

Shawn Michaels ❤
I am so sick of a majority having the stereotype that all teenagers are going to mug you with our guns if we walk towards you. Please explain this to me. So what? It ISN'T a majority of teenagers like this. I mean, in the same logic, I could say I fear every man walking towards me because I think he's going to rape me. Or every person with a hood up because they're going to mug me.

There are more adults than teenagers in jails or a similar place. Yet it's only teenagers with this stereotype attached to them. Why is that? If you think teenagers are going to kill you, God knows what you think when another adult walks towards you.
it's because there's this trend of teenagers randomly attacking people in the street just for fun. they're seen as being unpredictable and more likely to attack just because you look at them wrong. and it's that way because there are people like that.

i think with adults there's more of a view that there has to be some sort of motive behind them attacking you, as opposed to randomly. all stereotypes are annoying though when they don't apply to you yet people assume them to be true.

eg - i'm from northern ireland, yet i don't drink (gasp), don't own a gun (shock), have never rioted (Will faints in the corner). i'm 6'1 and reasonably well built, yet have never in a fight.

stereotypes dont work because they dont reflect everyone
Some teenagers are stupid and think that there aren’t harsh consequences for their actions. They believe if they use the argument, “I’m just a child,” will get them out of everything they do. Plus more crimes are committed by younger people than older people because the older you are, then, more likely you would know what would happen to you if you mugged or rape somebody. Teens are usually sent to juvenile detention center and are not really counted into the prison population or of last just child state custody.
Some teenagers are stupid and think that there aren’t harsh consequences for their actions. They believe if they use the argument, “I’m just a child,” will get them out of everything they do. Plus more crimes are committed by younger people than older people because the older you are, then, more likely you would know what would happen to you if you mugged or rape somebody. Teens are usually sent to juvenile detention center and are not really counted into the prison population or of last just child state custody.

This is the stereos-type Becca was talking about. Not all teenagers are like this, just because you see it on the news, people assume it is the majority. When in fact, if the news played stories that weren't 'important', the majority of them would be good stories. Alot of biasness come from the media, when they publish and distribute thing about the MINORITY, to the MAJORITY, giving a sense of 'everyone does it'.

Alot of things are stereotyped in life, and alot of people can't accept that it is not everyone. We have to live with these things, even when people are biased gainst us.
Meh, this is just another example of the generation gap, really. Generation X was never like this, apparently.

Everything was 'good' and everyone 'obeyed their parents' and 'the school system was better' and EVERYTHING was apparently better. Wait, we've hit Generation Y now! What's this? School shootings, street muggings, EMOS????!!!!!!! The whole generation is to blame! The whole lot of them are nothing but moronic, degenerative thugs! Tsk, two teenagers beating up a 40 year old male...well, I guess we better take some more rights teenagers have.

The school system's faults? All because of teenagers. Their defiance to learn can clearly not be traced back to flawed curriculums and half-assed, lazy and depressed 'teachers'. No, no, definitely not, it's all because the teenagers don't do what they are told.


For those that knew of the whole 'Corey Delaney' story (Australian 16 year old, invited friends to a party while his parents were gone, ended up with a shitload too many and caused some damage...just a stupid stereotypical twit teenager) that was an example of how quickly and easily the media can take a story and use it as a vice to demonstrate how bad Generation Y is. Of course, we are all going out and destroying society. So what if there's about a billion teenagers in this world, we're going to single out a couple of them and use them to show us adults just how much better we were than these 'louts' and degenerates.


Truth is, it doesn't take a lot to create a stereotype, in particular, a bad one. There's nothing anyone can do about it. There will always be a fear in adults that some moronic teenagers will do something to them, because it's happened before to people. No, it's not as if every single teenager is going to do something, but in a world of growing violence, etc, there is always a need for precaution with adults when it comes to teenagers, simply because there is a SLIGHT chance they'll come across some idiots.

I can agree with the fear some adults have, it's justified. What I don't agree with for a start, is teenagers that do this which is undoubtedly and forever will be creating a bad image for communities and teenagers alike, but also the adults who see this behaviour and choose to label the majority of 'better' teenagers as being all a part of this anti-social, immoral minority. The ultimate perpertrators of this are the media. They have the power to influence, and choose to make their money off of tearing down and devaluing a whole generation because of a few actions because they can and they know that people will begin to believe this.

Some teenagers are growingly conformative people, and the cynosure for these teenagers right now is what the media is writing about in regards to stupid teenage actions and how they write about it. They see a story like the Corey Delaney one and see how much the public condemns it, and then they want to emulate it's 'badassness'. Maybe it's time the media toned down the bashing of teenagers, because all that does is create moronic and degrading stereotypes and entice more teenagers to ruin the image of the majority.
Teenagers have and always will be defiant and go their own way. The problem is what I like to call "Grown Up Amnesia". It seems when people get around my age, they begin to forget what it was like being a teenager, emotions running wild, sex drive starting, the feeling that your elders are assholes.

Has today's generation forgot the hippie era? Or, the flower child era, where you basically had sex with everyone, including your relatives?

What about the baby boomers? A generation that had all the drugs and sex they wanted, broke all the rules, and, yes, made quite a few positive changes. But now they are old, and they tell teenagers today to NOT do exactly what THEY used to do.

It is hypocritical. IMO, there are good teenagers and bad teenagers, just like any other demographic. And, as fucked up as the world is now, I tend to be bit more patient with kids, as I know a lot of people are going through hell.

And, yes, older people, your/our generation fucked this world up. These kids were born into a world WE crafted with violence and selfishness, and now we expect teenagers to act any different?

Even in the animal kingdom, it is natural to stray from the path of the older generation, and try to start over. And, we need to remember that when we're 80 and drooling and shitting on ourselves, it will be today's teenagers that change our diapers.
Some teenagers are stupid and think that there aren’t harsh consequences for their actions. They believe if they use the argument, “I’m just a child,” will get them out of everything they do. Plus more crimes are committed by younger people than older people because the older you are, then, more likely you would know what would happen to you if you mugged or rape somebody. Teens are usually sent to juvenile detention center and are not really counted into the prison population or of last just child state custody.

Ah, there's exactly what I mean now. But one thing I definately have to point out, is that do you have any proof to say more crimes are carried out by teenagers? Because you're wrong to say that. The majority of people convicted of crimes are those over the age of 18. So really, I should be streotyping adults for commiting crimes, not the other way around.
Ah, there's exactly what I mean now. But one thing I definately have to point out, is that do you have any proof to say more crimes are carried out by teenagers? Because you're wrong to say that. The majority of people convicted of crimes are those over the age of 18. So really, I should be streotyping adults for commiting crimes, not the other way around.

Teenagers are more likely to commit crimes because of lack of parental involvement, lack of entertainment or positive activities and peer pressure. While yes adults do out number teens in the prison population remember that many of the adults begin their life of crime as a teenager doing petty crimes. The younger you are the more likely you are to trying things rather good or bad like drugs, sex and crime.

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