Team 3D - The John Cena Of Tag Team Wrestling?

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
I can't be the only one watching the most recent edition of iMPACT!. I also can't be the only one that thought the LAX/Styles/Daniels/3D match for the tag titles was very, very impressive, particularly for something on a weekly show. I also cant be the only one amazed that LAX and Styles/Daniels stole the freakin' show, making Devon and especially that fat flabby blob Ray (who was desperate to get the crowd on his side, despite working with far superior talent) look downright ******ed. Styles/Daniels and LAX tore it up, doing high-risk moves and in-general very good wrestling (and double teams). 3D got their asses kicked pretty much throughout the match only to come back at a couple of points. Remind you of someone?

My question is this - why did TNA management decide to put 3D into the main event at Victory Road instead of either of the other two teams? LAX would be feasible opponents for Angle/Joe, you could actually believe the titles were in danger. The smae goes for Styles/Daniels, moreso even.

3D, along with guys like VKM, are killing what was a fantastic tag division. Nobody wants to see these guys anymore! It just looks sad, having them as champions when there are much, much better teams on the roster. AMW were one of these teams until they stupidly requested to be split up. LAX are one of these teams, but it would see they're on the chopping block with the absence of Konnan. Styles/Daniels were/are one of these teams but it would seem that it was a "One Night Only" thing on iMPACT, which is a massive shame because I think they'd be even better as a heel tag team than a face one.

Who agrees with me?
I agree. Team 3D are getting pushes that they wouldn't have deserved when they were intresting. They used to be a great tag team. Especially in ECW. And they had some pretty good matches in WWE. But they have been stale for nearly 7 years. I really dont get why people want to see them wrestle anymore. I dont mind Devon so much. I think he's a pretty good all rounder. But he should be putting talent over. As for Brother Ray. Well he's a total fat ass. You can tell by his physique that wrestling is the only form of excercise he get's. He was always fat, but before he didn't have bingo wings. He constantly try's to steal everyones heat. And his ''passionate'' promos are so forced it's unreal.

WWE had the right idea when they split them up in 2002. If they were that talented they would have made some sort of mark as single wrestlers. The fact that they've been a tag team for over 10 years proves that, that is all the talent they have.
One thing I failed to mention in my original post was how repetitive 3D are getting. They even have their own "moves of doom" that normally signal the end of the match and I can't remember the last time they actually used a f*cking table. For a team that's renowned for using tables, actually, a team that's only real skill is using tables, that's pathetic. When Ray began trying to begin a chant of "3D", did they start chanting "3D sucks"? I'm not sure if I heard it correctly. I hope that's the case, because this is the same crowd that frequently pops for Eric Young beating up women and looking confused.

What makes it even worse is how Ray apparently struts around backstage and acts as if he's actually owed something, like he's never been given a break. At least Devon has some modesty. Honestly though, this is a team that went stale before they even came to TNA, they should be a springboard for new talent, not holding it back. Konnan summed up my feelings perfectly when he said: "I don't know what's more boring, watching you two or sitting through a Christie Hemme promo".
they were cool and should go back to wwe!! the crowd never lost interest in them it was the stupid wrightersthat couldnt come up with anything! its obvious there crap, the storys are so over the top weddings fake deaths, eddie and reys dominic story, grrrrrrr there tyhe reason!! as for what your sayin i dont watch tna so duno what there like now lol
I've decided to try and revive this thread because, well frankly the conversation in the TNA forum sucks and we need something like this to get our opinions flowing. I'll probably get an infraction but really, what's the difference between this and making a new topic? This just means my views are already at the top. Anyway, did anyone notice at Hard Justice (which is in the Impact Zone) the crowd was chanting "same old shit!". When you're hated by a crowd like that, you know you suck. Personally, I don't think 3D have ever been particularly good. People say being good in hardcore matches is their speciality. That's not a speciality! Hardcore matches are for wrestlers that have no talent but are willing to hurt themselves to pretend they do.
Well as you can clearly see by Brother Rays physique theres is only one person on the team there for wrestling reasons. BUT the main thing is that TNA needs names at the moment.

YES they are the 2nd biggest wrestling company but there are still alot of marks who watch WWE but have no idea of TNA.

But back onto the subject i think team 3-D are ok.Not yet bad because the 3-D move will always get a pop and D-Von does pull his weight. They just need to do a bit more putting over of the talent. Im not sure if they've had it yet but I think 3-D vs Shelly and Sabin could work out.
Personally i think they are just over the hill, same with VKM and the Steiners. The teams that should be pushed are the Motor City Machine Guns, Triple X and LAX, those are the best 3 tag teams in TNA right now although i do feel that Christopher Daniels should be focused more with the x-division or the heavyweight title but they have so many tright now pushing Triple X is a good idea at the moment.
If TNA thinks that attempting to shove crap down our throats like Vince McMahon is a good idea then let The Duleys flounder all day, they're still better than the Steroid, I mean Steiner brothers.... And as far as a comparison to John Cena goes, I believe that nobody, and I mean nobody, sucks as much as he does. Nobody.... Respect given is respect earned.....
I really want to know what John Cena has done to warrant all this hate. I don't agree with him holding the title for as long as he has, or anyone else for that matter but really, the guys isn't half bad he's just Vince's puppet. I would like to see everyone here work his schedule, when he was shooting the marine, which besides being an awful movie he to NO time off he shot the movie and continued wrestling like it was no problem. It was the same thing in the 90s' with HBK and Bret Hart, both were turned on by the fans but now neither will ever get booed anywhere(except in Canada for HBK but can you really blame them he screwed the man who represented that country with so much dignity he should be booed at least there for it)
And as far as a comparison to John Cena goes, I believe that nobody, and I mean nobody, sucks as much as he does. Nobody....

Nobody?! What about Triple J[Jarrett]? And booboo shit mafia[VKM]? They are some of the worst champions ever. Most of their title defense wins were by cheating, outside interference & gay low blows like nearly every single time. It would be great 2 see them wrestle in the ECW Hammerstein Ballroom with the real ECW fans:laugh: Would be lots of SOS, YOU CAN'T WRESTLE, CHANGE THE CHANNEL even. That's 1 of the reasons why WCWF don't have ECW matches there anymore.
Bottom line is Jarrett is will only push the stars for his "era." There is a whole new generation of stars in TNA that will never get their shot because the company is ran by 3 buddies who have no clue as to what the fans want to see these days.

Prime example, they brought in Rikishi, a guy who only got over beacause he stuck his ass in people's faces.
Team 3d is washed up...their glory years are over with. They can barely even do their finishing move anymore. It looks so slow and bad when they do it, its not even funny. The steiners should be getting a bigger push then they do, atleast scott can cut good promos.

But anyways, yes team 3d is done for and having them beat teams like LAX, motor city machine guns, XXX is bad for TNA. All of those teams have much more talent and charisma. The one thing that team 3d had going for them is they could make the crowd hate them and want to see them get their asses kicked. But now i think its just a case where the crowd doesn't want to see them at all anymore
But anyways, yes team 3d is done for and having them beat teams like LAX, motor city machine guns, XXX is bad for TNA. All of those teams have much more talent and charisma. The one thing that team 3d had going for them is they could make the crowd hate them and want to see them get their asses kicked. But now i think its just a case where the crowd doesn't want to see them at all anymore

perfect post completely sums up how I feel about team 3D. they are destroying the credibility of the tag team division in TNA by squashing every good tag team just to help a team whose washed up and wont be around much longer to benefit from these squashes. TNA should plan for the future and really establich the tag team division because with LAX,MCMG, and XXX theres alot of potential there.
The fact is that, yes, Team 3D looks bad with all those other great young teams in TNA. Which is why they should go back to the WWE. WWE is so in need of tag teams it's not even funny. And there will always be a place for them in WWE, after their classic TLC matches. I think the main reason TNA fans have turned on Team 3D is because they didn't do for the TNA Tag Team Division what they did for the WWE Tag Team Division. Which is TNA Management's fault really, for thinking they could put on the same quality show 5 years later. People forget that these guys have done alot of things to shorten their careers. Bubba Ray Dudley fell off of a 20 foot ladder through 4 tables, not once, but TWICE. So, basically what I'm saying is that Team 3D is old, yes, but they do not deserve the fan backlash they've been getting, and fans need to respect what the Dudleys have done for both Tag Team and Hardcore Wrestling.
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