Teens Get High Off Of Digital Drugs

...That is some weird shit. WTF I checked out the website and there's one that's supposed to make you feel drunk.
After reading the title of this thread i was thinking this had to be a joke but dammit.
Via good parenting. Shows no matter what you take away teens will find other ways to get high. Whats next? getting high off of your own farts?
It seems to me that the movie "Idiocracy" was a divination, but it is moving along at a much faster speed.
This is been around for years, we had a CD of one with that sort of shizz at some hpouse party once, we all went quite crazy that night
I had a thing called an idoser, play it through headphones and it was supposed to simulate crack, weed, meth, all that kinda stuff

Never did anything for me tho
I get the feeling we've found senior crashin's real expertise. Face palms and music, not so fast. An undercover government FBI agent looking to crack down on the widespread epidemic that is digital drugs.

I'll take an oz of e-weed, and an eighth of shrooms, thanks Dougie.

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