Talon's Rise Above Hate

The Talon

Occasional Pre-Show
At my lowest point, I've seen the darkness. But now I get what I must do. The people trying to bring me down were succeeding. Not only had I lashed out against WZ, I lashed out against myself. But I get it now. There's nowhere for me to go but up. Starting today, I'm gonna use to thread not only to keep track of myself & keep myself in check. Every day, i'll use it to track to progress & things i've been doing for that day. I understand what I have to do. I have to keeping climbing & start improving. The process may be long, but i'll damned if I'll let anyone get in my way. Time to begin this journey.

You are digging such a hole for yourself you will soon make your ass to China. And even they will tell you to shut the fuck up.
Also! I've taken a lot of things into consideration when making this. I intend to use it to learn A LOT more responsibility, while not becoming entirely super-serious. This thread is needed to provide me a new start.
Also! I've taken a lot of things into consideration when making this. I intend to use it to learn A LOT more responsibility, while not becoming entirely super-serious. This thread is needed to provide me a new start.

By you starting this thread you have made your "new start" publicized and the problem with you in The Bar Room is you publicizing yourself, so therefore you have canceled out the entire point of the thread, and are made to look like even more of an idiot than you did in JGlass' thread.

Take his advice. Don't post spam at all. Because you'll never earn respect, especially not by pulling stunts like this. You'll just get shit on more, so when you wish to take yourself super, super serial, then you can't complain, bitch and whine like you have today, cause once more you'll have brought it all solely on yourself.
At my lowest point, I've seen the darkness. But now I get what I must do. The people trying to bring me down were succeeding. Not only had I lashed out against WZ, I lashed out against myself. But I get it now. There's nowhere for me to go but up. Starting today, I'm gonna use to thread not only to keep track of myself & keep myself in check. Every day, i'll use it to track to progress & things i've been doing for that day. I understand what I have to do. I have to keeping climbing & start improving. The process may be long, but i'll damned if I'll let anyone get in my way. Time to begin this journey.


Go outside and get some sun.
I'm almost certain a lot of people have told you this:

If you want to "hurp durp rise above the hate" then fuck off from the spam sections for a while. That's literally ALL you have to do.
Tommy "Two-Times" Mozzarella;3804424 said:
I'm almost certain a lot of people have told you this:

If you want to "hurp durp rise above the hate" then fuck off from the spam sections for a while. That's literally ALL you have to do.

Let's try to stay on topic Mozz, it's Pokemon or marijuana.

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