Tebow to the Jets.

Well there you have it. The Broncos traded Tim Tebow to the Jets for 2 draft picks.I think it's a bad idea. I don't mind them getting Peyton Manning as he is one of the greatest of all time but why not let him learn from Peyton? Manning only has a few more years left in him and by then Tebow will have matured and become that great qb.What's he gonna learn from Mark Sanchez? How to lose a game? That learning experience would've been great for Tebow to learn from of the best ever.

What do you guys think?

Was it a good idea or a terrible idea and why?
There is now a report that the trade has hit a snag due to Tebow's contract, so it may not go through after all. For the sake of the thread, we'll just assume that it is going to go through as stated.

For the Broncos, I think it's a pretty good deal. I'm not sure they were ever sold on Tebow as their long term QB anyway. I'm not saying that just because they signed Manning. He's Peyton Manning, he's an upgrade over just about any QB in the league. I don't blame them for getting him. But even before all this came about, it seemed as though Denver wasn't fully behind Tebow. His own head coach barely had a good word to say about him for several weeks after he became the starter. The team seemed reticent at first to install a system that would work well with Tebow's talents. John Elway said he would go into training camp as the starter, but that was as far as he was willing to go. Of course, I realize in the NFL almost no one's spot is guaranteed, and you have to prove yourself and your worth over and over, moreso than the other professional leagues. And if you falter, there is always someone there to step up and take your place. But just the way he was talked about during and after the season by the team made it seem as though they didn't have a boatload of faith in him.

Sure, you could keep him and he could learn from Manning. But Manning, if healthy, plans on playing more than two or three more years. So if all goes according to plan, you may never need Tebow again anyway. I'm not sure how long his contract is, but if Manning is going to play for a while, Tebow may want to go somewhere else anyway, somewhere he could challenge for a starting job.

Also, how much could Tebow learn from Manning? Yes, Manning is an all time great, and ANY quarterback could learn something from him. But Tebow is never going to be the type of quarterback that Manning is. And I'm not just talking about sheer ability. I'm talking about style of play. Tebow is as much of a running quarterback as there is in the NFL. Manning is the epitome of a pocket passer. Tebow, however good he becomes, will never be able to throw like Peyton Manning. So while I'm sure Manning could help his development, as he could with any quarterback, Tebow may benefit more learning from someone with a style closer to his own.

Plus the Broncos receive draft picks to put even more weapons around Manning, and get rid of a guy that probably not everyone on the team believed could be their QB of the future. So in my opinion, it's a great trade for the Broncos.

What I don't understand is why you would do this if you're the Jets. Mark Sanchez has already been under fire for quite a while because of his lack of progress, or regression, depending how you look at it. The Jets themselves were mentioned as a possible destination for Manning, which makes Sanchez look even worse and his postion even less tenable. I believe they just extended his contract as well, as a supposed sign of faith that he is the right guy for the job. Now you're going to trade for Tebow? Why? He's still somewhat of an unknown, so he might not be any better than Sanchez anyway, not that that's a high bar. ;) But even with that considered, you know a lot of fans are going to want Tebow to start right away. And if Sanchez again struggles this year, those cries are only going to get louder. So you're turning up the heat on a QB already on very thin ice, and all for a guy who may not even be any better.

I just don't understand. Don't get me wrong, as a Dolphins fan, I'm more than happy to see the Jets fail every way possible. We need another team to join us in the cellar, anyway. :disappointed: I just don't see the logic of this trade from the New York side. Create some hype, maybe? Sell more tickets? Would it really be worth the position you're putting your supposed franchise QB in?
As a New England Patriots fan, I say, hardy fucking har. This kid is overrated and will be torn to pieces in the New York market if he puts up the same stats he did in Denver. I hope they use him as a starter even, so my Pats can destroy their shit with glee, but good on Denver for managing to get two draft picks out of it, pretty good deal for them even if they're in the later rounds.
I like Tebow, but this is one of the few destinations I don't think was a good spot for him. He had two ways he could try to get moved to -

1. To a team that has an established QB that can help develop Tebows game and where Tebow doesn't have a chance of replacing the starter (Packers, Patriots)
2. To a team that has no 'QB of the future' so he could go compete for a job (Miami, possibly Jacksonville depending on what they think of Gabbert)

The Jets don't fill either of those criteria, because Sanchez is still seen as the Jets hope (as evidenced by the extension they gave him) but they don't have a strong track record of developing QB's that can move on and succeed once their contract runs out. NE has done that. GB has done that. Plus, once Sanchez has a poor game, the fans will go nuts for Tebow and you may have a lockerroom split between the two guys because Sanchez hasn't established himself like a Brady or Rodgers and was one of the captains of the team that lost control of the lockerroom last year.

I don't like this move, by either the Jets or Tebow. And I'm not saying that because I don't like Ryan or the Jets. I'm saying that because this situation just isn't ideal for him.
Thank God! My favorite part of this whole thing is that Tebow had the choice between the Jets and the Jags, and he chose the Jets. That's so perfect.

I forgot this was non-spam, so I have to add some more. As a Jags fan, I'm thrilled he isn't coming here. He would have brought the biggest circus on this side of the Ringling Bros. if he would have came here. I also want a camera in the room when Tebow hears his first Rex Ryan speech. His face would be priceless. I also don't see what he adds. The Jets already had a bad quarterback on their team. I don't see the benefit of adding another one.
I'm actually surprised that they couldn't get more out of the Dolphins or the Jaguars, as two low-round picks seem a bit underwhelming. I mean, I know we're talking about Tebow here, who's a very limited QB, but I just thought that the Florida teams would be willing to overpay, and pay at least more than the Jets offered. As for him actually going to the Jets- seems like an unusual fit. I definitely didn't see it coming, but then again, no really did. Now the Jets have two overpaid, overhyped, incapable-of-throwing-the-ball-downfield QB's. Quite a conundrum they're in. I mean, I understand what they're looking for- Tebow can bring a positive presence to their broken lockerroom and can run their Wildcat offense, but it can only go well if Sanchez can unquestionably play as the #1 guy, and I don't see that happening. I think it's going to bring more negatives than positives for the Jets. They're looking for Tebow to be the #2 guy, a lockerroom leader, a positive vibe, and the leader of the Wildcat offense. But I think what they'll mostly get is a QB competition and the Tebow circus, because Sanchez will falter and people will call for Tebow to start, resulting in a big headache for the Jets. I don't see it working out well.
And the jets also agreed to pay half of the salary advance that the broncos owe Tebow. All to bring the circus to New York. I like Tebow, he's a heck of a leader on and off the field but the jets don't need the headache. We all know sanchez will screw up and the first time he does the fans of New York will holler for Tebow. Just like in Denver but it's New York so it'll be 10 times worse.
I spent a half season saying Tebow was getting overrated by the fans and media and now after he gets traded for a fourth and sixth I feel like the only one that thinks the Jets made a great move. Tebow as a starter is someone you can devote a full week of planning. Tebow as a guy that will come in sporadically using different looks is going to drive preparing defenses crazy. Imagine what a tired defense is going to think late in games when this guy comes on the field basically fresh and starts knocking defenses back with 5 and 6 yard gains. He should be able to chew clock and keep a potent comeback offense like the Pats off the field. Ryan has made some poor pickups but if he knows how to utilize Tebow (QBs version of Mariano Rivera) this will be a success. I haven't done the math but my expectation is that you get 2 to 4 years on average of special teams and backup play out of a 4th and 6th rounder combined. Tebow could likely give the Jets 10 years in a big role.

And he is a proven leader, great teammate, sells lots of jerseys, amazing person and he takes the attention off of the rest of f'ups that wear Jets jerseys.

The goes to show that most people only remember your last game.
I spent a half season saying Tebow was getting overrated by the fans and media and now after he gets traded for a fourth and sixth I feel like the only one that thinks the Jets made a great move. Tebow as a starter is someone you can devote a full week of planning. Tebow as a guy that will come in sporadically using different looks is going to drive preparing defenses crazy. Imagine what a tired defense is going to think late in games when this guy comes on the field basically fresh and starts knocking defenses back with 5 and 6 yard gains. He should be able to chew clock and keep a potent comeback offense like the Pats off the field. Ryan has made some poor pickups but if he knows how to utilize Tebow (QBs version of Mariano Rivera) this will be a success. I haven't done the math but my expectation is that you get 2 to 4 years on average of special teams and backup play out of a 4th and 6th rounder combined. Tebow could likely give the Jets 10 years in a big role.

And he is a proven leader, great teammate, sells lots of jerseys, amazing person and he takes the attention off of the rest of f'ups that wear Jets jerseys.

The goes to show that most people only remember your last game.

I see where you're coming from but my point here is that I don't see this being a good thing for Sanchez. He already has little to 0 confidence as it is this going to put it in the negatives. It's a good move strategy wise but terrible for Sanchez because the first time he messes up which we all know he will, the crowd will scream for Tebow and that will hurt Sanchez's confidence even more.

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