Terminator vs Robocop

Terminator vs Robocop: Who Wins

  • Terminator

  • RoboCop

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Is it me or?

The old question: who would win in a straight fight?

I like both (as characters, movies I like Terminator a bit better), but I'd say RoboCop barely, because he is built like a fucking tank and Terminator got blown up by a homemade pipe bomb and smashed in a hydraulic press. Robocop survived a gas tank blowing up in his face and a hydraulic press.

Robocop is part human, so he has a slight advantage mentally. Terminator can adapt to us though....

What do you guys think?

EDIT- Thanks Spider Meng. I mean the T-800 terminator. Ya know, the one Arnie played. NOT. the T-1000 nor the T-X
Which Terminator? If it's the old model T-800, I'm going with Robocop due to armor and weapon proficiency. T-1000 and above I can see fucking up Robocop's life.
Which Terminator? If it's the old model T-800, I'm going with Robocop due to armor and weapon proficiency. T-1000 and above I can see fucking up Robocop's life.

The original and the best. T-1000 and T-X would kick RoboCops shiny ass.
I went with Terminator but Robocop definitely has his advantages. If The Terminator has a master (like in T2) then at any point that master can tell Terminator he can't kill anyone and after that he has no choice but to obey. Robocop has a humanesque quality which helps give him a mental advantage (even though if reset The Terminator can learn pretty damn quickly on its own).

Ultimately though I went with The Terminator because it has come up with some pretty clever ways to get the job done and 1 advantage it does have over Robocop is its sole purpose is to terminate (unless John Connor gets to it), it can use Robocop's human nature against him to get the job done where a terminator can't be bargained with, can't be reasoned with, it does not feel pity, or remorse, or fear, and it absolutely will not stop! Ever! Until you are dead.
Voted Terminator too.

I'll admit it's a factor, but I don't really care for all this humanity BS.

What matters to me is how slow Robocop is. He has amazing aim and is quite durable, but in the movies I saw, he was very slow. Both sets of movies play off in an urban environment, which will likely include cover, so that helps Terminator compensate if he isn't as tough.

Weapons would be an interesting factor. Murphy always has his pistol with him - isn't it built into his hip or something? Terminator can use guns AND he has a boatload of them, but it probably involves a trip to the morgue to get them first.

WZT rules aren't very clear-cut on the subject of preparation, though. Mario had each type of mushroom with him and Link had all his toys, but Joker didn't booby-trap the shit out of the arena they fought in.
Only the new black Robocop will stand a chance against The Terminator. The old one had the reflexes of a 90 year old man and maneuverability of an iron trunk. I remember some kids playing a prank on the old Robocop. Try doing that to the Terminator.

Superior mobility would make the difference.

Besides, Arnold could beat up Peter Weller any-damn-day.
I couldn't make up my mind on the cyborgs, so I called Teddy Long for advice. He told me to add in their professional wrestling allies and make it a straight-up tag team match, playa.


"Stand back, indestructible police bot. I can handle this."



"Come with me if you want to lift."

With the killing machines being a push, their partners play a huge role. If he could get a hold of Officer Murphy, Bruno's Bear Hug would be probably be enough to disable most of Robocop's servos and pneumatics. Sting's speed would flummox the T-800 until he tired out. That fatigue factor is huge, and unfortunately for Robo and the Stinger, neither Bruno nor The Terminator stop until their mission is finished (be it killing or making wrestling boring again). The relentless attack and thick, confusing accents of team Termmartino give them the win.
Need some facts and figures here - if the Terminator has been sent back to take out Robocop then he has the clear advantage because he'd equip himself accordingly. If, however, Robo isn't the Terminator's target - he has the advantage because the Terminator is more likely to be equipped for humans or even unarmed.

In the end though - without resorting to heavy duty weaponry, I'd have to give the edge to the Terminator for the simple fact of Robocop's humanity and it's associated weaknesses.
Need some facts and figures here - if the Terminator has been sent back to take out Robocop then he has the clear advantage because he'd equip himself accordingly. If, however, Robo isn't the Terminator's target - he has the advantage because the Terminator is more likely to be equipped for humans or even unarmed.

In the end though - without resorting to heavy duty weaponry, I'd have to give the edge to the Terminator for the simple fact of Robocop's humanity and it's associated weaknesses.

So, worst case scenario for Termie:

Arnie arrives at Robo's police station, naked as the day he was... assembled. He grabs that lady cop Murphy was buds with and says to her:
"Geev mee yoah cloathes!"
So, worst case scenario for Termie:

Arnie arrives at Robo's police station, naked as the day he was... assembled. He grabs that lady cop Murphy was buds with and says to her:
"Geev mee yoah cloathes!"

Ah - but is Robo his target or is Robo attempting to protect another target?
Terminator's coming for RoboCop. I dunno, maybe Robocop is gonna wipe out Skynet or something before it begins (completely this time, not just moving Judgement Day back a few years)
Terminator's coming for RoboCop. I dunno, maybe Robocop is gonna wipe out Skynet or something before it begins (completely this time, not just moving Judgement Day back a few years)

In that case, Robo's definitely toast because the Terminator'll be coming with heavy duty munitions while poor Alex'll only have his trusty gun.
In that case, Robo's definitely toast because the Terminator'll be coming with heavy duty munitions while poor Alex'll only have his trusty gun.

And his flamethrower/antitank missle arm....

And his excellent opening theme: [YOUTUBE]D7rjLQuW2nQ[/YOUTUBE]
Terminator's coming for RoboCop. I dunno, maybe Robocop is gonna wipe out Skynet or something before it begins (completely this time, not just moving Judgement Day back a few years)

It's the grandfather-paradox, isn't it? Like almost every bit of information I acquire, this bit comes from QI:

"If time-travel does get invented, it will be impossible to go back in time to kill your own grandfather, because that mean you would never have been born and thus he couldn't have been killed by you."

This translates into... Robocop can't win his fight against the Terminator by preventing the whole shitstorm that is the future wars, because that means that Terminator would never have existed to have as an opponent to defeat.

To make matters worse, only Robocop will have known he prevented the war, because he'll be the only person to remember that future. Maybe not, but that's how time travel usually goes in the shows I watch.

He WOULD then get a win against his alternative opponent, the tin man from Wizard of Oz, so it wouldn't be pointless.
And his flamethrower/antitank missle arm....

That's not standard issue though - generally, Robocop's has two standard issue weapons (NI-408 Pistol and an M2 Battle Rifle) and if he is unaware the Terminator is coming for him he is unlikely to be upgraded.

And his excellent opening theme: [YOUTUBE]D7rjLQuW2nQ[/YOUTUBE]

Not bad but still not as iconic as the Terminator's...
Found this video. I disagree completely with the ending, but they do a nice job at comparisons and the animation is surprisingly good. Note-there is some language, so, I guess if you are offended, or at work or something, don't watch.


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