Thank you PSN hackers

Is the LittleBigPlanet for download the Game of the Year edition that comes with the Metal Gear Solid and Monster Pack DLC? Because I sold my disc and deleted my profile to make room for LA Noire and Heavy Rain, and when I booted up LBP2 the other day I found that doing so deleted the free on-disc content that came with :(

If not my second game will probably be WipEout, but I've not quite decided yet.
I'm gonna download LBP and inFamous. I think I've almost pulled the trigger and purchased them both about 50 times while at Gamestop and for some reason I just never did. Now I know why, I'm able to get them free.

I suppose I should get my PSP charged and actually working. I can't remember the games but I remember Mod Nation Racers being a choice.
I spent £20 on WipEout HD Fury. OK, it was two years ago and it was the disc version, but still. Great game if anybody was wondering. Gorgeous shit.

I'm tempted to get Ratchet and Clank but InFamous and LBP are somewhat tempting. Also, they were full length games to begin with. Quest for Booty wasn't.
Definitely go for Infamous, at least if you like fun games which can be played for long periods of time.

Dead Nation; describe it to me if you please.
Killin' zombies.
I've got a sneaking suspicion the hackers don't post here. If you really want to thank them, do the legwork.
Me and my roomate each have accounts, so we're getting 4 of the 5 games, and we already have LBP. Score. I'm still PO'ed about the loss of a month though...
4-5 games makes up completely for all the inconveniences this shit has caused. That's why you pay for XBOX live, to avoid inconveniences.
4-5 games makes up completely for all the inconveniences this shit has caused. That's why you pay for XBOX live, to avoid inconveniences.

Must be nice to live in ignorance, what's it like? You realize that paying your $60+ every year doesn't serve as a paper wall to protect the Microsoft network, right? Were the hackers pissed off by Sony to go after Microsoft with the same vengeance, your service would be disrupted just like Sony's was.
Chester again shows us what little he has to contribute to anything.

I got LBP & Dead Nation on my profile and my brother got the other two off his profile. I alread had inFAMOUS so thaat was the one i didn't get.

You know what's funny, I'm in the same scenario. I got LBP and Dead Nation, my brother got other two, and I already had Infamous.
It didn't inconvenience me :shrug:

I ended up getting WipEout HD. inFamous still isn't installing for some reason, despite my PS3 having enough space, but I'll try shuffling around some save data and trying again in the morning. Who am I to argue with free stuff?
Must be nice to live in ignorance, what's it like? You realize that paying your $60+ every year doesn't serve as a paper wall to protect the Microsoft network, right? Were the hackers pissed off by Sony to go after Microsoft with the same vengeance, your service would be disrupted just like Sony's was.

I don't have X-box live, it's too expensive but I doubt a portion of that money doesn't go to security. I think they re-invest the money they earn back into the system- not all of it obviously but a portion of it.
I don't have X-box live, it's too expensive but I doubt a portion of that money doesn't go to security. I think they re-invest the money they earn back into the system- not all of it obviously but a portion of it.
Sony made nearly $300 million dollars in profits in the 2nd quarter of fiscal 2010. I daresay they could put money into security as well.

Don't get me wrong, Sony obviously did many things wrong, when it came to their security, not the least of which was running their network off of unpatched web servers with known exploits. But saying that because people pay money to access an online service automatically makes it better is a completely foolish statement.
Sony made nearly $300 million dollars in profits in the 2nd quarter of fiscal 2010. I daresay they could put money into security as well.

Don't get me wrong, Sony obviously did many things wrong, when it came to their security, not the least of which was running their network off of unpatched web servers with known exploits. But saying that because people pay money to access an online service automatically makes it better is a completely foolish statement.

I was wrong there but I still maintain that a payed service would be generally better than a free one.
Private healthcare> public healthcare

paid dating sites> free ones

paid email> free email listed just as many paid as I listed free. You can't even support your own argument that paid services are generally better than free.

And seriously...what the fuck are you talking about? Since when has ANY paid e-mail been better than Hotmail or Gmail? Not to mention Facebook messages?

See? This is why people don't take you seriously as a poster. listed just as many paid as I listed free. You can't even support your own argument that paid services are generally better than free.

And seriously...what the fuck are you talking about? Since when has ANY paid e-mail been better than Hotmail or Gmail? Not to mention Facebook messages?

See? This is why people don't take you seriously as a poster.

In my personal experience a paid product is better than free one.

Let me propose this: you have 2 companies with the exact same amount of resources and they participate in the same market too. They both offer the exact same service but with one company charging money for that service while the other offers it for free, which service is more likely to be of a higher quality?

Keep in my mind that the resource allocation of each companies is tight and both are unwilling to re-distribute resources into the competing services.

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