Tag Team Idea


Dark Match Winner
Now...I know WWE is making an effort to bring Tag Team wrestling back...and I will say it's been better, but there is a lot more to offer. Consistent tag teams and consistent matches without mix and match teams is a start. So this is the team I think that would help...

Bo Dallas and Ted DiBiase.

I know it's a rehash of the past. And it is similar to the Legacy angle...But in all honesty, why not?

Better yet. Give them Ezekiel Jackson. A jacked up Virgil...and besides a 3 man group is kind of in these days.

The Uso's, Money Inc, Prime Time Players, Primo/Epico, Wyatt Family, Tons of Funk.

Hell, here is another one...R Truth and JTG...Why not?

All these guys in the right matches...would make it better. It would give people something to do. Have the title defended on Raw. Often. Make it switch back and forth...A long reign in the WWE Tag Division I don't think helps...If the guys are already extremely over...the belts almost take away from them. Put them on younger guys...spice it up...change it up.
Okay, so earlier I was reading a comment in the forum...but first, let's go back to last night. There was a number 1 contender's triple threat tag team match between Tons of Funk, the Usos, and 3MB. The Usos came out on top, right? And so at Money in the Bank we have the Usos vs Rollins and Reigns.

Time for the complaint. Someone was complaining on the forums about "what's the point of Usos against the Shield? It's a huge step down". Now, I have a real, serious question. Why are you complaining? Maybe the 'E is trying to, you know, build stars! Now I'm in no way insinuating that the Usos should go over the Shield, but whoever goes for the Shield can get a big rub.

Which brings me to my next point. Back to the "huge step down" comment. Do you want the Shield to face Cena and Sheamus or something? I want the Shield, honestly, to be used to, when they inevitably lose their tag titles, elevate a tag team to the next level! If that's the Usos, so be it! If it's 3MB, sure! If it's whoever they pair Conor O'Brian with, okay! If it's the Wyatt Family, yes please! Either way, I don't think the Shield should lose their titles to some sort of super team.

But, I could be wrong.

Weigh in on this topic please.
Totally agree, as long as any title match isn't a squash. My personal preference would be PTP based on their performances recently (they've done a lot better without AW than I expected, mainly thanks to Titus who looks amazing and is really good on the mic). But the Usos deserve a shot too.
I agree I think WWE is building up the tag team division again and doing it slowly. I think that it is the right way to go and it really raises the Uso's stock by putting them against The Shield. Im not saying they should win but maybe an interference from Ambrose and then the PTP. To get the crowd feeling sorry for The Uso's and add PTP into the title mix aswell.
WWE is generally taking its time in rebuilding the tag team division and that's how I expected things to be. I wish they hadn't have let the PTPs & Team Rhodes Scholars become devalued as they have, but I do see things ultimately looking up in the relatively near future. The Wyatt Family will be part of the main roster and there's talk of the Briscoe Brothers POSSIBLY heading to WWE as they're no longer scheduled to be part of any future ROH broadcasts.

As far as The Usos being #1 contenders, I've got no problem as long as WWE books them as a strong team rather than just a couple of chumps. They're a solid team and the fact that they're brothers and are part of a wrestling dynasty gives them something of an old school feel that we haven't seen in WWE tag teams in quite a while. If WWE uses this to elevate them even if they don't win, the it's a good thing in my eyes.
The real tag-team that should've be built up as a legit powerhouse team were Tons Of Funk.

But there's nothing wrong with The Usos as #1 Contenders. They are over with the crowd and can put up an exciting match with The Shield. Like Jack Hammer said "an old school feel that we haven't seen in WWE tag teams in quite a while."
i have no problem with the usos as #1 contenders. the main problem is that tons of funk and 3MB were their opponents last night. 3MB is nothing more than a group of jobbers at this point. and tons of funk could be on monstrous tag team but they are just as big a joke as 3mb. my problem isnt with the usos, its with the tagteam division as a whole. so many weak worth nothing tagteams.
Well considering that they (titles) are on The Shield I think WWE went younger. As for DiBiase/Dallas- Lose the Fortunate Son angle that this obviously sets up and start them as just 2 guys...let the ring-work make the team.

Truth/JTG- I will say no only because it looks like 2 random black dudes thrown together. Unless you start a "Nation-ish" angle...then yeah, add a heel Kofi to it.

If we're pairing dudes...put Zack Ryder with Justin Gabriel...I think they can put on good matches.
You're taking comments on the internet too seriously. The same people that say "it's a huge step down" for the Shield to face the Uso's are the ones who would say "the Shield is being buried by Cena" if a superteam of Cena and Sheamus beat them for the belts. Many people in the IWC will complain no matter what because they have no clue as to what they want.

The WWE is doing it the right way. You have to build stars. No matter what tag team of the current crop beats the Shield, they'll get a huge rub. Shield has more than proven it can hang with the big boys. Now it needs to to the same for someone else.

The real problem here is there was no other better option to choose from, besides maybe Tons of Funk. But they're so engrained as a comedy tag team that them winnig the belts right now would not help at all.
If we are talking potential tag teams I think they need to break Ricardo away from Del Rio, bring him back in as a masked luchador and team him with Sin Cara. Ricardo is good in the ring and would fit well with Sin Cara as a team instead of this stupid ring announcer gimmick that has sucked since day 1.
I think WWE really missed a big opportunity with Cody Rhodes & DiBiase as a legit tag team... They were very over in Legacy and Rhodes comment " we don't pay dues" was money..you have they re angle right there and it is very relatable in today's society...the older parents viewing this generate as entitled spoiled brats that don't want to work or pay dues...

I think putting DiBiase & Rhodes back together and giving them a Beer Money - Hollywood Blondes like run would do good business... Neither are really doing anything

Bring back the New Age Outlaws... Both have done guest appearances and they can still go...maybe have a Jericho like schedule

Usos - push them more...not a one off here and there....have them constantly be on Raw or Smackdown...

Tons of Funk - I think they are garbage but the kids like them...maybe a really dumbed down version of the Twin Towers...but keep them in the mix

The Wyatt Family - I think these guys will be very good and added to the tag scene will be another quality team

Put the Miz & Alex Riley back together and have Ric Flair manage them...they would be an awesome team and again neither are doing anything of relevance

The Shield - eventually the Shield will turn face...they are getting to good of a response and majority of fans like when they show up plus their matches are very very good.

Camacho, Epico & Hunico...make them a blatant LAX rip off...they'll be super over with the Latin population and they can re institute thefreebird rule or as I prefer La regla de free bird....

That would be 8 quality tag teams...
Did you see just how many people in the audience didn't give a fuck, at all, about that match?

There you go. The Shield aren't going to bring the Usos up, the Usos are going to bring the Shield down.

Off the top of your head, what were the first three things that you remembered about Raw last night? Because I tell you what? It ain't the Shield, and that's probably the first time I can say that about The Shield since they debuted.

Putting the belts on The Shield will prove to be the worst thing WWE has done with the Shield
I just don't see the USO's as a legitimate title contender right now. They've won like 3 matches lately and all of a sudden they are title contenders. No. WWE screwed up. While Team Hell No was leading a tag team resurgance and battling the Sheild in 6-man tags, they should have been building another team as a dangerous threat. The Uso's were no where to be found. The PTP's were flopping. Team Rhodes scholars had potential but they broke them up. Primo and Epico have disappeared. 3MB just flat out sucks. Tons of Funk were picking up victories.

So, Tons of Funk would seem like a logical choice to go after the Shield because we've seen them win. They have beaten Rhodes Scholar. They have beaten PTP. So, they seem like a more logical choice. But, even they seem like a major step down from Orton, Bryan, and Kane.

I think it was short sighted on WWE's part to not develop another team to gain some momentum. Maybe they feel like the Uso's have. I'm not seeing it. I'd rather see Shield versus a debuting Wyatt family. Or, hell, you could even have them attacking guys like Christian and Jericho now. Jericho and Christian have history as a tag team. They would seem like less of a step down and more of a threat.

I'm all for the WWE building up teams. And, it's not the Uso's fault, but they've been anti-pushed for over a year now and all of a sudden they are supposed to be taken seriously. I'm not buying it. Now, if they were to continue winning and had a feud with a team like Rhodes Scholars that made us care about them for the next couple of months, then you could eventually move them into a feud with the shield.

People want to care about the teams. Maybe the Uso's surpise us all and pick up some momentum. But, I think I'd rather see a team of established vets, like Jericho/Christian, or a new team with more potential, like the Wyatt Family or Cesaro/Ohno, get the spot.

P.S. This would be a perfect time to put Cesaro and Ohno together and reform the Kings of Wrestling.
It's not a matter of The Shield being devalued because of the tag titles - it's a need to have The Shield given more time on TV with those belts. Their thing is running around, and dishing out justice to those that deserve it and there's going to be occasions where they take a step back.

The Shield's still a formidable group seeing as they hold the US and Tag Team belts - they just need more time on TV is all.

The Tag Team division is fine and building up tag teams that are actual tag teams is the right thing to do. Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow are better singles wrestlers. I agree with whomever said Tons of Funks should be in the tag picture and built into a monster tag team. That can be done in the drop of a hat with a simple heel turn. They're both powerful guys and as bad guys, are meaner than hell.

But the Tag Team division's fine. They have to start somewhere.
To the OP's idea, I don't see the appeal of Bo Dallas. I know he's young. To me, he's bland. I've been watching NXT since it went to Hulu regularly and some before, and I just haven't ever been impressed. Somebody apparently disagrees with me though since he is the NXT champ. I just don't see him and Dibiase feeding off of each other to make a great team.

I do like Dibiase and was really high on him when he was teasing the turn on Orton. I thought he had great potential. He's stalled though. I don't think Bo Dallas gets him out of the funk. I don't think it's fair to Dallas either. Even though I don't like him, to put him with someone who had a chance and stalled seems unfair.

So, how do you make someone care about Dibiase again? I say, have him take out a fan favorite in a really dirty way and major heel way. To me a very easy way to do that is to put him in a couple of matches with a guy like Zack Ryder. Have them lose to the PTP or some other team. Dibiase gets fed up and challenges Ryder to a match...He loses. The next week he gets a rematch and during the match out comes the Big Show. They decimate ryder. Instant heat for Dibiase because he bought the Big Show's services. He's packaged with someone with legitimacy. It plays off the Million Dollar Man and Andre angle. You have easy heel tactics that can be used by Dibiase. I could see that more than bringing in Dallas to team with him.

If you want to have Dallas debut in a team, I think a guy more suited to that option could be Richie Steamboat.

But, I think you've got more readily made teams that could be debuted/created in NXT/WWE Midcard...

Ryan/Neville: A newer version of the British Bulldogs...Call them the Union Jacks. Have the Shield take out William Regal. Have him bring in these guys to gain revenge.

Ohno/Cesaro: Kings of Wrestling reunited...Vince will never do it because it wasn't his creation, but I think they could be gold in WWE.

Riley/Ryder: If you used the scenario above, you could bring back Ryder with a Riley partner to try to get revenge on Dibiase.

R-Truth/Hunico: I don't know why, but I think these two would be good together. I could see them being a big face team. I think back to TNA when Konnan, Truth, and Road-Dogg were the 3 Live Kru. They could be high flyers and get over with the crowd.

Kidd/Bourne: Whenever they are able to return, I could see Kidd and Bourne being a great team.
Shield will lose the belts to Primetime Players, so Titus O'Neil can get elevated. I would not be surprised if PTP's earned a manager before this happens. Perhaps a returning Ron Simmons could make them a face team.
The Shield need to defend the titles if they're going to elevate the division. At Money in the Bank, if they don't put on a 5-star quality match with The Usos and then have to cheat to win, there's no point in having this match. We need to believe that The Usos have a chance of winning gold and obviously a squash match isn't going to let that happen.

The main point is that you've got to start somewhere. There are tons of guys just lurking on the roster. Someone before said Ryder and Gabriel should be a team, which is a good idea, but I'll take it a step further: Why not bring turn Ryder heel and bring back Ryder and Hawkins? They were a multi-time champion team, and they could do big things for the struggling division. Primo and Epico are a great team as well. The PTP still need some work in the ring. Just look at the match with C.M. Punk. It was good, but it could've been better, and a lot of people actually like them. Team Rhodes Scholars can still be a viable tag team, but I think Sandow is ready to breakout pending a victory over Sheamus.

I think the most important thing to take from this is the WWE is at least trying to revamp the division, but they have such a hard time sticking to their guns. They need to look back at some of the great tag teams from the 80s and 90s and figure out where they went astray. They should utilize their agents more in the creative process, hell, most of them were members of some of the best tag teams in history.

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