Tag Team Time Machine


Dark Match Jobber
Hello everyone! I have been wanting to do this thread just because I kinda feel sick over what they are doing with the tag division right now, I just want to talk about some good tag team stuff.

Ok so in general this thread is about the tag teams of today vs the tag teams of yesteryear in the superstars greatest wrestling primes. I list two teams, you consider what the match would be like if the superstars were the best they ever were and you decide who wins.

Lets Get Started, I want to know who you think would win, and why you think the team would win.

Two Dudes With Attitudes - Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho and The Big Show. Simple, Two Great Technical Wrestlers, Two Giant Partners - You Decide.

The Hart Foundation - Past vs The Hart Foundation - Present. May be too soon to tell, but lets say the new Hart Foundation gets the same push as the old.

The Rockers vs Paul London and Brian Kendrick. Speed, High Flying, Exciting, again assuming all of them got the same push.

Legion of Doom vs Los Guerreros. A little bit of a mix up, interesting on what you will think.

Now For A Little Strange Bed Partners Mix Up Just For Some Variety:

The Rock and Stone Cold vs John Cena and Randy Orton. Obviously so far these are the two people from each generation that everyone will remember coming in at the time and changing the WWE Forever if Cena and Orton havent already, What do you think?
Two Dudes With Attitudes - Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho and The Big Show.

I will go with Jericho and Show because I believe Jericho is a better wrestler than HBK. Nash probably had better matches than Show but its Y2J that stands out to me.

The Hart Foundation - Past vs The Hart Foundation - Present.

I have always said that there will never ever be another Hart Foundation. The New Hart Foundation still haven't impress me until this day and I am a BIG Bret Hart and Hart Foundation Fan. I will go with the Original Hart Foundation.

The Rockers vs Paul London and Brian Kendrick.

This one is pretty tough because I believe The Rockers were much of a better team than London and Kendrick. But in single actions London and Kendrick are crazy. I will probably go with the Rockers.

Legion of Doom vs Los Guerreros.

I believe the Los Guerreros were better wrestlers than LOD. LOD wasn't all that 2 me. They were just a regular tag team. I can say that the Dudleys are better than LOD.

The Rock and Stone Cold vs John Cena and Randy Orton.

I will put Rock over Cena and its a debate between Austin and Orton. Austin is pretty tough but Orton can wrestle whenever he wants 2. But I really like Rock and Austin so I will pick them.
Two Dudes With Attitudes - Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho and The Big Show.

Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels hands down. Kevin Nash's skills might not be confused with Chris Benoit, but he is still better than the Big Show. He has had way bigger and better matches, and is a true main eventer. To say that Y2J is better than HBK, the guy he looked up to and wanted to be like, is ridiculous. The original is always better than the clone and this is no exception. Y2J hasn't had as many memorable performances as HBK and still can easily be switched between main eventer and mid carder, so he isn't even on the same level as HBK.

The Hart Foundation - Past vs The Hart Foundation - Present.

The Hart Dynasty hasn't done anything yet so it's kind of ridiculous to so prematurely compare them to something as great as The Hart Foundation. So I go with The Hart Foundation, no further explanation necessary.

The Rockers vs Paul London and Brian Kendrick.

This is another case of originals vs clones. Neither as a tag team or individually did Paul London and Brian Kendrick reach the same level of success as The Rockers, so this is another easy one, The Rockers.

Legion of Doom vs Los Guerreros.

Los Guerreros were better technically than LOD, so what? So Dean Malenko is better than Stone Cold? LOD's resume speaks for itself, they are the greatest tag team of all time and to say the Dudleys are better is an insult to every tag team.

The Rock and Stone Cold vs John Cena and Randy Orton.

Rock and Stone Cold, period. John Cena and Randy Orton don't even belong in the same sentences as them. I would love to see The Rock come back and have a promo show down with Cena so he could give him a verbal prison level raping.
Two Dudes With Attitudes - Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho and The Big Show.

I'd say that Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels would win that match. They have and had great chemistry in the ring, and they go way back. They make great partners and great opponents. Nash is much better than Big Show and HBK can put on a much better show than Jericho, in my opinion. Jericho and Big Show have proved to be a dominant team, but the win would go to "Two Dudes With Attitudes".

The Hart Foundation vs. The Hart Dynasty.

Hart Foundation hands down. Bret Hart is much better than Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith. Where Jim Neidhart and David Hart Smith would battle over sheer power and strength, Bret Hart would worry about Tyson Kidd, whom I don't feel is anywhere close to Bret Hart's league. With time, maybe he will. Plus, Jimmy Hart makes a much better manager than Natalya, although Natalya is much better to look at.

The Rockers vs Paul London and Brian Kendrick.

This is a tough one for me. Both teams are made up of less than average size wrestlers. London and Kendrick have been compared to The Rockers during the whole time they were a tag team, which makes it hard for me to say who'd win. I'd say Kendrick and London just for the simple fact that both can and have somewhat succeeded on their own. Although HBK is much better than both combined. Actually all three.

Legion of Doom vs Los Guerreros.

Los Guerreros are better wrestlers than Legion of Doom, but LOD have been known to simply dominate their opponents. That's the only reason I'd give them the win.

The Rock and Stone Cold vs John Cena and Randy Orton.

Orton and Cena are much tougher than Stone Cold and The Rock in my opinion. However, Stone Cold and The Rock are bigger stars that Cena and Orton. This is a bit of a toss-up to me. You have the Rock Bottom and Stunner vs. the FU and RKO. All devastating moves. I don't think... I'll just say Rock and Austin in a very close match.
I've still yet to see a full Hart Dynasty match, so i shan't comment on that one, but even so, it's always stupid to bet against the best there was/is/ever will be.

JeriShow v HBK/Deisel

I'd have to go with JeriShow personally. While neither HBK or BDC would have much trouble with Jericho, Nash and HBK's offense becomes somewhat limited against the Big Show, plus we're talking the new Big Show with the Camel Clutch and a Spear, and while they might look shit, they'd still be uber-devastating. Plus Show could easily just punch them once and that'd be it, considering the only person to even move after getting punched by Show is 'Taker. Oh, and Nash would probably tag in and then injure himself anyway so, JeriShow gets the win.

Rockers v Londrick

Wow this is like mirror tag teams. The Rockers did a LOT to pusht he bar in tag team wreslting when they hit the scene, but what did London and Kendrick really do? Apart from standing shooting stars and the Sliced Bread #2, they weren't exactly innovative were they? And if Jannety and HBK can have a MOTY against each other, i find it hard to believe that Londrick could beat them together. Rockers get my vote.

L.O.D. v Los Guerreros

L.O.D. hands down. While Los Guerreros were a great team on the mic, all of the skill seemed to be on Eddie's part, with Chavo taking some bumps so that Eddie could rest/plan the best way to cheat. Chavo is and always was the huge weak link in the team, and a Doomsday Device would seal the victory for L.O.D.

Austin/Rock v Orton/Cena

Well Austin always stuck around to win the match, as did Rock regardless of who his partner was. They'd leave turning on each other until after the 3 count. Orton'll just screw you when it suits him, so due to Orton's supreme untrustworthiness, I'd say Austin/Rock. Cena can do the Super-Cena routine all he likes, the Rattlesnake and the Brahma Bull would pwn his ass.

Here's a few more:-

What about Demolition vs Brothers of Destruction?

4 big brawlers here except one team is an actual team, while the other team is basically the same guy x2. Would Taker and Kane get Demolished, or would Axl and Smash Rest.... In..... Peace......?

Or how about Edge and Christian vs Harlem Heat?

2 brother combinations, one consisting of one of WCW's most decorated tag teams, the other being one of WWE's most decorated tag teams, who also totally reek of awesomeness.
Hello everyone! I have been wanting to do this thread just because I kinda feel sick over what they are doing with the tag division right now, I just want to talk about some good tag team stuff.

Ok so in general this thread is about the tag teams of today vs the tag teams of yesteryear in the superstars greatest wrestling primes. I list two teams, you consider what the match would be like if the superstars were the best they ever were and you decide who wins.

Lets Get Started, I want to know who you think would win, and why you think the team would win.

Two Dudes With Attitudes - Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho and The Big Show. Simple, Two Great Technical Wrestlers, Two Giant Partners - You Decide.

The Hart Foundation - Past vs The Hart Foundation - Present. May be too soon to tell, but lets say the new Hart Foundation gets the same push as the old.

The Rockers vs Paul London and Brian Kendrick. Speed, High Flying, Exciting, again assuming all of them got the same push.

Legion of Doom vs Los Guerreros. A little bit of a mix up, interesting on what you will think.

Now For A Little Strange Bed Partners Mix Up Just For Some Variety:

The Rock and Stone Cold vs John Cena and Randy Orton. Obviously so far these are the two people from each generation that everyone will remember coming in at the time and changing the WWE Forever if Cena and Orton havent already, What do you think?

Very Interesting thread!! Let’s get started.

HBK and Big Daddy Cool vs. Y2J and the Big Show
I’m going to have to go with Y2J and the Big Show on this one. This could definitely go either way and it would call for a rematch with an added stipulation.

The Hart Foundation vs. The Hart Dynasty
I’m going to go with the Hart Foundation for now. Due to history, the Foundation has accomplished so much more than the Dynasty, given the fact that the Dynasty, sort of, just started. With a little more experience, I may have a different opinion in the future, but for right now I’m going with the Legends.

The Rockers vs. The Jokerz
I say the Rockers hands down. One can argue that the Rockers never had an official WWE Tag Team Title reign, and that LonDrick and KenDon held both the WWE and World Tag Team Titles, but when comparing the Tag Team division during the two ears, it’s easy to see that the Rockers did have tougher competition and Title reigns were just longer back then. Anyone, feel free to debate that. #@#@!!

Road Warriors vs. Los Guerreros
This is a little tough for me. This is probably the toughest match to analyze. While the LOD are considered by many to be the Greatest Tag Team Of All Time, Los Guerreros we’re exactly Techno Team 2000, if you know what I mean. I’m siding with Hawk and Animal on this one because it is a Tag Team match. Eddie and Chavo were great together and they even had / have pretty good singles careers, but in this environment, I have to go with the Tag Team Specialists.

The Original WWF Icons of Raw and Smackdown vs. The Face and Heel of the WWE
For this match, I have absolutely no logical reasoning whatsoever. Stone Cold Steve Austin and the Rock are both tied for 2nd in my personal All Time Favorites and nether Randy nor John are number 1 on my list. I’m going to be completely biased here and go with Austin and the Rock.

Here's a few more:-

What about Demolition vs Brothers of Destruction?

4 big brawlers here except one team is an actual team, while the other team is basically the same guy x2. Would Taker and Kane get Demolished, or would Axl and Smash Rest.... In..... Peace......?

Or how about Edge and Christian vs Harlem Heat?

2 brother combinations, one consisting of one of WCW's most decorated tag teams, the other being one of WWE's most decorated tag teams, who also totally reek of awesomeness.

Demolition vs. the Brothers of Destruction
This is very tough. As oppose to my comparison between the Road Warriors and Los Guerreros, the Tag Team Specialist doesn’t seem to have the advantage of being Specialist against the power of Undertaker and Kane. Demolition had a “tough” time against Colossal Connection, and if that’s any indication of Ax and Smash’s abilities, imagine if they faced two, more athletic versions of Andre the Giant. I’m giving the nod to Big Evil / Red Machine. Now, if you add Crush and Mr. Fuji for the Face Paint Team and Big Show and Paul Bearer for the Ministry, well that would just be fun to watch at the Survivor Series.

E & C vs. Harlem Heat
Here, I’m going to go with Edge and Christian due to accomplishments. Yes, Harlem Heat won many Tag Team Titles, but, in my opinion, E & C was in a “tougher” Tag Team division. Add that to the fact that E & C separately also had more memorable Tag Team Title runs with other partners, while Harlem Heat went down the One Successful / One Fail Singles path like the Hart Foundation and the Rockers did, for me, gives Edge and Christian the advantage.
E & C vs. Harlem Heat
Here, I’m going to go with Edge and Christian due to accomplishments. Yes, Harlem Heat won many Tag Team Titles, but, in my opinion, E & C was in a “tougher” Tag Team division. Add that to the fact that E & C separately also had more memorable Tag Team Title runs with other partners, while Harlem Heat went down the One Successful / One Fail Singles path like the Hart Foundation and the Rockers did, for me, gives Edge and Christian the advantage.

See i'd have said that Harlem Heat probably would have won but by DQ, based on the fact that after E&C won the tag titles in 2000, they had to cheat to retain just about every single match, regardless of whether they got DQ'd for it or not. I've been re-watching some old WWF matches from 2000/2001 and i've only seen 2 matches where E&C lost the tag titles, once in a straight, clean match to the Dudleys, and again to the Hardy's in a tag cage match, and they won the titles straight back the next month by masquerading as Los Conquistadors. Every other match i've seen, they either cheated to win, or got themselves intentionally DQ'd.

As for BOD v Demolition, i too would probably pick the BOD, because as King Patrick said, Demolition had a difficult time beating Collossal Connection, so are they going to be able to beat another super heavyweight combo who both have a LOT more agility on their side? I highly doubt it.

How about APA v Kronik?
Two Dudes With Attitudes - Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho and The Big Show.

I think that this would be an awesome match. Nash doesn't get the credit he dereves. Sure today he's a uninspired $$$$ guy, but when he was BDC Diesel in his WWF run he was great. Him and HBK really had amazing chemistry and IMO are individually superior to the Jerishow and superior as a tag team too. This goes to the 2 Dudes w/ Attitudes.

The Hart Foundation - Past vs The Hart Foundation - Present.

As it currently stands the Hart Dynasty cannot lace up the boots of the original Hart Foundation. They have loads of potential...and thats it. If the WWE doesn't break them up & feud them prematurely thay can be awesome. Today Bret and Jim would treat them like the Bolsheviks @ WM VI....if you have 20 seconds youtube it. The Hart Foundation goes over the Hart Dyansty.

The Rockers vs Paul London and Brian Kendrick.

I'm a huge Rockers mark but was really high on Londrick too. This would be a good match that I think could go either way. It would be a superfast paced match with some kinda clever roll up finish, guaranteed. 6 out of 10 times I'm gonna give it to Shawn & Marty, but it would always be close. Of course I'd much rather see Rockers vs. Hardys.

Legion of Doom vs Los Guerreros.

I was never all that high on LOD. I know that they are regarded as the Greatest ever by many but I just don't get it. I wasn't a big WCW/NWA guy, and thats where they really cemented their legacy. I didn't have cable until about 1988 and didn't watch WCW on any kind of regular basis until 1993. I think Los Guerreros would simply outsmart them. LOD is the better team but I'm a brains over brawn guy any day of the week. I'm going w/ Chavo and Uncle Eddie.

(On a side note. I'm not gonna quote it but whoever thinks the Dudley's is a better team than LOD is just wrong. The Dudley's are a great interview and a decent match. There's a difference between a tag team staying together because they are loved and one that stays together because they have Zero singles potential. I hope the Dudley's stay together forever and become 100X tag champs as opposed to ever having to suffer them individually again.)

The Rock and Stone Cold vs John Cena and Randy Orton.
This is a joke right? Austin and Rock annihilate Cena & Orton. This isn't even worth expanding on.
APA vs. Kronik.

I'd say that the win would go to APA. I mean, APA are known as tought brawlers who really know how to kick some ass. They really know how to put on a fantastic match. Kronik on the other hand are also tough, but they weren't as functional as a tean as APA. APA is a much better tag team.
Team Beer vs. Team Weed
I'm going to have to go with the Acolytes here. Yes, Adam Bomb and Crush were tough dudes. Yes they were 2 Time WCW Tag Team Champions. Yes they were pretty convincing to the point where on paper, these two vs. the Brothers of Destruction should be a good match. You see where I’m going. Ron Simmons and JBL were at the right place at the right time while their careers paths led them to forming the Tag Team and they took full advantage of that. They looked more dominant in their respective Division and the Brian and Bryan just seem like they didn’t have the chemistry to me like the APA did.

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