Team Jake vs. Team Jonny

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St. Joe

*Jonny B, Downward Spiral, Luther Hull, pastie1545 vs. extremetwistoffate94, Abyss, Sexxy Jake, and Wrestledude212 flashes on the big screen and then Go Getta hits and Wrestledude212 comes down to the ring*

Wrestledude212: Well WZMania is right around the corner, and as you all know there is going to be a battle of mod vs. admin, but this aint no singles match, nope they brought friends. As you all know i've algined myself with Jake agaisnt Johnny and his team of *sarcasm* posters *sarcasm*. (DOWNWARD SPIRAL'S EDIT: ) Now we have a few things up our sleeve, and one of them is that we have found someone else who wants to beat the holy hell out of you, and that is Wordisborn. He is joining us because it is right and none of you losers can do anything because Team Jake has support, and you guys have eachother to mess around with and that's about it."

"Id like to go ahead and start the trash talk and brawls right here. Now how 'bout one of Johnnys ******s get out here.

*Drops the mic and gets in a fighting stance*
(Jonny B's music hits as Team Jonny comes out to the ring)

"You know wrestledude, no one asked for your opinion. We are the big leagues and you are the minor leagues at best. So you don't call me out or any of my team because you are nothing special, and I call the shots around here. You have the audacity to come out and pretend you could take one of us? You see, what happened last week was a fluke. You losers jumped us from behind and we don't fight like that. So you get your ass out of that ring before I come down there and kick it out of it."

(Spiral takes the microphone)

"Wrestledude, you are nothing. I, am the future. You can't just go around telling people you are something special because everyone has seen what happens to people who get in my way. Americans are just as bad as the British when it comes to condescending people like you. You think you have the guts to call any one of us out? Well in the name of the greatest country in the World, Australia, we are going to show you just that, because like Jonny said, WE call the shots, not some 5 year old piece of crap like you. You wanted one, why not make it all of us, you moronic dick? So guys -"

(Luther Hull takes the microphone off him)

"Listen Spiral, you are never going to get through to this idiot and he has no respect for guys like us who are clearly the best this business has and ever will have, to offer. What happened last week was nothing. I joined this group because it was the stongest, and I am a great fit. Wrestledude, you are the laughing stock of your country, and "Team Jake" is just a barrel of laughs. So you come out here showing no shred of sense so I really think there is no point in coming down there. But on second thoughts, Spiral did make an interesting point when he said, why not make it all of us, so I guess that's the way it has to go."

(Hull hands the microphone to Pastie, and all of them are smirking at an angry Wrestledude.)

"I'll keep it short and sweet because that seems to be the only thing you could comprehend you moron. I came to crush, kill and destroy, so it looks like you just sealed your own fate. You have no idea what is coming to you now, and if you ever wake up, you will still not have any idea what beating you just took. Enough talking guys, let's take this piece of shit to the trash, where he belongs. You wanted one of us? Well that plan backfired because that's not how we roll. Your destruction is coming early."

"But wait guys, we have a new acquisition. I didn't tell you guys this but I guess it is now official. Let me introduce to you, the man who is going to assist in our demolition of Team Jake....BIG ACE!"

(Big Ace's music hits as Team Jonny starts grinning and laughing. Ace smirks and shakes hands with the Team.)
Big Ace: You're damn right I'm the newest member. In my mind, Team Jake are just a bunch of jackoffs who luckily made it in the wrestling business. While the guys on Team Jonny are pure wrestlers. Now, Wordisborn, I thought I was through with kicking your ass at the 'Rumble and degrading you on the mic but I guess just like your mom and your country, you keep coming back after an ass-beating huh? Well now, your worst nightmare and the most dominant team in WrestleZone history have combined and we make the team that will run this show! Wordisborn, take this as a warning...don't wrestle me at WZMania..if you do...then that's like trying to take out the devil himself with a steel chair...You have no chance in hell at beating me and with this team watching my back...There's nothing you and the other dumbasses over there can do.

*Big Ace gives a smirk*

Big Ace: As for wrestledude, what's up with your name? I mean seriously, we know you wrestle, you might not wrestle will but you do wrestle...Hell, you can't even cut a promo without stuttering! You expect to take you seriously? Ha. That's not going to happen.

(Just as they start to move toward the ring, Y2Jake's music hits and the rest of his team come out on the ramp. Jonny's team backs to one side and Jake's team stares them down from the other side of the ramp. Wrestledude is still in the ring but has a smile on his face now.)
*Just as that happens, Wordisborn comes running through the crowd and over the guard rail and makes a B-Line for Big Ace. He jumps on him and starts beating the hell out of him. The rest of Team Jonny see this happening and start to lay into Wordisborn. But Team Jake makes the save by jumping in. All hell has broken loose and they are all fighting. Refs and Officials break it up.*

*Wordisborn grabs a mic*

Wordisborn- You were right about one thing in that I would be stupid in trying to face you with your backup. However I was smart enough to know that you would most likely try to align yourself with Jonny's team so I put in a call to my good friend Jake and you are looking at the newest member of The J Squad!!!

*Huge pop from the crowd at that point*

Wordisborn- You see Big Ace, I have been around a long time and I have seen more then you ever will in your life, and I know that there is power in numbers. So now that I have my crew and you have yours I guess at Mania we will trully find out who is the best in the buisness!!

*Wordisborn's music hits as The J Squad stay in the ring with their arms held up in victory as Team Jonny and Big Ace look on in frustration*
Here is a match that I scripted. Team Jake has left the building, but Downward Spiral and the rest of Team Jonny have assaulted Extremetwistoffate. He is lying in the ring as Spiral calls for a referee to come out.

Downward Spiral (w/Team Jonny) vs ExtremeTwistoffate (ETOF)

The Start
Downward Spiral goes for a cover on a seemingly unconscious ETOF. 1, 2...KICK OUT! Spiral looks up furiously at the referee as he goes for a second cover. 1, 2...KICK OUT AGAIN! Spiral now gets up and starts furiously bashing the ring and starts kicking the ropes. He looks angrily out at the crowd as he starts laying the punches on ETOF. He lifts him up and goes for a clothesline which connects. He quickly goes for a cover. 1, 2, and a kick out by ETOF. Spiral is going maniacal at this point and is tearing out his hair while kneeling on the ground.

Spiral locks on an STF and is aiming at choking out ETOF, who is bleeding from the mouth. He is locking it on and the referee is asking ETOF if he wants to quit. After about 15 seconds, the referee lifts ETOF's arm up to see if he is knocked out. It falls down once. He lifts it up and it falls down again. Spiral is really putting it on now. The referee lifts it up...and ETOF fights back! He is standing up now and Spiral is still holding on. ETOF drops Spiral into a sidewalk slam and both guys are laid out on the ground.

Mid match notes

The referee starts the 10 count. 1, 2, 3, 4, and Spiral is the first to get up and walks groggily around the ring for a few minutes and is waiting for ETOF to get up. As ETOF slowly gets up, Spiral is readying himself for a spear. ETOF turns around and dodges out of the way of the spear attempt and Spiral slams into the turnbuckle and ETOF goes for a quick rollup. 1, 2 and Spiral just kicks out. Spiral is looking bewildered now and both men get up into a punching brawl which ETOF gets the better of. He kicks Spiral in the gut and places him for a powerbomb. He goes to lift Spiral up and Spiral starts punching him in the head. Spiral nails a quick DDT from the powerbomb position and goes for a cover and gets a two count.

Spiral quickly runs up to the turnbuckles and does a leg drop on ETOF. He goes for the cover after raising his hands to the heat of the crowd. 1, 2...and kick out by ETOF. He lifts a groggy ETOF up by the hair and goes for a suplex which he nails on ETOF. He lifts him up and goes for a second one but ETOF hits some elbows to the back of the head and does a running neckbreaker. He slowly rolls into the cover. 1, 2, kick out from Spiral! ETOF stomps on Spiral and spits out at an angry Team Jonny as the crowd gives a good pop. He drops his knee over Spirals face and goes for the cover. 1, and Spiral kicks out. He looks around the ring and goes up to the turnbuckle and steadies himself for a Swanton Bomb before Spiral gets up ala Kurt Angle, runs up the turnbuckle and tries to Superplex ETOF. ETOF holds on, and manages to big back body drop Spiral to the outside where Spiral writhes in pain.

ETOF steadies himself again and before he can jump, Pastie distracts the referee as Jonny B shoves ETOF off of the turnbuckle, and sends ETOF flying to the outside where he gets caught by the guardrail on his throat. The referee turns around and starts doing the 10 count as Team Jonny raise their hands innocently.

1,2,3,4,5,6,7. Team Jonny quickly rushes and throws Spiral in the ring as ETOF beats the 10 count and rolls into the ring. Both men are groggy as they start another punch fest. ETOF looks to have won it before Spiral thuds his eyes. Spiral runs back to the turnbuckles and runs forward and hits a bulldog on ETOF. He quickly covers. 1, 2...KICK OUT AGAIN! Spiral is furious again as he starts laying the punches into ETOF and stomps on his face a few times. He lifts him up and runs back for the clothesline, only to be met with a spinning wheel kick from ETOF.

ETOF crawls into the cover, but the referee is being distracted by Team Jonny again, as Big Ace is on the ropes trying to get the referee's attention. ETOF sees this after the crowd chant 1, 2, 3, and goes and blasts Ace in the head as Ace tumbles to the floor. As the referee is trying to settle Team Jonny, Spiral goes from behind ETOF, who is still glaring out at Team Jonny, and hits a backbreaker ala Randy Orton. Spiral pauses and then grabs ETOF and Irish whips him into the corner, where ETOF slumps down.

Spiral wraps ETOF's head in the ropes and gives him a foot choke as the referee turns around soon after and starts the 5 count. 1, 2, 3, 4 and Spiral breaks the hold. The referee gives Spiral a talking to, as Team Jonny continue to choke ETOF out. ETOF eventually is untangled after they release the hold. Spiral then walks to the corner cockily and tries to lift ETOF up by the hair but gets a kick in the face. Spiral is groggy as he runs back and tries for a clothesline but gets tripped into the bottom turnbuckle.

ETOF drags him out to the middle of the ring and hits a clothesline. He quickly runs up to the turnbuckles and hits a whisper in the wind on Downward Spiral. He goes for the cover. 1, 2, and kick out from Spiral. Both men are down for a while before ETOF slowly gets up and starts looking around at a cheering crowd. As Spiral gets up, he turns around to face his team and looks confused and angry. ETOF runs up behind him and throws him out of the ring into all of his team as they sprawl across the floor. ETOF then throws himself over the top and hits a crossbody on everyone as there are bodies lying everywhere.

The referee begins a 10 count, which is stopped at 5 after ETOF gets up and rolls into the ring, breaking up the three count. He goes back out and irish whips Spiral into the steel steps. ETOF has snapped as he lines Spirals head up against the steel steps, and knocks the rest of Team Jonny down again. He turns around and runs up for a big boot to Spiral's head but he is met with a vicious clothesline from Spiral.

The End
Spiral groggily rolls ETOF back into the ring and slowly crawls toward a cover. 1, 2, and KICK OUT AGAIN! Spiral is looking angry again as he grabs the referee and looks to hit him before he lets go and starts stomping on ETOF. As he slowly lifts ETOF up, he signals that he is going for his signature Downward Spiral. As he has got him in the rock bottom position, ETOF fights out and hits a kick to the gut and hits a TWIST OF FATE! He goes for the cover, but Jonny B jumps up on the edge of the ring and gives a neckbreaker on the top rope to the referee before he can count, and the referee slumps down. ETOF has seen none of this as he waits for the count. He turns around with a puzzled look on his face and sees the referee down. Team Jonny is walking away innocently, but ETOF looks furious as he goes out and grabs a steel chair. He runs towards Team Jonny, who are standing at the front of the ring and they all back up and walk backwards to the top of the ramp.

ETOF looks back at Spiral knocked out in the ring and then looks at the chair and smiles. He goes back into the ring and lines up Spirals head against the turnbuckle. He picks up the chair and points at the chair and then at Team Jonny. He raises it and SLAMS it into Spirals head. He brings the referee slowly back to life as he covers Spiral. The referee very slowly crawls over to make the count. Just before he does, Team Jonny starts running down again quickly to the ring. The referee begins counting. 1, 2, and Team Jonny drag the referee out of the ring again and Big Ace starts beating on him again. ETOF gets up and starts shaking his head. Jonny B starts turning and laughing towards the crowd as ETOF reaches down and tries to pick him up by the hair. Pastie and Luther Hull then quickly grab a chair each and sandwich ETOF while he is bending down.

Spiral is getting up again and as ETOF turns around, he hits him with a vicious Downward Spiral. He then tells Big Ace to bring a table into the ring as all of Team Jonny get in there and set up the table. Pastie pulls out some Brass Knuckles and knocks ETOF to the ground again. Spiral climbs the top rope and Team Jonny help ETOF into his arms. Spiral then hits a spinning DDT right through the table, and both men are writhing on the ground. Luther Hull runs to the back as Team Jonny go out of the ring, leaving Spiral in there with an unconscious ETOF as the crowd are booing loudly. Hull brings out a referee who runs to the ring and begins the count as Spiral puts one arm over ETOF. 1, 2, 3!!!

Here is your winner by pinfall:

Downward Spiral!!!!

Spiral slowly gets to his feet and is raised by a wild Team Jonny. They all stand over ETOF and raise eachothers hands in victory. They all take turns at doing their finishers on ETOF as Downward Spiral holds him in place for Pastie to slap him in the face. Jonny B then goes up and spits into ETOF's face. Spiral then throws ETOF to the ground. ETOF is bleeding from the forehead and mouth now and is lying unconscious again.

Team Jonny leaves the ring as the paramedics rush to ETOF. As they are walking backwards up the ramp, Team Jake is shown arriving back in a limo in the parking lot.


The cameras go back to Team Jonny celebrating in the back. After they all go to the parking lot, they are met by Team Jake, who are carrying steel pipes and other weapons and this begins an all out parking brawl between the two teams. Eventually, Team Jonny is knocked out, and Team Jake place Downward Spiral and Jonny B together on the hood of a car. Wordisborn then climbs up to the top of a truck, and does a leg drop with a chair onto the two, smashing the windsheild.

Team Jake then picks up Big Ace and slams him into a car door as Luther Hull and Pastie are beaten on by Team Jake with two steel pipes. Security eventually runs out and backs Team Jake away from the now unconscious Team Jonny. Team Jake are looking angrily at Team Jonny and saying this is not over, as Extremetwistoffate limps out from the building holding one of the steel chairs used against him. Spiral is now lying against the front of a car, and Team Jake knocks the security out of the way so that ETOF can get through. ETOF slowly walks up to Spiral and smashes the chair across his skull.

Team Jake then celebrate as they say: "This is not over! You will pay!"

The scene closes with The J Team walking away from the scene as the cameras roll across the laid out Team Jonny.
*This occurs the week after the brawl*

*Coming Live from New York, Wordisborn's Hometown*

*Evolution hits the speakers and out comes Wordisborn and the rest of the J Squad with the exception of Jake to the ring*

Wordisborn- As sure as we stand in this ring, we have clearly sent a message to Jonny's team that we are a family and we have each others back. We fight together and we will die together. We have raw talent on this team and not just some over rated guys with a grudge cause they lack the talent that we have on this team. I mean just ask the crowd, Do you guys think that the J Squad is going to open a can of whoop ass on Jonny's Team? *Hell Yea!!* You see guys, its destine to happen. Just incase you havent been introduced to the team allow me to introduce you...

We have extremetwistoffate94. He knows no bounds and will go thro hell fire and brimestone to prove that he deserves the respect of people, which is something that I respect.

We also have Abyss, *Huge Pop* who is possibly the most underrated up and comer in the game today. He is willing to put his body on the line for this team which is why we will have his back.

We have Wrestledude212. I have seen this man go thro some battles in his career and I think that he has proven that he deserves to be in this match as much as anyone else.

Also led by the man, the myth, the legend Sexxy Jake. Who unfourtunatly isnt here tonight as he had some personal matters to attend to tonight. However this man has made a reputation for being the most ruthless guy in the buisness aside from New Yorks own me! *Cheap Pop*

But seriously Jonny's team make sure that at Mania you guys bring it. And Big Ace I can personally guarentee that I will beat the respect into you. You have been skating around here for long enough and at Mania that all comes to an end when you go head to head with me.

*Wordisborn hands Abyss the mic*
*So, we all know who the winner is going to be when Mania is over with. (Big chants of Jake, Jake, Jake) They are right.

You see, not only is this going to prove who is the better, but Me and word have some personal issues. I've got a problem with you luther, and you know it. Word has got a problem with Ace.
This is gonna truly proclaim the better of us, and I can't wait to kick your sorry little butts all the way back under the rock you came from, so can you dig that?

*Huge pops and chants of, lets go Abyss, lets go Word Echo around the stadium.*

So who's gonna make the next move? If you dare?

*hands mic back to Word.*
Wordisborn- Thanks Abyss. And you are right about how I have a issue with Big Ace. I have stepped up to him more then once and he always tells me that now is not the time. I guess in the punk world the time is when your oppoinent isnt looking. *Crowd chants or P*ssy*

Wordisborn- Come you guys there are kids in the audience *Gets a laugh* But they are right, You are a P....Kitty Kat *Crowd Laughs* And I am the dog and this is my yard. When you disrespect me and my yard I have a huge problem with that. So take a look at this video clip that I had made to show you what you are in store for at Mania.

*Video clip plays with Wordisborn backstage and sees a midget Big Ace. The Midget Ace starts running his mouth and Wordisborn picks him up and puts him over his knee and takes a belt to his backside while yelling "Thats a bad boy" Wordisborn then puts down Midget Ace and ask is he learned his lesson. Midget Ace replies yes while wiping his snot and tears off his face. Wordisborn then gets up and says "Kids" as he walks away*

*Back in the ring*

Wordisborn- You see Big Ace you are a child that needs to be taught some manners and at Mania I can assure you that I will beat them into you like a red-headed step child!!

*Sheer intensity from Wordisborn*
*We come back from commercial and Team Jonny is in the ring. Spiral has the mic. Well, Well Team Jake wants to play games with midgets well look what happened last week when ETOF wanted to play games he got spiraled through a table! Well he starting to look better but for long because at WZMania he will be gone..... forever. *Hands to Jonny. You see whenwe say were gonna win we mean. At WZMania we will end all of your...... Then Jakes music hits and here comes the J Squad minus Jake. They come out with chairs and start swingin. Everybodys down but they roll out except Spiral who looks scared as hes surrounded by everybody. ETOF lays in the boots while wordisborn sets up two chairs with one across the two.ETOF hoists him up,hooks a leg and an arm,and justs drives him into the chairs with the Fates a B*tch driver. Hes out while the J Squad celebrate.
*you asked for a promo here we go*

*St. Joe is back stage and has a mic*

St. Joe: Some of you may be wondering about the name change, so I'll adress that first. You see, I am the patron saint of the new breed of Bar Room posters. I repersent evrything we stand for. Fresh ideas, no old school bias, ect. Now that thats out of the way I can adress the issue. My opponents at WZ maina, Team Johhny, don't stand a chance agaisnt me and the New Breed, Team Jake( I refuse to call it the J squad). We have the speed, the power, the youth. What do they have, fake hips. Thats all I'm gonna say for now, and I invite my teammates to comment.
*Later on. Team Jake is in the ring. St Joe calls out teamJonny. They all come out. They begin walking to the ring and stop just near the apron. Ultraviolent Icon goes outside and grabs 5 chairs. Comes back in and all of a sudden Team Jonny starts smiling and WHAM!!!!. UVI decks Big Ace and Team Jonny rushes in and wails away on Team Jake. UVI goes after Jake. Team Jonny clears the ring of Team Jake except Jake. They set chairs up. UVI get lighter fluid and covers the chairs with the fluid,takes Jake up top,tells Spiral to light it,and hits the MOTHER FN BOMB on the flaming chairs! Team Jonny celebrates as Jake lays in a bloody heap as we go off air.

There it is you guys can rate/hate whatever you want.
*The Next Week*

*Cut to the ring, where all of Team Jake with the exception of Jake are waiting*

The Enforcer- So Ultraviolent you think that you have gotten one over on Team Jake by aligning yourself with that team that we like to call the Little Pu (bleep) y Squad! Your more like ULTRAVIOLET YOU LITTLE BITCH! Let me tell you something you LITTLE SON OF A BITCH! You have injured the leader of our Stable but we are not out. Jake may not even be able to compete in the match at Mania. You dont realize that you have just put the biggest target on your back. I have had to try to calm these guys down all week but I wont hold them back any more! I can personally guarentee that we will bring our own form of justice to your ass. YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE! BET ON THAT BITCH!!!

*Enforcer throws down the mic and stares into the camera with a possesed look in his eyes*

*JR makes a comment stating that Ultra may have just opened the gates to his own personal hell!!*
*St. Joe asks for the mic and Enforcer gives it to him.*

St. Joe: Well, well, well, i see we had a spy among us. You go and bring youself to them, but why. You think with their wisdom and your speed, you can beat us, nah, i dont think so. You put Jake in the Hospital, and well im not happy about that. You must be trippin, if even with your new "butt buddies" you can beat us. At WZmaina( side note: whenever that is) we will, we will, rock you, BITCH.
*Then Metallicas "For Whom the Bell Tolls" plays and out comes Ultraviolent Icon withh Team Jonny close behind. *Wow! You actually think im scared of you assholes. Well think again. You see when i joined your team i thought that i might become an important role in killing Team Jonny. Well i was wrong. I wasnt that important and everybody thought i was just a filler for people who didnt want to join. But now im no longer apart of your team. Now im part of a real team who really think i can kick some ass. Thats what i am gonna do at WZMania when Team Jonny take on Team Jake in a special match which you will not win because im the master of this match.Our match will be inside of the Cage of Death. It will be a repeat of the Cage of Death 5 Suspended. 6 on 6 anything goes. Can you survive inside my enviroment? Nah. The music plays while a staredown goes on.

If you guys need pics of the Cage of Death 5 go to or if that dont work go to, go all th way down to whacks photography and search until you find the Cage of Death 5.
*Big Ace grabs a mic, standing with Team Jake*

Big Ace: Whoa Whoa Whoa! Enforcer, I didn't think you could get that serious. Well guess what? I'm not impressed with you or Jake, or the other pieces of **** on that team! Team Jonny? We're the future of the business and there's nothing you and your old asses can do about it. Now, Jake, thinks he's some kind of general manager around here, but he's not! We run the show, we get paid, we get the women! Jake, you send your old ass to a retirement home because you have no business carrying yourself around here anymore. You're dead-weight. That's all you are and that's all you ever will be and if you were a man and grew some balls...then you would come out here right now..and give let Jonny give you a beating of a lifetime! Unless, you want to stay back there in the locker room, hiding yourself like you've been hiding your whole life. Be a man because when Jonny steps in the ring with you, and Jonny's team of brilliant, young, handsome, better wrestlers than you steps in the ring with those no-good, can't wrestle, 2nd best, has-beens! Hell, you're not all even're a never-was!
Team Jonny: Jonny B, Downward Spiral, Big Ace, extremetwistoffate, Pastie1545 and Luther Hull.

Team Jake: Y2Jake, The Enforcer, St Joe, Abyss.

(Jonny B's music hits, and Team Jonny hits the ring. They are all walk out and look angrily at the crowd. They stop before the ring and raise their hands in unison. They all climb in the ring and the pyro goes off. Jonny B grabs a microphone as the rest of Team Jonny is looking around the arena.)

"Enough with the words. Enough with all this crap. We are sick of having to be shoved around as if we are the lower leagues in this business. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are the high and mighty here. We, are the GODS of this business. Team Jonny is the greatest thing that has ever hit this Earth and at WZMania, we will be hitting anything in our sight, and if Jake and his fat band of 'cronies' gets in our way, you can be sure that they will not be coming out unscathed. That brings me to another point. What was it I said before that we were the best this business had to offer. Well, I guess we could say that, but I think, there is one...weak link. It's been staring me in the face guys, and most of you know what I am talking about here."

"You see Team Jonny is meant to be about the glory and it is meant to be filled with the greatest wrestlers in this company. But I have a little problem with this group. You see, someone here, doesn't belong anywhere near the rest of us (The others start to step back a little). We call the shots here, and I am calling one right now."

(Jonny looks back at the group, before Downward Spiral low blows Pastie1545, who crumbles to the ground. The rest of Team Jonny starts to stomp on him, before Big Ace locks in a Camel Clutch, and Jonny kneels down eye to eye with him.)

"You thought you even belonged in here? This is Team Jonny, not a Team of circus freaks, who can't wrestle to save their lives, which is EXACTLY what you are you pathetic piece of crap. Now, I don't care what you think, because we just called the damn shots and there is NOTHING you can do about it. So go back in amongst all those worthless morons in the back where you belong, because you are nowhere near our league."

(Jonny slaps him in the face before Ace slams Pastie's head into the ground. Luther Hull and Extremetwistoffate both hit a snapshot type move on Pastie before Spiral throws Pastie to the edge of the mat, lifts Pastie's head up over the top rope and hits an RKO on Pastie, before Ace superkicks Pastie to the floor. Spiral takes the microphone off of Jonny.)

"You see that you idiots? You want an example of just what we can do? You just got it. And can you imagine what we are going to do to "Team Jake"? That is nothing. That worthless loser got what he had coming and he had no business associating with us because we are better than him. We are better than all you people and we are better than any other wrestlers in this world. We don't beg for respect, because we command it, and if anyone wants to try and put themselves above us, that (points to Pastie) is EXACTLY what you will get."

(He looks out at Pastie before giving the microphone to Big Ace, and spitting out at Pastie. Big Ace laughs before lifting the mic to his mouth.)

"Spiral, you are exactly right. Anyone who gets in our way will be dealt with because we are just that damn good. There's no stopping Team Jake and we never wanted that scum messing with our team anyway. Now we can claim that we are truly the greatest wrestlers in this business, and Team Jake, we now have no weak links. We are...unstoppable. We have Jonny B, the ruthless son of a bitch, who takes no crap and does whatever he wants because he can. We have Downward Spiral, one of the greatest wrestlers in this business and the most intellectual wrestler there ever was, someone that ANY team would kill to have. We have Luther Hull, who could crush anyone that gets in his or our way, and like the rest of us, he doesn't take kindly to condescending losers."

"We also have Ultraviolenticon, who was smart enough to go from the loser team, to the Dream Team, and he is just further proof that we take only the best, and destroy the rest, as you can see from what we did to Pastie. You mess with us, you seal your fate and that is, that you will be feeling the effects of what we do to you for the rest of your pathetic life."

(Ace hands the microphone to Luther Hull, as they all look cockily around the ring and look at disgust to the booing fans.)

"SHUTUP! Did I ask for 15000 idiots to talk? I did not think so. This is exactly the disrespect I am talking about. You idiots are the ones that are stupid enough to think that we are as pathetic as the rest of the people in the back, but if you can't see that, we will MAKE you see that. You people make me sick. It's a wonder we even grace you idiots with our presence, because you should be bowing down to us, not making your stupid little comments! Now you are going to sit down, shut up, and listen to what Extremetwistoffate has to say, and that is a command, you fat morons!"

(Luther glares at the crowd who are booing before ETOF takes the microphone off him.)

"That goes for you as well Team Jake. I have to unfortunately admit that I was a part of your little group, and I know for a fact that you are scared of Team Jonny. I was wasting away my time in that stupid group, and that is for sure. You are all as talentless as the next, and you don't deserve to be in the same ring with us at WZMania. Consider yourselves lucky that we don't waste our times beating the living crap out of you beforehand because frankly, that would be too easy for us and we want to save it for WZMania, when the whole world will be watching."

"So you want to go around acting as if you are better than us? Big mistake. You saw what we did to our own TEAMATE, or should I say, former teamate, so what do you think we will do to you pigs? You don't know what you are in for, but it won't be pretty. Team Jonny will beat any shred of sense left in you out of your pathetic bodies, and that is a promise."

(ETOF drops the microphone as Team Jonny stares out for a moment, before heading for the ropes. Jonny stops and gestures for the Team to come back. Jonny picks up the microphone.)

"Wait, wait, wait guys. I just realised something. Team Jake was too weak to come out and interrupt us. They are scared and we all know it. But my point is, why should we have to face those people at WZMania anyway? No one deserves to see us in the ring so why should we have to? They all know we will destroy Team Jake, and the eliminations would come quicker than you could say Team Jonny, so we don't need to face those losers anyway. (The rest of the Team nod in agreement.)"

"So this is another shot that I am calling, and no one can do a thing about it. We are sick of being pushed around by condescending morons like Team Jake, so now, we are doing them a favour. We will NOT be having a match at WZMania. We are not going to beat you to within an inch of your life at WZMania, because no one deserves to see us in the ring. That's it Team Jake, there is no match and that's just what you wanted. So now, we won't have to continue to be pu-"

(Jonny is cut off by Jake's music as Team Jake comes out to the ring. Jake has the microphone in hand as he raises it.)

"So now it's come to this. All that gibberish you queers were spurting out, and now you aren't even going to face us? Team Jonny, you are a pathetic bunch of losers who everyone knows are too scared to face us. What you did to Pastie was wrong, because ganging up on someone from behind is the only way you can do things and it is sick. We are not going to have to stand for this crap anymore. We know someone who can shut your mouth Jonny, and while we could do it as well, this guy can overpower you whenever he wants, and he has got a few words to say about you and your supposed ability to 'call the shots'."

(Jake gestures up to the big screen as everyone looks up there to see Admin sitting in a chair.)

"Jonny, cut the crap. We have our own personal problems, but this is the limit. You can't go around acting as if you are a higher power than you are, and you think you are Gods? Well I am about to send you crashing back to Earth. Everyone sees through your flimsy, pathetic excuses and we are all tired of hearing your Team blab on about loving eachother or whatever the hell you go on with for 15 minutes every night."

"So, as the one person that can actually do something about stopping you Jonny from trying to 'call the shots' I am going to say this. The still on (crowd cheers.) You will not go around trying to run this company because as long as I am still breathing, I will make sure you don't mess with what these fans want. You can't run around doing this crap forever Team Jonny, and I have put a stop to it."

"You are a bunch of lowlife scumbags and I look forward to seeing Team Jake kick your asses at WZMania. As for what you did to Pastie, I think it's pretty low, but I am sure it's for his benefit as he won't have to be a part of your little gang anymore. So the 5 on 5 elimination match at WZMania is still on, and that is final. But wait, it looks like Team Jake is one man short, and rather than letting you gang up on them with a man down, I am going to do something about it. I have made it my liberty to get another man for Team Jake, and he is just as ruthless as anyone else and it is his time to shine now. Come on out!"

(After a moment, kfowlkes's music hits and he walks out on stage and starts high-fiving Team Jake.)

"Kfowlkes, welcome to Team Jake, and Team Jonny, try any more funny stuff, and you will be hearing it from me. Pack your bags guys, because you are all headed for WZMania, whether you like it or not Team Jonny."

(Team Jonny start seething and swearing up at the screen as it fades out, and they change their look to a grinning Team Jake. Team Jake all raise their hands up and Team Jonny look a little scared. Kfowlkes takes a microphone off of Jake and raises it to his mouth.)

"I would just like to say that it is an honour to be a part of Team Jake, and I along with Jake, St Joe, Abyss and The Enforcer are going to love to have the honour of beating your asses at WZMania and as Admin said, there is no backing out!"

(Kfowlkes drops the microphone and grins at Team Jake before they have an old fashioned stare-down, as the cameras fade out.)
* "For Whom the Bell Tolls" hits the speakers and out comes Ultraviolent Icon (UI) dressed in his cut off blue jean shorts and wife beater tank top*

*He makes his way into the ring and ask for a mic*

UI- Jeez this damn town smells like ass. All of you people sit back and chant for Enforcer week in and week out. I am sick and tired of it so last week I begged for this match. I DESERVE THE CHANTS!! I AM SICK AND TIRED OF ALL OF YOU SCUMBAGS!! I just want to let all of you people know that I will win this match and prove to everyone that I am the fastest up and comer in the business today. I know it, you know it, and Enforcer damn well knows it!!

*UI throws down the mic*

* "King Of Kings" blast across the speakers and out comes Enforcer. His is wearing his white trunks with Enforcer written across the back and his black T-shirt that reads "Feel The Force..." on the front and "Of The Enforcer!" on the back. He stops just as gets to the ring and stares down UI as he hops onto the apron. He is careful as he stares at him as he enters the ring. He continues to look at him as he climbs to the second rope to strike his pose. (HHH type of posing) He takes off his shirt and tosses it into the crowd, this gets a pop from the crowd especially the ladies.

*The bell rings and we are under way*

They both stare at each other from opposite sides of the ring. Enforcer makes his way to the middle of the ring and puts his hands up challenging UI to a feat of strength. UI makes his way to the middle of the ring as if he is isn't scarred one bit and smacks Enforcer across the face and starts to talk trash. Enforcer snaps back and stares at him as if UI has just made the biggest mistake of his life. He grabs UI and throws him into the turnbuckle and begins to throws left and right combos. Enforcer backs up and UI stumbles out of the corner and walks straight into a powerslam from Enforcer. Enforcer picks up UI and whips UI into the ropes and hits a backbody drop.

*Crowd cheers*

*UI crawls out of the ring and tries to regroup himself as we fade out to a commercial*

We come back and see Enforcer locked into a sleeper hold from UI. (A video is shown from the break as Enforcer went out the ring to get UI and was whipped into the steel ring steps) (Back to the action in the ring) Enforcer seems to be losing consciousness.

*Crowd begins "Enforcer" Chant*

Enforcer begins to get up from the hold, he hits UI with elbows. UI breaks the hold. Enforcer runs off the ropes only to get drop kicked by UI. UI sits up Enforcer and begins to give him short shots to the top of the forehead. Enforcer has been busted open. UI gets up and spits on the floor, he appears to be bleeding, possibly from one of those stiff elbows that Enforcer gave him. UI drags Enforcer to the corner and slams his leg into the steel post. And again, and again. UI gets back into the ring and applies a modified Figure Four leg lock.

*Big Ace makes his way out to the announce table to scout his opponent for WZ Mania as UI looks at him and smiles*

Big Ace- Hey what's goin on JR?
JR- Nothing much, I am just wondering what the hell you are doing out here!
King- That is no way to talk to our guest JR. Show the man some respect before he has to slap you!
Big Ace- That's right dammit! As a matter of fact just sit there and shut up! I am only out here to make sure that my opponent is able to make it to WZMania. I wouldn't want anything to happen and him not be able to wrestle me at Mania
JR- That sounds that the biggest pile of horse manure I have ever heard!
Big Ace- Well I didn't ask you now did I?! Now just shut your mouth!

UI continues to work on the leg until Enforcer is able to turn over and reverse the Figure Four. UI has no choice but to let go of the hold. Enforcer makes his way back up to his feet and notices Big Ace at the announce table and looks pissed about it. He hobbles over to UI and begins to shots to the head. They are now exchanging shots in the middle of the ring. UI goes for a power shot but Enforcer ducks it and hits UI with a DDT. Enforcer gets up and points to UI and then to Big Ace.

Big Ace- Just who in the hell does this Son Of A Bitch think he is? I am going to teach him a lesson
JR- You just wait just a minute..!

*Big Ace slams down the headset, grabs a chair and gets on the apron of the ring.*

Irish whip by Enforcer to UI and UI crashes into Big Ace and Ace goes flying off the apron. A kick to the stomach by Enforcer to UI. And Enforcer sets up UI for the "Enforcement Treatment" (Pedigree) He hits it....1....2.....3!!!

*Camera shows Enforcer posing with the WZMania banner hanging high in the bleachers. He points to it and begins to hit his chest mouthing the words "Thanks to all of you" Enforcer hops off the turnbuckle and stares at Big Ace who is still laid out on the floor and shrugs his shoulders and laughs and rolls out of the ring as the camera fades to commercial*
*Later on in the night*

Maria- So Enforcer how are you feeling?

Enforcer- I am feeling just fine now that you are around (He gives her a little wink)

Maria- O my....(She begins to blush)

Enforcer- Don't blush Maria. I understand how it is to be next to me. You are loving it aren't you? (Maria shakes her head yes) But to answer your question seriously, I am really feeling ok. The Doc has said that my knee will be just fine come WZMania. Its just a little bruised. No damage. So Ace it still looks like I am still going to have to beat some respect into you. I like the way you came down to the ring and tried to put your nose into my business. But it seems like that plan backfired in your face. I believe that when I last saw you, you were holding your butt in pain from that fall. But I am sure that you are used to butt pains *Crowd laughs* I want you to listen and I want you to listen good Ace, At WZMania nobody will be able to help you. Not your precious Team Jonny, not the popcorn guy, not the ticket taker, not the guy scrubbing the toilets, not the guy who will be driving my limo, not this camera guy (takes camera from him and shows the camera guy who is a chunky bald guy) not even sweet old Maria (blows her a kiss) will be able to save you from the pain and agony that I am going to inflict on you when we meet in that squared circle. Cause I am the peoples choice. And at WZMania you will find out why!

*Enforcer walks away. He comes back and gives Maria a nice long kiss on the lips. Stops, looks at her and smiles and then walks off again. Maria is left there smiling and blushing as the camera fades out*
*Big Ace and Downward Spiral are in the locker room*

Big Ace: You know what man? I'm sick and tired of seeing Enforcer kiss all these girls, I mean, we are the best looking guys here. See, he and Jake, they think they're great but they're not. I can't wait until we go to WZMania and beat the living hell out of them. And, speaking of getting asses kicked, who hasn't enjoyed, Us, beating the **** out of Team Jake over the past couple weeks.

Downward Spiral: That's right Ace. BiWe've been beating them, and beating them, and beating them, and at WZMania, we're gonna make sure that we beat you so bad, that you're not coming back EVER!

*crowd boos*

Big Ace: You know Spiral, I'm still mad at Maria and Enforcer kissing. It drives me crazy. So right now, I'm going over to the divas locker room, and I'm going to do something myself!

*Big Ace quietly walks into the divas locker room*

Big Ace: WHOA!! Enforcer, what the hell are you doing to Candice?

*Enforcer coughs*

Enforcer: Um..Nothing. Nothing at all.

Big Ace: Good god almighty! You jackass! Put on a towel! You're disgracing men everywhere. Hey Maria...What's up?

Maria: Oh hi Ace!!

Big Ace: How about I show you why they call me ''Big'' Ace?

Maria: Well, I'd love to see!

Big Ace: Well then, if you want to see the stars, call Big Ace, because I've got the rocket, if you want the ride!

Maria: Um..No thanks. I'm happily dating already.

*Big Ace looks like he's about to slap her*

Big Ace: you filthy, dirty, no-good, bottom-feeding, trash-bag, HO!

*Maria looks enraged and slaps Ace in the face*

*Downward Spiral approaches Candice, who is already naked*

Spiral: Candice, you look better now than you did in playboy..and that's for sure..So after I beat Abyss tonight, why don't you and I go upstairs in my hotel room and play a little game?

*Candices starts rubbing Spiral's chest*

Candice: What kind of game?

Spiral: THIS!

*Spiral low-blows Enforcer along with Big Ace and they throw him into the shower and start pouring water on him*

Spiral: So Maria, doesn't look like your man is too...''Big'' now..and Jake, Just like Enforcer got his ass kicked right now...That's what's going to happen to you at WZMania..Because you are stepping into the ring with one of the greatest that has ever stepped into the squared circle..and at'll be the next person to find out! And as for you Candice...I'd never sleep with you...YOU ****!!!
(Downward Spiral's music hits as Spiral walks to the ring in his ring gear, ready for action. He stops for a moment in the ramp before glaring at the crowd and walking up the steps and under the top rope into the ring. He climbs the turnbuckle and raises his arms in the air, He jumps down and stands in the middle of the ring and stares at the top of the ramp.

Announcer: This match, is scheduled for one fall. In the ring, weighing in at 230 pounds...Downward Spiral!!! (The crowd boos.)

Abyss' music hits and after a while, Abyss slowly walks out to the top of the ramp.

Announcer: "And making his way to the ring, weighing in at 265 pounds, Abyss!"

Abyss stares out at the crowd for a while, before running down and rolling in the ring. Downward Spiral starts stomping on him straight away and the bell rings and this one begins!)


Spiral is still laying the boots into Abyss, and Abyss eventually shrugs them off and stands up and Spiral backs away a little. The two look at eachother for a moment before locking up in the middle of the ring. Abyss gets the better of it and gets Spiral in a headlock. He is wrenching his neck before Spiral gets to the ropes and holds on, yelling at the referee to get Abyss off of him. After Abyss is moved back by the referee, Spiral throws a punch into Abyss that knocks him down. Spiral starts smirking to the crowd as the referee is warning him about the punch.

Spiral mounts Abyss and continues the punching, before Abyss grabs Spiral by the neck, and begins to get on his feet before Spiral elbows him in the temple. Spiral continues doing it before running back into the ropes and rebounding off them and hitting a clothesline on Abyss that sends him to the ground again. Spiral looks around to the turnbuckle and starts climbing up, before Abyss gets up as well. The two trade punches, with Abyss winning the bout, turning around and hitting a bulldog on Spiral from the top rope! Abyss crawls to the cover...1, 2...and kick out from Spiral.


Abyss looks around before picking Spiral up by the head slowly, and hitting a neckbreaker on him. Abyss quickly goes for the cover again. 1, 2, and another kick out from Spiral. Abyss looks angrily at the referee, before locking an STF on Spiral. The hold is cynched in and Abyss is really straining it as Spiral is writhing in agony. Spiral is trying to crawl to the ropes from the middle of the ring, but Abyss pulls him back. The referee is asking Spiral if he wants to continue as the crowd is hyping up. Spiral reaches his arm out and look to be going to tap, before he rolls over and has Abyss lying on his back with the hold still locked in. The referee counts Spiral's cover. 1, 2 and Abyss lets go of the hold and rolls out.

Abyss steps back and begins stomping on Spiral for a while, before lifting him up by the hair. But Spiral counters with a thud to the eye, and Spiral quickly rolls out of the ring and looks groggy on the outside.

Spiral heads over to the ring announcer area and shoves the announcer off of his chair, before snatching the chair up and slowly limping towards the ring. Abyss is still recovering from the eye poke, as Spiral rolls in the ring with the chair. As he moves up behind Abyss, the referee takes the chair off him and starts yelling at him. As the ref goes to put the chair on the outside, Spiral pulls some brass knuckles out of his pocket, and turns around but is met with a spinebuster from Abyss. Abyss throws the knucks out of the ring and rolls into the cover as the ref turns around. 1, 2, and Spiral kicks out just before 3.

Abyss looks a little angry before stomping on Spiral once, and then climbs up the turnbuckles. He reaches the top, and goes for a leg drop, but Spiral rolls out of way just in time. Abyss rolls around in pain a little, as both men are on the ground. The referee begins the 10 count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 but Spiral gets up a little groggily, and lines himself up against the opposite turnbuckle, and is yelling at Abyss to get up. As Abyss slowly gets up and turns around, Spiral runs at him and nails a spear on him. Spiral quickly goes for the cover. 1, 2 and Abyss kicks out. Spiral is ripping his hair out and looks furious as he gets up and grabs the referee by the collar.

The referee starts pointing to the WZ logo on his shirt and tells Spiral to get off him. Spiral eventually lets go and turns around to Abyss. Spiral stands on his throat and holds on to the ropes, but stands down after the DQ count reaches 4. Spiral rolls out of the ring, and places Abyss' head against the steps. Spiral walks back a few paces, before running at Abyss and smashing his head with a big boot. Spiral raises his arms in triumph as the crowd boos at him. Abyss is now bleeding above his right eye. Spiral lifts Abyss's head into the bottom rope from the outside, and wraps it around there and begins to choke him with the ropes. The referee doesn't count this time, but goes outside and tries to get Spiral off of Abyss.

Spiral eventually breaks the hold but pushes the referee away. Spiral slides in the ring and drags Abyss into the middle of the ring, and goes for the cover, but the referee is slow to get into the ring. He reaches the cover and starts counting. 1, 2 but Abyss gets a shoulder up. Spiral gets up and starts kicking the ropes and looks furious, before lifting Abyss up by the hair, and gets him in a headlock, ready for the Downward Spiral. But Abyss shoves Spiral back and as Spiral comes off the rebound, Abyss hits him with a belly to belly suplex. Abyss irish whips Spiral into the turnbuckle, and as Spiral rebounds off the buckles, Abyss hits a flapjack on him.

He moves into the cover. 1, 2 and Spiral kicks out. Abyss quickly places Spiral against the top turnbuckle and mounts him with the 10 punches. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Abyss jumps down as Spiral slumps to the ground. Abyss steps grabs Spiral up again and hits a running dropkick on him. Abyss lifts him up and hits several clotheslines on Spiral as Spiral is out. Abyss lifts Spiral onto his shoulders, and dumps him over the top rope with a TKO. Abyss runs up the turnbuckle and goes to hit a mid air clothesline on Spiral to the outside, but Spiral hits a DDT mid air on Abyss, who smashes into the ground. Both men are laying down exhausted as the ref begins the 10 count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and Spiral slowly gets up and rolls into the ring, breaking up the count.

He rolls back out to Abyss and lifts his head up and smashes it into the side of the ring. Spiral lifts Abyss up and hits a Rock Bottom onto the floor outside! Spiral walks up to a fan and tells him "Did you see that? Huh?" and takes his popcorn and dumps it on the fan's face. He turns around and rolls Abyss into the ring. Spiral locks in an Australian Agony on Abyss (Edgecator.) Abyss is down for a while as the referee is asking him if he wants to continue. Abyss is shaking his head and he crawls to the ropes and grabs them. Spiral looks angry as he is forced to break the hold. Abyss slowly gets up and rests against the top rope. Spiral comes charging at him with a big boot, but Abyss ducks, and Spiral lands on the top rope on his nuts. Abyss hits a swinging neckbreaker from off the top rope on Spiral (Rob Conway's finisher.)

Abyss and Spiral are down before Abyss slowly crawls over to Spiral and lays an arm over his chest. 1, 2 and Spiral just kicks out. Abyss gets up and looks out at the crowd after a while, and limps over to Spiral and lifts him up and walks back and hits a chop block on Spiral, who falls to the ground again. Abyss has shaken off any pain now, and while still holding his head a little, he is gesturing for the crowd to get up as they are going wild.


Abyss is looking pumped as he lifts Spiral up and nails a DDT on him. Abyss runs back to the ropes and rebounds off them into a shining wizard on Spiral. He lifts Spiral up and puts him in a powerbomb position. As he lifts Spiral into the air, Spiral starts punching Abyss in the head, and jumps down and attempts a clothesline, but Abyss ducks and hits a neckbreaker on Spiral. Abyss quickly gets up a little groggy, and raises his hands to the crowd who are cheering him on. He lifts Spiral off the ground, and gets him on his shoulders, ready for the Black Hole Slam!

But before he can do anything, Jonny runs towards the ring and gets on the top rope. Abyss lets go of Spiral as he and the referee get in Jonny's face. Abyss smashes him with a fist, and as he turns around, a groggy Spiral nails a quick Downward Spiral on him. Spiral crawls into the cover as the crowd boos, and the referee turns around and begins counting. 1, 2, 3!

Here is your winner by pinfall, Downward Spiral!

(Jonny gets in the ring holding his head and raises Spiral's hands in the air. They both start beating on Abyss, but St Joe and Kfowlkes hit the ring as Spiral and Jonny scurry outside and through the crowd. Joe and Kfowlkes glare at them and tell them to get back but Spiral and Jonny just laugh at them and walk away....)
* Back after the break, Abyss is with Coach *

Well Abyss you lost to Spiral tonight, what are your thoughts on that?*

What are my thoughts? What are my thoughts on Spiral? He has cheated me for the last time coach, this is the last time he will avoid my wrath, and at WZmania, he shall face it. He shall have nowehere to run, nowhere to hide. Team jake vs Team Jonny, it's not just a match, this one's personal.
*Maria: Im here with UVI. So UVI how does it feel to lose once again tonight?
*Shut up,give me the mic,and leave the talking to the smart people. Im sick of losing to people who suck! But D.C you proved your toughness and i respect that. But at WZMania i will demolish Team Jake single-handedly and after that snyper your ass is mine next ppv since youve been annoying the f**k out of me. Anyway Jake bring tables,ldders,fire,and anything you want because im pissed and nothing is going to stop me from ripping all of you in half!
*Trows mic and leaves.
Y 2 Jakes music hits, and he emerges from the entrance ramp to a loud pop from the crowd with T-shirts in his hand that say, Team Jake. He makes his way to the ring, tossing a couple of shirts into the crowd every once in a while. He climbs into the ring and starts working the crowd on all four sides, to see who deserves a shirt, and pitches it to the side thats the loudest. He is down to one T-shirt when Jonny's music.

Jonny comes out with major heat on him from the crowd. So much that bits of paper balls fly past his head. He also is carrying shirts, that say *you guessed it* Team Jonny. He starts to point to the crowd, but doesn't get a warm response. So he throws the T-Shirts on the ground and walks toward the ring. Jonny slides into the ring and climbs the nearest turnbuckle, as he flips off the crowd and points to himself.

"Hold on a minute. Hold on."*everyone looks around and once again. Admin is on the Titantron, sitting backstage.* "Now before you both tear each other apart here tonight. I wanna throw a little curve ball into the mix. Now see Jonny, I know you've been waiting to get your hands on Jake here. So, I have a feeling you have something special cooked up for him. And I just can't let that happen. So I have taken the liberty to appoint a special guest referee for this match."

*Crowd pops on anticipation*

"And that man is..."

The Name of the Game - The Crystal Method hits and pyros go off as D.C. emerges on the entrance ramp.

*The crowd lets out a big pop as D.C. runs to the ring in a referee shirt.*

D.C. slides into the ring and stands between both Jake and Jonny. Jake has a smile on his face and gets a high five from D.C.. Jonny looks pissed and shakes his head.

D.C. starts making the motion that he is going to call this match right down the middle. And makes the motion to ring the bell and the match starts.

D.C. backs off as Jake and Jonny meet face to face in the middle of the ring.

Jake talks a little smack at Jonny and sticks a finger on his chest. Jonny comes closer and points at Jake. Jake shoves Jonny.

*oh, from the crowd*

Jonny shoves Jake.

*Oh, from the crowd*

Jake shoves Jonny again.

*OH! from the crowd.*

Jonny bitch slaps Jake.

*OOH! from the crowd*

Jake takes a step back for a second and wipes a hand across his face. Jonny mocks Jake and dances around. Jake comes back with a big right hand and levels Jonny to the mat. Pin attempt by Jake.

D.C. counts 1...2... kick out by Jonny.

Jake rolls off of Jonny and laughs.

Jonny gets up in D.C.'s face and yells at him for the fast count. Jake grabs Jonny from behind but Jonny elbows Jake in the head. Jonny works Jake over to the corner. Jonny climbs up the turnbuckles in front of Jake and starts working him with punches. But Jake throws him off of him. Jonny gets up and runs at Jake again, but again, Jake throws Jonny off. Jake charges Jonny but Jonny goes down and Jake hops over him. Jonny goes for a dropkick, but Jake puts on the breaks on and Jonny tumbles to the mat. Jake runs and hits a clothesline on Jonny. Jonny stands back up as Jake comes off the ropes again and goes for another clothesline. Jonny side steps this and hits a drop toe hold and rolls into a front headlock. D.C. askes if Jake gives up. Jake says No, and Jake moves his way the ropes. Jake reaches the ropes.

*pop from the crowd*

D.C. tells Jonny to break the hold.

Jonny lets go of the hold and D.C. has a smile on his face and points to his referee shirt. Jonny lets go and picks up Jake. Jonny hooks Jake's arm and hits a snap suplex on Jake. Jonny stands up and looks at D.C. before kicking Jake in the gut and Irish whipping Jake into the ropes. A back body drop by Jonny. Jonny walks to Jake and starts kicking Jake in the head with one foot. Jonny mounts Jake as starts laying in with punches. Jonny stands up with Jake still on the ground and takes a cheap kick at Jake's back. D.C. gets up in Jonny's face and Jonny throws his arms in the air as D.C. yells at him.

*crowd boos Jonny*

Jonny moves over toward Jake but Jake catches him with a punch to the gut. Jake works his way to his feet. Jake Irish whips Jonny into the ropes and hits an arm drag take down. Jonny makes his way to his feet and Jake is there to meet with another Irish whip into the corner. Jake lifts Jonny up to the second rope and punches Jonny. Jake climbs the turnbuckles facing Jonny and hooks Jonny's arm for a superplex. Jake hits the superplex and both men lay down.

*pop from the crowd*

Jake is the first to his feet and attempts the Walls of Jericho. Jonny kicks Jake off of him and sends him into the ropes. Jonny stands up quick and hits an elbow to Jakes head. But Jake doesn't go down. Another elbow to Jakes head and Jake backs into the rope and locks himself up in a Hangman. Jonny laughs at Jake, and D.C. warns Jonny not to do anything. D.C. walks over to Jake and attempts to help Jake out of the Hangman. Jonny signals behind his back to the entrance ramp. And Spiral and Ace run down and hide below the ring before D.C. can see them come out.

*Boo! from the crowd.*

D.C. helps Jake out of the hangman, and Jonny stands innocently with his hands in the air, in the corner. D.C. accuses him of doing something as the fans let out a "boo" so he knows something is up. Jonny walks over to Jake and punches Jake across the head. Jonny takes Jake over with a hip toss and locks on a headlock. Jake struggles for a bit. D.C. asks him if he gives up and Jake says "hell no." Jake yet again makes it to the ropes and looks irritated. Jonny releases the hold and Jake stands up holding his head. D.C. checks on Jake but Jake shrugs it off and continues.

Jonny Irish whips Jake into the ropes and lays down on his back with is feet in the air. Jake comes back off the ropes and Jonny hits a monkey flip that sends Jake outside. D.C. gets in Jonny's face as Jake gets up outside. Spiral climbs out waist high from under the ring and looks around. D.C. and Jonny get into a heated verbal battle as Spiral slides the whole way out of the ring.
Spiral stands a little bit behind Jake. Jake starts to wobble around and turns around, as Spiral is already in motion. Spiral nails Jake with Sweet Chin Music and rolls back under the ring.

Jake is laid out outside, D.C. and Jonny are fighting verbally in the ring. Will D.C. notice Jake knocked out? Will Jake be counted out? What about Spiral under the ring?

We'll be right back!!!!
Jonny and DC continue to argue with eachother while Jake is laid out on the outside. Jonny shoves DC, and DC shoves him back. DC gets in Jonny's face as Jonny is trash talking and both are amped up and urging eachother to fight. Jonny shrugs it off and gestures that he doesn't care. DC looks pissed as the crowd are booing. Jonny goes to the outside and is smiling. He picks Jake up by the head and irish whips him into the steps viciously. DC yells at a smirking DC who is shaking his head like Edge. DC jumps down off the ropes and checks on DC, while Jonny goes to get a steel chair. Jonny creeps behind DC while he is bent over Jake, and goes to swing the chair at him, but DC turns around and Jonny stops. Jonny shrugs and turns away but quickly turns back and tries to belt Jake with it, but DC snatches the chair off him. DC is pointing at his chest and at Jonny to get in the ring.

Jake is now bleeding from the top of the head as Jonny rolls in the ring and starts taunting Jake. DC lifts Jake up and rolls him in the ring, but Jonny starts stomping on him immediately. Jonny places Jake's head against the bottom turnbuckle and starts to choke him out. DC starts the 5 count, and Jonny stops just before the 5. Jonny quickly lifts Jake up and hits a flapjack into the middle of the ring. Jonny quickly climbs the turnbuckle and looks around at the crowd. He spits down at Jake and hits a legdrop on him. Jonny quickly goes for the cover while holding the tights. DC is slow to go into the cover. 1, 2 and DC sees Jonny holding the tights and stops. He yells at Jonny not to hold on and Jonny gets up and gets in DC's face before turning around and stomping on Jake. DC pushes him off from it but Jonny comes back again and does it. DC starts counting:1, 2, 3, 4 but Jonny stops and raises his hands innocently........
D.C. grabs Jonny and shoves him into the corner. The fans are hot at the amount of tension building up inside of the ring. Jake gets up to his feet and stumbles around a little. D.C. walks over to check on Jake and asks Jake if he can continue. Jake nods that he can, and holds his fist up in front of his face. D.C. stands between the two and backs away, signaling for both to continue the match.

Jonny is laughing as he walks up to Jake. Blood is in Jake's eyes. Jake starts throwing punches but Jonny dodges them with ease. Jonny dodges another punch and slaps Jake across the face and Jake falls down. Jonny laughs as D.C. gets down by Jake to check on him. Jake is bleeding pretty bad, and D.C. stands up and looks at Jake. D.C. shakes his head and looks at Jonny. D.C. starts making a motion for Jake to get up. D.C. trys to get the crowd into it, D.C. doesn't want to count Jake out of the match.

*"Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake" rings through the crowd.*

Jonny is getting irritated and yells at the crowd to shut up. Jonny even puts his hands over his ears to block out the crowd. Jake makes it to his knees. And D.C. nods and claps.

"Come on Jake!" D.C. shouts, and the crowd gets more into it with even louder chants of "JAKE! JAKE! JAKE!"

Jake stands on his own two feet and again puts his fists up in front of his face. Jonny walks up to him but this time is met with a nice clothesline that sends Jonny to the mat and Jake falling down beside him. Jonny gets up holding his chin as Jake makes his way to his feet a little slower then Jonny. Both men are up and Jonny swings, but Jake dodges the punch. Jonny goes to kick Jake in the stomach but Jake catches Jonny's leg and grabs Jonnys other leg and trips Jonny. Jonny is on his back with both legs being held by Jake. Jake tries to get Jonny into the Walls of Jericho.

*The crowd is going wild*

Jake rolls Jonny over and into the Wall of Jericho, with Jonny facing the side of the ring away from the ramp. Jonny screams out as D.C. kneels in front of Jonny. D.C. is blocking Jonny's path to the ropes and asking Jonny if he taps out. Jonny is looking around, and can't find a way to the ropes.

Ace emerges from under the ring yet again. D.C. doesn't see Ace. Ace tugs on D.C.'s foot and goes back under the ring. D.C. stands up and looks outside the ring and sees the apron as it is on its way down. D.C. gets out of the ring and looks under the apron. D.C. goes completely under the ring. Spiral emerges from the side closest to the ramp and grabs the chair. Spiral swings and nails Jake across the head. Jake falls over and Jonny gets up holding his back. Spiral and Jonny start to stomp away at Jake. Jonny yells at Spiral to get the hell out of there and Spiral runs back up the entrance ramp as D.C. emerges from under the ring.

*The crowd is booing as Jonny looks at D.C. and shrugs*

D.C. shakes his head and gets back into the ring. D.C. stands in front of Jonny and yells at him. D.C. knows something is up and you can hear bits of what he is saying to Jonny. D.C. is yelling that he isn't stupid and that he knows Jonny has done something to make this match go his way, but D.C. won't allow it.

Jonny laughs and points to Jake on the ground. Jake isn't moving. Jonny walks over to Jake and puts on foot on him. Jonny looks at D.C. and orders D.C. to count it.

*The crowd is booing heavily*

D.C. stands there and looks at Jonny. Jonny takes his foot off of Jake and gets in D.C.'s face. Jonny walks back over to Jake and puts his foot on Jake again. D.C. slowly gets on the ground. D.C. sits on his knees and Jonny yells at him again. D.C. starts the count... 1... 2... D.C stops and gets up.

*The crowd cheers*

Jonny is furious. Jonny walks over to D.C. and starts putting his finger in D.C.s chest. Jonny orders D.C. yet again to make the count and turns around. D.C. grabs Jonnys arms from behind and hits and Un-Prettier on Jonny.

*The crowd goes nuts*

D.C. starts to count both men out as the crowd counts with him... 1.... 2.... 3..... 4......
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