
Leading A Revolution
So in todays WWE, we don't have a whole lot of Submission specialists. So my question is what submission hold would like to see be used as someones finisher today, and who should use it? And try not to just say Sharpshooter, or Figure Four. What I'm looking for are moves that haven't been used as signature holds prominently before, or at least in a long time.

I have three:

-One would be the triangle hold. I can't think of any notable superstar using this as his signature hold. I remember the undertaker would bust it out every once and a while but then he started using the Hells Gate. I think the triangle choke is a simple, yet painful looking hold. I'm not sure who should use it, but I wouldn't mind seeing Seth Rollins get a submission to go along with the curb stomp.

-Second is The Cross Face Chicken Wing. To my recollection, no one has used it since Bob Backlund. So they would have to make sure its cool with him first I'd imagine. But it's a cool hold, and has the added variation of wrapping on the leg scissors. I think it would be a perfect hold for a smaller guy to help take down bigger wrestlers.

-Lastly is The Dragon Sleeper. It just looks so f'n painful. Simple as that. And call me a racist for suggestion that the "Dragon" Sleeper should go to an Asian Wrestler. But I think the move would fit Hideo Itami perfectly.

Anyways those are my choices, what do you guys think?
I really miss that Undertaker submission that would make his opponents spit up blood. I forget what it was called.

That was the Hells Gate I'm pretty sure, or the Gogoplata is its actual name. But that didn't exactly vibe too well as a move name for the undertaker haha
I'm pretty sure I saw Cesaro put the Chicken wing on Sheamus not too long ago.

I'm happy Rusev brought back the camel clutch, that would have definitely been on my list.
I know this is the WWE section but how about the Texas Cloverleaf Magnus uses in TNA. Dean Malenko made that move look like a million bucks when he did it.

Another good submission only done in TNA is the Last Chancery by Austin Aries.
I don't really know how to describe it other than a triangle choke with a bridge. '

Not sure who in WWE would be best served by using either, but those are 2 good submissions that are not overdone.. heck I think Aries might have innovated the one he uses.
Man I wanna see the Muta lock being used by someone as their submission finisher. It just looks so cool. I remember a long time ago Steve Blackman doing an inverted STF, but that move is rarely seen.
I thought Hell's Gate was a great finisher and it went along with Taker's persona, look and character "evolving" over the years. Taker's a well known MMA fan and he's had MMA training, so Hell's Gate, AKA the Gogoplata, was a nice fit. I'd never seen it before, not really a big MMA fan, and it struck me as innovative.

The problem with submission holds these days is that a lot of fans have the attention span of a gnat. Back in the old days, and by old days I mean in the 80s and even into the 90s, it wasn't uncommon for a wrestler to be in a submission hold for a good 5 minutes or more. Doing that today will result in a wrestler getting the "boring" treatment if it goes for longer than a minute or so.
Well, I was going to say The Omoplata until I woke up and realized that Daniel Bryan uses a variation of that submission hold, but one hold that I always thought just looked uncomfortable and painful is the guillotine and it surprises me that I can't think of one person who used the guillotine choke as their finisher. It may not be the flashiest move and might just look like a chokehold, but if you see somebody get caught in a guillotine in an MMA fight, they're either tapping soon or going out.

If you don't know what a guillotine choke is, think Matt Hardy's Ice Pick in TNA except instead of wrapping up the arms, you put your opponent in a chokehold.

As to who should use this move, I think it should be a relatively powerful guy who can use a new finisher to his arsenal. I'd go with Cesaro since his Neutralizer doesn't really do it for me, and it would fit perfectly into Cesaro's old school style. I mean what's more old school than a chokehold?
Oh yea, and : ASK HIM.... ASK HIM
Sometimes the old fashioned holds can be the best, and I used to love Chris Masters applying his "Master lock" .....which was simply a full nelson.

When a wrestler has it applied properly, with his fingers securely locked behind the opponent's neck, the victim's arms are completely immobilized and the only way to get free is by aiming a backward mule kick at the guy's......er, leg.:icon_redface: To avoid that, the guy applying the hold might convert to a Swinging Neckbreaker. I go back far enough to vaguely recall Ken Patera in WWE, using the full nelson by lifting the opponent off his feet and spinning him around in a circle. I would imagine that version of the hold is inescapable, as well as legitimately hurting like hell.

At any rate, the full nelson strikes me as a real grind-it-out submission hold from out of wrestling's past. We could use more finishing maneuvers like that.
Haha, there were also those old school submissions like Crush's Cranium Crush where he would just squeeze the lift out of the opponent's head. There's also Sgt. Slaughter's noogie submission. It looks funny, but it looks painful.
Sami Zayn has been using the Koji Clutch as of late and I'm totally digging that. The move that was hilariously/mistakenly called the Anaconda Vice by Michael Cole a few years back is perhaps one of my favorite submission moves today. The Koji Clutch fits Zayn so well in that it is unique. It takes a flexible and athletic guy to pull it off so there aren't too many rip offs that have risen to prominence over the years. Given that the WWE often changes the finishers of the stars they call up from NXT, I often worry we won't see it used in a more renowned role in the WWE.

Another one of my favorite submission moves that I would love to see make a comeback is probably one my guilty pleasures as a wrestling fan. The claw. Being that Barry Windham is one of my favorite wrestlers of all time, there's no one that sold the Claw better as a devastating move than Barry Windham. Whenever Tensai debuted the move a while back, I'll admit, I marked. Given the right guy, I could see an old school like character using the Claw like Cesaro or even Bull Dempsey whenever he is called up.
So in todays WWE, we don't have a whole

-Second is The Cross Face Chicken Wing. To my recollection, no one has used it since Bob Backlund. So they would have to make sure its cool with him first I'd imagine. But it's a cool hold, and has the added variation of wrapping on the leg scissors. I think it would be a perfect hold for a smaller guy to help take down bigger wrestlers.

-Lastly is The Dragon Sleeper. It just looks so f'n painful. Simple as that. And call me a racist for suggestion that the "Dragon" Sleeper should go to an Asian Wrestler. But I think the move would fit Hideo Itami perfectly.

the Crossface Chicken Wing is/was used by X/6 Pac during his runs with the NWO & DX, believe he was still using it as of 2007 when i was able to watch AAA wrestling on Direct TV

I would also love to see someone bring back the Dragon Sleeper. when Ultimo Dragon used it in WCW i loved it. as for with who, Kenta would be good but so would Sin Cara if they ever make him half-way believable again.
Daniel Bryan or some submission specialist should use the Dragon Sleeper. That always looked like a deadly move.
Lesnar used to have the Brock Lock, which was kind of like a modified one legged lion tamer. I always thought that looked cool/painful. I think it would also be cool if one of the more athletic guys brought back Lance Storm's rolling crab. That always looked so smooth/cool. Oooo, I just thought of the Rings of Saturn. That hasn't been used since, well, Saturn

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