Television Dating Shows


Mid-Card Championship Winner
For a long time we have seen dating shows on television and most recently, in Australia we have a show called Taken Out. It is where a male stands in front of 30 females and after initially seeing the male, the females who do not like him turn their lights off, and after different video packages more and more females turn their lights off until one is left which the male picks from out of 3 women.

So what do you guys think of these dating shows? Would you ever consider being a contestant on one? Do you think they could actually result in someone finding love on them?
No I would not be a contestant on any of these. They seem fake. Have you seen NEXT? An MTV dating show. The person gets to choose from 5 ppl who wait on a bus and then they either NEXT them or they keep the date and at the end of the date the person asks the person who they choose that they can pick a 2nd date or take money which is amount of time spent on that said date. I would almost always take the money unlesss the girl was super nice.

Another show is called EXPOSED. It is also dumb as it exploits people as they are hooked to a lie detector test. The girls usually dress ****ty and the girls usually end up picking the douchy guys anyways so the game is fake.

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