"That's so Gay."


That's all folks.

Watch this video.

Around here, and thoughout the world, "that's so gay" is often used as an alternative to saying something is dumb, stupid or something you just don't agree with. When we say it, I'm sure most of us don't even realize we're saying something that can be taken offensively. Our generation has turned words and phrases around to where "that's sick" means totally awesome. Or in this case "gay" means ******ed or stupid. Others would disagree- Words are used out of context so often that you can't really take offense. But can you veiw other words such as the N word the same?

Do you think we should be politically correct and more aware about these things? Or do you think it's just a word that can mean a lot of different things and shouldn't be taken that seriously?

Please, post your thoughts on the subject.
Of course we should be politically correct about that word, this shouldn't be up for debate. On Wrestlezone, people who use the term "gay" in that way are infracted or warned for Prejudiced Language, and you want to know why? It's because it is! It's an offensive remark, just like the "n---er, just like "sp-c", just like any other offensive word.

Blah, blah, blah, society's changed and words changed too. There's a difference between your example of "sick" and the word "gay". Sick isn't offensive. Using "Gay" as a pejorative means that you're implying that being homosexual is somehow a bad thing (It isn't).

On top of that, you sound so stupid when you use the word "gay" like that! Seriously! Try listening to yourselves once in a while and you realize how uncultured and uneducated you sound when you're using the word like that, or any other offensive word.

tl;dr: Don't use it like that, you sound stupid and it's offensive.
There's a proper place and time for everything. I try to be an open and accepting person to most anyone in life, and towards any group of people. As such, I find it offensive that there are those with little compassion in their hearts to change the little things they do that hurt people, even if only in indirect ways.

I get using such terms in the form of a joke amongst friends. I'm not going to pretend like I've never laughed at a good gay joke before. But the use of such terms in public is childish, and shows a willful ignorance towards contributing to an hostile environment for homosexuals.

Someone once pointed out to me that they thought getting upset over words is stupid. That's fair enough, I'll agree. There are much more harmful things out there. But this isn't just about the words; it's about the effect their rampant usage has, regardless of the context in which they are used in the first place. Great, so people making "gay" and "***" jokes in public places aren't really making fun of homosexuals, they're just being ironic, or they've deluded themselves into thinking that their usage of the terms aren't harmful because they meant something totally different. Doesn't change the fact that what is passed on to other less intelligent and more impressionable folk is that "gay = stupid, dumb, etc.". If you can't understand how that does more harm than good, you need to get your fucking head examined.
No, we should not be politically correct. I'm against that in virtually every scenario.

It's like the word dumb or ******ed. Both have had a more clinical definition prior to being used in derogatory terms.

Those words simply don't mean what they once did. It's all about context.
As a kid that is currently in high school, I can tell you that the term: "That's fucking gay" is used quite often. I admit, I myself have often times both laughed and said the phrase. But whilst the word was said, never did I once think that the word could ever be offensive. Why? One, because we were using the word out of context; and two, because there were no actual homosexuals around to hear it. It was just a bunch of dudes talking and laughing. So in a time like this, there is no harm done by dropping the word in there to substitute for the word "dumb" or "******ed."

As far as saying the word in public goes, I can see why people would tend to say that you look 'uneducated' or 'lacking in manners'; but to the same time, I feel it's kind of stupid that people would take offense to dropping in the word every now and then. After all, they ARE just words. And as to why people would take offence to them, I would blame soley society for creating the illusion that these words are so bad even though they aren't at all.

Jose claims that by saying the word without care that you tend to spread the idea that gay is the equivalent to stupid, dumb, ******ed and so on. Interesting observation, but then shouldn't the same be said about words like "cunt", "******ed", "bitch", and all them other urban dictionary words that are used out on the streets? All those are offensive to a select group in a certain form of way, so would it not be best to just stay away from all of that altogether? If you want to do what the video says and "knock it off", then you can't just knock down the word "gay" from your vocaublary of everyday slang - you're needed to knock down every single prejudice or offensive remark that can ever be said. Therein, not only ridding yourself of such harmful words, but maintain a better, "healthier" vocabulary.

Case in point: If you want political correctness, then you have to make sure ALL is politcally correct -- and not just the word "gay." It's either everything or nothing. That's the way I see it.
I think people are waaaaay too sensitive now days for starters, and being so up-tightly p.c. is ridiculous. For God sake, why say anything anywhere, someone might be offended by it and God forbid anyone ever know what it's like to have their feelings hurt, that might develop character and inner strength. Who cares? suddenly when it touches the realm of the gay community or minorities it's a rallying cause, anyone else and no one really gives a shit right? It just depends on who you are. Oh, and if you think differently than what someone like Doc up there says, it's fuck you, shut up. For all the talk of equality and treating people fairly, you sure as hell don't want any fairness for anyone opposed to your view so I think you can gladly STFU about it, put a tampon in your bleeding vag, and stop being so.....ya know. They're fucking WORDS people. WORDS.
I understand why it shouldn't be said in certain situations, but I say it when I'm in the right company. I don't concern myself with political correctness when I'm with friends, but I realize that there are a lot of uptight people in the word that get offended at every little thing.

Maybe it's just me. I don't know what it feels like to be offended by a word. It takes a lot more than that to piss me off. I am an overweight individual, but if someone calls me fat or any variation of it, I don't care because I'm not a pussy. I hate how all of these teenagers have this depression crutch to fall on whenever they get their feelings hurt. Be a fucking adult and get over it.

By the way, Wanda Sykes is a moron. She's a COMEDIAN. Most comedians go by the code, "If one thing is not ok to make fun of, nothing is ok to make fun of." She says plenty of offensive things, but she needs all the exposure she can get now as her comic career is quite mediocre these days. So she resorts to doing shit like this making her a complete hypocrite. Fuck her.
As a kid that is currently in high school, I can tell you that the term: "That's fucking gay" is used quite often. I admit, I myself have often times both laughed and said the phrase. But whilst the word was said, never did I once think that the word could ever be offensive. Why? One, because we were using the word out of context; and two, because there were no actual homosexuals around to hear it. It was just a bunch of dudes talking and laughing. So in a time like this, there is no harm done by dropping the word in there to substitute for the word "dumb" or "******ed."

While I whole heartedly agree with your argument, surely you can't believe that? How do you know for sure who is homosexual and who isn't? Who's to say that one of your friends isn't a closet homosexual or bisexual but is too scared to come out for fear of rejection in your circle of friends?

But yeah, I think people are too over sensitive when it comes to things like that. If we're not using in the homosexual context and using it describe something that's shit or not good, then it shouldn't really matter. I know a couple of homosexual people who don't care if people use "******" or "gay" or anything like that.

People just need to loosen up, it's not that bad.
In my opinion its completely normal to say it, especially for young people. Now does it mean it isn't completely offensive and unsensitive? No, but people just don't care. We live in a progressive society but also a society that's filfthy in all sorts of ways. Ever since I was 6 years old people have been using the N word or "..gay" nearly everyday of my youth. I've grown used to it and I've been guilty of saying things that can be interpreted as offensive. Of course when you grow older you tend to realize things though

But of course language varies with different demographics, gender, and lifestyles. But the reality is that people usually young people don't care if they offend someone else when they say things. That's why I've learned to accept the n word and just be cool about it. As long as someone isn't directly trying to offend me with that terminology, I can personally live with it.
I think people are waaaaay too sensitive now days for starters
They are.

suddenly when it touches the realm of the gay community or minorities it's a rallying cause, anyone else and no one really gives a shit right? It just depends on who you are. Oh, and if you think differently than what someone like Doc up there says, it's fuck you, shut up. For all the talk of equality and treating people fairly, you sure as hell don't want any fairness for anyone opposed to your view so I think you can gladly STFU about it, put a tampon in your bleeding vag, and stop being so.....ya know. They're fucking WORDS people. WORDS.
They are words, but when they are words which can induce hatred and violence, not to mention mental and psychological unease for those who may be personally affected, then suddenly they quit becoming JUST words, and instead become something much more frightening.

Here on WZ, we strictly forbid using homosexual slurs to indicate something is considered "bad", which is something I'm pretty certain I started. In my classes that I teach, those words are also strictly forbidden, and if a student says it, they owe me ten pushups for every letter in the word they used. If it's a common problem, then they get written up. As one poster mentioned, you can never know who around you may be personally affected by what you say, so just don't say it.

However, I also agree it depends on what kind of setting you are in. If you're just hanging out with your buds, or your significant other, then you say things you wouldn't say in a public setting, and that includes things other than just homosexual slurs. But at the end of the day, you should always be sensitive to others.

Finally, here's what people who get upset at others for being PC should remember. Is it NECESSARY that you say something is gay to indicate it's bad? Is it really more difficult to say "that's bad", than "that's gay"? There is simply no difference, so is it really that big of a deal to not use homophobic slurs?
I was in third grade when kids started using more colorful words to describe things. It's when I learned words like ass, shit, bitch, and fuck. Now of course, I knew these words were bad because of the way my friends told me: "Hey, want to know a bad word?" These were the words that were tossed around the playground with no thought as to what they meant, but once you stepped off the asphalt and into the school halls they were out of your vocabulary once more.

Of course, everyone slips up eventually. I slipped up in front of my parents, and the word I used was gay.

"Do you know what that word means?" My mom asked me.
"Yeah, it's when a man likes other men." I answered, correctly I might add.
"Well it's offensive to some people if you use it like that."
"Okay." I said dismissively.
Sensing the fact that I didn't respect the severity of the situation, my mom continued, "You know, we have many gay friends."
Now my interest was piqued. "Who?" I inquired.
"You're Uncle Peter is gay."

And suddenly it all made sense. That's why he isn't married, that's why I don't have any cousins from him, and, I kid you not, it's at that exact point that I realized exactly how I was related (or not related) to Uncle James (and I would piece together a few years later that James tragically died from AIDS).

And with that, the word gay was forever out of my vocabulary. I love my Uncle Peter and I realized that calling things gay would be insulting to him.

Since then I've realized other reasons that I shouldn't call things gay: it's unintelligent, offensive, and it doesn't really make sense. People who use the word gay as a replacement for bad or lame is a sign of a weak vocabulary and weak character.

We are growing to be an oversensitive society, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to avoid offending people with an overly liberal use of certain words.
I'm not usually one for politcal correctness. However, I allow myself an exception for phrases that refer to a specific people in a negative way. Things that promote hatred and predjudice. And "that's so gay" is a pretty good example. ******ed is another good example, but for some reason it's used the same way. However there is a difference. People don't use the word ******ed anymore to refer to those that are mentally disabled anymore. They use it to refer to average stupid people. Gay is still used to describe Gay people, so it shouldn't be used that way. But it's much more socially exceptable to bash gays then it is to bash race- so it get's thrown into the slang. And there's not much we can do about it beyond educating people.

Like JGlass, it took a situation with a gay uncle to remove the slang from my vocab. However, there are still other family members that persist in using it offensively. Mainly because hating gays is ok here in the south.
Personally, I don't use the word. Like the previous poster, my Uncle was also gay, so I'm sensitive to the subject matter.

But I find it kind of strange that my gay friends use the word "gay" in this reference all the time. They don't seem to mind. So I am a little split on the issue as I am sure that there are homosexual and bisexual people out there that would find the issue at hand offensive, but there are others of the LGBT community who are not fazed by the term at all.
I'm not the most pc guy around. I will admit that. I do think that some things are overly dramatized.

That being said, I do not like to offend or disrespect people and expect the same of others. I know homosexuals, blacks, hispanics, good ole country boys, and so on and so on.

I think it's a two-way street, though. In the case of the "N" word, I think that it should not be used by anybody, even if it's people of the same racial persuasion. You don't really see caucasians running around calling each other "crackers" and then starting fights w/other races when they call them that.

It can be the same w/the word gay. I've heard homosexuals use the term in the same way. You're so gay, or you're such a flamer. They are words used to incite an emotion, plain and simple. No matter if you think that a person is "overly sensitive" or not, it's just the way these words are used. To try to underscore the affect that they can have is just as bad as getting too worked up.

I think that if somebody says it in the way of "oh, that's gay" and somebody is around that takes offense to that, they could simply mention it in a casual, non-threatening way. If the person says "fuck off, ******", then they've been given the chance to prove they do not really harbor any negative feelings yet have proven they in fact do, so it could be dealt with accordingly from there.

But it's not just "straight" people, or "white" people, or males, or whatever the case may be, either. It's also become mainstream for people to get offended about something and then turn right around and say offensive things to another person just because they don't fit into their personal category, whether it is gender, race, religion, etc. I think awareness needs to be taught not only to a certain demographic but to the entire world in general. Sure we can teach awareness of minority categories, but I think the shoe can also be on the other foot and teach minorities not to hate on "majorities" also.

On one hand I don't think a little slang hurts in certain situations (i.e. hanging w/friends) but at the same time I think overuse of derogatory or possible hurtful words is a problem that people should be more aware of. I think it all comes down to a person's actual feelings about a subject, not the occasional use of a word.
But I find it kind of strange that my gay friends use the word "gay" in this reference all the time. They don't seem to mind. So I am a little split on the issue as I am sure that there are homosexual and bisexual people out there that would find the issue at hand offensive, but there are others of the LGBT community who are not fazed by the term at all.

No different than the usage of the term "******". Plenty of people throw it around amongst those they are comfortable with. Still, you wouldn't start saying "****** this, ****** that" in a Baltimore ghetto, would you?
DirtyJosé;2899627 said:
No different than the usage of the term "******". Plenty of people throw it around amongst those they are comfortable with. Still, you wouldn't start saying "****** this, ****** that" in a Baltimore ghetto, would you?

This is a cop out argument. Homosexuals weren't enslaved in this country and held down by "the superior race" while being called "gay."

Also, you fail to realize how this argument fails on the outset. Gay and ****** aren't even in the same category. This argument would make SLIGHTLY more sense if the word in question was ******, but it's not.

Gay, by itself, isn't a derogatory word. While SOME might suggest that ****** isn't either and might claim it only means ignorant, they'd be wrong. Gay, as a word, only means a happy/joyous situation/person, or a homosexual. By definition, it means nothing derogatory.

While ****** is a negative word. Period. Even if it only meant ignorant. Therefore, the comparison isn't even worth debating over. It's a horrible comparison.

Gay, on the other hand, IS like "dumb" or "******ed" in the sense that they don't mean what they once did. Not in terms of what they mean in comparison to each other, but in terms of how they are used. No one I've ever met has ever said, "Today is really ******y."

They have said:

- Today is gay.

- Today is ******ed.

- Today is dumb.

People actually suffer from mental ******ation, in the clinical sense. People are also "dumb" in a technical sense. (Dumb simply meaning an inability to speak.) However, no one thinks twice about those two words, generally speaking. ESPECIALLY not when we're discussing the word dumb.

People give words too much power. I don't believe in that. Giving words power makes society weaker-minded. Use some judgment. Only get offended when something is meant to offend. Otherwise, it's simply language and misunderstandings. People need to relax.

People seem to think that they have a human/national/constitutional right to not ever be offended. Unfortunately, they're wrong. They can be mad. They have that right. I also have a right to use any words in any manner I see fit.

I have absolutely no problem with homosexuals. Or mentally "challenged" people, for that matter. When I use those words, it has nothing to do with people that would fall into those categories.

Anyone who thinks that it does, is gay.

Now, I don't say that to offend. I say that for effect. When I said it, some people might feel as though that is towards them, due to the fact that they disagree. However, I ask you to do something for me..

Ask yourself this; "When he technically speaking called me gay, did I actually feel as though he was trying to call me a homosexual? Did I actually feel he was attacking homosexuals in general? Was that his motivation?"

Honestly, we already know the answers. Any reasonable person isn't attacking homosexuals. If they are, then the words they use have nothing to do with how we should judge them. They're scumbags. They could honly use homosexual to describe homosexuals. But, if they want them all dead, does it make it any better that they don't say ****** or queer?

At the same time, if I have nothing against homosexuals, then the words I use should have no barring on my relationships with homosexuals.
They are words, but when they are words which can induce hatred and violence, not to mention mental and psychological unease for those who may be personally affected, then suddenly they quit becoming JUST words, and instead become something much more frightening.

But c'mon Fox, "inducing hatred and violence" from saying "That's Gay"? Isn't that kind of a stretch buddy? "Mental and Psychological unease" how fragile are these people? I'm more concerned with THAT. If you're so fragile and sensitive maybe you've got some other issues to deal with and your "mental and psychological unease" has little to nothing to do with anyone else, it's you. Hey, I've been there and back. I know from experience here. Sometimes it's just YOU. More often than not, it's just YOU, and YOU have other issues to work out.

Here on WZ, we strictly forbid using homosexual slurs to indicate something is considered "bad", which is something I'm pretty certain I started. In my classes that I teach, those words are also strictly forbidden, and if a student says it, they owe me ten pushups for every letter in the word they used. If it's a common problem, then they get written up. As one poster mentioned, you can never know who around you may be personally affected by what you say, so just don't say it.

Here on WZ or in your class, those are different scenarios and I agree that you're well within your right in both cases to say "this is acceptable, this is not acceptable" there have to be rules and boundaries. I am by no means suggesting either, that you should throw any words around as freely as you want, in any situation, with total disregard for others. However, isn't it kind of bullshit the way people have to walk around on egg shells worrying who you're going to offend in every walk of life?

Isn't this kind of an infringement on people outside of that demographic's freedom of expression, which is held in such high regard by the very group of people who are saying "You can't say that because I don't like it"? Just a little bit of hypocrisy if you ask me. I might not like that a person is gay but I have to deal with that and everything that comes with it, the demeanor , their ideals superseding my own, and at this juncture even censoring the words I use in any given place, even when I don't use them with any kind of intentions of slander or ridicule. Who is wronging who here? I certainly can't tell a gay man not to act so effeminate because it's offensive to me, but that person can dictate virtually every aspect of my personal being? That's not on the up and up either.

However, I also agree it depends on what kind of setting you are in. If you're just hanging out with your buds, or your significant other, then you say things you wouldn't say in a public setting, and that includes things other than just homosexual slurs. But at the end of the day, you should always be sensitive to others.

Well put. I have to ask though. How is using the word, that the homosexual community recognizes themselves as suddenly a slur when some else uses it in a way they don't like? Is it simply because they don't like it? Anything they don't like is immediately a slur at that point? it's immediately hateful and homophobic? I'm just saying, they identify themselves as gay, so is this a "n" word thing? It's "their word" now and people have ownership of words and their uses? Again, I think this stuff is just getting a little bit ridiculous. I think this issue is really making a mountain out of a mole hill and just taking things too personally.

Finally, here's what people who get upset at others for being PC should remember. Is it NECESSARY that you say something is gay to indicate it's bad? Is it really more difficult to say "that's bad", than "that's gay"? There is simply no difference, so is it really that big of a deal to not use homophobic slurs?

That's a fair point. On the flip side of the coin, is it necessary to be so uptight about that either? Or is it just trying to control other people? I myself generally say "Oh, well that's weak" in the same fashion people would say "Oh, well that's gay". So at some point am I going to offend someone who is not physically strong? You could go there with this precedent on "That's Gay". It's kind of a precursor to that kind of extreme. Of course I'm just using a hypothetical there, but you get the point? How far does this all go? I'm not trying to promote the degradation of homosexuals or anyone else for that matter, but MAN, people have got to chill dude.
For goodness sakes the world is far too up tight these days. People complain about everything. Just shrug it off. How could this offend someone? People need to worry about other things than this.

If someone was to say something similar around me I wouldn't even notice.
On one hand, political correctness is something that's gotten way out of hand in some areas but I dont' think this is one of them. We live in a society that, rightfully so, looks upon slurs that are spoken with the clear intent of putting down minorities. I'm going to use some of these slurs so, please, no one take offense as I'm only using them to further the argument.

While racism is still common throughout the country, the south is still sort of peggedas being stereotypically more racist than the rest of the country even though it isn't. In the past, I've heard a few "good ol' boys" refer to hip hop as "****** music" and I don't see any way to take that except as a slur. I've heard some people of Hispanic descent sometimes referred to as "beaners" and it's every bit as offensive to them as ****** is to African Americans, again rightly so. It's used as a put down because of heritage.

When it comes to the "That's so gay" phrase in the sense that we're all familiar with, it's also used as a put down. If a movie isn't to someone's liking they'll sometimes say "That's so gay" as a means of putting down the movie, homosexuals in general, anyone that does like the movie and suggestion that only homosexuals could possibly enjoy said movie. Basically, "That's so gay" has become our generations version of the the word "******" to some degree. My grandfather wasn't a racist man, he had many black friends and as guests at his table, but he sometimes said the word out of habit. Not because he held any ill feelings but because it was the normal thing of his generation to do. It was just the social norm when he was a little boy growing up during the 1920s just as saying "That's so gay" has become something of a social norm for us. Some people just say it out of habit rather than intending to be hurtful.

My generation has learned that all the negative stereotypes about gay people that we may have heard or been taught as children simply aren't true. When I was a kid, I had friends that'd been taught that all gays were "sissies" and would play with little boys anytime the opportunity came along. You know, shit like that. Homosexuality is something that's really only started to gain any real acceptance in the United States within the past 20 years or so. In time, as open homosexuality becomes more and more accepted as part of normal society, phrases like "That's so gay" will probably be considered as bad as racial slurs.
This is a cop out argument. Homosexuals weren't enslaved in this country and held down by "the superior race" while being called "gay."

No, they were just held down by the superior sexual orientation. Since their problem wasn't as obvious as the color of their skin, it was easier to hide, but if they were found, they wouldn't be enslaved, oh no. They were killed or brutally beaten. After all- it is a sin. Implying that gays were any less opressed is a bit stupid.

- Today is gay.

- Today is ******ed.

- Today is dumb.

These don't really compare. ******ed has long since become a word for stupid people. No one in their right mind would call someone with a mental disability a ******. They say mentally challenged or some other phrase to describe them. While dumb is closer to the ballpark, it's still not quite the same. People don't even relate the phrases when they're said anymore. And many don't use the word dumb anymore in reference to those with the inability to speak. Then we have "That's so gay". Everyone knows what gay is. It doesn't mean stupid, like dumb and ******ed have come to mean. It means someone who is homosexual. And perhaps one day it will make that transformation in our culture. I doubt it- because there was a reason ****** and dumb made that transition. Both were disabilities that injured a person's ability to have human interaction. Gay isn't the same. It's equating them as if there's something wrong with Gay. As if it's an illness or something.

Now, I'm not trying to defend the idea that saying "******" and "dumb" are ok. But there is a difference, and they're not in the same category.
No different than the usage of the term "******". Plenty of people throw it around amongst those they are comfortable with. Still, you wouldn't start saying "****** this, ****** that" in a Baltimore ghetto, would you?

Much like the word "gay", as I stated in my post, the word "******" is not a part of my vocabulary. I felt kinda strange typing it, let alone giving it voice.

If you would have read my post, you would note that I am against the use of the word personally. I don't use it, whether it be as an insult or in a joking manner. I was just pointing out how strange it is that these same words can so deeply effect some people of a certain persuasion, but be completely ineffective in other cases.

So if there are no absolutes in the effect of uttering these words, how can we absolutely regulate the use of them?

It all comes down to personal choice, really. What are you willing to risk? If you don't have a problem paying the consequences for using certain slurs such as homophobic or racist remarks, be my guest, go ahead. But personally, I choose not to use them out of respect for others.
This is a cop out argument. Homosexuals weren't enslaved in this country and held down by "the superior race" while being called "gay."

Yeah, homosexuals are just persecuted at every turn, denied their human rights and right to marry, stereotyped, and made fun of without people batting an eye, but if anyone says anything that even could be construed as slightly derogatory towards black people, you're automatically a racist.

This is SUCH bullshit. Black people aren't the only oppressed group in history. Native Americans were forced onto reservations, people from Vietnam were stereotyped and insulted back during the Vietnam War days, and nowadays gay people are oppressed and stereotyped on television, in movies, and in real life.

You're blind to think that gays aren't being granted equal rights and that the flagrant misuse of the word "gay" to mean "bad" isn't offensive.
I don't like using "gay" as an insult. In fact I consider it to be the worst insult anybody can use. However, my problem has nothing to do with it being offenceve to homosexuals. I just don't think it's insulting. I mean what am I supposed to be offended by exactly? The idea that I have sex with other men? No. It just fundimentally fails as an insult.

Fuck people being offended by an uninsulting insult. Treat it with the scorn it deserves, because by fighting it and being insulted by it you're just reaffirming that it is an offensive term. Battles about homosexuality should be fought over things that matter, not over shit like "this computer is fucking gay".
I'll be perfectly honest. I use the term. In the same manner. And even around homosexuals. So far, I've yet to see them get offended and even they jokingly reply with stuff like "Yes. Yes it is". Or crazier stuff like "you're missing out". It doesn't bother me and it doesn't bother them. You may call it a derogatory phrase but over here we call it slang. Of course, I don't mean to take away from the argument that it offends people, I'm just saying that in my case it doesn't. Maybe it's because of people's behavior over here or maybe the idea of "rolling with it " is more accepted among my set of peers. Most people here a are rauchy bunch. Calling each other pendejos or cabron (asshole) is about as naturally accepted as calling someone "dude".

But if someone is offended by the term, the least they can do is tell me. I'll gladly apologize. People's vocabulary is understanded differently in different locations. Most people in the States find calling something "gay" to be offensive. From my history class, they always taught us that the term "gay" means happy. In our country, the slang term is "pato" (duck). In our country, "biscocho" is Spanish for cake. But in a place like Mexico, it's considered a "penis". Should society scold people for adopting said vocabulary? In my mind that's a very difficult task. That would be as hard as getting rid of the "What" chants in wrestling.

Basically what I'm saying is that the term is part of people's language. It's gonna be hard to deal with.
No, they were just held down by the superior sexual orientation. Since their problem wasn't as obvious as the color of their skin, it was easier to hide, but if they were found, they wouldn't be enslaved, oh no. They were killed or brutally beaten. After all- it is a sin. Implying that gays were any less oppressed is a bit stupid.

It's actually not stupid at all. Assuming that it's even a close discussion is ridiculous, to be truthful.

Honestly, homosexuals are treated horribly in many situations. Beaten, killed, ridiculed. However, to suggest the scale is even close to the enslaving of an entire race that was ripped from it's homeland and then had the MAJORITY of those same enslaved people be treated like FARM EQUIPMENT while virtually EVERYONE turned a blind eye to the issue is the equivalent to SOME people being killed, beaten and ridiculed by jackasses is insane.

In terms of how they are looked at by certain people is awful. However, the treatment of one group and the oppression of one group is clearly worse than the other. It doesn't make you a good person to try and even the score because you're sticking up for gay people. It's actually belittling the plight slaves were forced to put up with.

You're right. They couldn't hide that they were black. That only made it worse.

These don't really compare. ******ed has long since become a word for stupid people. No one in their right mind would call someone with a mental disability a ******. They say mentally challenged or some other phrase to describe them. While dumb is closer to the ballpark, it's still not quite the same. People don't even relate the phrases when they're said anymore. And many don't use the word dumb anymore in reference to those with the inability to speak. Then we have "That's so gay". Everyone knows what gay is. It doesn't mean stupid, like dumb and ******ed have come to mean. It means someone who is homosexual. And perhaps one day it will make that transformation in our culture. I doubt it- because there was a reason ****** and dumb made that transition. Both were disabilities that injured a person's ability to have human interaction. Gay isn't the same. It's equating them as if there's something wrong with Gay. As if it's an illness or something.

Now, I'm not trying to defend the idea that saying "******" and "dumb" are ok. But there is a difference, and they're not in the same category.

You're right. ******ed has long since been considered a word that meant stupid person. What you have to ask yourself is how did that term get to it's current state.

Did people use it out of it's proper context until it became common in our lexicon, regardless of how the offended might have felt? Or did people just say it and everyone was fine with it?

No, it's continual usage simply shaped how we looked at the word. Gay is much the same. The sooner we de-power the word, the better.

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