TBK and HBK?

Biggest Triple H Fan Ever

The biggest Triple H fan ever
I was thinking about THE perfect partner, The Brian Kendrick was talking about. I started thinking and I realized this. Shawn Michaels taught TBK all he knew. What if the WWE puts Shawn Michaels as Brian Kendricks partner? This will be a good way to bring back HBK, and also at the same time, push TBK. I know that they haven't paid attention to this storyline in weeks, but what if this happens?
Anythings possible. Plus, I would love to see TBK get a push. If you put anyone with Shawn Michaels, they will get over. The kid has so much talent, and they better not waste it. I'd love to see this.
I don't think it will be that hard to turn TBK face. He hasn't done anything that bad to make him hated or anything. All that will be needed to turn TBK face is the approval of another face.
When's the last time Kendrick was on RAW? This storyline looks pretty over to me.

And, as for the suggestion, it's horrible.

I can see from reading various posts that TBK is some sort of internet darling. But, the fact is, that he's a lower mid-card HEEL that's NOT over. So, yeah, sticking a returning main event babyface as his partner makes a TON of sense.
The entire point of this storyline is to ELEVATE TBK. If we don't stick the returning superstar with the lower mid card guy, the lower mid card guy will never be anything more than he already is.
its not a great idea to be honest, because to turn HBK heel to team with TBK he would have to turn on a popular face. turning on a lower mid card face wouldnt put him over as a heel considering he is hugely over as a face. the alternative is to turn TBK face, which maybe could work. this idea is better than those people who want to see TBK and HBK fued....which would be pointless because TBK could not realistically compete with HBK
I agree with you a 100% percent in saying turning HBK heel is not a smart idea. But I never suggested an HBK heel turn. I'm suggesting quite the opposite, a TBK face turn. As a heel, TBK is not getting anywhere, but as a face him and HBK could have a mentor-student relationship. I think this could really help TBK's career.
[QUOTE="Instant Classic"Karma;1164004]The entire point of this storyline is to ELEVATE TBK. If we don't stick the returning superstar with the lower mid card guy, the lower mid card guy will never be anything more than he already is.[/QUOTE]

And why exactly should Brian Kendrick be elevated?

Because a few smarks on the internet have a hard-on for him?

The crowd doesn't give a shit about The Brian Kendrick. He's less over than Hornswaggle and Goldust. Maybe HBK should come back and have a program to elevate them!

Is Kendrick a good worker? Sure. But he's too small and the crowd could care less about him. Being a good worker should not automatically entitle you to an upper midcard push and a program with Shawn Michael. Kendrick has been in the WWE for how long now, and STILL no one outside of the interwebs gives a shit about him?

THE Brian Kendrick is a lot closer to THE future endeavors than he is to a program with Shawn Michaels.
Your seriously comparing TBK to Hornswoggle? Kids love Hornswoggle, if you're looking at crowd reaction wise, most people pale in comparison to the pop that Hornswoggle attracts. Besides, people do care about TBK, why else would he have been one of the biggest ROH stars during his time there?
[QUOTE="Instant Classic"Karma;1164307]Your seriously comparing TBK to Hornswoggle? Kids love Hornswoggle, if you're looking at crowd reaction wise, most people pale in comparison to the pop that Hornswoggle attracts. Besides, people do care about TBK, why else would he have been one of the biggest ROH stars during his time there?[/QUOTE]

ROH has "stars"?

Oh, so Brian Kendrick was a "star" in ROH, a cult indy company that most fans have never even seen, in a time before the company even had a TV deal.

It makes perfect sense now. The common fan is frothing at the mouth to see the Brian Kendrick in the upper midcard on RAW. You have completely changed my mind. Well done, sir.
Why do you have to be a douche about it?
You're looking at Brian Kendrick as if no one gives a shit about him. You're right. But, do you know why they don't care? Because, no one has given him a real chance. With the exception of his inital TBK debut, he hasn't gotten a fair shake. He was fast tracked to be the next HBK, but that lumbering ****** Rycklon Stephens held him back. So, what happened next? He got lost in the shuffle. So no one cares, because he didn't get the chance to be cared about.
What is the sudden obsession with Brian Kendrick all about!?

I think that he is vastly over-rated and taht he doesn't deserve to be anywhere near the main event scene never mind Shawn Michaels. The thing is, if this is indeed the end of the road for Shawn Michaels then why would he choose to end his long and industrious career with The Brian Kendrick!? It yells to me that Micheals would carry that tag team and TBK would get a slight rub and would be forgotten about again. For me TBK can't handle a main event push. He was in the main event on Smackdown a couple of months ago and what did he accomplish? Nothing! Honestly, I know that it would be the best way to get him over but neither man deserves it. Michaels because he could do, and will do better. TBK because he could form a better tag team with someone who fits his style and also because Michaels is way out of his league.
They could be the new Rock N' Roll express, except Kendrick plays the part of Shawn Michaels and Michaels plays the part of Marty Jannetty. Except, after the incident, Michaels doesn't go missing in action...

No, in all seriousness, this would be dumb, HBK shouldn't be in a tag team with the lonely, and overrated Kendrick. Michaels is too good for tag team competition. This really wouldn't benefit either men, well, maybe Kendrick but it sure as hell wouldn't benefit HBK. When they do shit like this, it's telling me they have nothing for them, and just want to thrown them together just to give them something to do. Eventually, it gets boring and tiredsome.

So no, this would be a bad idea...
Again, Kendrick's "main-event" push wasn't even that. Creative "came up" with something for him in the tag division. Once you've become a tag wrestler, you might as well call your career dead. But, do you notice a pattern. NONE OF THIS IS HIS FAULT. He CAN get over. He's fully able, but when Creative comes up with something good, it usually goes to someone chock full o' roids. And sadly, Brian Kendrick isn't on them.
TBK is bowling shoe ugly as Jim Ross would say. No matter how big a star you are in ROH, the crowds of today don't give a damn. Especially the little kids. TBK and his bodyguard Ezekial are about as over as Deacon Batista and Reverend D-von. He should be put on ECW and be given a chance to shine there instead of throw him on a flagship show and not even book him in dark matches. How do you go from not even appearing on TV for weeks, and jobbing to nobody's when you were on TV in the past, to being partners with HBK? That's more screwed up then Mike Adamle being General Manager of Raw.
You don't just throw him in there. You put him in a program with someone (maybe the champs), make it kinda like what Ted DiBiase did with his debut, where his partner wasn't revealed until the time of the match. This would probably work better if the tag titles weren't unified, but there's no reason it couldn't. I think this could work especially well against The Hart Dynasty if they were ever to acquire the tag titles, since HBK and Hitman weren't exactly buddy-buddy and so there would probly even be some legit heat in a feud like that.
That does sound good, but Shawn as a Tag Team partner with a mid card jobber isn't the best way to bring him back. Now, Shawn Michaels and Marty Janetty, (I hope i spelled that right) introducing the new rockers, since they introduced a new Hart Tag Team, I think the new Rockers can bring some action to the tag division. And who would his partner be... Evan Bourne! Let's get some new rockers! That would be just too much fun I think!
Bourne shoulde have some sort of connection with HBK or Janetty, but I guess it could work. Although I do believe they had something like that before with Paul London and Brian Kendrick, but they kinda decided they weren't entertaining enough (sarcasm).
HBK and TBK in a tag team is a horrible idea. Why would a main event face tag team with a lower midcard heel?

Why does everyone love TBK so much ? He has talent but not to the point where should be pushed as an upper-midcarder as of right now. The kid can wrestle but he has a weak finisher and not strong mic ablities. And him losing Ezekiel Jackson takes tons away from his character. You smarks love him and the Miz so much just because they look "cool" and you want to be them.
Honestly, TBK lost most of everything when he lost Paul London. They were AMAZING together, that is their legacy. Now, to make TBK more than just "that tag team partner", he doesn't need to tag with anyone else. A feud with HBK could work. Hell, throw him into the US title scene. Use it to elevate him like they did with Santino. Did the crowd go ga-ga over santino before he won the IC title? No. But now everyone loves him and respects him mic ability. But do I think HBK and TBK should tag? Absolutely not. Unless TBK turns face and is fighting a heel at a ppv, and tags with HBK on raw the week before to fight both their opponents.
I DO NOT want to be The Brian Kendrick. I do want the jacket, though.

I personally would throw him into the mix for the US Title until HBK is ready to return, maybe even have a face turn during that time. Once HBK is ready to return, however, I would have him revert to the "surprise tag partner" scheme. Then when TBK comes out of the tunnel, music stops and then.... AHHH! AHHH! AHHHH! Watch the whole arena mark the f*** out.
Being pushed leads to good crowd reaction, not the other way around. TBK is NOT over right now. But how could he be if he jobs to Goldust? The crowd will not care one way or another, heel or face, UNTIL he gets a chance to do something. No one can expect a huge pop or massive heat from a jobber.
TBK's best move for the company would be to move out the door. He is awful! There is no interest in him. The only thing that was even remotely interesting about this guy was when if his side kick Ezekiel Jackson might pummel someone, other than that TBK is awful! HBK should not be forced to stoop to help a mid level card, no check that a lower level mid level talent. The only thing more useless than his wrestling is this post....lol
I know when you say there's no interest in him, you mean among the guys in Creative, right? Because none of these threads about TBK would exist if someone weren't interested in him.

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