That is one hard MotherF'er to crack!

Ultra Awesome

Im standing in Brooklyn/
Due to a qucik discussion in the CLS thread, comes forth this thread.

I'm sure many of you have heard the phrase used in the title all too often. Usually, it's used when someone is trying to extract information from said individual; yet, despite that, the individual refuses to crack; and thus, does not say anything.

However, there has always been an alternative to such problem. And that of course, is the act of torturing. Torture, as we all know, is the act of causing pain to someone else - whether it be physically or psychologically -for any given purpose.

Most recently, however, torturing has been used to extract key information from certain people - most specifically terrorists. Nowadays, among other reasons, with the fear of getting bombed by terrorists, the US has resorted to torturing terrorists to extract key information that they need in order to, well, "save our lives."

But as is the common belief, many will argue that torturing another human being is inhumane - it is not something that should be generally done at all. Not even if the said terrorist could cause any harm on the people of the United States.

So with that said, I ask you, wrestlezone:

Should torturing (whether it be physical or psychological) be allowed to be used on terrorists to extract key information from them?

Do you think it's inhumane for torture to even be used in the first place?

(If haven't already) What is your opinion on torturing: Are you okay with it or against it?

Thanks, guys.
Should torturing (whether it be physical or psychological) be allowed to be used on terrorists to extract key information from them?

Although my answer in the GSD was pro-torture, I, like you, am on the fencree with this one. On one hand, torturing terrorist can really prevent other acts of terrorism. These specific terrorists deserve a little extra punishment for the death and misery they've caused our country. Torturing will still be nothing compared to what they do to our soldiers when captured. But on the other hand, torturing has numerous cons.

Such as lowering us from the moral high to the level of the terrorist. If we torture our terrorist, we should expect retaliation in the form of more terrorist attacks (if word gets out) or torturing of our prisoners in other countries. Could we really say it's ok to torture a terrorist but not expect it in return from that said country? Torturing goes against everything I believe in, but I can see both sides of the argument.

Do you think it's inhumane for torture to even be used in the first place?

Duh. Of course it's inhumane for one individual to even cause harm to another individual, no matter the circumstance. But humans have always been inhuman (lulz). We do inhuman things all the time such as war. But it somehow doesn't stop us from doing those inhuman things.

If you truly think about it, torturing, whether physical or mentally, sympothy will fallow those terrorist who should be ashamed and looked down on.

(If haven't already) What is your opinion on torturing: Are you okay with it or against it?

Now that I've actually thought about it, I'm actually against it. There are other ways of getting information from terrorist without lowering ourselves into toruring human beings. I agree these people shouldn't necessarily be granted constitutional rights but basic human rights are a must. Torturing is beneath us, we shouldn't have to bring ourselves that low when there are plenty of other ways to obtain information.
Should torturing (whether it be physical or psychological) be allowed to be used on terrorists to extract key information from them?

I might be going against the grain here but ,in general ,I would say yes to torture to extract information. The term terrorist is relative to the person using it and we are all terrorists in someone else's eyes. So with that said, would it not make sense to do whatever it takes to combat those who oppose us? Is one life really worth potentially losing thousands more?

Everyone likes to call foul with torture because it is "inhuman", but if we take a step down from the pedestals in which we think we hold ourselves up to and actually think about it, humans aren't really all that special. Animals kill everyday just for a meal, yet we think we are above inflicting pain because it is "wrong"?

I say do what needs to be done, but at the same time, countries need to avoid being hypocrites. If you claim to be the greatest nation in the world, than expect to feel heat when you make the decision to torure someone.
Torture should not be used on terrorists. Simple as that. I know it's inhumane, but that's not really the reason why. Some people deserve torture- I just don't approve of the state using it. Because it doesn't work.

Torture can be used to extract information. The problem is that people who are tortured tend to talk alot. To get you to stop torturing them. This is a serious problem because they may not even know anything. You end up getting false information, or only partially true information.

1. It's against international law.
2. It's inhumane.
3. It isn't effective.
Of course not, that's fucking sick, like Hamler said it doesn't have any kind of justification. For you, the person you are torturing is a terrorist, therefore is okay. But what happens when it's from the other side? When the "terrorist" is torturing your "hero"? THEN it's wrong? It can't be wrong, that's playing with moral.

I am from a country victim of countless dictatorships. We don't even have the slightest idea of how many people were tortured. All these INNOCENT people were tortured to get some precious information. They had the same logic: "we are the good guys, and you are the communist/terrorists. Therefore if we are torturing you is a good thing".

Nothing can justify torturing a human being even if it's for the "safety" of the country. Like one wise man said, "once the end justifies the means, then the State is corrupted by power". How can you be better than someone by doing exactly what they do: violating human rights? Physical or psychological torture should be banned and punished, it is completely inhumane to do it. We are in the fucking XXI century, we can be better than this.

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