That sumbmission move CM Punk did?


the one he did to john cena where he ramed his head into the mat then folded up. does anyone know what this move is called? and could i get a video of it? that move is amazing i hope punk starts doing that more foften i've never seen it in wwe. so can anyone help me out?
Its called 'The Banging Sarena'.

Very difficult submission, no room for grasping.
Cole was calling it the Anaconda Vise. So yeah, they're probably never going back to the old version.
Joey Styles said it was a Koji Clutch. He's a walking encyclopedia of wrestling moves, so he's probably right.
Барбоса;2761182 said:
It was a Koji Clutch.

Christopher Daniels used it quite a lot in TNA
They don't use bits of Against All Odds 2005 in video packages enough. Or, for that matter, ever. Very disappointing.
thans guys oh and paper ghost if you are tryng to be funny, just at least spell se(yea that is an E not an A)ranas name right..
Wat happened to this one???

It's fucking awesome, that's what it is! One of my favourite submission moves and I hope Punk starts using it more often.
don't care what its called, I'd like to try to wrestle Wade with that move, either he puts me in it, or I put him in it. LOL.... I'll klutch his Koji...or vise his anaconda however he wants to put it.... ;)
It's called the Koji Clutch, They already updated, so Punk expands his moves, John Cena was shocked when it was applied, his face was priceless.

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