Thank You All

Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
Sadly this isn't me stepping down from my position on creative, sorry to disappoint off the bat.

So two years ago to the date, I went through the most brutal breakup I have ever been through. It literally blindsided me, as my ex had shown no signs of wanting to leave me. She literally went out of town for a week, cheated on me with some random guy she met in a bar, came back and left me while running down all of my faults and insecurities, on our anniversary. I literally felt like the worst person alive.

The breakup was compounded was by the fact that I had bought an engagement ring and was planning to propose at her college graduation party that was taking place in May of that year. We had planned out the entirety of our life literally just two weeks before on Valentine's Day. It was all a real kick in the dick and teeth simultaneously.

I've been pretty open about my issues with depression and self harm in the past. I don't go around flaunting these things, but when people ask I have no reason to lie. I've survived three suicide attempts in my life, the most recent being two years ago. Not all of you were around at the time, but a lot of you who were sent me very encouraging and thoughtful PMs that I still keep to this day. From BK telling me I was his overseas brother, to Ty complimenting my enthusiasm and positive attitude toward the fed, to Blade and Kermit opening up their hearts and minds for me to talk about my struggle at the time. You guys all helped me in my dark time of need, and continue to help me through my rough times when they come up.

Now I'm not writing this hoping for sympathy...well not much sympathy anyway, I will take what I can get :p
I'm writing it to say thanks to everyone who has interacted with me in the fed over the years. I just recently passed four straight years here, and I consider all of you my friends and family. I know that not everyone is a huge fan of the character I write, and not everyone has agreed with the ideas I have proposed in my time, but you guys keep me going. Be it Killjoy agreeing to let me humiliate his character at every turn, or Falk inspiring me to go back to school, or NSL being there to allow me to vent when I get frustrated, or Shotaro for being like the big brother I never had, or Dagger for always joining in my conversations, or Spidey and Dynamite hating Live Mas and inspiring me to piss them off even more with our antics. Each and every one of you guys hold a special place in my black heart. You guys have allowed me to come into your hearts and minds, and you have come into mine in ways I never thought was possible for strangers on the internet.

One day I will eventually decide to take a break from this place, and when I do I promise I'll write the tearful goodbye and compliment each and everyone of you for the awesomeness that you bring to this place, but for now just know I love all of you and want to thank you for keeping me (mostly) sane.

Cheers to you all!
I'm glad you're doing ok.

I know all about depression and self-harm so I know what a bitch they can be.

You can add my name to the list of people you can always talk to about anything
Glad to hear you've been doing better, and I know the road you've been on. I know how much it sucks. I'm always nearby, if you need to vent.
Hell I admired how you rebelled against my hate for your slogan stealing team. I knew I wanted to work with you after that. My PM is always open to ya. We should badger Shotaro into another D&D one of these days.
There's nothing much I can say except this: you ever, EVER need support... don't ask me. :p

On a more serious note, Don't ever hesitate to seek help, from us or anyone who offers help. Stay strong.
Been through depressions, I can understand that. Everyone needs someone to talk to, that's my theory. Be with your friends and family as you use to. If you need anything, don't think to ask us. I might be new here, but I can help with you when needed, both in and out of the fed.
I can relate.. My gf of 9yrs broke up with me out of the blue the day before Valentine's day. Still haven't been in the right mindset yet, which is why I haven't been participating in the discussions and stuff like I usually am. So I feel ya yaz, and you can always shoot me a PM if you ever need to
The timeframe you speak of was a difficult one for me as well. Glad you overcame, and also how close you feel to us. We as a fed are like family, long distance brothers. We read each other's work and help each other improve, thus we all formed a bond. It's really pretty awesome what this fed has done and continues to do. I do have to admit when I first saw the thread title I thought to myself "Shouldn't this be coming after you win the World Championship?" lol.... You've been such a good Head of Creative bringing us out of a time that was dark for the fed into the best it's been since my joining it. Keep up the good work.

As others have said, my inbox is always open as well.
Its nice to read something with a positive outcome round here. Funnily enough your break-up coincided around the same time as mine. Mine was self inflicted though, I deserved to be left. Considering how shit I felt after it for a long long time, I dread to imagine how you felt about yours ending the way it did through no fault of your own. Stay strong man.

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