
Thriller Ant

Beep Bop Boop
I love tattoos. I got my first a little over a year ago, and I have been wanting to go back and get another ever since. I see other people with tats I love (Jeff Hardy and Randy Orton come to mind) and it just feeds the desire. There is one problem though, and it seems I'm always reminded of it: I want to get a good job, and good places of employment generally don't hire people with tattoos. I would love to have a sleeve, but instead, I would have to settle for a half-sleeve and even that would be risking it. (For those who don't know, a sleeve is like what Orton has, an entire arm covered. A half-sleeve is about half an arm covered.) So what I have is a 2 1/2 part question:

1. What are your personal views on tattoos?
2. Why does society view them as they do and is there any way to change that view?
1. What are your personal views on tattoos?
I have 2 of them and I plan on getting more. I think they are a great way to express yourself.
2. Why does society view them as they do and is there any way to change that view?
Society views them they way they do because back in the day the only people who had tats were people who considered unsavory such as prisoners & bikers. To change that view we need valuable business people such as owners and mangers of very reputable businesses to come out and show people that they have tattoos and that just because you have them it doesn't mean you're a bad person.

For those who haven't seen them yet here are the 2 I have so far


I have two tattoos as well, one on my right shoulder blade and on my inner arm. I think tattoos are great, like Hardy's or Orton's, but they can be a miss sometimes like some of Edge's. I always feel the best tattoos are the planned ones, I took 2-3 months for both my tats in the planning phase before going through with them, just a tip there.

I think society's views are changing rapidly, simply because, everywhere I go, local supermarket, media shop, traffic warden, police, I see tattoos on them, and not subtle ones neither, real big huge ones! So I think if they allow them in some areas, it should be fine. Always start in a discreet spot if in doubt.

PS - Like your tats Milenko
Thriller said:
1. What are your personal views on tattoos?

I love tattoos. I have 4 of my own, and have a few ideas of more to get. I don't think that personal expression should ever be looked down on, and don't think there's any reason for tattoos to be used as judgment on someone.

2. Why does society view them as they do and is there any way to change that view?

I'm guessing society looks down on them because of the people that make the news wearing them. People like Hell's Angels, the Bloods, Crips, and other gangs of the world. What people usually fail to realize, is that this is just a very small percentage of the population, and not nearly an accurate representation. My mom has 5 tattoos, and is a pretty stand-up American.

I doubt there is a way to change society's view. The people in power are very narrow-minded, and refuse to change their minds on anything. I don't think it'll be any different 10, 20, or 50 years from now.
A) Tats are simply addictive, and I've got 5 of my own. My first on my right blade (the same one Angel/Angelus has on BtVS), the ThunderCats logo, two Celtic knotworks, and a combo of the Godsmack logo and a pentagram.

B) I too, think societies views on tattoos is changing on a constant basis. Hell, here in Cincy one of the most trusted meteorologists has full sleeves, and nobody bats an eye when he wears t-shirts, or polo shirts. So, that's a good sign. maybe it's just cause we're all Rednecks?
1. What are your personal views on tattoos?

I don't mind them. I don't think I'd ever get one, but I don't automatically hate anyone who has one. They have to prove they're annoying before that happens.

2. Why does society view them as they do and is there any way to change that view?

Because, tattoos are seen as a part of the counter culture. The hippies smoke weed, and the motorcycle gangs wear tattoos while they're fucking the nice people's shit up. Oh, and tattoos automatically make you some kind of drug taking addict.

I think that tattoos are also considered "unprofessional" in a way. I wouldn't hold that point of view, but it doesn't change the fact that some see tattoos as a way of immature rebellion or something like that. I dunno though. Some of the nicest people I've ever known have tattoos. People are just deadset in their opinions.

I love them. I lie, I love mine, I think they generally are shit on other people. People get them for the dumbest fucking reasons and motivations, and I feel like that insults the people who look at it as a very serious form of personal and spiritual expression. I have six different peices of art, eleven tattoos in all, including a full back peice. I love them when they are done in the correct way, and not as a fucking fashion statement.

Yea, generally people are turned off by tats. Not as much anymore, the further and further our society progresses, but still there is a pretty large stigma attached to them. People are scared to fucking death of me, for the most part. I can only assume the tattoos have a lot to do with it. Why? becuase plenty of folks have told me so. If you think about it, tattoos are inherently stupid. "That person went through a considerable amount of pain for nothing, really, in reality"...that doesnt exactly scream "intelligent" or "nice, and normal". Tattoos will ALWAYS to a certain extent be related to crazyness. Becuase by nature, the whole deal IS pretty fucking crazy when you think about it.

Which is cool with me. Cos im fuckin crazy.
Right now I only have 1 tattoo. I have the words "I ROCK" on the inside of my lower lip. But hope to get more. I haven't decided what I want to get next, but I know there will be more.

My girlfriend wants to get matching tattoos. I told here i thought it was a great idea. She can get Jason (my name) tattooed on her, and I'll get Jason tattooed on me!
[QUOTE="Lionheart" Thrill Jericho;1131894]1. What are your personal views on tattoos?[/QUOTE]

I love tattoos. I have gotten 2 of them when I was a kid & I have gotten about 3 more since I graduated high school & moved onto college.

[QUOTE="Lionheart" Thrill Jericho;1131894] 2. Why does society view them as they do and is there any way to change that view?[/QUOTE]

Well i'm not entirely sure what way there is to change society's view on tattoos & I know that they frown on most people with them, but at least those bastards aren't gonna change my view on tattoos.

I feel like that insults the people who look at it as a very serious form of personal and spiritual expression.

Hmm, yeah. I have them because I like them. No other reason.

Mine were very expensive and and they are very good. Unlike a lot that you see. Because my sleeves are made up of bright oranges, yellows & reds I can't really get a tan. They'll fade and I'll have to have them done over every couple of years to maintain the look anyway.

Society is fine with tattoos these days. A lot of people have them. It's acceptable to have them on your neck and hands. As somebody with lots I find it strange that I decided not to have my hands done, but a girl will have her first tattoo on her hands.

The worst thing about tattoos is people asking me about tattoos. Do they hurt? A needle scraping though your skin, yeah it hurts. But it's not unbearable. Shit like that. If people are intrested then they should go to a studio.
The worst thing about tattoos is people asking me about tattoos. Do they hurt? A needle scraping though your skin, yeah it hurts. But it's not unbearable. Shit like that. If people are intrested then they should go to a studio.

I agree. Whenever I show my lip tattoo. The 1st response is always does it hurt?

But for my lip tattoo, I can honestly say it didn't hurt at all. In fact, I was disappointed because I prepared myself for pain and it literally felt like someone was drawing on my lip with a pen.
I think that tattoos are great as long as the tattoo in question truly has a deep meaning for the person wearing it. I find it really annoying when women go and get butterflies tattooed over the top of their ass "because it's pretty" or guys go and get nonsensical looking barbed wire on their arms because they think it makes them look more manly. People have to remember that it's rather expensive to get these things removed and can be a lifelong decision and, unless you work out every bloody day, certain parts of your body will sag and your tattoo is going to look ridiculous.

I have one tattoo, with plans for more, on the inside of my left forearm.

I don't think tattoos necessarily have a negative stigma anymore. That show Miami Ink and that show with Kat Von D has made it cool to get tattoos and I think that is great. Tattoos are just another way for people to bare their soul and I'm all for expressions like that.
[QUOTE="Lionheart" Thrill Jericho;1131894]
1. What are your personal views on tattoos?[/quote]

I like tattoos. I have 8 of them that represent some of my favorite things. Tattoos do require some upkeep, like being touched up and making sure that they are properly taken care of in the days and weeks after you get one. Tattoos can look like shit if they're not taken of.

[QUOTE="Lionheart" Thrill Jericho;1131894]
2. Why does society view them as they do and is there any way to change that view?[/QUOTE]

You know, I don't really see that society is all that harsh on tattoos. I think there was a time many years ago where employers avoided hiring people with visible tattoos, but I don't think that happens too much now. It also may depend on where you live. Some areas are much more accepting of body art than others. Also, the placement of a tattoo can cause controversy. Seriously, I think well done and well taken care of tattoos are nice, but if someone has a tattoo on their face- I'm probably gonna cringe a little bit.
Tatoo's are beast,I plan on getting one very soon.It really depends on what you like,my mother has a few and they all suck IMO.

Society is becoming more accepting of tatoo's,my teachers have them and they've been employed at the same school for 15+ years.
the world is becoming more acceptive of tattoos especially with the emergence of shows like Miami and LA ink they are becoming more socially accepeted
I love tattoos but haven't gotten one yet. I'll be using this year's tax return to get one though I think. My housemate has a half sleeve and another mate has 2 full sleeves and they look sick! If they are done right I think they are fucking awesome.

I don't really like small random placed tattoos though, I think if you are going to get one get at least a decent size one because a good size like your whole upper arm looks so much better than a lame daisy on your ankle!

Society will ease to tattoo's it's only a matter of time. Hell everyday I see tattoo's now and my mate with the 2 full sleeves reckons the only thing to be carefull of if you want an office job or something is not to go past the wrists and shoulders and you'll be right. He has a lot of ink and he said he was only nervous when he got his knuckles done and they are the smallest he has. It's funny how society works like that but it'll just take time.

Hey Jake and Nor Cal, any chance of some photo's? Wouldn't mind checking them out :p

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