That Special Non-Title WM Match

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Every year at WM, I have noticed that the WWE bases their main event matches around the WHC & WWE titles with fueds to boot. However, there is always that one match where an interesting storyline happens between two superstars that becomes EPIC:

WM25 - HBK v.s. Taker
WM24 - HBK v.s. Flair

and so on and so forth...

So, what I ask is purely fantasy. For WM26, what would you like to see as "That Special Non-Title WM Match" with reasons. Your limited to using:

1) Superstars that are in or quite possibly might be in WWE when WM26 hits.
2) One on one singles match only (can involve a small stipulation like retirement or submissions only)

If HBK v.s. Taker didnt happen at WM25, I would say for it to happen at WM26 where both superstars would be retiring (Kinda like Lesnar v.s. Goldberg, but it would be an epic match). However, I'm going with:

WM26 - HBK v.s Morrison (old school v.s. new school. A classic fantasy pairing, its like The Rock & Hulk Hogan but better) I would of said Swagger here but HBK & Angle has already been done to perfection, why ruin it? Anywayz, it would be a great way to give the rub to Morrison with HBK retiring.

Your matches & thoughts please..

NB: I know I have HBK in every match situation, but him & Taker are just phenomenal.
Well quite obviously, the first one that comes to mind would be:

John Cena vs The Rock... Normally I'd give a longer reason as to why I'd want this... But seriously... It's John Cena... And The Rock...
Edge vs Christian if they built up a really epic storyline over time, or 'Taker vs Swagger (I have a feeling these two would be dynamite in the ring together...).

Pure fantasy here since I know Foley will never return to WWE, but a HHH vs Cactus Jack match would be awesome!!!!
Gold Standard vs HBK-Remember their match from the Gold Rush tournament! That match would shut shit down at Mania! They gotta do this match at least one more time before HBK or Shelton is jobbed into oblivion(which seems to be taking place as we type)!
My answer has to be HBK vs. HHH. if HBK loses, he has to retire but if HHH loses, he will never get another WWE title shot. To start off with, HHH "respectfully" asks HBK for a match @ WM 26. He accepts and a few weeks later, Trips announces that he is sick of HBK getting all of the respect that he does. HBK comes out and says that he gets the respect because he earned it and says he thought they were friends. He offers the game a handshake so trips grabs his hand and gets HBK into a pedigree. HBK counters and give HHH a superkick. HHH goes to the general managers office and demands that HBK's career be on the line. The GM accepts under one condition: that HHH will never get another title shot if he loses.
THese have both been mentioned but I would love to see Morrison vs HBK and Edge vs Christian (with the proper build).

Morrison and HBK at 26 would be awesome. Pretty much everyone on this site has been clamoring for this matchup due to similiar styles and extraordinary in ring ability. They are both super athletic and morrison has pretty much been seen as carbon copy of HBK. With the recent releases of mid-card talent in umaga and kennedy and the rumor that mysterio might be peacing, not even to mention possible retirements of taker and HBK the WWE really needs to elevate mid-card talent to upper mid card and main event talent and i dont think anything would elevate morrison more then ending HBK's career. I can't imagine a storyline or anything else that could possibly put him over more then ending the Icon, the showstopper and the main events career. Maybe after it happens he can adopt the Sweet Chin Music much like how flair took the figure 4 after beating rogers.

Edge vs Christian would be something sent from heaven above. The WWE really dropped the ball by not pairing Christian with Edge whether be it with him or against him amongst his return. Whether he took out Jeff or fought against Edge from the get go this would of given him the appearance of being a main event star. Instead they put im on development on Tv and it kind of killed his return a bit. Before 26 since ECW sadly hurt Christian a bit they would prob have to make him look credible to the average fans eye and not all the marks on this site who love him like i do. This is a money feud Christian works great as a face and him vs Edge would probably give the return the wwe was expecting to get out of matt vs jeff
Morrison is hot, but not sure he's ready for HBK. I did not see him as ECW champ, so not sure if he shined over Burke or Henry. Is the Shaman even worthy of WM yet? If he is, how about Morrison vs Koslov? Koslov as the clear villain but not impressed by John's mad skills.

I loved Rhodes & Goldust at the Rumble for 2 seconds, how about a NT match for inheritance or whatever? Can't see Edge vs Christian, but maybe if Bella twins were added to the mix... Cena vs Rock seems impossible, I love Rock forever but don't need him back for hype if his heart's not in it. Not happy that he rallied for every town on his journey but now charges admission from all his "millions and millions" of fans. If he wasn't a sellout then how hard is it to show up at least once a year?

The crucial question is who can beat the streak. Kane deserves the honor and maybe Taker could live with that. Even if Undertaker won then Kane could make him uncertain of the outcome. Cocky Jericho would love to be the guy who ended the streak, and I would still love Chris after losing and getting beat to a pulp. Yeah, I'd sure pay to see such arrogance brought to shame, and then deny it the next night by crying "cheat".

Cody vs Ted, it's gotta happen eventually. I can't wait.
Undertaker draws no matter what, due to the streak so he would be in the match against the person who could make their opponent look good in a pitch black room, Chris Jericho. It would seem to be an actual threat to the streak. Jericho's promos skills are up there with Edge and Cena's, so the build up would be fantastic. The match would involve such epic moments as old school countered into the code breaker before an eventual 'Taker win. It would be just as good as 'Taker HBK.
John Morrison V Jeff Hardy I think could be a sleeper match in the waiting. However, Morrison is not at the level that Jeff is at the moment speaking in terms of position on the card, but if the match is sposed to be non-title, it would not matter. Similar scenario to Matt and Jeff from this years mania, With morrison getting a nice rub of Jeff, and also hopefully putting on quite a show.

It must be said the Taker v Cena, should also be at mania, conversley I think Cena's in ring ability would detract from the match, making it less epic.
It must be said the Taker v Cena, should also be at mania, conversley I think Cena's in ring ability would detract from the match, making it less epic.

The same John Cena that has great matches with everyone bar Big Show (a thankless task). The hatred for Cena's in ring skills amazes me. Syart watching the programme properly and realise he is gold in the ring. Tell me one match that you have seen that has been bad without mentioning the name Big Show.

Any match with Cena draws, and at WrestleMania even more so. I'd prefer him to be in a title match but if you had two title matches on top of a 'Taker streak match and a Cena match and you have a pretty solid line up.
Yes I certainly think WWE has left a BIG door open for this year's Wrestlemania show stealer in Phoenix.

I have a sneaky suspicion than WWE may have claimed back Kurt Angle by Wrestlemania this year. With that in mind..

Kurt Angle vs. Jack Swagger
A technical showdown between two incredible amateur wrestlers. A real show stealer.

John Cena vs. The Rock
Obviously a match for the ages, but somehow I think it will be like Austin vs. Hogan, it will never actually happen. It would be an incredible spectacle.

The Undertaker vs. Chris Jericho
Another match that has real potential to be the show stealer. I don't see how the confrontation between 'Taker and Jericho can be held off until Wrestlemania. The only way I see it working, is if Undertaker doesn't return until Armageddon or The Royal Rumble. But I don't know it that is possible, especially with the rumors of him coming back for Summerslam.

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H
The match never actually happened at Wrestlemania. Chris Benoit got in the way with his Rumble win. Now we don't have anything to stop this match finally happening. WWE needs this match to happen. If I was to make it really special, it needs to happen at Wrestlemania 30 but I don't know if Shawn Michaels will be around that long, in fact I know he won't be. Perhaps WM 30 could be even Triple H's retirement match.

Any other ideas I have in mind I think won't be epic enough..
i'd have to say a rematch from survivor series '97. Bret Hart returns for one night only to ATTEMPT to end hbk's career. HBK pulls out the win but is then screwed over by vince and bret. HBK vs Bret WM26, classic DX vs. New Hart foundation with bret at Backlash. It aint gonna happen, but we can only dream
If he ever gets signed by WWE and with some smooth talking I think these matches could be the show stopper:
A. Undertaker vs. Sting
B. Sting vs. Shawn Michaels
I know these have been mentioned before on this forum but they beared repeating...
And I know I can get some heat for this one but the buy rate and gate would be huge
C. Hulk Hogan vs. John Cena
Mine and everyone's favorite return one we have been waiting 13 years for...
Ahmed Johnson vs. Golddust...LOL
But seriously I had one more and I forget already...Then again I just off work...shoot But that's it for now...
I'll give you a few ideas...

Morrison/HBK...thank you, I agree. That shit would be sexy. But, who knows. Maybe by then Morrison will be in line for a Royal Rumble win; if he gets the push he really deserves.

Ted/Cody...Good call, these guys aren't doing shit as a tag team...let ted beat up babydust for awhile.

Kane/Taker..makes sense. You just have to build Kane back up as a monster....Give him a mask again or make him lose some of that tire he's wearing to hold up those tights. Make Kane impressive again and we could have a good one..hell in a call maybe.

Edge/Christian..a lot of different ways to play it...TLC? All I know is the build up would be a lot of fun. Have Edge lose the Rumble because of Christian or something.

HHH/HBK. The only way I will like it is if you build it up with a lot of heat. I'm guessing flair would have to be involved in some way. HHH loses the title at the rumble and freaks out a beats up flair and Shawn comes in for the save. Could be a good match but it needs heat, no mutual respect crap.

Vince/Swagger....don't judge me, I just think it would be neat.

Now that I think about it...Shawn could be in a match with just about anyone and it would be great. My tops would still be Morrison, but literally, probably anyone.

I hope they don't go for a rematch with HBK/Taker and this time it's streak vs retirement...I could see vince doing that shit.

NOW, For a little trip into Fantasy's real

HBK/ wanna see it, don't lie.

Hogan/Cena...Predictable, but a big draw.

Rock/Cena...big draw...

Austin/ know you wanna see it just as bad as I do.

Dudleys/Edge&Christian/Hardys....Yes, I said it

AJ Styles/Morrison...shit would be Epic

Scott Steiner/Batista...fight, preferably to the death

Sting/HBK...I've been waiting...tooooo long.

Matt Morgan/Big Show...big show other explanation..he just sucks

Angle/Cena...wouldn't that be super. Angle better win that shit, but as you would all expect Cena would be in the ankle lock for 15-20 minutes then "power out" I quit match would be pretty cool.

Flairs Kid vs Hogans Kid...fuck both of em'

Nash/Taker...I wanna see it before they both fall apart, screw you.

Samoa Joe/'s coming, this one won't stay in fantasy land for too long. Actually Joe/Show might work...but probably not.


Suicide....commits suicide...there's no match here...sorry

AJ and Morrison vs the Hardys, give em some toys...TLC, whatever, it will be a lot of fun.

Rey/Big a real fight, lets see what happens then.

alright...this has gone long enough.
Please, get over the idea that John Morrison belongs in the same ring with HBK. He doesn't.

I love the idea of Jericho vs Undertaker

Shawn Michaels vs CM Punk would steal the show.

Fantasy-wise, I've always wanted to see a HBK vs Rock feud and Wrestlemania would be the perfect stage.
Or like someone said, if Kurt Angle comes back, I would love a Angle vs Edge again. Their matches were incredible in the early 2000's.
Finally, in my damn more Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels match. For obvious reasons.
It might be too earlier but I'd go with Jack Swagger vs. Undertaker. Swagger is already one of the top workers in the company and should be near main event status by next year. Taker's health seems to be a big question mark and next year could be his last WM.

If that is the case, I think Swagger should break the streak. It would really put him over and give him some HUGE heel heat, and I think that the streak has to be broken before Undertaker retires.
I'd love to see

Edge vs Shawn... it happened for like 3 weeks wwhen edge was turning heel and never turned into anything. its time.

morrison vs miz... the dirt sheet restarted and they do it live via satellite lol, i kinda like it... slow long build would be awesome.

ludvig borga vs Tom Brandy... 2 of the greatest.

ugh idk theres a lack of talent, something with shelton, morrison, jericho, shawn, edge. put two of them 2gether n im happy.
Cena vs. The Rock
This would be the Rock's final match, for the title of "the most electrifying athlete in sports entertainment". Who is better on the mic? in the ring? fan favorite? etc. Also, it would be nice to not see Cena in the title bout.
i'm pulling for Hogan vs The Octomom but incase that dosin't happen i'll go for Rock vs Michaels something i always wanted to see or Michaels vs Edge i think they could put on a good match i also think Swagger and Angle could be intresting.
Hmmmmmmmmm, so many possibilities of Epic proportions.
There are many matches that i'd pay good money to see:

Chris Jericho Vs. The Undertaker: Chris Jericho's abilities to build a great storyline with his promo work alone IMO are enough to make me interested in a feud. Everyone always comments on how alike Jericho and HBK are, and everyone is still drooling over Takers WM25 classic with the showstopper.. so i reckon Y2J could have a match with the Undertaker to possibly rival that of last years. It would be a match i would LOVE to see, and without a doubt worth of Wrestlemania.

Shawn Michaels Vs. John Morrison: Ahhhhhhh, the possible spots in this match are endless. It would be awesome, but, who would be the heel? Morrison is face at the moment at is HBK so if this were to occur i predict Morrison would turn heel, which i thinks bad because i think that John Morrison's main event chances have risen since becoming face. He's always had the ablility, but it just seems people are taking more notice since his face turn to SmackDown! But, if the have as epic a match as i believe they can, it would be hard for fans to dislike either star (unless they have no real appreciation of in ring wrestling - I'm looking at you Pre-Pubecent Cena Fans)

John Morrison Vs. Kurt Angle: A dream match of mine, i would love too see (probably more then HBK v Morrison) it when Angle comes back to the company. Possibly in an Iron man Match? Thad be the stipulation I'd choose. Maybe Morrison costs Kurt the title in a fatal 4 way or something - and that sparks the feud, similar to how HBK eliminated Angle from the 2005 rumble to spark the feud and subsequent Classic WM match.

But... To take the cake, the one match i'd love to see more than any other is

Shawn Michaels Vs. The Rock: Pure Classic, it would probably go down as one of my favorites ever. It would top HBK v Taker. Really, i don't think i need to say more. :icon_razz:

Honorable Mentions:
Miz Vs. Morrison: They havent actually faced yet, and id love to see it.
Christian Vs. Edge: I can't imagine this not being for gold, and if it is for gold it most likely wont occur at Mania.
Cena Vs. Hogan: Just to see Cena Lose
Austin Vs. Cena: See Above
Jeff Hardy Vs. John Morrison: This probably won't occur at Wrestlemania, but if it did and whenever it happens the show will be stolen.
Jeff Hardy Vs. Christian: I didnt get it last WrestleMania, I still want it.

Someone Mentioned Aj Styles Vs. John Morrison: That would be fantastic.
Every year at WM, I have noticed that the WWE bases their main event matches around the WHC & WWE titles with fueds to boot. However, there is always that one match where an interesting storyline happens between two superstars that becomes EPIC:

WM25 - HBK v.s. Taker
WM24 - HBK v.s. Flair

and so on and so forth...

So, what I ask is purely fantasy. For WM26, what would you like to see as "That Special Non-Title WM Match" with reasons. Your limited to using:

1) Superstars that are in or quite possibly might be in WWE when WM26 hits.
2) One on one singles match only (can involve a small stipulation like retirement or submissions only)

If HBK v.s. Taker didnt happen at WM25, I would say for it to happen at WM26 where both superstars would be retiring (Kinda like Lesnar v.s. Goldberg, but it would be an epic match). However, I'm going with:

WM26 - HBK v.s Morrison (old school v.s. new school. A classic fantasy pairing, its like The Rock & Hulk Hogan but better) I would of said Swagger here but HBK & Angle has already been done to perfection, why ruin it? Anywayz, it would be a great way to give the rub to Morrison with HBK retiring.

Your matches & thoughts please..

NB: I know I have HBK in every match situation, but him & Taker are just phenomenal.


I would like to see it be Chris Jericho v The Undertaker. Despite them having many years in the WWE, they have never...ever fought one-on-one before. So, I think that they could do an interesting feud, especially with Jericho's current heel persona.
I think that a triple threat match on the grandest stage of them all would be epic. I say, Christian vs. Orton,HHH, or Batista depending on which ones are in the WWE feud, and John Morrison. That would be an excellent match and could show who is the top midcarder in the WWE.

Or, if I had to pick a 1 vs 1 match, Morrison vs The Miz. I expect Miz to be a good superstar by Wrestlemania.

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