Thank You

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
I just wanted to say thank you to all the people effected by the tradgedy in Boston this week and to all those who helped solve the problem.

To all those who suffered thank you for hanging in there and staying positive this week. Thank You for your ability to recover and thank you for taking physical pain for us that didn't have to take it. It is ashame that you had to be put into that situation but I truly feel if not Boston it would have been somewhere else, so thank you for keeping my family and friends safe, and know that I am praying and wishing you well.

Thank you to all those involved in sending pictures and videos to authorities and to those who abided by directions given by authorities. Thank you for staying vigilante and sincere to the American ideals.

Thank You to all the police and special forces for risking your lives in the apprehension of the suspects.

As someone who was incredibly fearful for my friends living in that specific area I am thankful that tonight I may sleep in peace.

Thank You.
And to #1peep. There wasn't any bullshit side motives to this thread like you inferred in the red rep. I DO have friends and family in the area that this was taking place and I was legitamtely worried. One of my best friend's mother went to the hospital from the explosions, I have cousins that live not 15 minutes from where they found suspect 2 last night and I was truly thankful that this got resolved.

Heck I still live I'm Calgary until August and believe me I wasn't worried about myself I was worried about those I care about and just wanted to say how thankful I am.

And yes I wrote the same basic thing on Facebook too and not just wrestlezone.
I hope your friends mother is doing well. I greened you back Macios.

Thanks man. She ended up with a concussion but seems to be doing well. Scary as hell though as when the bombing happened I was in my bio course with my friend and they were petrified. But all is well.

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