Tag-Team MANIA !!


Many people think that the WWE sucks right now. Why ? Because of the midcard titles that have no prestige, because of the stale feuds , and of course because of the bad Tag Team division. But the latter seems to be the main problem for so many people, but I don´t see the problem. Ok the Tag Team division is nothing special and what´s the reason for that ? Right nobody cares so they don´t get pushed to the top that´s the reason and the ONLY reason why the Tag division is a midcard only club. Yes in the 80´s and 90´s the Tag division was an important part of the WWE/F roster but HELLO it´s bloody 2009 and nobody cares anymore. And maybe but only maybe , a better time for tag teams in the WWE will come but right now they would be so out of place in the main event like Scott Steiner in a spelling bee.
My friend don't let the fact that they're doin a lackluster job with the tag division mislead you. Tag team wrestling has always and will always be important. Hence the reason ppl are complaining. I think they're bout to put a drop or 2 of effort into it.
I agree with you IamRage!! I think that tag team wrestling is and always will be an important part of wrestling. I just think WWE hasn't put any effort into making it better. Legacy for example has a great chance of being a good and perhaps great tag-team in the WWE but they don't do anything. All they do is interfere in Randy's matches and participate in tag-team matches against Randy's opponents. I think they can be Randy's sidekicks while at the same time going after the tag-team belts. We'll see how the Hart Trilogy is used but I think that's another good opportunity for a great tag-team in the WWE!
It´s always about would and could but why should they ? I´m not saying that Tag Team wrestling is unimportant it isn´t but it is an established midcard thing and there´s no need for a Tag Team in the main event and ok Priceless has potential but only 50% of Priceless and that would be Ted Dibiase, Rhodes ? Yeah right.
If Cody Rhodes father was sum guy named Chuck in Frogstomp Arkansas u think he'd be bird-leggin in a WWE ring? Nope, neither would Ted but at least he looks like a wrestler. They are wasting Cryme Tyme btw, those guys are so over it rediculous.
Point taken but the Tag division isn´t what it used to be in terms of talent and in terms of being pushed. I know E&C and the Dudleys and the Hardyz yes they were great but well they werenow the times have changed and you probably won´t see a Tag Team match at Wrestlemania well at least not a match anybody gives a damn about, they don´t push because it´s not profitable because most of the fans don´t acknowledge it and that´s the sole reason for most of the Tag teams to stay in the midcard or even undercard oe even being split. I´m not saying that the Tag division is unimportant, I´m saying that in my opinion it´s ridicoulus to say that the WWE sucks just because Primo and Colon aren´t headlining Raw and feuding with the Undertaker.
Does anyone remember around 200-2003 back then the tag team division was filled with superstars that actually thought the titles meant something to them we had the Hardy Boyz who were 100% excitement I loved the way they came of the top with all these high-flying moves and now they split them up WTF?!! that has taken a huge blow on the wwe I remember in 2006 when I 1st aired vignettes for the return of matt and jeff that must have brandg in more viewers anticipating them returning ready for more memorable Ladder matches but then we hardly ever have one at Extreme Rules Jeff Hardy vs Edge these two have both held the tag gold and both cared about them if the WWE want ratings and to bring back the tag division there are only 2 simple steps to follow.
1.Cut the pg13 crap and 2.Bring back the Dudley Boyz these two really care about the titles if you see TNA they want challengers they talk about how much they mean to them and they set up a tournament for challengers what a great Idea why the hell does vince not think of things like that anymore that would be the thing that could take WWE back up to the next level,or they prepare their asses to be taken over by Total Nonstop Action Wrestling.
Okay, first of all, Nobody has ever said they want tag teams headlining ppvs.
But Tag team wrestling is just as much a part of the show as women's wrestling is, actually to me it's a bigger part.
They have all the resources and roster talent at hand to bring the tag team division back to solid mid card prosperity. So what if that leaves a short a divas battle royal or a oh so wonderful Santino comedy match?
I for one, would much rather watch an 8 to 10 minute match of strong mid card action than ANY Divas match.

I miss the days of not just the Dudleys, Edge and christian or the Hardyz.
I miss the days of the Steiner brothers and the road warriors and Harlem heat and The Public Enemy and Money Incorporated and countelss other tag teams that gave strong preformances that kept us going until main event time. If you think the tg division is pointless, you clearly don't watch wrestling for wrestling.

This is one thing I will give TNA a bit of credit for at least trying to do.
The motor city machine guns and Beer money are an attempt to at least remind us on some channel that tag team wrestling is still an important part of the show. And I am not just trying to speak favorably about TNA, because trust me, I try to watch as little of that product as possible.
The WWE has a varitable universe of guys currently not being used for anything signifigant, but are capable of putting on a good show.

Shelton Benjamin and Charlie haas being paired together for just lower mid card heel fodder is disgusting. Those two are insanelt adept as a tag team and should be used as such. It's an area where they don't even really need the personality they are both so sorely lacking, Give them a pretty face to speak for them and we're set.

all the capable preformers you have to give us a good show between the time of 930 and 1030 are there, if they would just apply some effort into doing so.

Regal and Noble, Kane and Knox (who is being grossly underused), Matt Hardy and Kendrick, Jackson and Henry, Burchill and Finlay, Ortiz and Ziggler,
Gabriel and Ryder, Bourne (who needs to be used more signifigantly as well) and Helms. These are just a few of the ideas and it doesnt even include the talent they currently have in developmental.

Tag team wrestling being pushed aside is one of the many things that are hurting the product at the moment, wake up and smell the maple nut crunch.
And yet again I have to repeat myself, I said that the lack of good Tag Team action is not one of the reasons the WWE ratings are decreasing, it´s not one of the reasons many people decide to not watch the show, I´never said that I personally dislike Tag Team wrestling of any kind it´s just not so important like it used to be because a big percentage of the audience chose not to care. So do I personally dislike Tag Team wrestling ? No, I don´t dislike it, some Tag Team matches are really enyoable to watch but I wouldn´t watch Wrestling just for the Tag Teams and yes I know nobody implied that, but that´s my opinion life with it.
wow, unfortunately we all have to "Life" with your opinion.
A lack of good tag team wrestling is what is wrong with the show, if you don't think that's true you are sorely misguided.
something i thought about how about instead of putting random people with no real similarities together (honestly the punk and kofi idea was weird and because it seems so odd i hate how people put out these random pairs) but try to eithere just flat out bring in new tag teams from the Indy scene or just start pushing FCW developmentals in sets of 2 instead of 1 by 1 think about it what you need for a tag team division is not just some singles wrestlers teaming up. but have fresh brand new teams who don't have separate gimmicks, they need the same gimmick

lets look at some examples:

the hardy's (from the old days) - both very similar, dressed the same talked the same and never wrestled a match without their partener ringside (unless of injury of something)

the hardy's (during before matt's heel turn and after the golden age) - they changed so much, they dressed differently. they had different mannerisms, they did'nt seem like a tag team anymore just 2 random singles wrestlers put in a tag match

E&C - again, dressed similar, same gimmick, saem mannerisms, the team were like 1 character

TBK and anyone they pair him up with - not going to be similar, totally different gimmicks, don't act the same, propably don't wrestle the same. just not going to be good

you see in my opinion a tag team should represent 1 character in the giant musical called professional wrestling. if both members of the team try to reflect as 2 different gimmicks then it's going to be a flop thats why the only good tag teams out there are cryme tyme and the colons, because they have the same gimmick they're treated with one "role". now priceless does the same thing but in my opinion they kinda suck!! they don't reach the standard of a WWE competitor really if they weren't 2nd gen wrestlers, then they would'nt be with WWE.

but before i get off topic with my hatred of how 2nd gen wrestlers have it easy. I'll end my thoughts a tag team should represent 1 "role" in the musical of professional wrestling. if you try to just throw in 2 characters with different gimmicks then it's going to be a failure thats why i hate how people are just saying just pair up alot of the bottom-mid carders into tag teams. honestly if just pairing random people up to keep them around is your last resort for them then they should be released it's cold but it's true. remember this is all my opinion so don't threaten to kill me for the priceless comments.

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