TeamHellNo! - Theme Song?


Dark Match Jobber
Ok, so I've been enjoying the Kane and Daniel Bryan segments, and now their tagteam has a name - TeamHellNo!

So I was thinking, what would be a good theme song for them to use IF they walked down to the ring together, DIDN'T use one of their solo entrance themes, and WASN'T an original song created for them?'

Basically, what already recorded song do you think would make a good fit for them? Why?

I'll get started - "Why can't we be friends?" by WAR (

I only know of this because of The Simpson's reference, but I think it would be comical, get a connection with a broad demographic, and I could see Kane and Bryan playing off it.

Share your song here!
They could bring Vince back as a manager and use his "No Chance in Hell" theme, that could fit. I can't really think of any mainstream songs that could fit them, maybe "Original Fire" by Audioslave. It opens with "The original fire has died and gone but the riot inside moves on", it's not a real hard and heavy song but the opening lyrics could fit them.
Well if you look at most tag teams around in this day and age, theme songs tend to be the same generic crap as everyone else has, or a mash up between both themes.
A mash up could be interesting, and I'd say it's the most likely to happen.

If I had to pick a song, well, I dunno.. Maybe Love Is A Battlefield for shits and gigs.
"Heaven is a place on Earth" by Belinda Carlisle simply because it would be absolutely hilarious and kind of ridiculous to see them come down to the ring to that tune. Either that or maybe a ballad like "Heaven" by Warrant. Not necessarily the most fitting, but I'd love to hear that song on WWE programming. Actually no....that might be a bit disturbing. Another idea would be to take Kane's old theme "Slow Chemical" and have Kane and Daniel Bryan say "I am the tag team champions!" over the track with DB sprinkling in various "NOs!" here and there.
They could bring Vince back as a manager and use his "No Chance in Hell" theme, that could fit.

Just because Vince's theme song fits the tag name doesn't mean that Vince should be the manager of the two. That would be stupid.

As for the theme; it should be a mix of the twos current theme. They have done this before with Kane and The Big Show. And numerous other "thrown together" tag teams. Its always fun to hear a combination of two superstar themes.

I think they should open with Kane's big pyro explosion, and lead into Daniel Bryan's current theme. They could leave it at that, or mix more parts of each theme. Either way, I would rather see the two come out together. Maybe they can argue down the ramp about who is the tag team champions.
Once upon a time in Attitude land, Undertaker and The Big Show formed an alliance. Together, they wrestled as 'The Unholy Alliance' and had a theme song that sounded like Takers, yet oddly sounded like Big Shows, too.

If this happens again, i'm gonna watch TNA
Okay, here's a thought.

Find a good metal version of "Night on Bald Mountain". Kane's theme has a few musical echoes of that piece -- and it certainly fits his character's motif, especially with its use in Fantasia -- but the metallizing of a classical piece links it to Daniel's theme, which is also a metal version of a classic ("Ride of the Valkyries").
I know its a little obvious... but remix Kurt Angles music.... HELL NO... dun dun HELL NO.. lol

i like kanes intro into DB music... i love when kanes intro is added for a tag team... the Kane XPac DX music was sweetI thought.....
I agree with the majority here, and I think the theme music for team "Hell No" should be a mash-up of Kane & Bryan's current themes. Bryan's current theme is a slight variation on Wagner's "Flight of the Valkyries", but with an updated rock n' roll feel. Personally, I liked it better when he used to come out to the unchanged song (the original "Kill the Wabbit" classical version). WWE could use the original ("Kill the Wabbit") version, but add some of those haunting guitar licks that are used in Kane's theme. You know the guitar part I mean, I'm sure; they're the ones that are just one or two notes bent up and down and ringing fact, Randy Orton's theme ("Voices"?) use a similar guitar riff to the lead guitar part in Kane's theme.

I know that idea would sound similar to the theme that Bryan is currently entering the arena with, but that would probably be the best idea for a theme song for this new tag team. If the WWE comes up with a new theme that has lyrics, I think it would be pretty f_ing lame. I can see them doing something like that however, I just hope they don't. Some lame rap-rock thing like the WWE was so fond of in the late 90s (DX theme, X-Pac theme, Vince McMahon theme, etc) would probably be what they would do, with the lyrics saying "Hell No, we disagree" or something stupid like that. I hope the WWE just does a mash-up, if they attempt a combined theme for team "Hell No"...but who knows?
What if Kane and Bryan have separate entrances throughout their entire storyline? To me that seems more different than some generic theme or a mash up. It fits since they say "I am the tag team champion"
Doctor shelby comes out and gives them the new theme song...

Its that "so happy togetheeeeeeer song". It fits perfectly with the their gimmick. Its awkward and they will both hate it. Plus it fits in with in the PG rating. Just remix it a tiny bit with kanes pyro then maybe bryans theme in the background, but have this as the main theme.
I think it would be hilarious if the announcer introduced each one individually:

"Coming down the aisle, YOUR Tag Team Champions....Daniel Bryan!"

"And coming down the aisle, also, YOUR Tag Team Champions....KAAAANE!"

Now if they pass up on that and they come out together, I see it beginning with Kane's intro riff. Right at the explosion point like other mixes he has had in the past I see it jumping to Daniel Bryan's song. Simple, but it is what WWE tends to do.
I know its a little obvious... but remix Kurt Angles music.... HELL NO... dun dun HELL NO.. lol

HAHAHA, in my head that was the first theme I thought of, obviously it won't be that but it would be pretty damn funny if WWE chose to go with that, but with Kane's intro.

I reckon it will just be a mash up of the 2 themes, like Kane/X-Pac, Undertaker/Big Show, The Corporate Ministry and plenty of others. I would rather them have a funny, cheesy theme but I think a song with Kane's intro and pyro and then leading into Daniel Bryan's theme could work, with a few "No"'s thrown in there during it.

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