Teddy and Kristal's Wedding Angle

Skullz Crack'Em

Lord of the Skulls
We all know by now that Teddy Long proposed to Kristal and that they are getting married on SmackDown in the near future, but in WWE, weddings don't plan out the way they are suppose to and something happens that usually ruins the magical moment. What will ruin this wedding?

I think a great way for WWE to do this storyline is to have Teddy find out during the ceremony that Kristal was cheating on him with another superstar on SmackDown. That superstar would perfectly fit MVP. After Teddy says "I Do", Kristal takes a moment to reply and thats when MVP's music hits and reveals on the titantron multiple videos of him and Kristal making out. Teddy Long asks Kristal why she did that and she then gives him a big slap in the face while MVP gives him a Playmaker. MVP then goes on to tell Teddy "She's my babygirl now Teddy and she always was, we were just playin with you man, and you can't fire me because we signed a contract remember?" MVP and Kristal goes on to shout out "Ballin!" and then starts laughing as SmackDown goes off the air.

This would give MVP a great start into being a top main eventer after he loses the U.S. title(maybe as soon as the GAB, but I think it will happen a bit later). Stealing another man's woman in the WWE is pretty much a guaranteed way of becoming a future World champion, it did wonders for HHH and Edge did it not? MVP will have Kristal in his corner helping him cheat to victory in his most important matches(ala Edge/Lita and HHH/Steph), this would be an excellent thing to happen to MVP IMO. He proved he can wrestle, and he proved he has charisma so why not give him an early push like WWE did with Lashley?

What does everyone else think will happen during the wedding?
ah, but does MVP need this to get him over?

I think that it might be used with an up and comer like Dan Rodamier(sp) that bloke steph had a love affair wi. It would be brilliant for him to debute at the moment when they are ment to say I do.

But i do agree that its a ticking time bomb
What if they have Kristal's maid of honour, Vickie Guerrero reveal that she and Kristal have been having a lesbian affair. This would give serious heat to both of them and the Teddy would resign as GM of Smackdown, with Kristal and Vickie taking over.
I think Skullz had the perfect idea. I can see MVP getting that push, he doesnt need it but with that push it will put him up there pretty high. I dont think they would give the push to a new guy. Who is Dan Rodamier I never heard of him?
i also think that would be great for MVP and could get him over big time as a heel but im not really sure what will happen but we all know these weddings usually have unwelcomed special guests.i think Long will somehow piss off kahli and then during the wedding kahli intrerupts and ends longs career..just a thought...anyway skrilla Rodimer was one of the finalists in Tough Enough i think it was 03 or 04 not sure hes a pretty big guy around 6'7 240 and has been wrestling at RAW house shows recently
It would give Rodamier a huge push into being a semi-top star. Although it doesn't sound like it will happen. He hasn't been the WWE that long so it would be more likely that they choose someone fans actually reconize.
mmhhmm... am I the only one who thinks this is goping to be scrapped off quick? I mean, "Teddy Long's wedding"??? dude, sounds like a cheap porn movie. lol :D
If it really happens, i agree with the unwelcomed guest idea, but not MVP, no way in hell.... I see Mark Henry doing the role!!! hahaha! im imaging Teddy's face in my mind, it's so funny!!!
anyway, MVP should not participate in this crapola fest... He is in the right way, his feud with Matt hardy is just great and they even't had started :)
I think the winner of the feud will be the next contender for the WHC, or at least the number 2, after Rey.
I don't think people even know or care about this wedding angle that much that it wouldn't help give a push to someone like MVP. This is not like the Test-Steph-HHH wedding which had a great outcome and created much excitement, or even the Billy Chuck angle which was funny and getting attention and had a shocking outcome also..
I also agree that Dan Rodimer or however u spell it....Great debut! Then put him right into mid card potential atleast, it'd be a great debut, and he's a good sized guy so I could see him getting title shot soon with the way they push ppl in the wwe...
At first my guess was that Kristal and Vickie were plotting against Teddy do get him removed as GM so that they could take over, however, I'm starting to wonder about that. I mean, before both girls became involved in this storyline, they were BOTH heals. So that wouldn't have surprised me.

However, as Skullz already said, I wouldn't be surprised if someone interfered and revieled that it was all a setup. And I can see that being MVP, and I'm sure they will think of a reason he did it as well. And I know that will give MVP that little bit more of a push he needs. A good solid rivalry with whoever the face GM throws at you. Has that particular state of events happened before? Face GM vs Heal Up and Comer? I think it's gold.

And about Dan Rodimer/Rodman, I really hope it's not this guy they give this push to. If they start him off in a huge storyline, he'll get lost in the mix, and when it's over, they'll have nothing to comtinue with him. I say give Rodimer the Bobby Lashley push. Have him debut FACE, beat the crap outta people for a while, get into a US title match somehow when the champ is also a face, and then have him go full blown heal on his "friend". But as far as the wedding goes, the only part of it Rodimer will be in is if he's the guy Teddy long hires to beat the crap outta MVP, and THATS only if all of this pans out the way we think it might!
Am I the only person who thinks that nothing will happen to stop the wedding? I mean Long/Kristal aren't in any feuds with anyone and they just named Ron Simmons as the best man (I suppose this means Ron and Vickie will hit it off after the wedding) so maybe something will happen after the wedding ala Dawn Marrie/Al Wilson or someone named McMahon will fire Long for having it off with one of his employees.

I'm gonna go ahead and guess Torrie and Michelle will be bridemaids, just you wait and see.
to be honest....i dont think mvp is ready for a main event push...hes not such a great wrestler and having kristal by his side wont "magicly" make him top card material. Both HHH & Edge were a lot better and far more experienced than MVP when they had their wedding angles.
After watching Raw this week I have another idea as to how this wedding could end up. Ron Simmons is Teddy Long's best man and on Raw he won a date with Maria. He will take her to the wedding where Santino Marella comes out and tries to win her back. Umaga then appears and goes to spike Santino when he pushes him into Long/Kristal. Santino then stays on Smackdown and becomes a big heel as Long/Kristal will try and get some revenge.
I can honestly say I could not give a damn less. I just hope they can do a decent promo instead of the time spent seeing teddy long saying "Baby girl i love you" .

As a stab in the dark I reckon some demon from Kristals past will turn up and she runs off crying....hopefuly never to be seen again
I'm gonna go ahead and guess Torrie and Michelle will be bridemaids, just you wait and see.

What did I say? I told you so.

For my next prediction, i'll predict that the vicar will be 1 of those Elvis impersonators. Bring it on and just you wait and see.
So, some are assuming this will be the first wedding to actually go off without any catches. Uhm.. did they drop giving Vickie Guerrero the main role of GM of Smackdown!?! Cause the original spoiler/rumor I heard regarding the wedding was that Krystal & Vickie were planning something together to get Long out.

And M.V.P. seems the most annoyed with Long, yet lately they haven't had any scenes/storylines together. So maybe it has been scrapped, but a wedding on W.W.E. t.v. wouldn't be a wedding if something big didn't blow it up. So I seriously see something stopping it.. & my assumption says its going to be Vickie & Krystal turn heel & take control of SD, with Long taking a leave of absence to mend a broken heart.. only to come back about "x" amount of monthes later to reclaim control.
So, some are assuming this will be the first wedding to actually go off without any catches. Uhm.. did they drop giving Vickie Guerrero the main role of GM of Smackdown!?! Cause the original spoiler/rumor I heard regarding the wedding was that Krystal & Vickie were planning something together to get Long out.

And M.V.P. seems the most annoyed with Long, yet lately they haven't had any scenes/storylines together. So maybe it has been scrapped, but a wedding on W.W.E. t.v. wouldn't be a wedding if something big didn't blow it up. So I seriously see something stopping it.. & my assumption says its going to be Vickie & Krystal turn heel & take control of SD, with Long taking a leave of absence to mend a broken heart.. only to come back about "x" amount of monthes later to reclaim control.

Macho Man/Elizabeth from SS 91...

Their problems did not arise until Jake Roberts attacked Macho at the reception.

Maybe Krystal isn't involved in anything at all, but maybe she will be attacked before/during/after the wedding to turn someone else into a mega heel.
Macho Man/Elizabeth from SS 91...

Their problems did not arise until Jake Roberts attacked Macho at the reception.

Maybe Krystal isn't involved in anything at all, but maybe she will be attacked before/during/after the wedding to turn someone else into a mega heel.

Lately Teddy Long seemed sex-obsessed almost with Krystal. (like when he wanted to see her bikini, yet she blocked him) I think by that alone, it should be noted that Krystal is seemingly using him.. either that or he's the "b*tch" in that relationship..

Plus, M.V.P. has been put into several backstage segments with Long, including watching Krystal leaving with Long getting jealous. So I think if a wrestler gets involved, it'll be M.V.P.. However, I'm still assuming Vickie & Krystal are plotting something.. & even at Summerslam, Mr. McMahon along with all the other G.M.'s were seemingly bad mouthing Long.. so he could be on his way out.. storyline wise.
I think that Kristal is cheating on Teddy but i don't think its with MVP it could be some new wrestler or someone else backstage but i really doubt that its MVP my prediction for the whole thing. They tie the knot, Vince comes out and says Teddy is fired for having a relationship with Kristal and that he crossed the line with an employee. Kristal and Vickie laugh in his face and reveal that not only did they plan the whole thing but Kristal was cheating on him with the mystery wrestler. The wrestler comes out and attacks Long and they all leave and Kristal and the wrestler have an Edge/Lita moment on the ramp making out like Edge and Lita did when they revealed their relationship on RAW.
On yesterday's Smackdown Kristal recieved a phonecall from her "mum". The whole wedding storyline is going to result in something quite big, and I',m starting to go with the whole adultery angle. But I suppose the Vicky, Kristal angle could work. Who knows... we'll find out in two weeks on Smackdown! :)
While I still think in the end, Krystal & Vickie may be revealed as setting this whole thing up, to get Vickie into power & have Krystal help. (kinda reminds me of the Terri/Jackie - P.M.S. angle, but with power)

However, I'm starting to wonder if Vickie truly is going to be involved as a heel, now. On SD! Krystal got that "mystery" phone call, which anyone clearly could assume thats the "wrestler/heel/cheater" that'll interrupt.. but if you noticed, Vickie didn't act in any different way toward the call. Granted, she could be playing it off.. or.. maybe.. they'll have Krystal turn heel & Vickie "not know anything about it."

Or, what if the "phone call" that Krystal got, was actually a good surprise/wedding gift for Teddy Long & Krystal could stay face.. but still a heel wrestler could interrupt & stop the event.. setting up a main event heel push?

Overall, I think Krystal will turn heel, Teddy will be fired or take a "leave" & it'll be the two female heels, (Krystal/Vickie) running the show with their main heel male. (M.V.P. most likely, unless its a debut of someone?)
In my opinion, I think that if anyone is going to ruin the wedding, it will be Big Daddy V. He's done pretty much all he's going to do on ECW and it would e a perfect time to move him over to SD for a feud with Taker
I agree that krystal and Vicky will turn heel at the wedding with the help of a wrestler. Couldn't be MVP because him and matt hardy are in the middle of a feud. And that feud isn't ending till hardy gets the US belt. MVP and matt are defending the tag belts on sunday, which probably means that feud isn't quite over yet.

I think it's gonna be Mark Henry, he got his new deal so he's not going anywhere. Undertaker gets a clean pin the tombstone on sunday over henry. Then to get that feud outta of our head quick, henry invades the wedding and destroys teddy.

However, I agree with you Doshan that it could be Big Daddy V. He could watch Krystal and Vickys backs while they are running there mouths in the ring or whatever. Then once they declare they are unstoppable, have taker come out to feud with big daddy v.

Other possible person is "The Alpha Male". What the hell happened to this guy? He doesn't have the mic skills really, but he could also just blend in the backround while Vicky and Krystal do all the talking. He doesn't really have to wrestle matches, just a couple moves here and there

Either way Teddy Long is gone for awhile after this. Hopefully when he comes back he has someone to watch his back like when he was managing Rodney Mack. And then have Teddy and his new muscle take Vicky, Krystal and their heel wrestler down to regain the GM position.
From WZ.com

ource: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

SmackDown writer Michael Hayes was the one who pushed for the heart attack route in the Kristal & Theodore Long wedding storyline. He had been wanting to do an angle involving Viagra for quite some time. The Viagra induced heart attack on the night of the wedding had actually been scripted since June. Hayes was strong on the Viagra part of the storyline, knowing Vince would love it and that it was believable drug to trigger a heart attack.

The plan from day one was for Vickie Guerrero (and at one time Kristal, but she's likely staying on as a babyface) to get a hold of Long's medical records, find out about his medical issues, and orchestrate this whole thing out in the storyline. The big goal of the storyline is to turn Vickie Guerrero into a major heel. Though it was argued by some in WWE that getting major heat on Vickie would be compromised by the Viagra aspect of the storyline that made it somewhat of a comedy.

Nonetheless, as result of the outcome of the storyline, Guerrero will turn into a major heel General Manager. She would then turn her wrath against Rey Mysterio in particular, to do a Hispanic version of Vince McMahon vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. She would have also used Kristal in the ordeal, and would subsequently fire her former friend from SmackDown.

The original plan for Kristal was for her to move to Raw shortly after the storyline. She's currently in a real-life relationship with Bobby Lashley, and since he had pull at the time, he asked Vince McMahon if she could move to Raw to be with him. Vince agreed, and she should be moving to Raw eventually. However, Lashley is going to be out of action until at least December, so her forthcoming move to Raw may be held off for a few more months.

Another idea being batted around to get Vickie even more heat from the fans is for her to start a relationship with one of the male wrestlers on SmackDown. The idea is that the wrestler would get preferential treatment from her, and it would make her even more of a heel to the fans because she'd be betraying her late husband Eddie Guerrero. The other idea being talked about is that the wrestler up for the role would actually be using Vickie in order to get preferential treatment from her, but Vickie would be trying to get the wrestler "in the sack" in exchange. The wrestler would tease the idea, but it would never actually happen in the storyline because the wrestler is not really interested in sleeping with her; he just wants to further his own career, and thus he'd be the one doing the using.

If Vickie ends up having a relationship with a wrestler, MVP appears to be the primary candidate for the role. There has also been talk of using Edge in the role, but MVP's name has gotten more play.

Now after reading this i have to say an Vickie vs Rey Angle would not be something I really want to see. I mean sure it work work for their audience but still I just dont see that playing out so well.

Then the idea of Vickie dating a superstar to get what they want seems reasonable but why in the hell would they use MVP for that part. I mean MVP is doing fine on his own and dont need to be involved in something like that. I really thought they would go angle like that if Kristal was invloved but i guess not know that she be going to RAW when Lashley returns from the looks of it.

All ideas of this angle is a big what the hell are they doing on the Smackdown writing staff. There is no need to have Vickie Guerrero playing this GM role as Long was just fine in his role or better yet JBL but this whole angle i just dont like.
I think that this could be the perfect time for Batista to turn heel as not only is Rey and the dead man returning and we all know that when it's batista vs any of these 2 the crowd always go for them simply because the Undertaker is a WWE legend and Rey is quick and exciting. Therefore why not make Batista have the affair and turn him heel as he was in Evolution which i think he played well, this will give more credilibilty to the Undertaker Batista feud which will surely happen sooner or later as everyone is Bored with the great Khali.

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