Tag Team: Reckless Youth

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Name of Tag Team:
Reckless Youth

Name of Wrestler’s who are in the Tag Team:
Alexander Steele
Tucker Graham


Entrance Theme:
Reckless Youth by Pillar

Entrance Description:
"Reckless Youth" by Pillar plays through the speakers as the crowd cheers loudly. Tucker Graham runs out quickly and stops at the top of the ramp as Alexander Steele quickly walks out to join him. They raise their arms before starting down the ramp. Graham goes down one side of the aisle high fiving fans while Steele does the same on the other side. They meet at the back side of the ring and slide under the bottom rope. They climb opposite turnbuckles and raise their arms to the cheers of the crowd.

Combined Weight:
434 lbs.

Tag Team Finisher (Maximum 2):

-Twisted Metal - Elevated Crusher. (Steele has opponent on his shoulders and Graham hits an Ace Crusher from the top rope.)

-Reckless Abandon – Power bomb/lung blower combo (Steele hits a power bomb and Graham grabs on to hit a back breaker.)

Tag Team combination moves (Minimum 2):

-Steele power bombs Graham onto a downed opponent

-Steele has a Boston Crab and Graham has a Cross face

-Steele military presses an opponent into a dropkick of Graham

-Graham hits a side shuffle kick into a Steele German Suplex

Tucker Graham’s Move List:

Party Foul (God's Last Gift)
Sky's the Limit (Phoenix Splash)

15 Most used moves:
1.) Pele Kick
2.) Springboard Senton Back Splash
3.) Running Leg Lariot
4.) Swinging Neckbreaker
5.) Running Knees to the chest in the corner
6.) Hip toss to legdrop across the chest
7.) Half Boston Crab
8.) Diving Clothesline
9.) Suicide Dive over the top rope
10.) Headscissors takedown
11.) DDT
12.) Drop Toe Hold into a turnbuckle
13.) Enziguiri
14.) Snap Suplex to mounted punches
15.) Knees to the head of a downed opponent

Alexander Steele Move List:

Broken Steele (Rolling Olympic Hell 5/Arm Triangle suplex into Arm Triangle submission)
Twisted Steele (Roll of the Dice)

15 Most used moves:
1.) Pendulum backbreaker submission
2.) Gator Roll (often into an Anaconda Strangle)
3.) Release German Suplex
4.) Rolling Armbar
5.) Indian Deathlock
6.) Abdominal Stretch
7.) Boston Crab
8.) Bridging Cobra Clutch
9.) Gut Wrench Suplex
10.) Rolling Neck Snap
11.) Cradle Suplex
12.) Anaconda Strangle
13.) T-Bone Suplex
14.) Pumphandle DVD
15.) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex
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