Thank You God, And Thank You WZ


Lord And Master
Staff member
I don't know if any of you knew this but my morning was so full of happijes that I just coulndn't stand harrassing you people about it.

3 months ago I got me internet with Sprint. It was also when I joined WZF after 9 months of just reading pages. A month and half later I get the news that my internet had a limit and I passed it. How much was it? $ 580! BASTARDS! After months of agony, struggling to find a job I had no luck. Well this morning my mother bursted though the door yelling "What the hell is this!?" "You got $380 in the mail!?"

It seems my college has a christmas bonus like thing going on and I was on the nice list.

Now I give thanks to God for this second chance... Only 200 more to go. I give thanks to WZF for being a great place to vent and putting up with my crap. And thanks to some of my friends here in the forum who knew about it and stood by me. Theo Mays and Doc. Thanks a lot guys.

Quote The Agent: God Bless All!
So how come 'god' helps you and not me? EYYYYYYYYYYYY
And if I say it was the Great Deku Tree? :shrug:

[EDIT] Thank you too Lee. You're #1 Mod in my book.

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