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Tag team division...who's booking this crap?


Dark Match Jobber
Am i the only person who's absolutely sick to his stomach w/ the current state of tag team wrestling in the wwe? I mean c'mon, santino and vladimire are a complete joke! this half assed attempt at a tagteam makes a mockery of the belts and every team that ever wore them. Take a long look at the great liniage of the belts and try to tell me that santino and vladimire don't stick out like a sore thumb! What a creative hiccup!

During the 1980s, teams like the road warriors, the freebirds, the steiners, the brainbusters, the british bulldogs, the hart and foundation were tearing down the house every night; making those belts mean the world! BUT...Back then, the creative team actually cared about getting teams over; they weren't just afterthoughts! Whatever happened to character development?

I think it would be a major step in the right direction if the wwe once again made the tag team division a priority. The time to create a new generation of tag teams is now! so lets hear it guys...see if you can use the guys from the current roster and make a few legit tag teams. Teams that you think could potentially reignite the spark! (past, present, future)

1.) Edge & Christian
2.) The Hart Foundation (Smith/Kidd)
3.) The Usos
4.) Evan Bourne & Daniel Bryan
5.) Christian & Chris Jericho
6.) R-truth & Mark Henry
7.) Cody Rhodes & Ted Dibiase
8.) Sheamus & Drew McIntyre
9.) Jack Swagger & Dolph Ziggler
10.) Husky Harris & Sheffield
Who's booking it? Nobody evidently!!

Your definately not the only one upset about this. I think most of us have just given up talking about it tho. Its apparently obvious that VKM doesnt give a half a shit about tag teams anymore. Its all about finding singular superstars for Vince.

It sucks- but you may as well get used to it
Don't forget, Percy Watson is getting a dark push that's supposed to get him some TV time in the future. Whether that would eventually lead him back to his FCW tag team partner, Darren Young, I don't know. At this point, it seems like a must.

But to answer your question, nobody who works for WWE evidently cares about the Tag Team Titles as long as Santino and Kozlov are drawing attention, especially after Santino's performance last night. This team works well together in the ring and in their promos, THD has been done for a while, The Usos need some time to develop, and other than that, the E is just throwing teams together. And to think none of this would be discussed if The hart Dynasty and Broken Mirrors never broke up.
Yeah, it is pretty insane how the division as a whole has just been forgotten. Santino and Kozloff as Tag Champs is ridiculous. I like Santino and think he is entertaining as Hell. I think Santino being one half of the tag champs would be better if his partner was someone more relevant.

I think at the very least, WWE could use the tag team division to keep pushing younger talent that doesn't have a massive singles program right at the moment. It was great when they had Rhodes & McIntyre linked up. I thought that was a great way to keep pushing them both.

I believe there is enough talent, especially young talent, on the WWE's roster, to really form 5 or 6 awesome tag teams. I have always thought it was a great way to not only push teams like Demolition or L.O.D. But also a way to throw a couple random guys together and push 2 guys at once by having them succeed as a team!
Yeah...it's been like this for awhile.... I do remember a time when throwing singles wrestlers together was a good way to jump start careers. Like Paul London and Brian Kendrick.... Hell, even the flip of that is nice, the story of the New Age Outlaws is pretty good.... IIRC, They were put together as a joke...they got themselves over and turned out to be an entertaining and fun team to watch. I think it'd be a good idea to get all the singles wrestlers who are stalled or sitting in the back with nothing to do....sit them down and see about making some teams. Why not? It's not like your wasting talent and you're getting them more experience, work on their promos and nuances....
I think it is just the fact that Tag team wrestling just doesn't draw as well as single competitors. Look at tennis for example. In the past doubles was a legit draw during the Majors but currently they are just a secondary attraction that is there to make up the number.

There are some decent teams out there but the low interest level does not justify giving the division too much attention. Sure wwe can book anything to look legit, but why take the effort to push 4 guys when you can just push 2 and get equal or even greater returns?
I blame WWE creative for not putting any emphasis on the Tag-Team division. They didn't support Cryme Tyme, They Didn't support The New Hart Foundation. They just don't give a dam, And Santino & Vladimir make my balls itch of fleas and crabs at the same time.
Am i the only person who's absolutely sick to his stomach w/ the current state of tag team wrestling in the wwe?

Probably. You're probably not the only one who's concerned, but most likely the only one who's physically ill over it.

These tag teams are ridiculous as well.
1.) Edge & Christian

This is by far your stupidest idea. Why take one of your best main eventers in Edge and boil him down to a lame tag team competitor? This isn't 1999.
2.) The Hart Foundation (Smith/Kidd)

Too late.

4.) Evan Bourne & Daniel Bryan

This is your second worst idea. Why take two of the WWE's most promising up and comers and stick them in a tag team? These guys are two of the go to guys for the midcard, sticking them in the tag team division would be wasteful.

5.) Christian & Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho isn't even in the WWE, and he's too talented to be in the tag division.
6.) R-truth & Mark Henry

Neither of these guys are doing anything worthwhile anyway, but they could be made better use of than by throwing them into a lame tag team.

7.) Cody Rhodes & Ted Dibiase

Cody Rhodes is way above the tag division. Ted isn't, but even he's above the tag division.

8.) Sheamus & Drew McIntyre

The stupidity of this list continues to grow. Sheamus is one of the most talented heels in the WWE right now, and Drew McIntyre is in the process of being reinvented.

9.) Jack Swagger & Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler is on the verge of being a main eventer, Jack Swagger is in a good program for the IC Title with Kofi. Horrible idea.

10.) Husky Harris & Sheffield

Husky Harris is in Nexus, Sheffield is not. Did you even watch RAW tonight? Husky was in a team with McGillicutty.

The tag division DOESN'T SELL. Why would the WWE waste their best superstars on a division that doesn't make them money? To think that they should is simply preposterous.
I don't see why the WWE doesn't use the Tag Division to push this youth movement everyone is talking about.

Think about it.

In the late 90's two of the best tag teams were the Hardys and Edge & Christian. All four of these superstars went on to great singles careers. Shawn Michaels got his start with the Rockers. Brett Hart was with the Hart Foundation before he went on to a legendary career.

I think this would benefit the youth more than getting them stuck in a congested midcard lineup. Keep some vets around to team up now and then vut let the young guys earn their keep in the Tag division.
People bitch when Santino was getting jobbed out left right and center and now people bitch now that he is getting a good push aswell as generating solid solid reactions. Hell the guy has more of a reaction right now than John Morrison. The Tag Team of Santino and Kozlov is a awesome one IMO, sure they maybe a bit of a comedy act but at the end of the day from Santino himself we have seen more in-ring from him since he debuted. They both complement each other well.

Faith and time. Regardless of what people say there will ALWAYS be tag wrestling in...wrestling.
The Tag Division has got progressively worse the last 10 years. The Dudleys, The Hardys, E&C, even Too Cool all gave the Tag Division some crediblity. Cast your mind back 5-7 years ago and you had MNM, D-X, Loss Guerreros, WGTT, Le Ressistance.
I'm old skool me, I love tag teams who wear the same attire. They just feel like a tag team!

Anyway, todays roster, I think its plausible to put some ready made stars together and give the Tag Division a boost. Jericho and Big Show pulled it off really well and it did not halm to their careers so that matter of factly idiot a few posts back wants to remember that.

Id give Drew and Sheamus a go together. Make them a dominant force. Have them fued with credible opponents and crush the crappy teams (Usos for one). As for Edge, well isnt he retiring next year according to reports? 1 last run as a tag team with Christian ending with a match at WM 28...nothing wrong with that. E&C fueding with Sheamus and Drew would deffo give the Tag Division a boost. I like Slater and Gabriel as a Tag team, Harris and Henning too, and maybe put Rey with Mistico from time to time.

These wrestlers can still go single bouts - can they not?
I'm actually pretty impressed with Kozlov and Santino. Lately they've been doing less comedy and more wrestling. Both guys I've seen in recent matches have excellent in ring ability. I'm expecting Khali and Henry to challenge them for the titles at WM27. it would be their greatest challenge.
Im not sick of it, I just accept it for what it is. Further, I think Kozlov and Santino are doing a good job as champions. They get a great crowd reaction, and Santino is showing he can actually wrestle. Look, this isn't Benoit/Angle vs Edge/Mysterio of 2002, but it's passable. On to your teams.

1.) Edge & Christian

Why would Edge take what little time he has left to step down into the bereft tag division? It makes little sense. What I would like to see is them teaming together as their careers wind down occasionally for nostalgia's sake, becoming a permanent tag team would be a bad thing. This isn't 1999 anymore.

2.) The Hart Foundation (Smith/Kidd)

I didn't like the breakup of this team, and now they're MIA from TV for the most part. I get that they didnt generate crowd reaction(which Santino and Kozlov do), but the crowd may have gotten behind them with heel champions and them chasing the belts. I didn't like their split whatsoever, as it's done nothing for either's career thus far.

3.) The Usos

I don't think they have the IT factor to be a good heel tag team. Their lackluster feud with the Harts showed that. They're decent and all, but if they can't be a top heel tag time in THIS division, what could they do in a beefed up one?

4.) Evan Bourne & Daniel Bryan

This is a bad idea, as it is taking two of your most popular, up and coming stars and putting them in a division few care about. While Bryan may be as far as he's going in WWE with the United States championship, that isn't a terrible thing, and sure as hell is better then the tag team division. It's a large "step down" into the tag division, and wouldn' be good for Bryan even if it benefitted the division. If they went this route, Bryan would NEED to drop the US Title first, because we saw what a prop it became for Miz when he held the tag titles and the US together. And why mess with a great thing that is Bryan as US Champion?

5.) Christian & Chris Jericho

Jericho isn't active, and we don't know when/if he'll even return. That being said, I think him stepping into the tag division was a one-time thing to help re-invigorate the division that was struggling with its established tag teams in the Colons and Legacy. I wouldn't want to see Jericho back in the tag division if he returns. I know the idea is elevating the belts here, but Jericho is best in personal feuds and flopping between the main event and the upper mid-card. One has to figure his career is winding down as well if he return(see Edge) and spending it in the tag division wouldn't be the best place to do it, IMO.

6.) R-truth & Mark Henry

Im fine wih this. Don' expect either to set the world on fire or re-invigorate the tag eam division, because both are enhancement talent and little more at this point. But they'ld be a nice, permanent team that could possibly do a good job with the belts or chasing them. Sure, this works for me.

7.) Cody Rhodes & Ted Dibiase

This works and doesn't work for me at the same time. They were part of the reason Jericho and Edge were initially brought into the tag team division in the first place, because they weren't cutting it as a top heel tag team. DiBiase is doing nothing, but Rhodes seems like he's about to be elevated quite soon and is doing a great job with his "Dashing" gimmick. As with other, Cody needs to focus on his single's career first and foremost, and if there's time for tagging, go ahead. I still wouldn't mind it, I just wouldn't build the tag division around them as your top heels.

8.) Sheamus & Drew McIntyre

I don't like Drew, but we've already seen him as a tag champion, and he and Cody generated ZERO heat with the belts. This would be a huge step down for Sheamus, one of your top heels, and he's got an impending feud with HHH on the horizon. WWE is missing the boat with making Sheamus look weak, but in no way should be dropped to the tag division, even if it were for him and Drew to doiminate. I wouldn't mind the occasional tagging, as long as both remain focused on single's careers first and foremost.

9.) Jack Swagger & Dolph Ziggler

Nope. Ziggler was JUST ELEVATED into the main event, why the heck would he step back into the lowly tag ranks? I get the idea, elevate the belts, but you have to elevate the superstar as well. Ziggler's going to be in the upper mid-card going forward, so the tag belts would have to be there as well. If not, then Ziggler's a bad idea. As for Swagger, he's been buried, so why not? He couldn't be LESS relevant right now, so a move to the tag division couldnt be a bad thing.

10.) Husky Harris & Sheffield

Harris was just teaming with Joe Hennig(Mike McGuillicutty) until he got punted in the head. They were doing a fine job as a team, with good chemistry. I dont know that Id mess with them, or bring anyone else into the New Nexus, for that matter. Sheffield would work in a tag team, just not with Harris. Id rather see him team with a Justin Gabriel in the Corre.

I don't have a problem with Santino and Kozlov as champions. They're entertaining, and they're crowd pleasing. The crowd pops huge for the Cobra as well. The division needs more challengers, which is why his is possibly the one division/feud Id use on Superstars. Introduce new teams there, and establish them. Plug them on Raw and on Smackdown if you don't have time to get them on the show(s). Superstars is the purely wrestling show anyway, so a tag team could get over massively if they demonstrate they work well together in consistent 10-15 minute matches. Your answer to re-invigorating the tag team division is Superstars. But Santino and Kozlov are doing fine as champions, firm challengers just need to be established and kept together as teams, even if they don't tag together exclusively. The hting you have to understand is, the tag division simply doesn't sell. It may pop the crowd, but it's not a drawing card. It hasn't been in ten years, so there's no reason to get worked up over something that's unlikely to change.
The WWE has a huge roster right now, and the best way to showcase a lot of these guys is to create a formidable tag team division. I've always been a fan of tag team wrestling. It adds a different dynamic to the show. It's a great way to cleanse the pallet between singles matches. (That's why I also support a decent women's divison)

The WWE "youth movement" is in full effect. The problem is that most of these guys are very inexperienced, and don't really have a character yet. It's just a bunch of generic guys who serve no real purpose. Start using these guys to create tag teams. There's also a bunch of experienced guys on WWE TV who are just floundering.

Splitting up the Hart Dynasty was a terrible decision. I don't think they were ever actually given a chance to shine, because there were no decent teams for them to go up against. Smith & Kidd are two awesome athletes, and with the Hart name behind them - they seemed to be a no-brainer. But they split them up before they had a chance to peak. And for what? They were much better together than they are apart. At least together, they had an identity.

R-Truth and JTG should just team up. JTG is an awesome young talent, and his gimmick and R-Truth's gimmick are basically the same. I don't see R-Truth getting a major singles push anytime soon, so use him to elevate the tag division and give JTG a rub.

The fired Caylen Croft, so what's next for Trent Baretta? Superstars! Why not give him a new tag team partner? How about NXT's Derrick Bateman? Bateman's proved to be a little quirky, and Barretta's "Dudebusters" character would work well with Bateman. Let them team until they develop the skills they need to be breakout singles stars.

Yoshi Tatsu is another guy that the fans seem to get behind...but I don't see him getting a major push anytime soon either. Get him a tag team partner! How about Richie Steamboat? The son of the Dragon. He's hanging out in FCW, why not bring him in - without having to suffer through NXT?

Reunite Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins. Neither one of them are really doing anything.

I know Kozlov is teaming with Santino....but Alex Koslov and Vladimir Kozlov just seem like a no-brainer pairing to me. Could be like a Russian version of the Holly's.

Also in development in Jinder Mahal - could be a great partner for Khali. Khali is a good guy to keep around due to his size and his popularity in India. But let's face it, he's terrible in the ring. So why not team him with a younger guy, who can actually carry a match - and make Khali a little more bearable.

And what about guys like Darren Young, Byron Saxton, Heath Slater, Michael McGillicutty, Husky Harris, Tyler Reks, Johnny Curtis, etc. Use these guys to make some solid tag teams. And let them actually develop. Don't just team people for a week, and have them turn on eachother for no reason.

Some of the biggest stars in the business came from Tag Teams. Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Davey Boy Smith, and Booker T ....just to name a few. They had time to mature, really learn their craft and establish a character for themselves.
People bitch when Santino was getting jobbed out left right and center and now people bitch now that he is getting a good push aswell as generating solid solid reactions. Hell the guy has more of a reaction right now than John Morrison. The Tag Team of Santino and Kozlov is a awesome one IMO, sure they maybe a bit of a comedy act but at the end of the day from Santino himself we have seen more in-ring from him since he debuted. They both complement each other well.

Faith and time. Regardless of what people say there will ALWAYS be tag wrestling in...wrestling.

*insert standing applause*

Finally someone with some sense. Like honestly, Santino and Kozlov are doing something that no tag team has been able to do for a while... get a huge reaction, work decent in the ring together, and fit perfect with any style of opponent. So what if Santino's got a few comedy spots in his matches? The same people booing Santino are probably the ones who cheered Nick Dinsmore's Eugene character... though I cheered Eugene too.

Kozlov and Santino work really great, and yes they could use some great teams to face off against, but right now I see nothing wrong with them holding the tag belts. Especially since they're getting the crowd reactions that rival that of a Cena or Orton reaction... believe me, I've been to plenty of events where they even out popped the two.
I didn't really bother to root through all the replies and apologize for such. However, it seems as though now that Santino and Koslov are now champions, that the "joke" role has now been passed over to The Great Khali once again. I'm actually quite a Santino supporter, but this just goes to prove further what a joke the Tag Team Division is. They desperately need legitimate competition. I don't care if they pull people up from FCW, steal Beer Money someway somehow from TNA (which I strongly believe will NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER happen), or simply revert. Something needs to be done.
As much I love to watch singles comp, the tag teams were always fun for me. The chemistry, the moves, the characters. Quite frankly, Yoshi Tatsu and Mark Henry or Zack Ryder and Chris Masters last minute throw togethers do not cut it for me. I (like i think most of you feel) need some kind of connection or chemistry. I do, however, feel like Santino and Koslov have that at the moment. It isn't very strong, but let's be serious, the Usos are not much better.
When the Hart Dynasty debuted I thought there was some hope. And when Christian showed up for the Slammy's (Even though I know he is currently injured) I kind of jumped again. Now, I cry myself to sleep every night.
Unfortunately, I am new to this forum, and most might think I "don't know what I'm, talking about." I will continue to cross my fingers for the TTD, however, won't hold my breath.
Tag team wrestling in the WWE was always a bore for me after London and Kendrick got split up. One face gets isolated and beat down. He almost gets the tag but the heels stop him. Beat on him some more. Then, he gets a hot tag. Other face comes in, cleans house. Goes for a pin, one of the heels breaks it up. Face who was previously getting beat on rushes into the ring and somehow both superstars end up outside of the ring. Then either the legal heel takes advantage and wins or the legal face gets the upper hand and wins. Yawn.

Santino and Koslov are doing great with the titles, anyways. They actually get fan reaction (Good ones, too), and are only getting more over by feuding with every pair or guys from the Nexus and the Corre.

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