Thanks for your loyalty, here's the title

Radical Canadian Goose

Getting Noticed By Management
It has long been reported that Mark Henry won the title because of his loyalty to the company throughout the years and that his career was coming close to an end, so WWE honoured him with the honour of being World champ. The same was also said of Christian, who actually briefly jumped ship, . Although this can be stated that he was given the title out of respect to Edge. Now, it seems that Big Show is being given one last run with the title as he is soon to retire. Yes, I know that Show has held the title before, but I feel that WWE is giving him one last run, due to his loyalty to the company. Anyways, I want to know, which superstar would you let hold the title (either for the first time or a long reign) just because they are a long reigning employee of the company

My personal choices are: Santino, Kane, Rey Mysterio, RTruth and William Regal.

Out of the above I say Regal as he has long been one of the best technical wrestlers in the world, has/is an agent for the company, puts over talent, great on the mic and an extremely loyal employee.

What does everybody think?
Well, Kane got his send off reign a couple years ago when he beat Mysterio and Mysterio had a couple of reigns in there my vote goes to


He's a decent talker, decent ring worker and has a character that is fairly over in his psycho-gimmick which can "tone back up" to where it was as a heel when he challenged John Cena for the title a year and a half ago

Let him be crazy and unhinged in an edgy way, the best part of being crazy is if he "snaps" there's a logical reason for him to develop the "aggression" needed to be taken seriously, so I'd like to see R-Truth get a title reign
Personally I think it's too late for Regal to be a world champion, it would not be convincing, but I wouldn't mind him trading his current position for something like Raw GM for a long time, like they did with Teddy. He was GM for a while which I quite enjoyed...

As for having a world championship, I would like to see maybe Kane? But his reign a couple of years ago was way to awesome, he'd have to go heel again to match that intensity again. Which I don't like the sound of because there are too many heels.
I don't believe in this type of push. Roddy Piper never got a title reign. Neither did Jake Roberts, Mr Perfect or Ted Dibiase. If those guys didn't have world title reigns there's no reason for guys like Christian who never drew a dime. But if you held a gun to my head and told me to pick a guy to give the title to as sort of a pay back for a lengthy WWE career it would be Jerry Lawler. I'd rather see Lawler get a fluke win over CM Punk than the Rock. It would be even better if they did it at Wrestlemania.
Of the five you listed:

Kane got his in 2010.

Rey has already had a number of reigns and a lot of fans hated him being champ, between his lack of size and the belief that he got it only because of Eddie Guerrero's death.

Santino will NEVER get a world title reign as long as he's portrayed as a comedy character, and since that's what got him over, ...

If R-Truth had stayed a heel, I could have seen him possibly getting a run, but not now.

I think it's too late for Regal. Instead, they should start transitioning him to a non-wrestling role, be it as a commentator, manager, GM, trainer or road agent. Regal still has a lot to offer the business, but I think he's done all he's ever going to do in the ring.
shane gettin a title wouldnt be on par with Russo holding the WCW title but would be dangerously close. ..

Regal would had been the best candidate but that should had been done somewhere between 2004-8..

Kane is pretty stout right now and has had a WWF title at the height of the Attitude Era.. That negates any points made about the brevity of it. Big Show was a WWF champion, a WCW champion early in his debut and held the WWECW title for a few months.. He doesnt need a loyalty run and someone citing former champions as being in need of one are being idiotic and contrary to the point.

Before Regal all i could think of is guys like Ordorff, Snuka, and Honky Tonk.. Benjamin had deserved one before his release, so did Taz, Matt Hardy, thats about it..

Yeah its pretty much Regal, hes like the golden standard for golden loyalty and loyalty gold..
Before I would've went with Regal, but I'd have to agree that it's too late for him. I know he can still go in the ring but he's just out of shape now and he barely wrestles anymore, so it just wouldn't be convincing that he goes from someone who's hardly wrestled in the last two years to Big Show's whipping boy to World Champion material.

I'd go with R-Truth if he dropped the Little Jimmy gimmick, brought back the ol' Conspiracy gimmick and he got a new theme song that sounds heelish. CleverName51 pretty much summed it all up, he's a good worker, a good talker when he is a heel, and the psycho character was some of his hottest work ever and was the most entertaining angle in the period between Wrestlemania 27 and CM Punk's shoot promo. Jericho even praised him on Twitter and called him the next biggest star in the WWE. Truth can carry himself very well as a champion as evidenced by his TNA title run in the old NWA-TNA, and if the WWE would give him another chance and they continued working with him instead of giving up on him, I think he'd turn out to be a fine World Heavyweight Champion. The WWE had it right with him last time, they just stopped caring and blew it.
Why would you suggest both Kane and Rey when they both have already had "thank you" world title reigns already? Kane had his in 2010 and Rey has had a couple himself. I'm not sure I agree with Truth either. He has been much more entertaining in the past year and a half, however he's not main event material. Truth had his chance at Capitol Punishment and did not deliver. The guy cannot be taken seriously as a top guy and therefore should not hold a world title even if it is a "thank you for your loyalty" gift. It's not worth it to give someone a world title run as a reward if it devalues the title. There's a reason Truth has never been a World Champion in the WWE and it's not just because he held one in TNA first. Vince does hate when wrestlers win their first world titles elsewhere, but the big issue is he cannot be taken seriously.

I support the idea of rewarding someone for years of hard work, although you also have to remember the importance of the titles. Whoever gets to hold the belt has to be believable in the role. I won't even START on Santino, why you mentioned him is beyond me. I do like the idea of Regal having a reward in the form of a title run, I just doubt it will happen. He's at the point where he should be putting others over now. I'd rather see him be GM again. I enjoyed his GM run from 4-5 years ago when he'd end the show in the middle of a match or turn the lights off. Out of the list suggested by the thread starter Regal is the best option, other than Kane who has already had his. It's better if they focus on building up the belts' importance as well as letting the stars of the future have the title runs. A title shot here and there hurts no one, it's just that the belts should not risk being devalued just so someone can be rewarded when there are other ways it can be done.
I could go for Kane getting another shot, maybe with the WWE title this time. He's only had that for a single day. If it were me booking it, I'd just have Kane run roughshod over everyone, heel or face, wrestler or not. Just destroy everything. Put him right back into how he was when he debuted. The thing about Kane is that no matter how comedic he gets, he can go right back to being a monster with the flip of a switch.

Have him defend the title against a series of big name people - Punk, Cena, maybe even the Rock. Just make him seem completely unbeatable. Then, bring in the Undertaker to try to finish him off, maybe at the PPV before WM, and lose. They go again at WM, and end the match in a no contest somehow - probably a double KO. Let them both retire right then. Next night on Raw, have a huge tournament for the title. Induct Taker and Kane into the HoF the next year.
I don't think it is like that at all.

WWE and Vince McMahon would not do such a thing unless it was good business. Loyalty and such things do not come into the mind of such a business man.
Mark Henry, Kane and BigShow's most recent reigns were simply because WWE are still building top stars, and using these Monster Heels was the best option to do that at the time. I loved Mark Henrys Title Run....and Kanes, Briefly.
Big Show has actually started to entertain me as a Heel in his feud with Sheamus, and I think that the kids at home who dont remember Paul Whyte/The Giant & Floyd Mayweathers Punchingbag can actually buy the 7ft Giant as a viable bad guy.
+ Sheamus reign really did begin to get stale.

The WWE seem to still be hesitant on pulling the trigger on some upcoming stars, even the ones who are just a feud away from the titles such as Dolph. And until they could rely on those tallents the pre-mentioned Monster Heels were slapped in to fill a Void.
I really hate the idea of "courtesy runs". If guys like Piper, Lawler, and Hennig didn't get runs, why should Santino Marella?

Marella can NEVER be a Main Event guy at this point and thats completely fine. He's great for the kids and adults dig his comedy act. Not a Main Event guy tho

If I was going to give somebody a "courtesy run" I'd say give another one to Mark Henry. The job he did completely changing his character last year and becoming a dominant monster heel worthy of a clean win over Randy Orton to become WHC was unreal. Nobody could have believed that after years of being a mid-card joke, Sexual Chocolate Mark Henry would have a legitimate title run with a "Hall of Pain" gimmick

After 16 years of being misused and underutilized WWE finally gave Henry something to run with. Mark is literally (not just kayfabe) one of the strongest men in the world. The fact he's only been champion ONCE in 16 years is ridiculous. Almost as ridiculous Piper never getting one
It has long been reported that Mark Henry won the title because of his loyalty to the company throughout the years and that his career was coming close to an end, so WWE honoured him with the honour of being World champ. The same was also said of Christian, who actually briefly jumped ship, . Although this can be stated that he was given the title out of respect to Edge. Now, it seems that Big Show is being given one last run with the title as he is soon to retire. Yes, I know that Show has held the title before, but I feel that WWE is giving him one last run, due to his loyalty to the company. Anyways, I want to know, which superstar would you let hold the title (either for the first time or a long reign) just because they are a long reigning employee of the company

My personal choices are: Santino, Kane, Rey Mysterio, RTruth and William Regal.

Out of the above I say Regal as he has long been one of the best technical wrestlers in the world, has/is an agent for the company, puts over talent, great on the mic and an extremely loyal employee.

What does everybody think?

I don't see giving somebody a belt as loyalty. Hell Lesnar got it in two months. Henry as you stated been in WWE 15 years and all the pay off was a damn scripted championship. If Vince wants to show appreciation, take care of these guys for the rest of their lives, you see how their doing Edge. But for the sake of your question, their isn't no one currently on the roster who has been there long enough to say their loyal or paid their dues besides Big Slow, Kane, Henry, Christian, Cena, and Orton.
I like this thread. Let's see...

I'd have to go with...Booker T, he has been with the WWE since 2001 when he was with the Alliance after WCW of course. All the way till the end of 2007 which he jumped to TNA, but did eventually return to WWE in the Royal Rumble to a huge pop in 2011. Which I def marked out for. So on and off he has been with the WWE for about 8-9 years. Which sure may not seem like a lot but he is entertaining in the ring, kind of okay on the mic. But I think he could have one more solid run as World Champ before hanging it up officially, I think Booker still has some good matches left in him.
the idea of having a loyalty run is foolish (no offense) how could theses superstars that you listed (Except rey and kane) can have a good title run they haven't got good in ring talent which contrary to many peoples idea who think a champ must have a good mic skill i believe if you have a good in ring then the mic won't much matter but my pick would be someone like christian or the miz or maybe booker t but since wwe just GIVE them the title and only business and not the wrestler skill matter in wwe it doesn't matter who they GIVE the title to.
I don't really see the WWE giving titles to wrestlers as a reward for loyalty. It just doesn't make good business sense. Just because a wrestler is loyal to the company doesn't mean that they'd make a good World Champion. As others have mentioned, look at the list of loyal guys in WWE that never had a run. Look at Roddy Piper, look at Ted DiBiase, look at Chief Jay Strongbow. Look at Big Boss Man & Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Both these men's first run in WWE lasted from the late 80s to the mid 90s and they never even won a single championship during their time there.

I think they gave title runs to Henry, Kane & Rey as they were all doing stuff that was seriously over at the time. During the second half of 2011, Mark Henry was one of the best things going in wrestling. He was a very believable monster heel that made you wonder why WWE hadn't done this sort of thing with him a decade earlier. On top of that, Henry was a strong draw over on SD!. During Henry's time as WHC, every episode of SD! was averaging over 3 million viewers each week. More people were into Henry as champ than Randy Orton.

As far as Kane goes, he'd given some solid gold promos during his time as champ. While the storyline with Kane & Taker at this time left something to be desired, the whole "vegetative state" seemed kind of silly, Kane did great as champ and delivered the best mic work of his career. His feud with Edge in late 2010 was dragged down with the whole kidnapping garbage, but it produced some great matches all the same.

Mysterio's first run as champ came about, partially, with WWE working Eddie Guerrero's death into a storyline in which Rey wins the title to honor Eddie. Mysterio's long since been one of the most consistently over faces in WWE for about a decade. It could also be viewed as the ultimate flip off to people that repeatedly and inaccurately claim that WWE only likes "big guys" to be champ. Personally, I thought it was something of a novel idea as we'd never seen a World Champ in WWE, or WCW or in the NWA for that matter, Rey's size.

On one hand, the idea of awarding loyal people who've worked hard in WWE does have an appeal. It's always nice to see people that work their asses off and are loyal get rewarded. On the other hand, just because you're loyal and a hard worker doesn't mean you should have the top spot in the company. That's especially true if, quite frankly, you don't have the ability to warrant being there. Working hard & loyalty doesn't mean you're somebody that can draw money.
I know he hasn't been in the company as long as others but i really think Kofi Kingston should be acknowledged for all of his commitment to the company with a world title run. The audience is split between people who want to see him as a main eventer and people who believe it will never happen. But regardless i think he is deserving. The few times we have seen his character get more serious it has always been entertaining and made for good TV. I would love to see him as World Heavyweight Champion and help carry Smackdown. We all know he has the talent in the ring, he is over with the fans, his mic work is decent and better when they give him something to run with. All Kofi needs is the right storyline and the right opportunity. I'm not even saying that he should be a guaranteed Main Eventer. I just think they should give him the chance and see how it turns out. He has consistently maintained in the mid card and some how always stays relevant, that's a sign of good things to come in my opinion.
It has long been reported that Mark Henry won the title because of his loyalty to the company throughout the years and that his career was coming close to an end, so WWE honoured him with the honour of being World champ.

Yes, and Mark apparently got so excited about his new-found impact that he abandoned his retirement plans and is now rehabbing for another go at it.:)

At the same time; look how long he's been gone. The man has been known for huge amounts of time spent on the injured much time that we virtually forget about him.....and here he comes again. I don't know what he's expecting when he does return this time, nor do I know what he's been promised, but it's hard to believe they intend to give him another title run, especially if the first one was of the "thanks for your loyalty" variety. I'm sure that one wound up better than the company had ever hoped, but it's done and gone.

As for Regal, I would think the honor of giving a title reign to a loyal employee still requires that the performer has qualities that will make him a draw as champ. With Mark Henry, the company got it right in using him as an unstoppable monster. What hadn't really worked years before finally took hold. That's great, but what has Regal got to offer that would make us see him as a champion now? He was a superb technical wrestler in WCW, but that was so long ago it doesn't apply anymore. Just a nasty personality (and a world class sneer) won't cut it.

I didn't think we were going to see Regal in the ring again, figuring he was still with the company only because he must be doing something valuable backstage. That he made a couple of appearances on the European tour is just fine, but we shouldn't expect it to translate to a "gratitude" title run.
Santino, Kane, Rey Mysterio, RTruth and William Regal.

Regal is too old for a title run, and is doing work with other wwe related wrestling programs. Rey Mysterio is so past it its unbelievable, not only does he not deserve another title shot, but he shouldnt even be on Raw. His body is broken, move on already. RTruth and Santino are great wrestlers, but I cant see either being a champion above the US title, they are kid-centric characters, and make the wwe too much money being so.

The only one who really deserves a major title shot and can fit the bill is kane. He has been with the company the longest, works tirelessly both in the ring and backstage, and is one of the most liked guys in the entire roster. Kane is guaranteed work backstage when he retires, but he does deserve one last title shot before he does eventually hang up the mask, just for his incredible loyalty and service.
It has long been reported that Mark Henry won the title because of his loyalty to the company throughout the years and that his career was coming close to an end, so WWE honoured him with the honour of being World champ. The same was also said of Christian, who actually briefly jumped ship, . Although this can be stated that he was given the title out of respect to Edge. Now, it seems that Big Show is being given one last run with the title as he is soon to retire. Yes, I know that Show has held the title before, but I feel that WWE is giving him one last run, due to his loyalty to the company. Anyways, I want to know, which superstar would you let hold the title (either for the first time or a long reign) just because they are a long reigning employee of the company

My personal choices are: Santino, Kane, Rey Mysterio, RTruth and William Regal.

Mark Henry has said quite recently that he's not retiring, and has been doing work at house shows to get ready for an in-ring return. I'd actually love to see him return at Survivor Series, if indeed Cody Rhodes is too injured to compete on Team Ziggler. I don't know if "reported" is necessarily the right word either; more like "heavily rumored". Vince is first and foremost a business man, and if he didn't feel like Henry could draw on PPV and bring in ratings for Smackdown, I doubt very highly he would have given him the World Title, whether he "deserved it" or not. More than likely, Henry showed a lot of backstage improvement, and his hot streak of promos impressed Vince enough to pull the trigger in a time when Smackdown needed a new, dominant heel.

Kane and Rey Mysterio have both held the World Title, to varying degrees of success and failure. Mysterio will probably never hold it again, because while his original win got a huge reaction off Eddie's death - sad, but true - he was a crappy Champion. Blame booking, and the fact that Rey couldn't work with any of Smackdowns main event heels at the time. You don't give guys a belt just because their tenure merits it, especially if they've already held it on multiple occasions.

You think R-Truth deserves a title run because of his longevity with the company? He's been R-Truth for a grand total of four years, and is a former TNA Champion. WWE obviously doesn't care about his three years in WWF before that. Don't get me wrong, he's one of my favorite Superstars in WWE. I'd love to see him be a World Champion before he retires, and I think if used right he could be one of the company's biggest stars. But I doubt he'll ever be used to full potential. He'll probably leave WWE as a career midcarder, which is seriously a shame. Since he turned heel in the UK in 2011, he's been on my radar as a guy to watch for. But to say he deserves a title because of longevity, is kind of a joke.

Ask anybody in the UK, and they'll probably tell you William Regal deserves a World Title run before he retires. He won't get it. He's not like Mark Henry, he wrestles maybe once, or twice a year on television. He doesn't have the chance to re-invent himself. He's an established trainer, announcer and general behind-the-scenes guys for WWE. Plus, there are very few places on the globe that he's relevant and gets a good reaction, and none of them are in the States. It's nothing against Regal, but his best days are long, long gone.

WWE had a chance earlier this year with Santino. And they could have that chance again simply by putting him in the title picture. For whatever reason, the fans LOVE to cheer for that guy. He's the ultimate underdog, even more so than Rey Mysterio, because he's seen as a joke, whereas Mysterio is just small and made a career out of overcoming the odds. Remember Elimination Chamber? Remember how awesome Santino's moment was? The guy is magic with the fans, and could probably be a decent transitional champion, at the very least.

So those are your choices, let's take a look at mine:

Great list, huh? Notice how there's nobody on it? That's because WWE has an extremely young talent pool. Everybody on their roster - besides William Regal and Jerry "the King" Lawler - is either a rookie, or they've already won a World Title. R-Truth might actually be the next person in that line, come to think of it. It's part of the reason I think the main event scenes in WWE seem so generic a lot of the time. The roster is really young, and everybody worth a damn that can carry the ball, already has. Which means we're just recycling guys on top, if creative isn't coming up with anything intriguing for them.

Alberto del Rio was the last wrestling veteran I thought deserved a title, and he didn't even make his name or cut his teeth in the WWE system. Or in the country, for that matter. I'm a big fan of his, and even I admit him winning the WWE Title in 2011 ruined the product for a few months. But I'm actually hoping that he does get in a World Title run or two before he retires. He's a great in-ring talent, and as he's shown with Sheamus and Randy Orton in recent months, he can be very good if creative comes up with fun things for him to do.
I say without a doubt Regal should win the WHC on the next UK RAW pending we are not into a champion as much as we are with Punk. I think for a true professional like Regal (also the only man to have a great match with Goldberg) it would be a truly great moment in wrestling history to win it there and have the pop he would get, it would just be a feel good moment and well deserved. All the guys hes put over or trained or mentored, all the great matches he put on, the fact he is a true genius in the ring, he has done so much for the industry and wrestling in general it would be a joyful moment to share and watch.
Some people are champions
others are entertainers, blurring these lines can be dangerous.

Having a champion who doesn't embody the company's image is cancer to ratings in some cases. You can see where WCW went with it's crazy title reigns, not to argue that whole can of worms (someone already touched on it), but I know quite a few people said they stopped caring about WCW when they saw Arquette and Russo walking around with titles.

That point leads to Santino. Santino as a "Champion" (I said that in his fake Italian accent), would be a funny moment I'm sure, but there's still a sect of wrestling that needs some seriousness. With the title scenes now, you have 5 legitimate wrestlers (Ya, even Skip Sheffield looks legit with how they've built him since he re-debut), and you may see jokes flying around, all 5 can represent the company today. Santino winning would tear down the last few years as WWE had tried to legitimize itself away from some of the antics they pulled before (Vince WWECW Champion... but nobody cared about WWECW).

R-Truth... He's a former world champion in another life, but I just don't see him drawing today, his gimmick is old and washed up, nobody pays to see him compete, his antics and such draw enough for his contract and roster spot, but I can't see him being a legitimate champion, he's very much like Santino, just not quite as much of a joke (He's still allowed to wrestle like normal person, unlike poor Santino).

Regal... Love some oldschool Regal matches, but today's product just passed him by, and he doesn't have the mainstream charisma or appeal to draw a crowd.

You brought up Mark Henry, Let's pretend you've never seen Wrasslin' before, and were looking at a poster of world champions, you see someone like Mark Henry looking pissed off, staring at whomever good guy smiling. You would instantly feel interesting in seeing this gigantic man wiping the smile off the face, or seeing Mark Henry get his commupance, he just has the natural heel appeal in that sense, and Mark Henry had more than just loyalty going for him. He could of been huge without the stigma of being a Nation of Domination Lacky, D'lo's bitch and sexual chocolate, which all held him back from the main event scene in the late 90's (Heck, the fact that Attitude Era was crammed with legends probably held him down too). My major point here, being Mark Henry had a lot more going for him than just loyalty, he just around at a bad time for the prime of his career.

Christian's moniker of Captain Charisma isn't just a name either, he definitely has a huge cult following, and he would be right up there with Edge as far as being a main eventer if he hadn't been given the Whiny gimmick before he crossed the line (I really felt that killed pre-TNA Christian, even though he turned it into gold with the one more match gimmick).

I guess what I'm trying to say with my last 2 points, is that those 2 deserved world title runs for more than just loyalty, both being legitimate superstars that could have held their titles under different circumstances, where as Regal's ship sailed, and Santino/Killings are just too comedic right now, and they would both need character shifts to be more serious, which changes what their fans love about them now.

The thing that those men you listed having "loyalty" runs have in common, they were completely over, amazing draws and great champions.

Don't believe everything you read on dirt sheets, they're as fake as the wrestling, because they're just trying to get hits.
first off we cant go around sayin so n so shouldnt ever get a run because Piper or Snuka didn't.. or Chief Jay Strongbow.. Thats opening a pandora's box right there..

You all need to agree on what a loyalty or courtesy run even is.. i thought it was exactly like Henry's where someone has been with a company for awhile, has no other runs with the top title, and will not regain the world title again.. Kendall Windham's reign as WCW's NWA World champion and i guess Dreamer's or Funk's ECW (extreme) reign is too.

Kane cant have one because he was the WWF champion.. he will always be in the lineage. I'd rather be WWF champ fo 24 hours then WWE champion for 24 months.. Mysterio was like a memorial run, so was Christian's. or a dedication(al) reign. Sheik and Backlund in '94 had transitional reigns. Slaughter might be a loyalty run because they choose him as the guy for that token reign which was up for grabs.

Henry, perhaps Khali, and Sgt. Sloaghter are the only ones we can call loyalty champions..

The issue with R Truth is not his TNA prominence but the fact that WWE undermined his chaacter once it got too serious. The concept of a little jimmy in wrestling is not wrong, he had some real life points about the effect dumb kids have on what wrestlers can do.. they started havin him act to off in the head, then being silly mean instead of critical of the audience. thats not Truth's fought.. Talks of conspiracies are fine when kept in check but the brass forced him to be a crack pot.. not his fought but that hurts him getting the WWE title badly.

Regal still has athletic ability because he trains the new kids you see so duhdaduh.. Hes just not in shape, his relevence is hurt when the audience is full of brats born after the death of WCW and people who can't remember the early post Attitude era.. Him appointing himself WHC in Russo or McMahon fashion would work because he has or had ability. He would probably need to drop his title after a 3rd or 4th defense though. Dean Malenko deserved a loyalty run but hes too old now, maybe 5 or 6 years ago though. The King but he didnt show his loyalty to the WWF as a wrestler but as a commentator.

Rey Mysterio should have had reigns with the WWE title and should had traded them with intermediary sized wrestlers or won them in a battle royal. The belt was too big for his frame, and the name of the belt made him seem smaller..

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