Team that shouldnt have lost the titles the way they did.


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looking at the history of Kane, i came across something i had forgot, probably blocked it out of my memory for a good reason..

in October of 2005 at taboo tuesday Kane teamed with The Big Show to take on Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch, beating them for the Tag Titles. they were monsters. beat anyone and everyone they went against. personally i LOVED the team.

then the night after WM 22 they lost the tag titles to... the Spirit Squad?? now i understand the need to push them at the time, but it really did aggrivate me that they had such a big and dangerous team lose to a bunch of cheerleaders.

so what were some other Tag champs who lost them to another team that made you o "WTF? nooo... thats crap"
I never really liked the way D-Generation X took the unified tag team championships off Jeri-Show. Not because it wasn't legit or anything, or because it ruined everything, but because it wasn't needed. DX didn't need the championships to be over, to accomplish something.

Jeri-Show were perfect additions to the tag team division, they brought some prestige to the championships, as well as they actually used their abilities as unified champions to appear on any of the shows, it went down hill after Jeri-Show lost the championships.
I'd say John Morrison and The Miz, they lost them to Hawkins and Ryder, a team that never defended them bar against The Colons, the first and only tag title defence on TV at least for Hawkins and Ryder. Nothing came of it, La Familia was falling apart, Edge wasn't Champion, Bam and Chavo did nothing much, bar Chavo's ECW run in early '08, didn't do much afterwards, just helped out Edge, so why give the Titles to Hawkins and Ryder when Morrison and Miz were the hottest team at that time, and when the stable was falling apart? It was under a year later the team had disbanded yet had they held the Tag Titles a little longer they could've surpassed Londricks reign.
OP got a real good one...I mean when 2 monsters are dominating the tag division, you never have them lose to spirit squad, no matter how many cheerleaders there are...

I have one of my own now...Edge & Christian, after their amazing win at WM X-Seven, they lost the tag titles just after 2 weeks to the brothers of destruction, now I know the reason for this was so there could be a huge feud between them and the two man power trip, but the fact that they ahd to just quickly beet E&C just so they can have their feud, it wasn't very good in my books..

It was all for a good cause and all because I enjoyed all the titles being involved in the feud but I felt bad for E&C...
I can think of 2 that spring to mind:

WM VII - Harts lose to Nasty Boys, nobody wanted to see this. Nobody believed it when it happened. The only reason this could have happened was to keep the Harts and LOD apart, or to allow Bret to go solo - in which case Harts v LOD would have been a perfect send off to the tag division for Bret/Anvil

Quebecers beating Steiners, infact I think the titles changed hands 3 times in a couple of months with this feud. The Quebecers sucked. They were no Rougeaus, even if the Mountie was there.

Spirit squad is definitely up there though. Didn't The Beverley Bros win the titles too? Think they beat the Natural Disasters....oh dear.
[/QUOTE]Didn't The Beverley Bros win the titles too? Think they beat the Natural Disasters....oh dear.[/QUOTE]

unfortunately the Beverly Brothers never held the WWF Tag Team Titles... really a shame as they were a great tag team. They often are forgotten but if you go back and watch thier matches, they were very good and would have made a great long term addition to the Tag Team division... a true waste of talent... tsk tsk

but this is just one mans opinion -TDub
It's just as bad when you have a new person/debut and they win a title. ANY TITLE. I remember La Resistance were on tv for less than a month and won the tag titles at a PPV from Kane & RVD. Santino Marella also comes to mind. His DEBUT was defeating Umaga to win the Intercontinental Championship... it wasn't as much as the champs lost, but THIS/THESE GUYS WON??
I think it was a real shame how London and Kendrick's title reign ended. They had held the titles for about 11 months and were a pretty entertaining team. In my mind, they had established themselves as the best tag team in the company, and this was around the time when Rated-RKO formed and DX and the Hardys were re-united.

They ended up losing the titles to the incredibly annoying team of Deuce and Domino, who would go on to do precisely nothing with the belts for a number of months. Also, the title change just sort of randomly happened on an episode of Smackdown. After the great work London and Kendrick had done with the titles, I thought they could have at least lost them on a PPV, with a bit of a build up.

Also, the 11 month thing sort of bugged me. It would have been cool to let them hang on to the titles for another month so they could say they were champs for a whole year. Not that it's a big deal or anything, but it would have been a cool accomplishment.
What about The Rockers when they beat The Hart Foundation on Saturday Night's Main Event ? They were the ottest Tag-Team at the time, everyone wanted them to win the belts and when it did happen the ropes broke, granted they still finished the match, but they could've edited it or do a rematch at the next Saturday Night's Main Event. For those who don't know The Rockers lost the titles from a phone call from Vince to Marty Jannetty and told they'd have to relinquish the titles and were told that the match would never happen in WWE's history. it's a real shame because they could have had a successful reign and some pretty good feuds with other teams of that time.
How about the way LOD lost the belts to the New Age Outlaws in 1997. It's not so much the Outlaws winning the titles, but the way LOD was jobbing to them for months to follow(Rumble 98, Unforgiven 98). They were getting humiliated by Road Dogg and Billy Gunn at every turn from before Survivor Series `97 all the way to mid-1998. I do understand that LOD was trying to pass the torch and put the Outlaws over, but by no means means should the New Age Outlaws have made the Legion of Doom their bitch. LOD is better than that. Maybe the LOD shouldn't have lost the belts so quickly to them.
i actually agree with that. having NaO shave animal and Hawks Mohawks really made LOD look weak. was not a fan of that at all, even if i did come to be a fan of the Outlaws, that was one moment for them i wasnt a fan of
What about The Rockers when they beat The Hart Foundation on Saturday Night's Main Event ? They were the ottest Tag-Team at the time, everyone wanted them to win the belts and when it did happen the ropes broke, granted they still finished the match, but they could've edited it or do a rematch at the next Saturday Night's Main Event. For those who don't know The Rockers lost the titles from a phone call from Vince to Marty Jannetty and told they'd have to relinquish the titles and were told that the match would never happen in WWE's history. it's a real shame because they could have had a successful reign and some pretty good feuds with other teams of that time.

If you read Bret's book, you will find his version differs in that this was more to do with problems with Jim Neidhart and it looked like he could be leaving the minimum the team was going to be split... However a deal was worked out just after the title change and the "rope break" was used as a way to negate it... hence why the Rockers were named champs on the night...
This may come under fire, but I completely despised the way ShowMiz lost the titles to the Hart Dynasty. It was nothing more than shamefully decorating an overrated tag team. Granted, the Dynasty was on top of their game at this point, but in hind sight, this win did nothing for the current champions. What have DH and Tyson accomplished since then? A scrapped feud with a now nonexistent JeriMiz and a poorly booked feud with the Usos. Give me a break. ShowMiz should have held the straps for at least 2 more months instead of having a mere 77 day reign. They were more than capable of continuing the elevation of a newly revived tag team division. This just plain sucked. The abortion of a match that culminated from this loss, Miz vs Bret Hart for the US title, further numbed me to the return of Bret Hart to the squared circle. Should they come, let the insults begin.
For those who don't know The Rockers lost the titles from a phone call from Vince to Marty Jannetty and told they'd have to relinquish the titles and were told that the match would never happen in WWE's history. it's a real shame because they could have had a successful reign and some pretty good feuds with other teams of that time.

Omg, I remember that. That made me so mad, since The Rockers were one of my favourite tag teams.

I agree thought, The Rockers lost the titles in a such a horrible way, like it never happened. That's just really shitty. Over a phone call? Really? Really?

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