Thank God we had the Draft


Getting Noticed By Management
It looks like most of us were right in other threads were it was mentioned the Draft was useless because people jump from show to show as they please anyway.

It as already been announced at an upcoming raw in Buffalo that Jeff Hardy (smackdown guy) will be teaming I believe with Triple H and John Cena, Vs Matt Hardy, Edge (Smackdown guy) and Randy Orton.

And on this weeks Raw it was mentioned a few times that we may see CM Punk appear on RaW again because of the MITB. And how long before Finlay shows up because someone hurts Hornswaggle.

If they are going to have Stars jump from show to show they might as well just end the BRand extensions
I think I remember hearing or reading somewhere that no one is offically on their new brand until after Backlash.

But I really don't like how anyone can be on any show from Royal Rumble til Backlash. I understand right before Wrestlemania and maybe right after the draft to let everyone give one last match of their old show and show what their bringing to the new show, but if Raw is gonig to have so much star power that they need Raw guys on SD then why not just put some of those guys on SD?
It as already been announced at an upcoming raw in Buffalo that Jeff Hardy (smackdown guy) will be teaming I believe with Triple H and John Cena, Vs Matt Hardy, Edge (Smackdown guy) and Randy Orton.

That maybe a dark match they sometimes use people from other brands for those matches. But I hope they stop with cross brand stuff soon because so annoying. And I was hoping after draft everything settle down but it has not yet maybe after backlash
Ok, my initial attempt at a new thread, so feel free to pick it apart or bash it as you see fit, I take it all in good humor. I'd also like to see where others stand on what I'm about to say.

The WWE draft...supposed to be a big event, following the biggest PPV of the year, the start of new rivalries, the resurrection of older ones, a chance to see fresh faces going after titles.

On the other hand, the very next Raw, we see....Kane...who is now a Smackdown superstar. Ok, so its to "finish a feud" as some may say. Ok then, finish the week before WM or finish it at WM, not after the draft. Then Y2J is there at Raw, another Smackdown superstar, to have a match against Cena. Fine, it was an entertaining match, but why have it when there's superstars that could've worked against Cena, or Steamboat could've gone to Smackdown to face down Y2J. It just makes the draft seem pointless, especially when seemingly every week we have superstar "A" from Smackdown making an appearance to face superstar "B" from Raw. Too many show jumps makes the rosters hard to follow, at least from my viewpoint.

The way it played out didn't make a lot of sense either. Is it supposed to be random? Seems that way since one pick will be a prime star, while the next may be a mid-carder or a diva, or a midget. Then again it appears to be "fixed" as shown in the match where Miz lost his brand's pick and twice in the match it was commented on "what will happen if Miz loses and he gets drafted away from Morrison?"...instantly I was thinking, well of course now he's going to lose, they've set it up, and of course, he did and hey there's his name as the "randomly chosen" superstar.

Anyways, that's my .02 on the matter...further aggravated by watching Hornswaggle gobble up screen time on a show he's not even with anymore. (and incidentally Natalya jobbing to a midget?...Jim must be so proud of where his daughter's career is going).
That was quick...I posted my rant in a new thread and went back to the main page and someone else had done the same thing. Couldn't agree more, its very aggravating at times.
Michael Cole said on commentary that the draft doesn't come into affect until after Backlash. Whilst I agree it's stupid how they've played it out, it makes better sense when they're touring Europe to give them superstars that were listed to be there rather than new guys that they didn't expect.
I agree that people jumping brands sucks. But Michael Cole said about one billion times this week that the draft doesn't take full effect until after Backlash. It at least makes sense that guys would jump brands here or there to continue feuds that were started prior to the draft.

I get irked at things like last week's SD! where the main event was Batista vs. DiBiase. Both guys were RAW before and after the draft so why in God's name would you book RAW vs. RAW as the SD! main event? It would have made more sense to put that match on Superstars and save Undertaker vs. Matt Hardy for SD!.

As far as matches announced ahead of time for upcomings events those matches are usually dark matches after the show goes off the air. On top of that, they make those matches before the draft happens. That's why Vince has the "card subject to change" line. I roll my eyes whenever someone sees a commercial for an upcoming event and it says that a certain wrestler is defending a title and people assume that's a giveaway for who wins a PPV title match. It's incredibly rare when that happens. Usually they advertise matches based simply on whomever is champ at the time, simple as that.

Punk? They said Punk could show up on RAW because technically, if the guy has the briefcase no one could bar him from an arena since he's allowed to cash in anytime, anyplace. That's a specific stipulation written into what MitB is.

His name is HornswOggle; not HornswAggle. Sound it out. I don't know why that irks me so much but it does. Why can't people learn how to spell that name properly? You wouldn't call the ECW Champ Jack Swogger, would you?

I'm giving the WWE the benefit of the doubt for now. Technically, Orton could challenge anyone thanks to the Rumble. Edge forcing his way into the RAW Chamber meant that the former RAW Champ should have a rematch clause and claim to the belt for his brand. Vickie was GM of both RAW and SD! for a while. A lot of stuff went down between the Rumble and Backlash that would explain why people are showing up everywhere.

That being said, if brand lines don't solidify following Backlash (assuming both RAW and SD! have a world title each) and interpromotional matches aren't saved for "Superstars" then I'll be in the same boat as those who think the draft is somewhat stupid.

Personally? I'm just excited about SD!'s main event roster. The biggest names they have are Jericho, Edge, Rey, Punk, Kane and 'Taker with Umaga, Morrison, Benjamin and Ziggler waiting in the wings. SD! is almost completely devoid of guys who have too many World titles that I'm sick and tired of seeing in the main event. They're being forced to put newer and unutilized guys into the mix. If the draft lines stick then SD! is going to be absolutely fun and exciting for me in the coming year.
Everyone appears on whatever brand they want anyway.
Big Show goes wherever he wants, so does Cena , and Edge.
Tag Teams also switch Brands.
I find the Draft kinda pointless, as Superstars go to other brands anyway.
Ric Flair was drafted to SmackDown! like in 2007, and went back to RAW anyway.
So I find the fact that it's a 3 hour show cool.
And the fact that all brands participate.
But that's about it.
Personally? I'm just excited about SD!'s main event roster. The biggest names they have are Jericho, Edge, Rey, Punk, Kane and 'Taker with Umaga, Morrison, Benjamin and Ziggler waiting in the wings. SD! is almost completely devoid of guys who have too many World titles that I'm sick and tired of seeing in the main event. They're being forced to put newer and unutilized guys into the mix. If the draft lines stick then SD! is going to be absolutely fun and exciting for me in the coming year.

Uhhhhhh.....did you realize Edge has won 4 world title in the LAST YEAR? That equals what he had won i his previous ten years, combined. Im not hating on the post, or edge. Just stating the facts. I do like the options for the SD main event otherwise. Just without Edge, however much I love the guy, isnt i it for ahwile.
Uhhhhhh.....did you realize Edge has won 4 world title in the LAST YEAR? That equals what he had won i his previous ten years, combined. Im not hating on the post, or edge. Just stating the facts. I do like the options for the SD main event otherwise. Just without Edge, however much I love the guy, isnt i it for ahwile.

Please reread my post. I know the facts. I said SD! is ALMOST devoid of guys with too many title reigns. In other words, I was speaking of Undertaker and yes, Edge.

Mind you, despite winning 8 titles in just over three years Edge still feels fairly fresh as a main eventer and every main guy on SD! who isn't 'Taker is someone that Edge hasn't feuded with for months and months on end in recent memory.
Please reread my post. I know the facts. I said SD! is ALMOST devoid of guys with too many title reigns. In other words, I was speaking of Undertaker and yes, Edge.

Mind you, despite winning 8 titles in just over three years Edge still feels fairly fresh as a main eventer and every main guy on SD! who isn't 'Taker is someone that Edge hasn't feuded with for months and months on end in recent memory.

I agree with you. Smackdown is going to steal the show this year. I think they should start it off right by having Punk cash in his suitcase. Just look at the feuds that can happen.


All show stealers. Even taking Punk out of the equation and mixing the other six names would be killer. IMO, the worst thing they can do is put a guy like punk in a feud with Undertaker or Kane. I HATED that the feuds they had him in during his first title run were all against big powerhouse wrestlers. Punk-Batista and Punk-JBL seriously? What a waste of a finesse wrestler. It would have been a nice little run if it were Punk-Jericho, Punk-Michaels, or Punk-Orton even.

Anyways, I know I am coming of as a huge Punk mark, but I agree that Smackdown is looking sweet as hell right about now.
As i see it fit, wwe has so much talent they have to place other wrestlers in a roster and what better way to do that we have raw stars smackdown stars and ecw stars, so it's just a way for wwe to sort out the talent. Ecw is the developement i consider this the try outs, smackdown is more of a house show as you can ready the spoilers online anyway, Raw is the main brand so if you get on the raw brand your on top, No it just spaces the wrestlers to make sure they get time all of them.
I say have the draft after Backlash and therefore it takes effect immediately. Also, the draft should be during all three shows the whole week. I know Raw is the main show, but they are blowing it by having the draft only on Raw.

Could you imagine finding out Rey is coming back to Smackdown during Smackdown draft? The crowd would have exploded! They used to do that before and they are blowing it. Great way to get ratings in all of the shows.

I think Smackdown has the chance to be fresh and I hope they make Jeff Hardy the top face and get him the title again. I would like to see Edge away from the title for awhile and make him fresh again. Maybe he needs a stable now that Vickie is on Raw playing horizontal hoochie with Big Show lol.
I've seen load's of people freaking out over people appearing on brand they shouldn't. Unless i'm crazy, Last year the brand's didn't become exculsive again until after Backlash, So why is evevyone complaining?

And even if Punk keep's going from show to show, What does it matter? He has the MitB, That can be cashed for ANY title.
With the addition of Superstars, which is a true tri-branded show, we'll probably see less brand hopping now. After Backlash, the shows will probably go back to being completley exclusive, with Superstars being the only tv show to see everyone.

At least it should be, as it's stupid to hype Superstars as the only show to see talent from all three brands when the other three brands do the same every week.

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