Terminator 3 vs Terminator Salvation

Which Did You Prefer

  • Terminator 3

  • Terminator Salvation

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King Of The Wasteland
Now both Terminator 3 and Terminator Salvation aren't particularly thought of as good Terminator films. I'd hazard a guess they're seen as the Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection of the series.

Moving on I was curious as to which one you prefered (or disliked less). Whether that be the story, actors, action or what I'd like to know.

Personally I preferered Salvation over 3. It was a new take on the Terminator films. It was set in the future (that had been built up by the three previous films) and you actually got to see the famous John Connor doing his thing. Yes there was some hiccups, most notably the lack of charactarisation for Mrs John Connor, but it pulled of the war torn futuristic world well and you got to see how the human resistance fought against Skynet.

Terminator 3 just felt like a rehash of 2. Two Terminators sent back in time, one to protect John Connor and the other to destroy him, spending most of the film on the run before going to a particular location to see if they can stop while encountering bad Terminator and finally defeating it.

Salvation, while not perfect was more original than 3 and helped further the story (somewhat) instead of taking a step to the side like 3 did. In fact Salvation should have been Terminator 3 and we could've had a film leading up to number 1 by having Kyle Reese going back in time.
Definitely Salvation, and it isn't even close.

I thought T3 stunk. Reminded me of what Schumacher did with Batman & Robin - too campy. I dug the ending, though. That was easily the best part of it, possibly the best ending of the original trilogy.

Salvation really wasn't that bad. Bale did a solid job and I didn't hate Worthington. Best job he has done in his career if you ask me. I thought the story worked as well. It was a bit underwhelming and didn't have the epic Terminator feeling, but was still twice the film T3 was.
I thought T3 stunk. Reminded me of what Schumacher did with Batman & Robin - too campy. I dug the ending, though. That was easily the best part of it, possibly the best ending of the original trilogy.

You can go straight to hell Nick, the ending of Terminator 2 didnt so much as send a manly tear down my cheek as a manly waterfall of tears, with accompanying snot, right down my shirt front.

I hope both Terminator 3 and Salvation as well as all those involved die stupid, pointless deaths, but I'd save Salvation if I had to pick one, if only because it wasnt trying to be T2 for a lower age certificate just to make money (not something I am against normally, but some things should be left alone,) while it was still shit, it at least tried to go a new direction with the series. Fuck them both though.
It's a tough choice, but I have to go with Rise Of The Machines.

Terminator Salvation gives you an inside and thorough look at the war between Skynet and humanity. This was a real treat, because Terminator and T2 teased us with glimpses of this epic and devastating war, and Salvation FINALLY gives you a chance to see the horrors of the battles between machines and humans. Also, Salvation shows us John Connor during some real action. Terminator films constantly built up the legacy of John Connor, as this fearless hero, who led humanity against the machines. Well, in Salvation you actually witness John Connor fight the war. I also enjoyed the younger version of Kyle Reese. Anton Yelchin is no Michael Biehn, but he was a solid choice here.

Salvation answers some questions and ties together loose ends, and this film actually provided an in-depth look at the war. But I still choose Terminator 3. Why? Because of Arnold Schwarzenegger's presence. Could you picture a Die Hard film without Bruce Willis? Could you picture Rambo without Sylvester Stallone? Indiana Jones without Harrison Ford? Arnie IS The Terminator, and he is the main attraction of the first three films. Salvation just didn't feel the same without him (and no the CGI version of him towards the end doesn't count), and the lack of Arnold really hurt this film.

Plus, Rise Of The Machines really isn't a horrible film. It can't compare to The Terminator or Judgement Day (especially Judgement Day), but still, it's not a bad film. Nick Stahl was a decent enough John Connor, Arnold was sharp as ever, and this film did feature some entertaining action/fight scenes. Rise Of The Machines wasn't a classic by any means, but it doesn't deserve so much hate.

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