Terminator: Salvation

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic

I don't care what anybody says. Christian Bale is bland, and this film won't work without Arnold Schwarzenegger. When you think of The Terminator you think of Arnold. You don't think of Michael Biehn, Robert Patrick or that female from the last one. Without him it's just a sci-fi film. The idea behind it will be good. It was in 1984 and it will be now. But John Connor is a pawn in the film. It's the original Terinators film, and Sarach Conner is a close seccond.

It's also directed by McG. Who did the Charlie's Angles films. I don't hold out much hope.

"...i have varous contacts in WB and from what i've been told the fans are in for a treat. The premise of Arnie's involvement is to have a fully rendered digital face of Arnie replacing the recently cast Roland Kickinger (The Younger version of Arnie). It seems the Director Mc G will in no doubt try all he can to ensure the Governator has some sort of involvement and as a result Arnold was on set providing key ADR for the visual effects guys to reference during post production...."

There ya go Jake. This movie franchise still makes money, so they are going to bleed it until it doesn't make money. It will move on, with, or without Arnold. To me, I've always been more interested in the Connor story then I have been with Arnold being a monotone robot. John Connors story is the backbone that makes the franchise go.

I'm continuing to ****e the Terminator Franchise and get the word out on these films. WB is going to push, and push this movie much like they did the Dark Knight. I think Bale, and WB, and summer time means that people are going to be interested. Honestly, it looks to be the first big blockbuster of next year. My estimation, with the crap coming out, Wolverine is going to be a stinker.

The fan boys are super pissed that this movie is going to be PG-13. I can give two craps to be honest. Damn taht studio for trying to make the most money instead of not catering to the fanboys that will barely get it above 100 million dollars.

I for one am pumped for this movie. The cast looks fairly strong, and the backstory should be great, hell we already know the backstory, it's just to see it live for once.

Oh and this is the dude playing the new T-800.
Well The Dark Knight showed how dark you can go in a film that Kids can see, so the rating shouldn't be a problem. Anyway I've heard that Arnold will be in it. It's only a cameo, very, very short. But I think it shows him as he's about to get sent to 1984, or whenever the original was et.

Or it could be bullshit. Either way he's not really needed for a large role.
I'm a Bale fan, but there's no chance in hell that i'm going to pay to see a Terminator film that doesn't have Arnie in it with dialogue. His cameo in 'Welcome to the Jungle' at the very beginning is classic enough. All he'd have to say is something like 'Acknowledged' and that would do. For me it'll be an online streaming job. If it's actually good then i'll buy it on DVD, but i shan't hold my breath.
I have high hopes for this movie. I will be sad watching Terminator and not seeing Arnold. Christian Bale will make the movie enjoyable though, I hope, as he has done with the new Batmans. I think any movie can make up for the 3rd movie, which was horrible, but I can't see it beating the likes of T2, and The Terminator in quality. I am excited for the new special effects in the movie, and I will most likily pay the $10 to see it on the big screen.
I'm really worried about this film Obviously, I'm a big Terminator fan....otherwise, I wouldn't have this user name. Terminator 3 was a massive disappointment because it not only lacked the charm that James Cameron brought, but it changed way too many things whilst attempting to be a true sequel. Brad Fiedel's amazing music was replaced by Marco Beltrami's mediocre score (albeit a few songs, like "Radio", "A Day in the Life", and "John Connor's Theme" are great, they just don't fit). Nick Stahl as Connor would've been better with an improved script. The TX seemed more like a fanboy's wet dream rather than a plausible successor to the T1000. They flat out ignored plot points from previous films (John is 10 in T2, not 13, and Arnold's character in all three films is a "T800, CSM-101", not a "T-101"). Claire Danes is cute, but she was a pain in the ass in the movie. The cheesy sound effects...the corny lines....ugh, it was just awful. They only had maybe 10 good ideas in the entire thing.

Then they show us the TV series, "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles", which in my opinion is a much better alternative, and a pretty decent show. The writers have done their homework and make references to little things, as opposed to forgetting big things. I'm still not too big of a fan of using a teenage girl as a terminator, but at least they're not trying to spark a romance between "Cameron" and John lol.

That being said, it means without James Cameron, in my mind we've had one colossal failure and one success that somewhat erases the failure - but even that successful TV show holds nothing to T2 (and then T1, since T2 was the best by far). So I'm a little worried that T4 will fall into the mediocre category.

What I know about it so far:

Christian Bale as John Connor - I like Bale as an actor. If he's given the proper script, and he does his homework, I think he'll do a good job. What I'm worried about most is that they'll eliminate the somewhat playful/rebellious attitude that he has at times and just make him 100% cold. He clearly can't be a jokester, but I hope they don't make him a one trick pony that is just sorrow for the entire film.

Bryce Dallas Howard is playing his wife....and that totally depends on what they want the character to be. I'm not a fan of Howard, but I can't judge the character until I see it.

Marcus - I'm thinking that this character may be the resident "reprogrammed Terminator" of the film.

T600s - So glad that they've decided to put these in there. Kyle mentions in the first film that the 600 series was easier to spot because of their rubbery skin, so hopefully they play that angle up a bit.

Young Kyle Reese - Don't know the actor, so I can't judge him. But I like how they're adding Reese in there. I just hope they don't make him too much younger, as Reese and John were roughly the same age (maybe 10 years apart, tops) supposedly when Reese was sent back. If I remember correctly, Reese is in his 20s when he goes back to 1984.

We've seen shots so far of John in the daylight. Maybe I'm nitpicking, but Kyle says that they pretty much stay hidden during the day, "but in the night you can move around". Hopefully they don't make a habit of having too many daylight scenes in the film.

No Arnold.....it can work....but only if they at least have him in a cameo. I think they need to have at least one scene showing that his 101 model of the T-800 (which I'm naturally assuming will have been completed by the end of the film, not just T-600s the entire time) is being created. If they have to use this other guy for the body but replace the face, that's fine. I just want Arnold's face in there as he's synonymous with the series.

So while I'm really excited for it, I have the same worries as I do when there's a new Bond film out, a new superhero film, or anything else I'm really fond of.
Bumping this since the trailer was recently released. View below in case you haven't seen it yet:


Guys, I'm sorry; I know a lot of people are expecting this film to be shit, but that trailer looks fucking SPECTACULAR. I hope you all agree with that much.

At first I was bummed when hearing about Nick Stahl not reprising his role as John Connor, but when they announced Christian Bale as his replacement, my hope was restored. And the trailer for this movie shows exactly why. Christian Bale is just so fucking awesome. Top 3 best actors of his generation, I'd say. And looking at that trailer, he's exactly how you would picture the grown-up version of John Connor when you look back at T2. He's a believable bad ass, and he brings get acting along with that. You usually don't get that kind of combination with action star, but luckily for us Terminator fans, Christian Bale has that and more.

However, I'm still on the fence with the signing of Bryce Dallas Howard for Kate's role. I mean, every great man in cinema needs a great woman by his side, but why the fuck is this bitch the chosen one? I mean, for one, she is not attractive in the least bit. And two, more importantly, she hasn't done anything worth noting, so I don’t even know if she’s worth a damn as an actress. I only seen her in Spider-Man 3 and The Village, and there was nothing special with the performances she brought to the table in those roles. I really hope she doesn't dropped the ball with this. But I won’t judge until I see it. However, even if she is shit, Maggie Gylenhaal was shit in The Dark Knight and I was still able to enjoy that film, so I doubt it really matters at the end of the day whether or not this broad does a good job with the role.

Anton Yelchin as Kyle Reese was definitely a good choice though. Yelchin was awesome in both Alpha Dog and Charlie Bartlett, and I'm sure he did well with his role in this too.

But yeah... all in all, I am just now fucking stoked to see this movie. I really do think it's going to be great. I hope I don't end up being let down.
Now personally, I love all the Terminator movies, with the second part being up there in the all-time classics of course.

When I heard they were already working on T4, with Arnie obviously not in it, I wasn't soo sure... but when I saw the trailer, it was kind of cool. However, I think it will indeed be "just another sci-fi-action film". I mean, the whole point behind the Terminator-stories was always that one gets sent back in time to "terminate". The whole drama centered around this futuristic entity that has for the people living in "our" time incomprehensible powers and just does not adhere to the principles of the world they/we are used to, entering our world/society and disrupting its regular mechanisms. Actually, come to think of it, this is not even that far off from an idea of "terrorism", if you ask me. The Terminator somehow terrorizes those he is after, simply because he does not follow any rules "we" can comprehend. I believe that made up a large part of the attraction of that movie.

Now with the entire movie already taking place after the start of the machine war, that entire setup of course is irrelevant. So indeed we are having "just another sci-fi" movie. However, I believe from the way the trailer looks, it might indeed be a good sci-fi-action movie. I'm definitely going to give this movie a chance (as I usually do, no matter how out of place or uncessary a sequel seems), but I think I will most likely regard it as some sort of Terminator-Spinoff instead of a "real" continuation of the original plots... simply because this continuation is just not possible anymore. They had a Terminator go after the Connors in about 3 decades now, and the machine wars have finally started... so the "original" Terminator-story simply is finished, you just can't do any more. (I mean, they could go back and have the Terminators eliminate John Connors grandparents or so lol - but then again, that would go too far lol) So there really is no choice but for them to move on... as has been pointed out, the franchise definitely still has a lot of fans, and also has a lot of potential. Let's see where it goes without Arnold in a "real" role, and how Christian Bale does... I personally like Bale (and couldn't stand Nick Stahl for my life - I'd much rather have seen Edward Furlong reprising the role, but that's just personal preference I guess), so as said - I'll definitely go and see this movie.
What I'm hoping this film (and any sequels if they do them) will center around are the plot points that are already established. By this I mean capturing the complex the time displacement field technology was housed in, "smashing their defense grid" as Kyle says in T1, sending Kyle back to 1984, capturing and reprogramming the T800 to send back for the events of T2, etc. I think having Kyle as young as he appears to be is really a shame, unless he ages well enough to be able to send him back in a T5 or T6. It appears as though Kyle was in the camp during the trailer, which is nice as that would call back to the previous films about him saying he was in one and Connor helped and so forth. I wouldn't be surprised if he gave Kyle the picture during T4 either. In fact, I'd be surprised if he DIDN'T give it to him. That's a detail that shouldn't go unnoticed.

But still...Quantum of Solace was a huge letdown and it screwed with the Bond formula too much. They tried to make it a Bond movie that has no identifiable Bond attributes, which ruined it (outside of its own problems of poor editing, a bad plot, etc that any film has). So I'm worried that T4 will be "McG puts his own spin on the Terminator series", rather than "McG continues the Terminator series traditions". If we get some outsider working on it and he decides to screw with the time stream or to change things around, it almost never works for the better. Keep the plasma rifles...keep the HKs...keep everything that we're familiar with. Don't fall into the trap of being a fanboy that wants to rewrite the history of the story just to please your own fantasies. Too many people take on a project that has a huge fan base and they decide to warp it into their own little bubble, rather than continuing what the fan base has already liked. There's a reason they've kept paying attention: they liked the old stuff. If they didn't like that, and they wanted something totally different, they wouldn't be watching it now, would they?

Hopefully, they don't screw this up like T3 did.
Well as much as i didn't see the point in making a 4th Terminator movie i have to say i definitely enjoyed this more than i did T3: Rise of the Machines.

Basically this movie incorporates all the classic elements that are found in EVERY Terminator movie but with their own little twists. So as usual, you get:-

A high speed chase down a Freeway

Running through a factory to escape a Terminator

Terminator vs Terminator

All but one of the classic lines that are synonimous (excuse spelling) with the Terminator franchise.

Oh, and at least one nude Terminator.

Of course there's a number of things about this movie that don't really tie in with the rest of them, and there's a few other big plot holes. Now i read the goofs section on iMDB and they said things like

"he said in Teminator (1984) that in the future they did this that and the other and now in the fourth film it's nothing like that"

What these ***** obviously don't remember, is that by stopping SkyNet in Terminator 2, they changed the course of the future in certain ways but not enough to stop the destruction of Earth. Remember? Judgment Day didn't happen when it was originally supposed to, but it STILL happened. Therefore, things that Reese and the T-800 said about the 21st century in T1 and T2 don't mean shit in T4. We can forgive the guys at iMDB for forgetting this, because all of that was explained in T3 which i think most people would like to forget.

"They used to be easy to spot because they had plastic looking skin". In T4 there isn't a single one with plastic looking skin. (Sorry, it's the best example i can give without giving spoilers)

Anyway, i'd say T4 is the 3rd best movie of the franchise, but seriously.... don't make T5. You could if you wanted, but please don't.

Anyone else seen and wants to give their 2 cents, or just give their opinion on the franchise as it stands now, well here's your chance.

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