Team Teddy vs. Team Vickie for Survivor Series


Occasional Pre-Show
Hey guys, this is my first thread. Figured I would wait until I actually had an idea that hasn't already been beaten to death on these forums as far as I've seen. I was reading the thread Barclayteo started about whether Vickie could get heat on her own, and he said he would rather see her become GM of Smackdown, which brought about my idea for this thread.

Now, Vickie has been helping run Smackdown or at least helping since the summer of 07 and she since Teddy has returned and regained management of Smackdown, she has not entirely relinquished control of the brand. In fact, she's barely given up any of her power. Now, Survivor Series is traditionally a team vs team based event. I think it would be interesting to see Teddy and Vickie finally get frustrated with each other enough that they decide to have a battle for sole ownership of GM power. Each could assemble their team and duke it out at Survivor Series.

I see Vickie enlisting the help of Chavo, Ziggler, Drew, Cody, and possibly a returning Edge? According to a thread in the Smackdown forum, there's a rumor that he might be brought in to boost ratings on Smackdown when they move to SyFy. Now, with her team in tact, I see Teddy getting Hardy, Christian, Big Show, Kofi, and someone else. If the feud were over between him and Kane, I could see the Undertaker joining, but he's a longshot and he would overstack Teddy's team. However, I think the interaction between everyone would be interesting, since there is an overlapping history among just about everyone in this idea.

So, would this be a worthwhile idea for the WWE to pursue,
Who would you choose for the respective teams,
And who would you have gain control of the brand?
hmm thats not the worst idea ive ever heard in fact i wouldnt be suprised if something like this happened.

So, would this be a worthwhile idea for the WWE to pursue
yes because it would be an intersting storyline and it would be kinda fresh and new

Who would you choose for the respective teams
Vicky: dolph, chavo, cody, drew and maybe punk
teddy: kofi, big show, christian, hardy, and someone else

And who would you have gain control of the brand?
alot of people would probably want vicky but not me i'd prefer teddy because vicky just gets boo'd to much and now it just annoys me
I think it could work, yes. Nice first thread. The Undertaker shouldn't be in it though, that's "too small" for him.
i think that is a good idea for a Smackdown feud. it would be a better idea than the usual thrown together Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown feud. at least these guys have a lot of backstory against them. I would hope that Team Vickie could get somebody better than Chavo, who just needs to retire already
Well, like I said, I think the Undertaker would completely overstack Team Teddy, since that would make two big guys in him and Big Show. However, part of the appeal for this match for me is that everyone has a bit of history with everyone else. I thought about Punk for Team Vickie, but I'm hoping that the SES would have a bigger part on Smackdown by that point. However, should the team of Gallows and Mercury be challenging for UTTs at that point, I could see him filling out the team.

I appreciate the compliments on the idea, guys. Glad to know that at least a few of my thoughts have some value, lol.
Hmmm, I've never said this before and I'll probably never say it agane (that's again with a long a) but this is a pretty good idea for someone's first thread.

The Nexus storyline is all but guaranteed to continue into Survivor Series keeping the Raw roster busy and leaving Smackdown! with nothing to do. This can easily solve that problem... just with a few tweaks. Punk has to be involved in order to give Vickie's team any semblance of credibility. I would also toss Swagger in there since he's being wasted and, more than likely, Taker will still be feuding with Kane over the title. So now we're looking at:

Big Show, Rey Mysterio, Kofi Kingston, Matt Hardy and Christian


CM Punk, Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre and Cody Rhodes

MVP and Chavo can be tossed in if they decide to make it a 6 on 6 but I doubt it.
This does sound like a great idea. I would definitely not put Undertaker in the match unless Edge is in it as well. But personally I would not lie to see 'Taker OR Edge in that match.

Though I would want Dolph Ziggler to win, I cannot stand Vickie Guerrero so I must go with Teddy for the win.
I can't deny that this is a great idea. It's nice to see someone just plant a seed when they throw ideas out there. So many times people get caught up in explaining the ins and outs of the storyline, what would be said, what surprises would happen. Well done for just keeping this thread straight to the point and simple.

The only problem I have with this is that this Sunday we have a Team vs Team match from the Raw brand. For this to happen it'd have to be planned around Survivor Series.
ummm ya Survivor Series was not scrapped by WWE u shit for brains... its one of the original 3 thats been kept... it wrestlemania and summerslam are all thats left....

on the right hand side towards the bottom it has Survivor Series listed tool... now any ways this is a great idea. Here are my teams-

Vickie- Dolph, Cody, Drew, Swagger, and CM Punk
Teddy- Kofi, Christian, Hardy, Mysterio, Big Show

Same teams that was already said, but it uses the rivals that are there now... if they keep going that long. And I think this is only worthwhile, if it is decided that Teddy or Vickie isnt the gm of raw. But good start, be interesting to see if this actually happens.
Team Vickie/Ziggler vs Team Teddy/Kofi was defiantly something that I could see these two working into a programme. Teams would look like:
Vickie - Ziggler, Rhodes, McIntyre, Swagger and Alberto del Rio
Teddy - Kofi, Christian, Hardy, MVP and Masters

I think Big Show and CM Punk would probably having their own match so they won't be involved in this.

This is defiantly a great first thread and defiantly something I could see happening down the line and it even allows for the rivalries happening now continue on for a couple months and they can finish at the pneultimate PPV of the year and allows them to get put over before the New Year comes around.
its one of the original 3 thats been kept... it wrestlemania and summerslam are all thats left....

Man, that had me scared for a moment. Had to go check any make sure the Rumble was still around, though I was pretty sure it was still around. Yeah, so far they've kept the Big 4. But I think if they are intent on keeping Survivor Series around (and they really should be with it's legacy), then they need to get it back to the gimmick that made it big and actually make that gimmick worth while. I'm hoping that from the positive comments on this thread that this is something that could generate buys and hopefully save SS for another year.

Man, I just hope that the next time I create a thread that it has the same response as this one. Thanks for the postivity, guys.
Don't forget that Royal Rumble is not scrapped.

Anyway, I think this would be pretty good, who ever's team won would be the official gm of Smackdown.
Teddy: Matt Hardy, Kofi Kingston, Christian, MVP and Big Show.
Vickie: Dolph, Cody, Drew, Chavo and somebody else.

I think Chavo has to be in it because Vickie's his aunt.

I woud hope that Teddy wins so we don't have to here them two words that piss you of more than we do already.

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