Tag team matches. Faces vs Heels


Dark Match Winner
I don't know if this is only an observation of mine but I'm sick and tired of the matches of faces vs heels.

Firstly, tag matches are boring until the last minutes and that's the main reason Smackdown is boring.

Secondly,I hate that heels are teaming up against the faces. Would it be more interesting if the faces team up with the heels??

Tell me your opinion. Do you like this?
I'd disagree with you that faces & heels should team up, the entire industry is and will always be based on cheering on a guy you like kicking the ass of a guy you don't like. Having them team up would only undermine the heel's character if he didn't do something dastardly or undermine the face's character if he continued trusting the heel.

I am very much sick of six man tags in the main event though and it is the one thing that turns me of the product more than anything else. I haven't watched a Smackdown in years because they are just glorified house shows. Every single week the results I read starts with a heel in the ring talk trash, a face coming out to set up a match but something happening in that segment or later in the show to turn it in to a six man tag.

Just garbage booking that is seeping in to Raw more and more.
I'd disagree with you that faces & heels should team up, the entire industry is and will always be based on cheering on a guy you like kicking the ass of a guy you don't like. Having them team up would only undermine the heel's character if he didn't do something dastardly or undermine the face's character if he continued trusting the heel.

I am very much sick of six man tags in the main event though and it is the one thing that turns me of the product more than anything else. I haven't watched a Smackdown in years because they are just glorified house shows. Every single week the results I read starts with a heel in the ring talk trash, a face coming out to set up a match but something happening in that segment or later in the show to turn it in to a six man tag.

Just garbage booking that is seeping in to Raw more and more.

And to add more woes to that We're witnessing these 6 man tag matches just to protect their top superstar! For instance, lately they've been using the tag matches in SmackDown! just mostly to protect Roman Reigns in the time being. When he gets a full ring time he looks week so they just put him up in a tag match and let him get a hot tag and uses his stupid sequence of signature moves to get the pinfall!!

This is asinine! Instead they could've build up his character and let him work more in the ring to learn more. He seems like a learner but putting Main event guys in tag matches can make them look just for that moment but not in the longer run!

Would it be more interesting if the faces team up with the heels??

Sometimes it would, yes.....but to do it too often removes the element of surprise that makes it so exciting when two unlikely parties do team up. Plus, doing it too much messes with the time-honored formula that has made pro wrestling what it is all these years.

Have to admit, though, seeing strange bedfellows joining forces to do battle adds a real boot to the spectacle. What sticks out in my mind is when Nexus was in full, ganging-up mode and John Cena didn't have enough good guys to stand against them.....so he enlisted super-heels Chris Jericho and Edge, who were reluctant to join the faces, but eventually did, and helped overcome the Barrett-led menace.

Of course, the alliance lasted a very short time, but that seemed logical, as Jericho and Edge hadn't magically turned good; they were acting strictly in self-interest, as bad guys do. But man, the whole thing was exciting.

Still, they have to keep tag matches Good vs. Evil almost all the time in order to make special the occasional deviation from the norm.
And to add more woes to that We're witnessing these 6 man tag matches just to protect their top superstar! For instance, lately they've been using the tag matches in SmackDown! just mostly to protect Roman Reigns in the time being. When he gets a full ring time he looks week so they just put him up in a tag match and let him get a hot tag and uses his stupid sequence of signature moves to get the pinfall!!

This is asinine! Instead they could've build up his character and let him work more in the ring to learn more. He seems like a learner but putting Main event guys in tag matches can make them look just for that moment but not in the longer run!


And I think this is part of the reason he's not connecting with the fans as he should be. The WWE still has him in Shield mode. Let's face it, when he was with the Shield he was always part of a 6 man tag. Now it's the same only with different partners. Roman Reigns wrestle's in more tag matches than he does in single matches. I think he's the only singles wrestler on the roster that does that. Something is wrong there.

If they want him to get ahead, he has to get some singles wins under his belt. If Big Show isn't available then put him with someone else that week. Create a match, it doesn't have to be part of an ongoing feud. Lot's of wrestlers standing around in the back dressed and ready to go.

His booking has been nothing sort of shit, and it's rather impressive that the WWE tries something, it doesn't work, so they try it again just to see if the results change. They never do, but gotta give them a A for effort.

Oh yea and the OP's idea won't work either. Heels go against faces. Don't be upsetting the apple cart, you'll throw booking into a tailspin.
And I think this is part of the reason he's not connecting with the fans as he should be. The WWE still has him in Shield mode. Let's face it, when he was with the Shield he was always part of a 6 man tag. Now it's the same only with different partners. Roman Reigns wrestle's in more tag matches than he does in single matches. I think he's the only singles wrestler on the roster that does that. Something is wrong there.

If they want him to get ahead, he has to get some singles wins under his belt. If Big Show isn't available then put him with someone else that week. Create a match, it doesn't have to be part of an ongoing feud. Lot's of wrestlers standing around in the back dressed and ready to go.

His booking has been nothing sort of shit, and it's rather impressive that the WWE tries something, it doesn't work, so they try it again just to see if the results change. They never do, but gotta give them a A for effort.

Oh yea and the OP's idea won't work either. Heels go against faces. Don't be upsetting the apple cart, you'll throw booking into a tailspin.

Exactly!! Fake cheers and pops from the fans never gonna help him get over the fans! Its pretty obvious that they're using pops and cheers of the crowd which are fallacy!

This week on SmackDown! they could've made him MainEvent with Luke Harper or Sheamus or some of the other big guys!

Interesting, this topic took detour from tag team actions to Roman Reigns!

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