Thank You Vets


Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
I'm half-surprised we never did this yesterday, when it was actually Veteran's Day here in the states...

Just wanted to extend a thank you to NorCal and falconsault, and any other military personnel that might be members of this forum...
I'm half-surprised we never did this yesterday, when it was actually Veteran's Day here in the states...

Just wanted to extend a thank you to NorCal and falconsault, and any other military personnel that might be members of this forum...

Erm, we did have a Veterans day thread, though it quickly turned into a Canada has a secret Army/ who's military is better thread.....
Erm, we did have a Veterans day thread, though it quickly turned into a Canada has a secret Army/ who's military is better thread.....

I didn't know, or see it...Sounds like this is better off here anyway.
:lmao: No disrespect to NorCal, but he isn't exactly a "Vet". Unless of course NSL considers his Parents to be "ancient descendants".

All that aside, I hope NorCal is protecting himself where-ever he may be and may godspeed send him home safely.
Yeah its closing in on the 13th here, but still I may as well make reference to one of the most important events of the last century
Where were you on June 6th, 2006? lol That was quite the day for a friend of mine, who came OH so close to having his son born on that day. Missed it by a few hours.
June 6, 2006, I was at a concert here in Cinci. Dimmu Borgir, Venom, and Celtic Frost. It. Was. Awesome.

Edit: Thank you for all the putting your life on the line for us, NorCal!!! How's the life thing treating you there, sir?
Er, its supposed to be for everyone, Will. "To honor those who have served, and those who continue to serve" I belive is the tagline, or something simular. Well that, and the fact that this isnt my first...uh, I would still qualify even if it was only for people who had gone before this. but it isnt

anyway, thanks for the try here NSL. It wont get to the second or third page without devolving into dick / sex / fart jokes, but hey. The effort is appreciated buddy.

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