Tag Teams.


Pre-Show Stalwart
I see constant bitching about the WWE's tag team division and the lack of "real" tag teams. While this is true, some of you seem to think TNA has a better tag division with "real" tag teams.

I don't think TNA's division is much better honestly. I mean, besides Beer Money, MCMG, and the Dudleys who else do they have? The Young Bucks???? Gimme a break. TNA is just as careless with their tag team belts as the E. Matt Morgan is the tag team champions by himself. MCMG haven't really been a tag team forever. They were thrown together too a few years ago.

My question is, why does TNA's tag division get so much love when it's really not much better than the WWE's?
It's a rather simple answer to you question, TNA is doing something that WWE did long ago. They are taking people that are a believable tag team and using them on a regular basis. Sometimes it leads to great things other times you get Tekno Team 2000. Think of it this way, some of the greatest teams were guys that were not top guys in the companies. Look at the tag team title holders over the last 2 years in TNA and WWE. For WWE there were few tag teams in the last 2 years that got a good run with the tag titles before losing them and splitting up. TNA has had teams like 3D, Beer Money Inc, LAX, and British Invasion. Invasion is the only one that has pretty much crapped out and LAX is a getting another possible run soon.

WWE had Rhodes & Holly which didn't receive a name, after 6 months of Holly/Rhodes wearing the straps we get Rhodes/Dibiase. Then we were treated to a week of Cena and Batista then back to Rhodes/Dibiase still with not a whole lot going on until Orton step into the scene. Not to long after we get Punk/Kingston for a short time but this team didn't even rate losing the titles on TV. Nope had to lose em at a house show. Never a good sign when that happens. Then we get the Colons at Wrestlemania winning and unifying the tag titles from each show. 6 months later we get Edge/Jericho which could have been a great team then Jerishow. Not a bad idea there, made from some great matches too. For some odd reason we next are presented with DX. Not the same as it used to be and not a whole lot of matches where the belts were on the line. Now we get ShowMiz which hasn't been to bad to be honest. Going into tonight we have the possibility of seeing the Hart Dynasty with the belts also. Not a whole lot of established teams there if you think about it. Think of teams from the past and name a few. How many of those teams that held the titles and were memorable were teams that started small and got noticed. Hart Foundation, Legion of Doom, Steiners, Strike Force (Santana/Martel), British Bulldogs, New Age Outlaws all teams that held the title. All teams that were put together and GIVEN a chance.

TNA has had teams that hold that title and even when they lose them they have let them continue as a team to see if they will be hot again. Beer Money Inc, you gotta love these guys. Both established tag team wrestlers here that just pull off the greedy/redneck team its great to see them. LAX was a great team and I was torn when it came to breaking them up. Great for Hernandez and Homicide but it took away a great team. The could play either the face or heel it didn't matter what was called for. If the word going around is true TNA must have realized that they needed to put them back together again. The British Invasion was a good idea but doing the whole country based teams just doesn't matter much and more. Dudleys holding the title again ? Believable if they can get out of this program with The Band but just like any good performer they know they can't want to hold it all the time and damn it, their good enough that it will come back to them again regardless. Speaking of The Band, please god let us not be subjected to them having the titles. Don't get me wrong there are great team but Hall/Nash need to just say no when this is proposed.

Who's knows maybe WWE will relearn how to make decent teams again and actually make people want to watch tag team matches again. TNA's tag team matches are actually entertaining unlike WWE were it seems there not really giving the division a chance.
It's really only been since JeriShow that the WWE has devoted any real effort into the tag team division in a long while. There is still work that needs to be done, but the overall state of the tag team division in the WWE is head and shoulders above where it was at this same time last year. ShowMiz, in my opinion, is the best team going right now and that's due mostly to The Miz. The Miz has a very bright future ahead of him and it shows. When was the last time you saw an American wrestler working for a major wrestling company walk around with three championships? The Hart Dynasty is a team that has a lot of potential as are the Dudebusters. I've seen them have a couple of really good matches against the Hart Dynasty. Yes, yes I absolutely hate the name but they're two talented wrestlers that come across as complete tools as heels. They remind me a lot of the Motor City Machine Guns when they were doing their thing as a heel. The WWE needs to get a few more cohesive tag teams going in my opinion rather than just a couple of wrestlers that are over as singles stars and just pairing them up. If they can do that, they could potentially have the strongest tag team scene they've had in over a decade.

The tag team situation in TNA, for me, has been stale for a long while now. Beer Money, while still among my favorite teams in a LONG time, really are kind of stale. They've been around for several years and they've ultimately done everything in TNA that a tag team can do. The MCMGs and Generation Me are rarely used in TNA these days and, when they are, they're generally used as fodder. The team of Matt Morgan and Hernandez was awful from the start and Morgan with a different partner each week defending the titles has really lost its shine and you've got the Dudleyz running around. I know that on tonight's iMPACT!, the Dudleyz have yet another tag title shot.

Overall, when I look at the tag team scenes of both companies, I see the WWE's as slowly and steadily growing with potential to really be something whereas TNA's is just stagnant for me at the moment. There's really nothing going on in the TNA tag team scene at this moment that I really care about.
I disagree, Hammer...I think Showmiz works because of the Big Show, more than the Miz. His sense of timing, the facial expressions, etc make it work. That, and the knockout punch he can deliver at almost any time. I am loving the Big Show right now, between Jerishow and Showmiz, I think Paul Wight is playing the role perfectly. Miz will always be the Miz...but Show is the one making it work.

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