side of the tracks, how to let go of their demons. But one more thing. Don't expect me to make friends or shake hands or be found socialising with the other guys in the back. I prefer spending time alone, and I don't really enjoy the light."

"Well where can we expect to find you if we have to conduct another interview"

"I'll most likely be in the dimmest, dankest, most uninhabiting area you can find yourself in. You try to look for me there and it's where I'll almost certainly be"

"And if anybody thinks they can cross paths with me. I invite you to try and see where it gets you short of a hospital bed"

"Pfffff..........weeeellll there you have it ladies and gentlemen, he's our newest aquisition and he's not much of a people person....THE AGONY! Back to ringside."
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