Talent vs. Skill

"Cool Guy" Jensen

Undertaker for Champ!
I'm not sure if this should be included in the ''Official Diva Thread'' or not, but if it should... please feel free to move it.

So, I hear a lot of people talking about the WWE Divas and how they can't wrestle and the TNA Knockouts are so much better than the Divas. I for one, do not see it that way. I think that the Divas and the Knockouts are in two very different categories.

I think that the WWE Divas are the more talented of the two women groups. In the WWE, you'll see some of the divas doing very athletic and acrobatic moves, much nearly impossible unless you are very flexable, which I AM NOT! In TNA, you'll likely see the Knockouts doing more skillful, powerful moves that you probably won't see in WWE, except maybe from Beth Phoenix or Natalya.

So, I ask... what makes you a better performer, talent or skill? Since, this is ''sports entertainment'', you would think talent. As most casual fans are more entertained with seeing spots and flips all over the place. Whereas a wrestling fan who knows more about the game, would probably favor skill more than talent.

What do you believe is more important for you to be considered better than someone else? Talent? Skill? A mixture of both? Something else? What? Please explain.
Ummm thas a tough question. IMO i would say to be successful you really need a mix of the 2.
My example of this would probably be either Lita or Trish. IMO they had lots of skill and the talent that made them 2 of the best divas in the wwe. I think they got there by training with wrestlers and actually learning the ropes as managers first. From there they got to learn the ropes and had time to train and get used to the crowds.

So I would say to be successful you need both aspects.
i don't know if you watch TNA or not but they have sarah stock(sarita) and taylor wilde,both high risk,athletic,and acrobatic female wrestlers

I would say a mixture of both is the best way to go,wrestlers like tara and alissa flash can be brawlers and high flyers

the best wrestlers are the ones that can do high risk and can be technical at the same time

if your only high risk like jeff hardy,you won't be taken seriously as a wrestler

if your only a technical wrestler,then people will fall asleep when watching you

WWE divas suck because most of them can't wrestler for shit,TNA knockouts are taken seriously,they don't play around,they like to be hardcore,get messy,and do everything the men do.Most WWE divas can't even take bumps which shows how pathetic the division is

ps,your thread was kinda confusing to understand but i did my best to answer it,hope i did
Definitely a mixture of both is the way to go. If I have to choose though I have to take skill over talent just because you basically said Knockouts=Skill and Divas=talent.
What Im trying to say is Knockouts can be quite entertaining, the divas IMO should all be shot because maybe 2-3 of them bring anything to the table (skill or talent wise). Most are there as eye candy and who watches wrestling for that, you'll find way hotter chicks in other forms of entertainment.
Obviously you would need both.

But, skill is a talent. Take for example someone who paints and draws, sure, everyone is going to say "he's so talented" but its the skill that he was either born with, or learned in school, that made him talented. So to me, Skill=Talent. The lines are blurred here, both become one.

But I understand what you're saying, can a wrestler have more chances in making it by being a skilled technician or just have great charisma and draw the crowds attention.

Since the beggining of WWE, we have seen great technicians, but from what Ive seen, talent has always overpowered technical skill.

Take for example Hogan, Bret, Austin, Rock, and Cena. Out of all these huge stars that drew like hell, only one had wrestling technical ability, and the was Bret Hart. So thats 1 out of 4

It comes down to the attention and draw you get from the crowd.
I just care about seeing the hottest chicks possible wearing as little clothing as possible, if the chick is ugly I won't watch them wrestle.

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