THAT! Was a great SmackDown!

Pay Per Ghost

What they f*ck happened in the thread section here
Take a bow Big Show! Take a bow! His emotions came through splendidly and the live crowd just ate it up. His performance throughout the night was stellar.

The Corporate storyline progressed nicely and Hunter is just great as the smug heel. As usual. If I had to nit-pick, it kinda sucks that the cavalry consists of Miz and Ziggler. Now don't get me wrong, they are ok; Miz in particular was very good in the opening segment but I really can't get behind either of the two. Sheamus would've shone here.

Still, a damn good show.

And hey kids, they broke out the spray paint can tonight.

I agree. That actually was a good Smackdown.

I'm glad they didn't have Ryback lose for a change.

What the hell happened to Mark Henry?
You know I actually ended up watching Smackdown for some odd reason last ngiht, must be the first full smackdown I've watched in about 2 years. It was very good! However I thought Big Show was definitely the low point of the show. I just don't think he can act well in that role and just came across as pathetic. But the rest of the show a solid thumbs up! Why make Sandow lose though?

I'm really liking Bryan, I now really buy him as a top guy which is something I didn't think possible.

Thinking further on it I think I actually preferred Smackdown to Impact! Which is rare since I've preferred TNA to WWE for the past few years. Weird...
You know I actually ended up watching Smackdown for some odd reason last ngiht, must be the first full smackdown I've watched in about 2 years. It was very good! However I thought Big Show was definitely the low point of the show. I just don't think he can act well in that role and just came across as pathetic. But the rest of the show a solid thumbs up! Why make Sandow lose though?

I'm really liking Bryan, I now really buy him as a top guy which is something I didn't think possible.

Thinking further on it I think I actually preferred Smackdown to Impact! Which is rare since I've preferred TNA to WWE for the past few years. Weird...

Well see he is supposed to be pathetic and powerless. The crowd responded to those emotions nicely.

Jesus Christ the constant pop Bryan is getting these days is reaching something special.

Sandow, ye he has the MITB, he don't need wins. Thats been WWE's philosophy for a while.

It was enjoyable. Great is a stretch. PG's weed must be laced with PCP again.

Oh come on Georgy it was a fun SD after such a long time. A full fledged heel group throwing his weight around against an absolutely over guy.

Tell me you haven't missed that?
I definitely picked a good night to have nothing else to do. I'm lucky to have picked a very good SD. I just think "great" is pushing it.

I am happy for you though.
I thought it was one of the best Smackdown episodes I have seen in a long time. The main reason being how well they did with the progression of the corporate angle.
The crowd responded to those emotions nicely.

Did they by any chance respond like this?
I'd have rather Dolph be in Big Show's spot, if that makes sense...

Sandow, ye he has the MITB, he don't need wins. Thats been WWE's philosophy for a while.

Well that's (IMO) a shit philosophy which will result in a shit cash in and a crap title reign. Why not just have Sandow be booked strong? Why is that bad? Dolph was losing left and right when he had the case. And how was Dolph's title reign? Because I seriously don't know.

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